2001-09-05 Alexandre Petit-Bianco <apbianco@redhat.com>
[official-gcc.git] / boehm-gc / tests / test_cpp.cc
1 /****************************************************************************
2 Copyright (c) 1994 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
7 Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program for any
8 purpose, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
9 Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is
10 granted, provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that
11 the code was modified is included with the above copyright notice.
12 ****************************************************************************
13 Last modified on Mon Jul 10 21:06:03 PDT 1995 by ellis
14 modified on December 20, 1994 7:27 pm PST by boehm
16 usage: test_cpp number-of-iterations
18 This program tries to test the specific C++ functionality provided by
19 gc_c++.h that isn't tested by the more general test routines of the
20 collector.
22 A recommended value for number-of-iterations is 10, which will take a
23 few minutes to complete.
25 ***************************************************************************/
27 #include "gc_cpp.h"
28 #include <stdio.h>
29 #include <stdlib.h>
30 #include <string.h>
31 #ifdef __GNUC__
32 # include "new_gc_alloc.h"
33 #else
34 # include "gc_alloc.h"
35 #endif
36 extern "C" {
37 #include "private/gc_priv.h"
39 #ifdef MSWIN32
40 # include <windows.h>
41 #endif
43 # define USE_GC UseGC
44 struct foo * GC;
45 #else
46 # define USE_GC GC
47 #endif
50 #define my_assert( e ) \
51 if (! (e)) { \
52 GC_printf1( "Assertion failure in " __FILE__ ", line %d: " #e "\n", \
53 __LINE__ ); \
54 exit( 1 ); }
57 class A {public:
58 /* An uncollectable class. */
60 A( int iArg ): i( iArg ) {}
61 void Test( int iArg ) {
62 my_assert( i == iArg );}
63 int i;};
66 class B: public gc, public A {public:
67 /* A collectable class. */
69 B( int j ): A( j ) {}
70 ~B() {
71 my_assert( deleting );}
72 static void Deleting( int on ) {
73 deleting = on;}
74 static int deleting;};
76 int B::deleting = 0;
79 class C: public gc_cleanup, public A {public:
80 /* A collectable class with cleanup and virtual multiple inheritance. */
82 C( int levelArg ): A( levelArg ), level( levelArg ) {
83 nAllocated++;
84 if (level > 0) {
85 left = new C( level - 1 );
86 right = new C( level - 1 );}
87 else {
88 left = right = 0;}}
89 ~C() {
90 this->A::Test( level );
91 nFreed++;
92 my_assert( level == 0 ?
93 left == 0 && right == 0 :
94 level == left->level + 1 && level == right->level + 1 );
95 left = right = 0;
96 level = -123456;}
97 static void Test() {
98 my_assert( nFreed <= nAllocated && nFreed >= .8 * nAllocated );}
100 static int nFreed;
101 static int nAllocated;
102 int level;
103 C* left;
104 C* right;};
106 int C::nFreed = 0;
107 int C::nAllocated = 0;
110 class D: public gc {public:
111 /* A collectable class with a static member function to be used as
112 an explicit clean-up function supplied to ::new. */
114 D( int iArg ): i( iArg ) {
115 nAllocated++;}
116 static void CleanUp( void* obj, void* data ) {
117 D* self = (D*) obj;
118 nFreed++;
119 my_assert( self->i == (int) (long) data );}
120 static void Test() {
121 my_assert( nFreed >= .8 * nAllocated );}
123 int i;
124 static int nFreed;
125 static int nAllocated;};
127 int D::nFreed = 0;
128 int D::nAllocated = 0;
131 class E: public gc_cleanup {public:
132 /* A collectable class with clean-up for use by F. */
134 E() {
135 nAllocated++;}
136 ~E() {
137 nFreed++;}
139 static int nFreed;
