[official-gcc.git] / gomp-20050608-branch / gcc / testsuite / ada / acats / tests / c7 / c761006.a
1 -- C761006.A
2 --
3 -- Grant of Unlimited Rights
4 --
5 -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
6 -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
7 -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
8 -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
9 -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
10 -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
11 -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
12 -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
13 -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
14 -- to do so.
24 --*
27 -- Check that Program_Error is raised when:
28 -- * an exception is raised if Finalize invoked as part of an
29 -- assignment operation; or
30 -- * an exception is raised if Adjust invoked as part of an assignment
31 -- operation, after any other adjustment due to be performed are
32 -- performed; or
33 -- * an exception is raised if Finalize invoked as part of a call on
34 -- Unchecked_Deallocation, after any other finalizations to be
35 -- performed are performed.
38 -- This test defines these four controlled types:
39 -- Good
40 -- Bad_Initialize
41 -- Bad_Adjust
42 -- Bad_Finalize
43 -- The type name conveys the associated failure. The operations in type
44 -- good will "touch" the boolean array indicating correct path
45 -- utilization for the purposes of checking "other <operations> are
46 -- performed", where <operations> ::= initialization, adjusting, and
47 -- finalization
52 -- 12 APR 94 SAIC Initial version
53 -- 02 MAY 96 SAIC Visibility fixed for 2.1
54 -- 13 FEB 97 PWB.CTA Corrected value of Events_Occurring at line 286
55 -- 01 DEC 97 EDS Made correction wrt RM 7.6(21)
56 -- 16 MAR 01 RLB Corrected Adjust cases to avoid problems with
57 -- RM 7.6.1(16/1) from Technical Corrigendum 1.
59 --!
61 ------------------------------------------------------------- C761006_Support
63 package C761006_Support is
65 type Events is ( Good_Initialize, Good_Adjust, Good_Finalize );
67 type Event_Array is array(Events) of Boolean;
69 Events_Occurring : Event_Array := (others => False);
71 Propagating_Exception : exception;
73 procedure Raise_Propagating_Exception(Do_It: Boolean);
75 function Unique_Value return Natural;
77 end C761006_Support;
79 ------------------------------------------------------------- C761006_Support
81 with Report;
82 package body C761006_Support is
84 procedure Raise_Propagating_Exception(Do_It: Boolean) is
85 begin
86 if Report.Ident_Bool(Do_It) then
87 raise Propagating_Exception;
88 end if;
89 end Raise_Propagating_Exception;
91 Seed : Natural := 0;
93 function Unique_Value return Natural is
94 begin
95 Seed := Seed +1;
96 return Seed;
97 end Unique_Value;
99 end C761006_Support;
101 ------------------------------------------------------------------- C761006_0
103 with Ada.Finalization;
104 with C761006_Support;
105 package C761006_0 is
107 type Good is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled
108 with record
109 Initialized : Boolean := False;
110 Adjusted : Boolean := False;
111 Unique : Natural := C761006_Support.Unique_Value;
112 end record;
114 procedure Initialize( It: in out Good );
115 procedure Adjust ( It: in out Good );
116 procedure Finalize ( It: in out Good );
118 type Bad_Initialize is private;
120 type Bad_Adjust is private;
122 type Bad_Finalize is private;
124 Inits_Order : String(1..255);
125 Inits_Called : Natural := 0;
126 private
127 type Bad_Initialize is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled
128 with null record;
129 procedure Initialize( It: in out Bad_Initialize );
131 type Bad_Adjust is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled
132 with null record;
133 procedure Adjust ( It: in out Bad_Adjust );
135 type Bad_Finalize is
136 new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with null record;
137 procedure Finalize ( It: in out Bad_Finalize );
138 end C761006_0;
140 ------------------------------------------------------------------- C761006_1
142 with Ada.Finalization;
143 with C761006_0;
144 package C761006_1 is
146 type Init_Check_Root is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
147 Good_Component : C761006_0.Good;
148 Init_Fails : C761006_0.Bad_Initialize;
149 end record;
151 type Adj_Check_Root is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
152 Good_Component : C761006_0.Good;
153 Adj_Fails : C761006_0.Bad_Adjust;
154 end record;
