[official-gcc.git] / gomp-20050608-branch / gcc / testsuite / ada / acats / tests / c9 / c951002.a
1 -- C951002.A
2 --
3 -- Grant of Unlimited Rights
4 --
5 -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
6 -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
7 -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
8 -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
9 -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
10 -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
11 -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
12 -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
13 -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
14 -- to do so.
24 --*
27 -- Check that an entry and a procedure within the same protected object
28 -- will not be executed simultaneously.
31 -- Two tasks are used. The first calls an entry who's barrier is set
32 -- and is thus queued. The second calls a procedure in the same
33 -- protected object. This procedure clears the entry barrier of the
34 -- first then executes a lengthy compute bound procedure. This is
35 -- intended to allow a multiprocessor, or a time-slicing implementation
36 -- of a uniprocessor, to (erroneously) permit the first task to continue
37 -- while the second is still computing. Flags in each process in the
38 -- PO are checked to ensure that they do not run out of sequence or in
39 -- parallel.
40 -- In the second part of the test another entry and procedure are used
41 -- but in this case the procedure is started first. A different task
42 -- calls the entry AFTER the procedure has started. If the entry
43 -- completes before the procedure the test fails.
45 -- This test will not be effective on a uniprocessor without time-slicing
46 -- It is designed to increase the chances of failure on a multiprocessor,
47 -- or a uniprocessor with time-slicing, if the entry and procedure in a
48 -- Protected Object are not forced to acquire a single execution
49 -- resource. It is not guaranteed to fail.
53 -- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0
55 --!
57 with Report;
58 with ImpDef;
60 procedure C951002 is
62 -- These global error flags are used for failure conditions within
63 -- the protected object. We cannot call Report.Failed (thus Text_io)
64 -- which would result in a bounded error.
66 TC_Error_01 : Boolean := false;
67 TC_Error_02 : Boolean := false;
68 TC_Error_03 : Boolean := false;
69 TC_Error_04 : Boolean := false;
70 TC_Error_05 : Boolean := false;
71 TC_Error_06 : Boolean := false;
73 begin
75 Report.Test ("C951002", "Check that a procedure and an entry body " &
76 "in a protected object will not run concurrently");
78 declare -- encapsulate the test
80 task Credit_Message is
81 entry TC_Start;
82 end Credit_Message;
84 task Credit_Task is
85 entry TC_Start;
86 end Credit_Task;
88 task Debit_Message is
89 entry TC_Start;
90 end Debit_Message;
92 task Debit_Task is
93 entry TC_Start;
94 end Debit_Task;
96 --====================================
98 protected Hold is
100 entry Wait_for_CR_Underload;
101 procedure Clear_CR_Overload;
102 entry Wait_for_DB_Underload;
103 procedure Set_DB_Overload;
104 procedure Clear_DB_Overload;
106 function TC_Message_is_Queued return Boolean;
108 private
109 Credit_Overloaded : Boolean := true; -- Test starts in overload
110 Debit_Overloaded : Boolean := false;
112 TC_CR_Proc_Finished : Boolean := false;
113 TC_CR_Entry_Finished : Boolean := false;
114 TC_DB_Proc_Finished : Boolean := false;
115 TC_DB_Entry_Finished : Boolean := false;
116 end Hold;
117 --====================
118 protected body Hold is
120 entry Wait_for_CR_Underload when not Credit_Overloaded is
121 begin
122 -- The barrier must only be re-evaluated at the end of the
123 -- of the execution of the procedure, also while the procedure
124 -- is executing this entry body must not be executed
125 if not TC_CR_Proc_Finished then
126 TC_Error_01 := true; -- Set error indicator
127 end if;
128 TC_CR_Entry_Finished := true;
129 end Wait_for_CR_Underload ;
131 -- This is the procedure which should NOT be able to run in
132 -- parallel with the entry body
134 procedure Clear_CR_Overload is
135 begin
137 -- The entry body must not be executed until this procedure
138 -- is completed.
139 if TC_CR_Entry_Finished then
140 TC_Error_02 := true; -- Set error indicator
141 end if;
142 Credit_Overloaded := false; -- clear the entry barrier
144 -- Execute an implementation defined compute bound routine which
145 -- is designed to run long enough to allow a task switch on a
146 -- time-sliced uniprocessor, or for a multiprocessor to pick up
147 -- another task.
149 ImpDef.Exceed_Time_Slice;
151 -- Again, the entry body must not be executed until the current
152 -- procedure is completed.
