[official-gcc.git] / gomp-20050608-branch / gcc / testsuite / ada / acats / tests / c3 / c340001.a
1 -- C340001.A
2 --
3 -- Grant of Unlimited Rights
4 --
5 -- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
6 -- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
7 -- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
8 -- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
9 -- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
10 -- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
11 -- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
12 -- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
13 -- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
14 -- to do so.
24 --*
27 -- Check that user-defined equality operators are inherited by a
28 -- derived type except when the derived type is a nonlimited record
29 -- extension. In the latter case, ensure that the primitive
30 -- equality operation of the record extension compares any extended
31 -- components according to the predefined equality operators of the
32 -- component types. Also check that the parent portion of the extended
33 -- type is compared using the user-defined equality operation of the
34 -- parent type.
37 -- Declares a nonlimited tagged record and a limited tagged record
38 -- type, each in a separate package. A user-defined "=" operation is
39 -- defined for each type. Each type is extended with one new record
40 -- component added.
42 -- Objects are declared for each parent and extended types and are
43 -- assigned values. For the limited type, modifier operations defined
44 -- in the package are used to assign values.
46 -- To verify the use of the user-defined "=", values are assigned so
47 -- that predefined equality will return the opposite result if called.
48 -- Similarly, values are assigned to the extended type objects so that
49 -- one comparison will verify that the inherited components from the
50 -- parent are compared using the user-defined equality operation.
52 -- A second comparison sets the values of the inherited components to
53 -- be the same so that equality based on the extended component may be
54 -- verified. For the nonlimited type, the test for equality should
55 -- fail, as the "=" defined for this type should include testing
56 -- equality of the extended component. For the limited type, "=" of the
57 -- parent should be inherited as-is, so the test for equality should
58 -- succeed even though the records differ in the extended component.
60 -- A third package declares a discriminated tagged record. Equality
61 -- is user-defined and ignores the discriminant value. A type
62 -- extension is declared which also contains a discriminant. Since
63 -- an inherited discriminant may not be referenced other than in a
64 -- "new" discriminant, the type extension is also discriminated. The
65 -- discriminant is used as the constraint for the parent type.
67 -- A variant part is declared in the type extension based on the new
68 -- discriminant. Comparisons are made to confirm that the user-defined
69 -- equality operator is used to compare values of the type extension.
70 -- Two record objects are given values so that user-defined equality
71 -- for the parent portion of the record succeeds, but the variant
72 -- parts in the type extended object differ. These objects are checked
73 -- to ensure that they are not equal.
77 -- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0
78 -- 19 Dec 94 SAIC Removed RM references from objective text.
80 --!
82 with Ada.Calendar;
83 package C340001_0 is
85 type DB_Record is tagged record
86 Key : Natural range 1 .. 9999;
87 Data : String (1..10);
88 end record;
90 function "=" (L, R : in DB_Record) return Boolean;
92 type Dated_Record is new DB_Record with record
93 Retrieval_Time : Ada.Calendar.Time;
94 end record;
96 end C340001_0;
98 package body C340001_0 is
100 function "=" (L, R : in DB_Record) return Boolean is
101 -- Key is ignored in determining equality of records
102 begin
103 return L.Data = R.Data;
104 end "=";
106 end C340001_0;
108 package C340001_1 is
110 type List_Contents is array (1..10) of Integer;
111 type List is tagged limited record
112 Length : Natural range 0..10 := 0;
113 Contents : List_Contents := (others => 0);
114 end record;
116 procedure Add_To (L : in out List; New_Value : in Integer);
117 procedure Remove_From (L : in out List);
119 function "=" (L, R : in List) return Boolean;
121 subtype Revision_Mark is Character range 'A' .. 'Z';
122 type Revisable_List is new List with record
123 Revision : Revision_Mark := 'A';
124 end record;
126 procedure Revise (L : in out Revisable_List);
128 end C340001_1;
130 package body C340001_1 is
132 -- Note: This is not a complete abstraction of a list. Exceptions
133 -- are not defined and boundary checks are not made.
135 procedure Add_To (L : in out List; New_Value : in Integer) is
136 begin
137 L.Length := L.Length + 1;
138 L.Contents (L.Length) := New_Value;
139 end Add_To;
141 procedure Remove_From (L : in out List) is
142 -- The list length is decremented. "Old" values are left in the
143 -- array. They are overwritten when a new value is added.
144 begin
145 L.Length := L.Length - 1;
146 end Remove_From;
148 function "=" (L, R : in List) return Boolean is
149 -- Two lists are equal if they are the same length and
150 -- the component values within that length are the same.
151 -- Values stored past the end of the list are ignored.
