[official-gcc.git] / gomp-20050608-branch / gcc / testsuite / ada / acats / tests / c7 / c761007.a
1 -- C761007.A
2 --
3 --
4 -- Grant of Unlimited Rights
5 --
6 -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
7 -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
8 -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
9 -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
10 -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
11 -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
12 -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
13 -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
14 -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
15 -- to do so.
25 --*
28 -- Check that if a finalize procedure invoked by a transfer of control
29 -- due to selection of a terminate alternative attempts to propagate an
30 -- exception, the exception is ignored, but any other finalizations due
31 -- to be performed are performed.
35 -- This test declares a nested controlled data type, and embeds an object
36 -- of that type within a protected type. Objects of the protected type
37 -- are created and destroyed, and the actions of the embedded controlled
38 -- object are checked. The container controlled type causes an exception
39 -- as the last part of it's finalization operation.
41 -- This test utilizes several tasks to accomplish the objective. The
42 -- tasks contain delays to ensure that the expected order of processing
43 -- is indeed accomplished.
45 -- Subtest 1:
46 -- local task object runs to normal completion
48 -- Subtest 2:
49 -- local task aborts a nested task to cause finalization
51 -- Subtest 3:
52 -- local task sleeps long enough to allow procedure started
53 -- asynchronously to go into infinite loop. Procedure is then aborted
54 -- via ATC, causing finalization of objects.
56 -- Subtest 4:
57 -- local task object takes terminate alternative, causing finalization
61 -- 06 JUN 95 SAIC Initial version
62 -- 05 APR 96 SAIC Documentation changes
63 -- 03 MAR 97 PWB.CTA Allowed two finalization orders for ATC test
64 -- 02 DEC 97 EDS Remove duplicate characters from check string.
65 --!
67 ---------------------------------------------------------------- C761007_0
69 with Ada.Finalization;
70 package C761007_0 is
72 type Internal is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled
73 with record
74 Effect : Character;
75 end record;
77 procedure Finalize( I: in out Internal );
79 Side_Effect : String(1..80); -- way bigger than needed
80 Side_Effect_Finger : Natural := 0;
82 end C761007_0;
84 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
86 with TCTouch;
87 package body C761007_0 is
89 procedure Finalize( I : in out Internal ) is
90 Previous_Side_Effect : Boolean := False;
91 begin
92 -- look to see if this character has been finalized yet
93 for SEI in 1..Side_Effect_Finger loop
94 Previous_Side_Effect := Previous_Side_Effect
95 or Side_Effect(Side_Effect_Finger) = I.Effect;
96 end loop;
98 -- if not, then tack it on to the string, and touch the character
99 if not Previous_Side_Effect then
100 Side_Effect_Finger := Side_Effect_Finger +1;
101 Side_Effect(Side_Effect_Finger) := I.Effect;
102 TCTouch.Touch(I.Effect);
103 end if;
105 end Finalize;
107 end C761007_0;
109 ---------------------------------------------------------------- C761007_1
111 with C761007_0;
112 with Ada.Finalization;
113 package C761007_1 is
115 type Container is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled
116 with record
117 Effect : Character;
118 Content : C761007_0.Internal;
119 end record;
121 procedure Finalize( C: in out Container );
123 Side_Effect : String(1..80); -- way bigger than needed
124 Side_Effect_Finger : Natural := 0;
126 This_Exception_Is_Supposed_To_Be_Ignored : exception;
128 end C761007_1;
130 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
132 with TCTouch;
133 package body C761007_1 is
135 procedure Finalize( C: in out Container ) is
136 Previous_Side_Effect : Boolean := False;
137 begin
138 -- look to see if this character has been finalized yet
139 for SEI in 1..Side_Effect_Finger loop
140 Previous_Side_Effect := Previous_Side_Effect
141 or Side_Effect(Side_Effect_Finger) = C.Effect;
142 end loop;
144 -- if not, then tack it on to the string, and touch the character
145 if not Previous_Side_Effect then
146 Side_Effect_Finger := Side_Effect_Finger +1;
147 Side_Effect(Side_Effect_Finger) := C.Effect;
148 TCTouch.Touch(C.Effect);
149 end if;
151 raise This_Exception_Is_Supposed_To_Be_Ignored;
153 end Finalize;
155 end C761007_1;
157 ---------------------------------------------------------------- C761007_2
158 with C761007_1;
159 package C761007_2 is
161 protected type Prot_W_Fin_Obj is
162 procedure Set_Effects( Container, Filling: Character );
163 private
164 The_Data_Under_Test : C761007_1.Container;
165 -- finalization for this will occur when the Prot_W_Fin_Obj object
166 -- "goes out of existence" for whatever reason.