156 type Fin_Check_Root is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
157 Good_Component : C761006_0.Good;
158 Fin_Fails : C761006_0.Bad_Finalize;
159 end record;
161 end C761006_1;
163 ------------------------------------------------------------------- C761006_2
165 with C761006_1;
166 package C761006_2 is
168 type Init_Check is new C761006_1.Init_Check_Root with null record;
169 type Adj_Check is new C761006_1.Adj_Check_Root with null record;
170 type Fin_Check is new C761006_1.Fin_Check_Root with null record;
172 end C761006_2;
174 ------------------------------------------------------------------- C761006_0
176 with Report;
177 with C761006_Support;
178 package body C761006_0 is
180 package Sup renames C761006_Support;
182 procedure Initialize( It: in out Good ) is
183 begin
184 Sup.Events_Occurring( Sup.Good_Initialize ) := True;
185 It.Initialized := True;
186 end Initialize;
188 procedure Adjust ( It: in out Good ) is
189 begin
190 Sup.Events_Occurring( Sup.Good_Adjust ) := True;
191 It.Adjusted := True;
192 It.Unique := C761006_Support.Unique_Value;
193 end Adjust;
195 procedure Finalize ( It: in out Good ) is
196 begin
197 Sup.Events_Occurring( Sup.Good_Finalize ) := True;
198 end Finalize;
200 procedure Initialize( It: in out Bad_Initialize ) is
201 begin
202 Sup.Raise_Propagating_Exception(Report.Ident_Bool(True));
203 end Initialize;
205 procedure Adjust( It: in out Bad_Adjust ) is
206 begin
207 Sup.Raise_Propagating_Exception(Report.Ident_Bool(True));
208 end Adjust;
210 procedure Finalize( It: in out Bad_Finalize ) is
211 begin
212 Sup.Raise_Propagating_Exception(Report.Ident_Bool(True));
213 end Finalize;
215 end C761006_0;
217 --------------------------------------------------------------------- C761006
219 with Report;
220 with C761006_0;
221 with C761006_2;
222 with C761006_Support;
223 with Ada.Exceptions;
224 with Ada.Finalization;
225 with Unchecked_Deallocation;
226 procedure C761006 is
228 package Sup renames C761006_Support;
229 use type Sup.Event_Array;
231 type Procedure_Handle is access procedure;
233 type Test_ID is ( Simple, Initialize, Adjust, Finalize );
235 Sub_Tests : array(Test_ID) of Procedure_Handle;
237 procedure Simple_Test is
238 A_Good_Object : C761006_0.Good; -- should call Initialize
239 begin
240 if not A_Good_Object.Initialized then
241 Report.Failed("Good object not initialized");
242 end if;
244 -- should call Adjust
245 A_Good_Object := ( Ada.Finalization.Controlled
246 with Unique => 0, others => False );
247 if not A_Good_Object.Adjusted then
248 Report.Failed("Good object not adjusted");
249 end if;
251 -- should call Finalize before end of scope
252 end Simple_Test;
254 procedure Initialize_Test is
255 begin
256 declare
257 This_Object_Fails_In_Initialize : C761006_2.Init_Check;
258 begin
259 Report.Failed("Exception in Initialize did not occur");
260 exception
261 when others =>
262 Report.Failed("Initialize caused exception at wrong lex");
263 end;
265 Report.Failed("Error in execution sequence");
267 exception
268 when Sup.Propagating_Exception => -- this is correct
269 if not Sup.Events_Occurring(Sup.Good_Initialize) then
270 Report.Failed("Initialization of Good Component did not occur");
271 end if;
272 end Initialize_Test;
274 procedure Adjust_Test is
275 This_Object_OK : C761006_2.Adj_Check;
276 This_Object_Target : C761006_2.Adj_Check;
277 begin
279 Check_Adjust_Due_To_Assignment: begin
280 This_Object_Target := This_Object_OK;
281 Report.Failed("Adjust did not propagate any exception");
282 exception
283 when Program_Error => -- expected case
284 if not This_Object_Target.Good_Component.Adjusted then
285 Report.Failed("other adjustment not performed");
286 end if;
287 when others =>
288 Report.Failed("Adjust propagated wrong exception");
289 end Check_Adjust_Due_To_Assignment;
291 C761006_Support.Events_Occurring := (True, False, False);
293 Check_Adjust_Due_To_Initial_Assignment: declare
294 Another_Target : C761006_2.Adj_Check := This_Object_OK;
295 begin
296 Report.Failed("Adjust did not propagate any exception");
297 exception
298 when others => Report.Failed("Adjust caused exception at wrong lex");
299 end Check_Adjust_Due_To_Initial_Assignment;
301 exception
302 when Program_Error => -- expected case
303 if Sup.Events_Occurring(Sup.Good_Finalize) /=
304 Sup.Events_Occurring(Sup.Good_Adjust) then
305 -- RM 7.6.1(16/1) says that the good Adjust may or may not
306 -- be performed; but if it is, then the Finalize must be
307 -- performed; and if it is not, then the Finalize must not
308 -- performed.
