[official-gcc.git] / gomp-20050608-branch / gcc / testsuite / ada / acats / tests / c9 / c940013.a
1 -- C940013.A
2 --
3 -- Grant of Unlimited Rights
4 --
5 -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
6 -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
7 -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
8 -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
9 -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
10 -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
11 -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
12 -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
13 -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
14 -- to do so.
24 --*
27 -- Check that items queued on a protected entry are handled FIFO and that
28 -- the 'count attribute of that entry reflects the length of the queue.
29 --
31 -- Use a small subset of the freeway ramp simulation shown in other
32 -- tests. With the timing pulse off (which prevents items from being
33 -- removed from the queue) queue up a small number of calls. Start the
34 -- timing pulse and, at the first execution of the entry code, check the
35 -- 'count attribute. Empty the queue. Pass the items being removed from
36 -- the queue to the Ramp_Sensor_01 task; there check that the items are
37 -- arriving in FIFO order. Check the final 'count value
38 --
39 -- Send another batch of items at a rate which will, if the delay timing
40 -- of the implementation is reasonable, cause the queue length to
41 -- fluctuate in both directions. Again check that all items arrive
42 -- FIFO. At the end check that the 'count returned to zero reflecting
43 -- the empty queue.
44 --
47 -- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0
49 --!
51 with Report;
52 with ImpDef;
53 with Ada.Calendar;
55 procedure C940013 is
57 TC_Failed_1 : Boolean := false;
59 begin
61 Report.Test ("C940013", "Check that queues on protected entries are " &
62 "handled FIFO and that 'count is correct");
64 declare -- encapsulate the test
66 function "+" (Left : Ada.Calendar.Time; Right: Duration)
67 return Ada.Calendar.Time renames Ada.Calendar."+";
69 -- Weighted load given to each potential problem area and accumulated
70 type Load_Factor is range 0..8;
71 Clear_Level : constant Load_Factor := 0;
72 Minimum_Level : constant Load_Factor := 1;
73 Moderate_Level : constant Load_Factor := 2;
74 Serious_Level : constant Load_Factor := 4;
75 Critical_Level : constant Load_Factor := 6;
77 TC_Expected_Passage_Total : constant integer := 624;
79 -- For this test give each vehicle an integer ID incremented
80 -- by one for each successive vehicle. In reality this would be
81 -- a more complex alpha-numeric ID assigned at pickup time.
82 type Vehicle_ID is range 1..5000;
83 Next_ID : Vehicle_ID := Vehicle_ID'first;
85 -- In reality this would be about 5 seconds. The default value of
86 -- this constant in the implementation defined package is similar
87 -- but could, of course be considerably different - it would not
88 -- affect the test
89 --
90 Pulse_Time_Delta : duration := ImpDef.Clear_Ready_Queue;
93 task Pulse_Task; -- task to generate a pulse for each ramp
95 -- Carrier task. One is created for each vehicle arriving at the ramp
96 task type Vehicle is
97 entry Get_ID (Input_ID : in Vehicle_ID);
98 end Vehicle;
99 type acc_Vehicle is access Vehicle;
101 task Ramp_Sensor_01 is
102 entry Accept_Vehicle (Input_ID : in Vehicle_ID);
103 entry TC_First_Three_Handled;
104 entry TC_All_Done;
105 end Ramp_Sensor_01;
107 protected Pulse_State is
108 procedure Start_Pulse;
109 procedure Stop_Pulse;
110 function Pulsing return Boolean;
111 private
112 State : Boolean := false; -- start test will pulse off
113 end Pulse_State;
115 protected body Pulse_State is
117 procedure Start_Pulse is
118 begin
119 State := true;
120 end Start_Pulse;
122 procedure Stop_Pulse is
123 begin
124 State := false;
125 end Stop_Pulse;
127 function Pulsing return Boolean is
128 begin
129 return State;
130 end Pulsing;
132 end Pulse_State;