154 if TC_CR_Entry_Finished then
155 TC_Error_03 := true; -- Set error indicator
156 end if;
157 TC_CR_Proc_Finished := true;
159 end Clear_CR_Overload;
161 --============
162 -- The following subprogram and entry body are used in the second
163 -- part of the test
165 entry Wait_for_DB_Underload when not Debit_Overloaded is
166 begin
167 -- By the time the task that calls this entry is allowed access to
168 -- the queue the barrier, which starts off as open, will be closed
169 -- by the Set_DB_Overload procedure. It is only reopened
170 -- at the end of the test
171 if not TC_DB_Proc_Finished then
172 TC_Error_04 := true; -- Set error indicator
173 end if;
174 TC_DB_Entry_Finished := true;
175 end Wait_for_DB_Underload ;
178 procedure Set_DB_Overload is
179 begin
180 -- The task timing is such that this procedure should be started
181 -- before the entry is called. Thus the entry should be blocked
182 -- until the end of this procedure which then sets the barrier
184 if TC_DB_Entry_Finished then
185 TC_Error_05 := true; -- Set error indicator
186 end if;
188 -- Execute an implementation defined compute bound routine which
189 -- is designed to run long enough to allow a task switch on a
190 -- time-sliced uniprocessor, or for a multiprocessor to pick up
191 -- another task
193 ImpDef.Exceed_Time_Slice;
195 Debit_Overloaded := true; -- set the entry barrier
197 if TC_DB_Entry_Finished then
198 TC_Error_06 := true; -- Set error indicator
199 end if;
200 TC_DB_Proc_Finished := true;
202 end Set_DB_Overload;
204 procedure Clear_DB_Overload is
205 begin
206 Debit_Overloaded := false; -- open the entry barrier
207 end Clear_DB_Overload;
209 function TC_Message_is_Queued return Boolean is
210 begin
212 -- returns true when one message arrives on the queue
213 return (Wait_for_CR_Underload'Count = 1);
215 end TC_Message_is_Queued ;
217 end Hold;
219 --====================================
221 task body Credit_Message is
222 begin
223 accept TC_Start;
224 --:: some application processing. Part of the process finds that
225 -- the Overload threshold has been exceeded for the Credit
226 -- application. This message task queues itself on a queue
227 -- waiting till the overload in no longer in effect
228 Hold.Wait_for_CR_Underload;
229 exception
230 when others =>
231 Report.Failed ("Unexpected Exception in Credit_Message Task");
232 end Credit_Message;
234 task body Credit_Task is
235 begin
236 accept TC_Start;
237 -- Application code here (not shown) determines that the
238 -- underload threshold has been reached
239 Hold.Clear_CR_Overload;
240 exception
241 when others =>
242 Report.Failed ("Unexpected Exception in Credit_Task");
243 end Credit_Task;
245 --==============
247 -- The following two tasks are used in the second part of the test
249 task body Debit_Message is
250 begin
251 accept TC_Start;
252 --:: some application processing. Part of the process finds that
253 -- the Overload threshold has been exceeded for the Debit
254 -- application. This message task queues itself on a queue
255 -- waiting till the overload is no longer in effect
257 Hold.Wait_for_DB_Underload;
258 exception
259 when others =>
260 Report.Failed ("Unexpected Exception in Debit_Message Task");
261 end Debit_Message;
263 task body Debit_Task is
264 begin
265 accept TC_Start;
266 -- Application code here (not shown) determines that the
267 -- underload threshold has been reached
268 Hold.Set_DB_Overload;
269 exception
270 when others =>
271 Report.Failed ("Unexpected Exception in Debit_Task");
272 end Debit_Task;
274 begin -- declare
276 Credit_Message.TC_Start;
278 -- Wait until the message is queued on the entry before starting
279 -- the Credit_Task
280 while not Hold.TC_Message_is_Queued loop
281 delay ImpDef.Minimum_Task_Switch;
282 end loop;
284 Credit_Task.TC_Start;
286 -- Ensure the first part of the test is complete before continuing
287 while not (Credit_Message'terminated and Credit_Task'terminated) loop
288 delay ImpDef.Minimum_Task_Switch;
289 end loop;
291 --======================================================
292 -- Second part of the test
295 Debit_Task.TC_Start;
297 -- Delay long enough to allow a task switch to the Debit_Task and
298 -- for it to reach the accept statement and call Hold.Set_DB_Overload
299 -- before starting Debit_Message
301 delay ImpDef.Switch_To_New_Task;
303 Debit_Message.TC_Start;
305 while not Debit_Task'terminated loop
306 delay ImpDef.Minimum_Task_Switch;
307 end loop;
309 Hold.Clear_DB_Overload; -- Allow completion
311 end; -- declare (encapsulation)
313 if TC_Error_01 then
314 Report.Failed ("Wait_for_CR_Underload executed out of sequence");
315 end if;
316 if TC_Error_02 then
317 Report.Failed ("Credit: Entry executed before procedure");
318 end if;
319 if TC_Error_03 then
320 Report.Failed ("Credit: Entry executed in parallel");
321 end if;
322 if TC_Error_04 then
323 Report.Failed ("Wait_for_DB_Underload executed out of sequence");
324 end if;
325 if TC_Error_05 then
326 Report.Failed ("Debit: Entry executed before procedure");
327 end if;
328 if TC_Error_06 then
329 Report.Failed ("Debit: Entry executed in parallel");
330 end if;
332 Report.Result;
334 end C951002;