309 if Sup.Events_Occurring(Sup.Good_Finalize) then
310 Report.Failed("Good adjust not performed with bad adjust, " &
311 "but good finalize was");
312 else
313 Report.Failed("Good adjust performed with bad adjust, " &
314 "but good finalize was not");
315 end if;
316 end if;
317 when others =>
318 Report.Failed("Adjust propagated wrong exception");
319 end Adjust_Test;
321 procedure Finalize_Test is
323 Fin_Not_Perf : constant String := "other finalizations not performed";
325 procedure Finalize_15 is
326 Item : C761006_2.Fin_Check;
327 Target : C761006_2.Fin_Check;
328 begin
330 Item := Target;
331 -- finalization of Item should cause PE
332 -- ARM7.6:21 allows the implementation to omit the assignment of the
333 -- value into an anonymous object, which is the point at which Adjust
334 -- is normally called. However, this would result in Program_Error's
335 -- being raised before the call to Adjust, with the consequence that
336 -- Adjust is never called.
338 exception
339 when Program_Error => -- expected case
340 if not Sup.Events_Occurring(Sup.Good_Finalize) then
341 Report.Failed("Assignment: " & Fin_Not_Perf);
342 end if;
343 when others =>
344 Report.Failed("Other exception in Finalize_15");
346 -- finalization of Item/Target should cause PE
347 end Finalize_15;
349 -- check failure in finalize due to Unchecked_Deallocation
351 type Shark is access C761006_2.Fin_Check;
353 procedure Catch is
354 new Unchecked_Deallocation( C761006_2.Fin_Check, Shark );
356 procedure Finalize_17 is
357 White : Shark := new C761006_2.Fin_Check;
358 begin
359 Catch( White );
360 exception
361 when Program_Error =>
362 if not Sup.Events_Occurring(Sup.Good_Finalize) then
363 Report.Failed("Unchecked_Deallocation: " & Fin_Not_Perf);
364 end if;
365 end Finalize_17;
367 begin
369 Exception_In_Finalization: begin
370 Finalize_15;
371 exception
372 when Program_Error => null; -- anticipated
373 end Exception_In_Finalization;
375 Use_Of_Unchecked_Deallocation: begin
376 Finalize_17;
377 exception
378 when others =>
379 Report.Failed("Unchecked_Deallocation check, unwanted exception");
380 end Use_Of_Unchecked_Deallocation;
382 end Finalize_Test;
384 begin -- Main test procedure.
386 Report.Test ("C761006", "Check that exceptions raised in Initialize, " &
387 "Adjust and Finalize are processed correctly" );
389 Sub_Tests := (Simple_Test'Access, Initialize_Test'Access,
390 Adjust_Test'Access, Finalize_Test'Access);
392 for Test in Sub_Tests'Range loop
393 begin
395 Sup.Events_Occurring := (others => False);
397 Sub_Tests(Test).all;
399 case Test is
400 when Simple | Adjust =>
401 if Sup.Events_Occurring /= Sup.Event_Array ' ( others => True ) then
402 Report.Failed ( "Other operation missing in " &
403 Test_ID'Image ( Test ) );
404 end if;
405 when Initialize =>
406 null;
407 when Finalize =>
408 -- Note that for Good_Adjust, we may get either True or False
409 if Sup.Events_Occurring ( Sup.Good_Initialize ) = False or
410 Sup.Events_Occurring ( Sup.Good_Finalize ) = False
411 then
412 Report.Failed ( "Other operation missing in " &
413 Test_ID'Image ( Test ) );
414 end if;
415 end case;
417 exception
418 when How: others => Report.Failed( Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Name( How )
419 & " from " & Test_ID'Image( Test ) );
420 end;
421 end loop;
423 Report.Result;
425 end C761006;