134 --================================================================
135 protected Test_Ramp is
137 function Meter_in_use_State return Boolean;
138 procedure Time_Pulse_Received;
139 entry Wait_at_Meter;
140 procedure TC_Passage (Pass_Point : Integer);
141 function TC_Get_Passage_Total return integer;
142 function TC_Get_Count return integer;
144 private
146 Release_One_Vehicle : Boolean := false;
147 -- For this test have Meter_in_Use already set
148 Meter_in_Use : Boolean := true;
150 TC_Wait_at_Meter_First : Boolean := true;
151 TC_Entry_Queue_Count : integer := 0; -- 'count of Wait_at_Meter
152 TC_Passage_Total : integer := 0;
153 TC_Pass_Point_WAM : integer := 23;
155 end Test_Ramp;
156 --================================================================
157 protected body Test_Ramp is
159 -- External call for Meter_in_Use
160 function Meter_in_Use_State return Boolean is
161 begin
162 return Meter_in_Use;
163 end Meter_in_Use_State;
165 -- Trace the paths through the various routines by totalling the
166 -- weighted call parameters
167 procedure TC_Passage (Pass_Point : Integer) is
168 begin
169 TC_Passage_Total := TC_Passage_Total + Pass_Point;
170 end TC_Passage;
172 -- For the final check of the whole test
173 function TC_Get_Passage_Total return integer is
174 begin
175 return TC_Passage_Total;
176 end TC_Get_Passage_Total;
178 function TC_Get_Count return integer is
179 begin
180 return TC_Entry_Queue_Count;
181 end TC_Get_Count;
184 -- Here each Vehicle task queues itself awaiting release
186 entry Wait_at_Meter when Release_One_Vehicle is
188 begin
190 TC_Passage ( TC_Pass_Point_WAM ); -- note passage
191 -- For this test three vehicles are queued before the first
192 -- is released. If the queueing mechanism is working correctly
193 -- the first time we pass through here the entry'count should
194 -- reflect this
195 if TC_Wait_at_Meter_First then
196 if Wait_at_Meter'count /= 2 then
197 TC_Failed_1 := true;
198 end if;
199 TC_Wait_at_Meter_First := false;
200 end if;
201 TC_Entry_Queue_Count := Wait_at_Meter'count; -- note for later
203 Release_One_Vehicle := false; -- Consume the signal
204 null; -- stub ::: Decrement count of number of vehicles on ramp
205 end Wait_at_Meter;
208 procedure Time_Pulse_Received is
209 Load : Load_factor := Minimum_Level; -- for this version of the
210 Freeway_Breakdown : Boolean := false; -- test, freeway is Minimum
211 begin
212 -- if broken down, no vehicles are released
213 if not Freeway_Breakdown then
214 if Load < Moderate_Level then
215 Release_One_Vehicle := true;
216 end if;
217 null; -- stub ::: If other levels, release every other
218 -- pulse, every third pulse etc.
219 end if;
220 end Time_Pulse_Received;
222 end Test_Ramp;
223 --================================================================
225 -- Simulate the arrival of a vehicle at the Ramp_Receiver and the
226 -- generation of an accompanying carrier task
227 procedure New_Arrival is
228 Next_Vehicle_Task: acc_Vehicle := new Vehicle;
229 TC_Pass_Point : constant integer := 3;
230 begin
231 Next_ID := Next_ID + 1;
232 Next_Vehicle_Task.Get_ID(Next_ID);
233 Test_Ramp.TC_Passage ( TC_Pass_Point ); -- Note passage through here
234 null;
235 end New_arrival;
238 -- Carrier task. One is created for each vehicle arriving at the ramp
239 task body Vehicle is
240 This_ID : Vehicle_ID;
241 TC_Pass_Point_2 : constant integer := 21;
242 begin
243 accept Get_ID (Input_ID : in Vehicle_ID) do
244 This_ID := Input_ID;
245 end Get_ID;
247 if Test_Ramp.Meter_in_Use_State then
248 Test_Ramp.TC_Passage ( TC_Pass_Point_2 ); -- note passage
249 null; -- stub::: Increment count of number of vehicles on ramp
250 Test_Ramp.Wait_at_Meter; -- Queue on the meter entry
251 end if;
253 -- Call to the first in the series of the Ramp_Sensors
254 -- this "passes" the vehicle from one sensor to the next
255 -- Each sensor will requeue the call to the next thus this
256 -- rendezvous will only be completed as the vehicle is released
257 -- by the last sensor on the ramp.
