[ocurl.git] / examples / omulti.ml
1 (*
2 * omulti.ml
4 * Copyright (c) 2009, ygrek, <ygrek@autistici.org>
5 *)
7 module M = Curl.Multi
8 module Ev = Libevent
10 let pr fmt = Printf.ksprintf print_endline fmt
12 let finished mt =
13 let rec loop n =
14 match M.remove_finished mt with
15 | None -> (*if n > 0 then pr "Removed %u handles" n*) ()
16 | Some _ -> loop (n+1)
17 in loop 0
19 let loop_wait mt =
20 pr "perform/wait";
21 while M.perform mt > 0 do
22 ignore (M.wait mt)
23 done;
24 finished mt
26 let events_base = Ev.init ()
28 let loop_async mt =
29 pr "action/event";
30 let events = Hashtbl.create 32 in
31 let on_event fd flags =
32 let event = match flags with
33 | Ev.READ -> M.EV_IN
34 | Ev.WRITE -> M.EV_OUT
35 | _ -> M.EV_AUTO
37 let _ = M.action mt fd event in
38 finished mt
40 let evs = ref 0 in
41 M.set_socket_function mt begin fun fd what ->
42 List.iter (fun ev -> decr evs; Ev.del ev) (Hashtbl.find_all events fd); Hashtbl.remove events fd;
43 let flags = match what with
45 | M.POLL_IN -> [Ev.READ]
46 | M.POLL_OUT -> [Ev.WRITE]
49 match flags with
50 | [] -> finished mt
51 | flags ->
52 let ev = Ev.create () in
53 Ev.set events_base ev fd flags ~persist:true on_event;
54 Ev.add ev None;
55 incr evs;
56 Hashtbl.add events fd ev
57 end;
58 let _ = M.action_all mt in
59 Ev.dispatch events_base;
60 assert (0 = !evs);
61 finished mt
63 let loop_select mt =
64 pr "action/select";
65 let in_fd = ref [] in
66 let out_fd = ref [] in
67 let on_event fd event =
68 let _ = M.action mt fd event in
69 finished mt
71 M.set_socket_function mt begin fun fd what ->
72 in_fd := List.filter ((<>) fd) !in_fd;
73 out_fd := List.filter ((<>) fd) !out_fd;
74 match what with
75 | M.POLL_REMOVE | M.POLL_NONE -> finished mt
76 | M.POLL_IN -> in_fd := fd :: !in_fd
77 | M.POLL_OUT -> out_fd := fd :: !out_fd
78 | M.POLL_INOUT -> in_fd := fd :: !in_fd; out_fd := fd :: !out_fd
79 end;
80 let _ = M.action_all mt in
81 while !in_fd <> [] || !out_fd <> [] do
82 let (fdi,fdo,_) = Unix.select !in_fd !out_fd [] (-1.) in
83 List.iter (fun fd -> on_event fd M.EV_IN) fdi;
84 List.iter (fun fd -> on_event fd M.EV_OUT) fdo;
85 done;
86 finished mt
88 let input_lines file =
89 let ch = open_in file in
90 let lines = ref [] in
91 try while true do lines := input_line ch :: !lines done; []
92 with End_of_file -> close_in_noerr ch; List.rev !lines
94 let () =
95 let module A = Array in
96 let func = ref None in
97 let urls =
98 let urls = ref [] in
99 let n = ref 10 in
100 let args = Arg.align
101 ["-n",Arg.Set_int n,"<N> ";
102 "-i",Arg.String (fun s -> urls := input_lines s @ !urls),"<file> read urls from file";
103 "-l",Arg.String (fun s -> urls := s :: !urls),"<url> fetch url";
104 "-m",Arg.String (function
105 | "wait" -> func := Some loop_wait
106 | "event" -> func := Some loop_async
107 | "select" -> func := Some loop_select
108 | s-> failwith (Printf.sprintf "unknown method : %s" s)), "<wait|event|select> loop method";
111 Arg.parse args failwith "Options :";
112 match !urls with
113 | [url] -> A.make !n url
114 | l -> A.of_list l
116 (* if A.length urls = 0 then failwith "Specify urls to download"; *)
117 let init url =
118 let h = Curl.init () in
119 Curl.set_url h url;
120 Curl.set_writefunction h String.length;
123 let cleanup h =
124 Printf.printf "Time: %f Size: %Lu Speed: %.2f KB/s URL: %s\n"
125 (Curl.get_totaltime h)
126 (Int64.of_float (Curl.get_sizedownload h))
127 (Curl.get_speeddownload h /. 1024.)
128 (Curl.get_effectiveurl h);
129 Curl.cleanup h
131 let test loop =
132 let hs = A.map init urls in
133 let mt = M.create () in
134 A.iter (M.add mt) hs;
135 loop mt;
136 A.iter cleanup hs;
137 M.cleanup mt;
138 pr "Finished";
140 match !func with
141 | None -> test loop_wait; test loop_select; test loop_async
142 | Some f -> test f