167 end Prot_W_Fin_Obj;
169 end C761007_2;
171 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
173 package body C761007_2 is
175 protected body Prot_W_Fin_Obj is
176 procedure Set_Effects( Container, Filling: Character ) is
177 begin
178 The_Data_Under_Test.Effect := Container; -- A, etc.
179 The_Data_Under_Test.Content.Effect := Filling; -- B, etc.
180 end Set_Effects;
181 end Prot_W_Fin_Obj;
183 end C761007_2;
185 ------------------------------------------------------------------ C761007
187 with Report;
188 with Impdef;
189 with TCTouch;
190 with C761007_0;
191 with C761007_1;
192 with C761007_2;
193 procedure C761007 is
195 task type Subtests( Outer, Inner : Character) is
196 entry Ready;
197 entry Complete;
198 end Subtests;
200 task body Subtests is
201 Local_Prot_W_Fin_Obj : C761007_2.Prot_W_Fin_Obj;
202 begin
203 Local_Prot_W_Fin_Obj.Set_Effects( Outer, Inner );
205 accept Ready;
207 select
208 accept Complete;
209 or terminate; -- used in Subtest 4
210 end select;
211 exception
212 -- the exception caused by the finalization of Local_Prot_W_Fin_Obj
213 -- should never be visible to this scope.
214 when others => Report.Failed("Exception in a Subtest object "
215 & Outer & Inner);
216 end Subtests;
218 procedure Subtest_1 is
219 -- check the case where "nothing special" happens.
221 This_Subtest : Subtests( 'A', 'B' );
222 begin
224 This_Subtest.Ready;
225 This_Subtest.Complete;
227 while not This_Subtest'Terminated loop -- wait for finalization
228 delay Impdef.Clear_Ready_Queue;
229 end loop;
231 -- in the finalization of This_Subtest, the controlled object embedded in
232 -- the Prot_W_Fin_Obj will finalize. An exception is raised in the
233 -- container object, after "touching" it's tag character.
234 -- The finalization of the contained controlled object must be performed.
237 TCTouch.Validate( "AB", "Item embedded in task" );
240 exception
241 when others => Report.Failed("Undesirable exception in Subtest_1");
243 end Subtest_1;
245 procedure Subtest_2 is
246 -- check for explicit abort
248 task Subtest_Task is
249 entry Complete;
250 end Subtest_Task;
252 task body Subtest_Task is
254 task Nesting;
255 task body Nesting is
256 Deep_Nesting : Subtests( 'E', 'F' );
257 begin
258 if Report.Ident_Bool( True ) then
259 -- controlled objects have been created in the elaboration of
260 -- Deep_Nesting. Deep_Nesting must call the Set_Effects operation
261 -- in the Prot_W_Fin_Obj, and then hang waiting for the Complete
262 -- entry call.
263 Deep_Nesting.Ready;
264 abort Deep_Nesting;
265 else
266 Report.Failed("Dead code in Nesting");
267 end if;
268 exception
269 when others => Report.Failed("Exception in Subtest_Task.Nesting");
270 end Nesting;
272 Local_2 : C761007_2.Prot_W_Fin_Obj;
274 begin
275 -- Nesting has activated at this point, which implies the activation
276 -- of Deep_Nesting as well.