152 begin
153 return L.Length = R.Length
154 and then L.Contents (1..L.Length) = R.Contents (1..R.Length);
155 end "=";
157 procedure Revise (L : in out Revisable_List) is
158 begin
159 L.Revision := Character'Succ (L.Revision);
160 end Revise;
162 end C340001_1;
164 package C340001_2 is
166 type Media is (Paper, Electronic);
168 type Transaction (Medium : Media) is tagged record
169 ID : Natural range 1000 .. 9999;
170 end record;
172 function "=" (L, R : in Transaction) return Boolean;
174 type Authorization (Kind : Media) is new Transaction (Medium => Kind)
175 with record
176 case Kind is
177 when Paper =>
178 Signature_On_File : Boolean;
179 when Electronic =>
180 Paper_Backup : Boolean; -- to retain opposing value
181 end case;
182 end record;
184 end C340001_2;
186 package body C340001_2 is
188 function "=" (L, R : in Transaction) return Boolean is
189 -- There may be electronic and paper copies of the same transaction.
190 -- The ID uniquely identifies a transaction. The medium (stored in
191 -- the discriminant) is ignored.
192 begin
193 return L.ID = R.ID;
194 end "=";
196 end C340001_2;
199 with C340001_0; -- nonlimited tagged record declarations
200 with C340001_1; -- limited tagged record declarations
201 with C340001_2; -- tagged variant declarations
202 with Ada.Calendar;
203 with Report;
204 procedure C340001 is
206 DB_Rec1 : C340001_0.DB_Record := (Key => 1,
207 Data => "aaaaaaaaaa");
208 DB_Rec2 : C340001_0.DB_Record := (Key => 55,
209 Data => "aaaaaaaaaa");
210 -- DB_Rec1 = DB_Rec2 using user-defined equality
211 -- DB_Rec1 /= DB_Rec2 using predefined equality
213 Some_Time : Ada.Calendar.Time :=
214 Ada.Calendar.Time_Of (Month => 9, Day => 16, Year => 1993);
216 Another_Time : Ada.Calendar.Time :=
217 Ada.Calendar.Time_Of (Month => 9, Day => 19, Year => 1993);
219 Dated_Rec1 : C340001_0.Dated_Record := (Key => 2,
220 Data => "aaaaaaaaaa",
221 Retrieval_Time => Some_Time);
222 Dated_Rec2 : C340001_0.Dated_Record := (Key => 77,
223 Data => "aaaaaaaaaa",
224 Retrieval_Time => Some_Time);
225 Dated_Rec3 : C340001_0.Dated_Record := (Key => 77,
226 Data => "aaaaaaaaaa",
227 Retrieval_Time => Another_Time);
228 -- Dated_Rec1 = Dated_Rec2 if DB_Record."=" used for parent portion
229 -- Dated_Rec2 /= Dated_Rec3 if extended component is compared
230 -- using Ada.Calendar.Time."="
232 List1 : C340001_1.List;
233 List2 : C340001_1.List;
235 RList1 : C340001_1.Revisable_List;
236 RList2 : C340001_1.Revisable_List;
237 RList3 : C340001_1.Revisable_List;
239 Current : C340001_2.Transaction (C340001_2.Paper) :=
240 (C340001_2.Paper, 2001);
241 Last : C340001_2.Transaction (C340001_2.Electronic) :=
242 (C340001_2.Electronic, 2001);
243 -- Current = Last using user-defined equality
244 -- Current /= Last using predefined equality
246 Approval1 : C340001_2.Authorization (C340001_2.Paper)
247 := (Kind => C340001_2.Paper,
248 ID => 1040,
249 Signature_On_File => True);
250 Approval2 : C340001_2.Authorization (C340001_2.Paper)
251 := (Kind => C340001_2.Paper,
252 ID => 2167,
253 Signature_On_File => False);
254 Approval3 : C340001_2.Authorization (C340001_2.Electronic)
255 := (Kind => C340001_2.Electronic,
256 ID => 2167,
257 Paper_Backup => False);
258 -- Approval1 /= Approval2 if user-defined equality extended with
259 -- component equality.
260 -- Approval2 /= Approval3 if differing variant parts checked
262 -- Direct visibility to operator symbols
263 use type C340001_0.DB_Record;
264 use type C340001_0.Dated_Record;
266 use type C340001_1.List;
267 use type C340001_1.Revisable_List;
269 use type C340001_2.Transaction;
270 use type C340001_2.Authorization;
272 begin
274 Report.Test ("C340001", "Inheritance of user-defined ""=""");
276 -- Approval1 /= Approval2 if user-defined equality extended with
277 -- component equality.
