testsuite: Adjust expected results for rlwimi-2.c and vec-rlmi-rlnm.c
[official-gcc.git] / libgomp / testsuite / libgomp.fortran / use_device_ptr-optional-3.f90
1 ! { dg-do run }
2 ! Check whether absent optional arguments are properly
3 ! handled with use_device_{addr,ptr}.
4 program main
5 use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_loc, c_associated, c_f_pointer
6 implicit none (type, external)
8 integer, target :: u
9 integer, target :: v
10 integer, target :: w
11 integer, target :: x(4)
12 integer, target, allocatable :: y
13 integer, target, allocatable :: z(:)
14 type(c_ptr), target :: cptr
15 type(c_ptr), target :: cptr_in
16 integer :: dummy
18 u = 42
19 v = 5
20 w = 7
21 x = [3,4,6,2]
22 y = 88
23 z = [1,2,3]
25 !$omp target enter data map(to:u)
26 !$omp target data map(to:dummy) use_device_addr(u)
27 cptr_in = c_loc(u) ! Has to be outside 'foo' due to 'intent(in)'
28 !$omp end target data
30 call foo (u, v, w, x, y, z, cptr, cptr_in)
31 deallocate (y, z)
32 contains
33 subroutine foo (u, v, w, x, y, z, cptr, cptr_in)
34 integer, target, optional, value :: v
35 integer, target, optional :: u, w
36 integer, target, optional :: x(:)
37 integer, target, optional, allocatable :: y
38 integer, target, optional, allocatable :: z(:)
39 type(c_ptr), target, optional, value :: cptr
40 type(c_ptr), target, optional, value, intent(in) :: cptr_in
41 integer :: d
43 type(c_ptr) :: p_u, p_v, p_w, p_x, p_y, p_z, p_cptr, p_cptr_in
45 !$omp target enter data map(to:w, x, y, z)
46 !$omp target data map(dummy) use_device_addr(x)
47 cptr = c_loc(x)
48 !$omp end target data
50 ! Need to map per-VALUE arguments, if present
51 if (present(v)) then
52 !$omp target enter data map(to:v)
53 else
54 stop 1
55 end if
56 if (present(cptr)) then
57 !$omp target enter data map(to:cptr)
58 else
59 stop 2
60 end if
61 if (present(cptr_in)) then
62 !$omp target enter data map(to:cptr_in)
63 else
64 stop 3
65 end if
67 !$omp target data map(d) use_device_addr(u, v, w, x, y, z)
68 !$omp target data map(d) use_device_addr(cptr, cptr_in)
69 if (.not. present(u)) stop 10
70 if (.not. present(v)) stop 11
71 if (.not. present(w)) stop 12
72 if (.not. present(x)) stop 13
73 if (.not. present(y)) stop 14
74 if (.not. present(z)) stop 15
75 if (.not. present(cptr)) stop 16
76 if (.not. present(cptr_in)) stop 17
77 p_u = c_loc(u)
78 p_v = c_loc(v)
79 p_w = c_loc(w)
80 p_x = c_loc(x)
81 p_y = c_loc(y)
82 p_z = c_loc(z)
83 p_cptr = c_loc(cptr)
84 p_cptr_in = c_loc(cptr_in)
85 !$omp end target data
86 !$omp end target data
87 call check(p_u, p_v, p_w, p_x, p_y, p_z, p_cptr, p_cptr_in, size(x), size(z))
88 end subroutine foo
90 subroutine check(p_u, p_v, p_w, p_x, p_y, p_z, p_cptr, p_cptr_in, Nx, Nz)
91 type(c_ptr), value :: p_u, p_v, p_w, p_x, p_y, p_z, p_cptr, p_cptr_in
92 integer, value :: Nx, Nz
93 integer, pointer :: c_u(:), c_v(:), c_w(:), c_x(:), c_y(:), c_z(:)
94 type(c_ptr), pointer :: c_cptr(:), c_cptr_in(:)
96 ! As is_device_ptr does not handle scalars, we map them to a size-1 array
97 call c_f_pointer(p_u, c_u, shape=[1])
98 call c_f_pointer(p_v, c_v, shape=[1])
99 call c_f_pointer(p_w, c_w, shape=[1])
100 call c_f_pointer(p_x, c_x, shape=[Nx])
101 call c_f_pointer(p_y, c_y, shape=[1])
102 call c_f_pointer(p_z, c_z, shape=[Nz])
103 call c_f_pointer(p_cptr, c_cptr, shape=[1])
104 call c_f_pointer(p_cptr_in, c_cptr_in, shape=[1])
105 call run_target(c_u, c_v, c_w, c_x, c_y, c_z, c_cptr, c_cptr_in, Nx, Nz)
106 end subroutine check
108 subroutine run_target(c_u, c_v, c_w, c_x, c_y, c_z, c_cptr, c_cptr_in, Nx, Nz)
109 integer, target :: c_u(:), c_v(:), c_w(:), c_x(:), c_y(:), c_z(:)
110 type(c_ptr) :: c_cptr(:), c_cptr_in(:)
111 integer, value :: Nx, Nz
112 !$omp target is_device_ptr(c_u, c_v, c_w, c_x, c_y, c_z, c_cptr, c_cptr_in) map(to:Nx, Nz)
113 call target_fn(c_u(1), c_v(1), c_w(1), c_x, c_y(1), c_z, c_cptr(1), c_cptr_in(1), Nx, Nz)
114 !$omp end target
115 end subroutine run_target
117 subroutine target_fn(c_u, c_v, c_w, c_x, c_y, c_z, c_cptr, c_cptr_in, Nx, Nz)
118 !$omp declare target
119 integer, target :: c_u, c_v, c_w, c_x(:), c_y, c_z(:)
120 type(c_ptr), value :: c_cptr, c_cptr_in
121 integer, value :: Nx, Nz
122 integer, pointer :: u, x(:)
123 if (c_u /= 42) stop 30
124 if (c_v /= 5) stop 31
125 if (c_w /= 7) stop 32
126 if (Nx /= 4) stop 33
127 if (any (c_x /= [3,4,6,2])) stop 34
128 if (c_y /= 88) stop 35
129 if (Nz /= 3) stop 36
130 if (any (c_z /= [1,2,3])) stop 37
131 if (.not. c_associated (c_cptr)) stop 38
132 if (.not. c_associated (c_cptr_in)) stop 39
133 if (.not. c_associated (c_cptr, c_loc(c_x))) stop 40
134 if (.not. c_associated (c_cptr_in, c_loc(c_u))) stop 41
135 call c_f_pointer(c_cptr_in, u)
136 call c_f_pointer(c_cptr, x, shape=[Nx])
137 if (u /= c_u .or. u /= 42) stop 42
138 if (any (x /= c_x)) stop 43
139 if (any (x /= [3,4,6,2])) stop 44
140 end subroutine target_fn
141 end program main