1 /* Contributed by Nicola Pero <nicola.pero@meta-innovation.com>, October 2010. */
2 /* { dg-do compile } */
4 /* Test the 'dot syntax' with deprecated methods. */
12 + (int) classCount __attribute__ ((deprecated));
13 + (void) setClassCount: (int)value __attribute__ ((deprecated));
15 - (int) count __attribute__ ((deprecated));
16 - (void) setCount: (int)value __attribute__ ((deprecated));
19 - (void) setClassCount2: (int)value;
22 - (void) setCount2: (int)value;
27 MyClass *object = nil;
30 if (object.count > 0) /* { dg-warning "is deprecated" } */
31 object.count = 20; /* { dg-warning "is deprecated" } */
33 if (MyClass.classCount < -7) /* { dg-warning "is deprecated" } */
34 MyClass.classCount = 11; /* { dg-warning "is deprecated" } */
36 if (object.classCount2 > 0)
37 object.classCount2 = 19;
39 if (object.count2 < -7)