278 -- Approval2 /= Approval3 if differing variant parts checked
280 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
281 -- Check that "=" and "/=" for the parent type call the user-defined
282 -- operation
283 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
285 if not (DB_Rec1 = DB_Rec2) then
286 Report.Failed ("Nonlimited tagged record: " &
287 "User-defined equality did not override predefined " &
288 "equality");
289 end if;
291 if DB_Rec1 /= DB_Rec2 then
292 Report.Failed ("Nonlimited tagged record: " &
293 "User-defined equality did not override predefined " &
294 "inequality as well");
295 end if;
297 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
298 -- Check that "=" and "/=" for the type extension use the user-defined
299 -- equality operations from the parent to compare the inherited
300 -- components
301 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
303 if not (Dated_Rec1 = Dated_Rec2) then
304 Report.Failed ("Nonlimited tagged record: " &
305 "User-defined equality was not used to compare " &
306 "components inherited from parent");
307 end if;
309 if Dated_Rec1 /= Dated_Rec2 then
310 Report.Failed ("Nonlimited tagged record: " &
311 "User-defined inequality was not used to compare " &
312 "components inherited from parent");
313 end if;
315 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
316 -- Check that equality and inequality for the type extension incorporate
317 -- the predefined equality operators for the extended component type
318 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
319 if Dated_Rec2 = Dated_Rec3 then
320 Report.Failed ("Nonlimited tagged record: " &
321 "Record equality was not extended with component " &
322 "equality");
323 end if;
325 if not (Dated_Rec2 /= Dated_Rec3) then
326 Report.Failed ("Nonlimited tagged record: " &
327 "Record inequality was not extended with component " &
328 "equality");
329 end if;
331 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
332 C340001_1.Add_To (List1, 1);
333 C340001_1.Add_To (List1, 2);
334 C340001_1.Add_To (List1, 3);
335 C340001_1.Remove_From (List1);
337 C340001_1.Add_To (List2, 1);
338 C340001_1.Add_To (List2, 2);
340 -- List1 contents are (2, (1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
341 -- List2 contents are (2, (1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
343 -- List1 = List2 using user-defined equality
344 -- List1 /= List2 using predefined equality
346 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
347 -- Check that "=" and "/=" for the parent type call the user-defined
348 -- operation
349 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
350 if not (List1 = List2) then
351 Report.Failed ("Limited tagged record : " &
352 "User-defined equality incorrectly implemented " );
353 end if;
355 if List1 /= List2 then
356 Report.Failed ("Limited tagged record : " &
357 "User-defined equality incorrectly implemented " );
358 end if;
360 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
361 -- RList1 and RList2 are made equal but "different" by adding
362 -- a nonzero value to RList1 then removing it. Removal updates
363 -- the list Length only, not its contents. The two lists will be
364 -- equal according to the defined list abstraction, but the records
365 -- will contain differing component values.
367 C340001_1.Add_To (RList1, 1);
368 C340001_1.Add_To (RList1, 2);
369 C340001_1.Add_To (RList1, 3);
370 C340001_1.Remove_From (RList1);
372 C340001_1.Add_To (RList2, 1);
373 C340001_1.Add_To (RList2, 2);
375 C340001_1.Add_To (RList3, 1);
376 C340001_1.Add_To (RList3, 2);
378 C340001_1.Revise (RList3);
380 -- RList1 contents are (2, (1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 'A')
381 -- RList2 contents are (2, (1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 'A')
382 -- RList3 contents are (2, (1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 'B')
384 -- RList1 = RList2 if List."=" inherited
385 -- RList2 /= RList3 if List."=" inherited and extended with Character "="
387 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
388 -- Check that "=" and "/=" are the user-defined operations inherited
389 -- from the parent type.
390 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
391 if not (RList1 = RList2) then
392 Report.Failed ("Limited tagged record : " &
393 "User-defined equality was not inherited");
394 end if;
396 if RList1 /= RList2 then
397 Report.Failed ("Limited tagged record : " &
398 "User-defined inequality was not inherited");
399 end if;
400 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
401 -- Check that "=" and "/=" for the type extension are NOT extended
402 -- with the predefined equality operators for the extended component.
403 -- A limited type extension should inherit the parent equality operation
404 -- as is.
405 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
406 if not (RList2 = RList3) then
407 Report.Failed ("Limited tagged record : " &
408 "Inherited equality operation was extended with " &
409 "component equality");
410 end if;
412 if RList2 /= RList3 then
413 Report.Failed ("Limited tagged record : " &
414 "Inherited inequality operation was extended with " &
415 "component equality");
416 end if;
418 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
419 -- Check that "=" and "/=" for the parent type call the user-defined
420 -- operation
421 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
422 if not (Current = Last) then
423 Report.Failed ("Variant record : " &
424 "User-defined equality did not override predefined " &
425 "equality");
426 end if;
428 if Current /= Last then
429 Report.Failed ("Variant record : " &
430 "User-defined inequality did not override predefined " &
431 "inequality");
432 end if;
434 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
435 -- Check that user-defined equality was incorporated and extended
436 -- with equality of extended components.
437 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
438 if not (Approval1 /= Approval2) then
439 Report.Failed ("Variant record : " &
440 "Inequality was not extended with component " &
441 "inequality");
442 end if;
444 if Approval1 = Approval2 then
445 Report.Failed ("Variant record : " &
446 "Equality was not extended with component " &
447 "equality");
448 end if;
450 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
451 -- Check that equality and inequality for the type extension
452 -- succeed despite the presence of differing variant parts.
453 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
454 if Approval2 = Approval3 then
455 Report.Failed ("Variant record : " &
456 "Equality succeeded even though variant parts " &
457 "in type extension differ");
458 end if;
460 if not (Approval2 /= Approval3) then
461 Report.Failed ("Variant record : " &
462 "Inequality failed even though variant parts " &
463 "in type extension differ");
464 end if;
466 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
467 Report.Result;
468 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
470 end C340001;