278 Local_2.Set_Effects( 'C', 'D' );
280 -- wait for Nesting to terminate
282 while not Nesting'Terminated loop
283 delay Impdef.Clear_Ready_Queue;
284 end loop;
286 accept Complete;
288 exception
289 when others => Report.Failed("Exception in Subtest_Task");
290 end Subtest_Task;
292 begin
294 -- wait for everything in Subtest_Task to happen
295 Subtest_Task.Complete;
297 while not Subtest_Task'Terminated loop -- wait for finalization
298 delay Impdef.Clear_Ready_Queue;
299 end loop;
301 TCTouch.Validate( "EFCD", "Aborted nested task" );
303 exception
304 when others => Report.Failed("Undesirable exception in Subtest_2");
305 end Subtest_2;
307 procedure Subtest_3 is
308 -- check abort caused by asynchronous transfer of control
310 task Subtest_3_Task is
311 entry Complete;
312 end Subtest_3_Task;
314 procedure Check_Atc_Operation is
315 Check_Atc : C761007_2.Prot_W_Fin_Obj;
316 begin
318 Check_Atc.Set_Effects( 'G', 'H' );
321 while Report.Ident_Bool( True ) loop -- wait to be aborted
322 if Report.Ident_Bool( True ) then
323 Impdef.Exceed_Time_Slice;
324 delay Impdef.Switch_To_New_Task;
325 else
326 Report.Failed("Optimization prevention");
327 end if;
328 end loop;
330 Report.Failed("Check_Atc_Operation loop completed");
332 end Check_Atc_Operation;
334 task body Subtest_3_Task is
335 task Nesting is
336 entry Complete;
337 end Nesting;
339 task body Nesting is
340 Nesting_3 : C761007_2.Prot_W_Fin_Obj;
341 begin
342 Nesting_3.Set_Effects( 'G', 'H' );
344 -- give Check_Atc_Operation sufficient time to perform it's
345 -- Set_Effects on it's local Prot_W_Fin_Obj object
346 delay Impdef.Clear_Ready_Queue;
348 accept Complete;
349 exception
350 when others => Report.Failed("Exception in Subtest_3_Task.Nesting");
351 end Nesting;
353 Local_3 : C761007_2.Prot_W_Fin_Obj;
355 begin -- Subtest_3_Task
357 Local_3.Set_Effects( 'I', 'J' );
359 select
360 Nesting.Complete;
361 then abort ---------------------------------------------------- cause KL
362 Check_ATC_Operation;
363 end select;
365 accept Complete;
367 exception
368 when others => Report.Failed("Exception in Subtest_3_Task");
369 end Subtest_3_Task;
371 begin -- Subtest_3
372 Subtest_3_Task.Complete;
374 while not Subtest_3_Task'Terminated loop -- wait for finalization
375 delay Impdef.Clear_Ready_Queue;
376 end loop;
378 TCTouch.Validate( "GHIJ", "Asynchronously aborted operation" );
380 exception
381 when others => Report.Failed("Undesirable exception in Subtest_3");
382 end Subtest_3;
384 procedure Subtest_4 is
385 -- check the case where transfer is caused by terminate alternative
386 -- highly similar to Subtest_1
388 This_Subtest : Subtests( 'M', 'N' );
389 begin
391 This_Subtest.Ready;
392 -- don't call This_Subtest.Complete;
394 exception
395 when others => Report.Failed("Undesirable exception in Subtest_4");
397 end Subtest_4;
399 begin -- Main test procedure.
401 Report.Test ("C761007", "Check that if a finalize procedure invoked by " &
402 "a transfer of control or selection of a " &
403 "terminate alternative attempts to propagate " &
404 "an exception, the exception is ignored, but " &
405 "any other finalizations due to be performed " &
406 "are performed" );
408 Subtest_1; -- checks internal
410 Subtest_2; -- checks internal
412 Subtest_3; -- checks internal
414 Subtest_4;
415 TCTouch.Validate( "MN", "transfer due to terminate alternative" );
417 Report.Result;
419 end C761007;