140 static int nAllocated;};
142 int E::nFreed = 0;
143 int E::nAllocated = 0;
146 class F: public E {public:
147 /* A collectable class with clean-up, a base with clean-up, and a
148 member with clean-up. */
150 F() {
151 nAllocated++;}
152 ~F() {
153 nFreed++;}
154 static void Test() {
155 my_assert( nFreed >= .8 * nAllocated );
156 my_assert( 2 * nFreed == E::nFreed );}
158 E e;
159 static int nFreed;
160 static int nAllocated;};
162 int F::nFreed = 0;
163 int F::nAllocated = 0;
166 long Disguise( void* p ) {
167 return ~ (long) p;}
169 void* Undisguise( long i ) {
170 return (void*) ~ i;}
173 #ifdef MSWIN32
174 int APIENTRY WinMain(
175 HINSTANCE instance, HINSTANCE prev, LPSTR cmd, int cmdShow )
177 int argc;
178 char* argv[ 3 ];
180 for (argc = 1; argc < sizeof( argv ) / sizeof( argv[ 0 ] ); argc++) {
181 argv[ argc ] = strtok( argc == 1 ? cmd : 0, " \t" );
182 if (0 == argv[ argc ]) break;}
184 #else
185 # ifdef MACOS
186 int main() {
187 # else
188 int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
189 # endif
190 #endif
192 # if defined(MACOS) // MacOS
193 char* argv_[] = {"test_cpp", "10"}; // doesn't
194 argv = argv_; // have a
195 argc = sizeof(argv_)/sizeof(argv_[0]); // commandline
196 # endif
197 int i, iters, n;
198 # if !defined(MACOS)
199 # ifdef __GNUC__
200 int *x = (int *)gc_alloc::allocate(sizeof(int));
201 # else
202 int *x = (int *)alloc::allocate(sizeof(int));
203 # endif
205 *x = 29;
206 x -= 3;
207 # endif
208 if (argc != 2 || (0 >= (n = atoi( argv[ 1 ] )))) {
209 GC_printf0( "usage: test_cpp number-of-iterations\n" );
210 exit( 1 );}
212 for (iters = 1; iters <= n; iters++) {
213 GC_printf1( "Starting iteration %d\n", iters );
215 /* Allocate some uncollectable As and disguise their pointers.
216 Later we'll check to see if the objects are still there. We're
217 checking to make sure these objects really are uncollectable. */
218 long as[ 1000 ];
219 long bs[ 1000 ];
220 for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
221 as[ i ] = Disguise( new (NoGC) A( i ) );
222 bs[ i ] = Disguise( new (NoGC) B( i ) );}
224 /* Allocate a fair number of finalizable Cs, Ds, and Fs.
225 Later we'll check to make sure they've gone away. */
226 for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
227 C* c = new C( 2 );
228 C c1( 2 ); /* stack allocation should work too */
229 D* d = ::new (USE_GC, D::CleanUp, (void*)(long)i) D( i );
230 F* f = new F;
231 if (0 == i % 10) delete c;}
233 /* Allocate a very large number of collectable As and Bs and
234 drop the references to them immediately, forcing many
235 collections. */
236 for (i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
237 A* a = new (USE_GC) A( i );
238 B* b = new B( i );
239 b = new (USE_GC) B( i );
240 if (0 == i % 10) {
241 B::Deleting( 1 );
242 delete b;
243 B::Deleting( 0 );}
245 GC_invoke_finalizers();
246 # endif
249 /* Make sure the uncollectable As and Bs are still there. */
250 for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
251 A* a = (A*) Undisguise( as[ i ] );
252 B* b = (B*) Undisguise( bs[ i ] );
253 a->Test( i );
254 delete a;
255 b->Test( i );
256 B::Deleting( 1 );
257 delete b;
258 B::Deleting( 0 );
260 GC_invoke_finalizers();
261 # endif
265 /* Make sure most of the finalizable Cs, Ds, and Fs have
266 gone away. */
267 C::Test();
268 D::Test();
269 F::Test();}
271 # if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(MACOS)
272 my_assert (29 == x[3]);
273 # endif
274 GC_printf0( "The test appears to have succeeded.\n" );
275 return( 0 );}