258 Ramp_Sensor_01.Accept_Vehicle (This_ID);
259 exception
260 when others =>
261 Report.Failed ("Unexpected exception in Vehicle Task");
262 end Vehicle;
264 task body Ramp_Sensor_01 is
265 TC_Pass_Point : constant integer := 31;
266 This_ID : Vehicle_ID;
267 TC_Last_ID : Vehicle_ID := Vehicle_ID'first;
268 begin
269 loop
270 select
271 accept Accept_Vehicle (Input_ID : in Vehicle_ID) do
272 null; -- stub:::: match up with next Real-Time notification
273 -- from the sensor. Requeue to next ramp sensor
274 This_ID := Input_ID;
276 -- The following is all Test_Control code
277 Test_Ramp.TC_Passage ( TC_Pass_Point ); -- note passage
278 -- The items arrive in the order they are taken from
279 -- the Wait_at_Meter entry queue
280 if ( This_ID - TC_Last_ID ) /= 1 then
281 -- The tasks are being queued (or unqueued) in the
282 -- wrong order
283 Report.Failed
284 ("Queueing on the Wait_at_Meter queue failed");
285 end if;
286 TC_Last_ID := This_ID; -- for the next check
287 if TC_Last_ID = 4 then
288 -- rendezvous with the test driver
289 accept TC_First_Three_Handled;
290 elsif TC_Last_ID = 9 then
291 -- rendezvous with the test driver
292 accept TC_All_Done;
293 end if;
294 end Accept_Vehicle;
296 terminate;
297 end select;
298 end loop;
299 exception
300 when others =>
301 Report.Failed ("Unexpected exception in Ramp_Sensor_01");
302 end Ramp_Sensor_01;
305 -- Task transmits a synchronizing "pulse" to all ramps
307 task body Pulse_Task is
308 Pulse_Time : Ada.Calendar.Time;
309 begin
310 While not Pulse_State.Pulsing loop
311 -- Starts up in the quiescent state
312 delay ImpDef.Minimum_Task_Switch;
313 end loop;
314 Pulse_Time := Ada.Calendar.Clock;
315 While Pulse_State.Pulsing loop
316 delay until Pulse_Time;
317 Test_Ramp. Time_Pulse_Received; -- Transmit pulse to test_ramp
318 -- :::::::::: and to all the other ramps
319 Pulse_Time := Pulse_Time + Pulse_Time_Delta; -- calculate next
320 end loop;
321 exception
322 when others =>
323 Report.Failed ("Unexpected exception in Pulse_Task");
324 end Pulse_Task;
327 begin -- declare
329 -- Test driver. This is ALL test control code
331 -- Arrange to queue three vehicles on the Wait_at_Meter queue. The
332 -- timing pulse is quiescent so the queue will build
333 for i in 1..3 loop
334 New_Arrival;
335 end loop;
337 delay Pulse_Time_Delta; -- ensure all is settled
339 Pulse_State.Start_Pulse; -- Start the timing pulse, the queue will
340 -- be serviced
342 -- wait here until the first three are complete
343 Ramp_Sensor_01.TC_First_Three_Handled;
345 if Test_Ramp.TC_Get_Count /= 0 then
346 Report.Failed ("Intermediate Wait_at_Entry'count is incorrect");
347 end if;
349 -- generate new arrivals at a rate that will make the queue increase
350 -- and decrease "randomly"
351 for i in 1..5 loop
352 New_Arrival;
353 delay Pulse_Time_Delta/2;
354 end loop;
356 -- wait here till all have been handled
357 Ramp_Sensor_01.TC_All_Done;
359 if Test_Ramp.TC_Get_Count /= 0 then
360 Report.Failed ("Final Wait_at_Entry'count is incorrect");
361 end if;
363 Pulse_State.Stop_Pulse; -- finish test
366 if TC_Expected_Passage_Total /= Test_Ramp.TC_Get_Passage_Total then
367 Report.Failed ("Unexpected paths taken");
368 end if;
371 end; -- declare
373 if TC_Failed_1 then
374 Report.Failed ("Wait_at_Meter'count incorrect");
375 end if;
377 Report.Result;
379 end C940013;