Add copyright notices and new function String.chomp
[ocaml.git] / camlp4 / Camlp4 /
1 (****************************************************************************)
2 (* *)
3 (* Objective Caml *)
4 (* *)
5 (* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
6 (* *)
7 (* Copyright 2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
8 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
9 (* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
10 (* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
11 (* Caml source tree. *)
12 (* *)
13 (****************************************************************************)
15 (* Authors:
16 * - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
17 * - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
19 type spec_list = list (string * Arg.spec * string);
20 open Format;
22 value rec action_arg s sl =
23 fun
24 [ Arg.Unit f -> if s = "" then do { f (); Some sl } else None
25 | Arg.Bool f ->
26 if s = "" then
27 match sl with
28 [ [s :: sl] ->
29 try do { f (bool_of_string s); Some sl } with
30 [ Invalid_argument "bool_of_string" -> None ]
31 | [] -> None ]
32 else
33 try do { f (bool_of_string s); Some sl } with
34 [ Invalid_argument "bool_of_string" -> None ]
35 | Arg.Set r -> if s = "" then do { r.val := True; Some sl } else None
36 | Arg.Clear r -> if s = "" then do { r.val := False; Some sl } else None
37 | Arg.Rest f -> do { List.iter f [s :: sl]; Some [] }
38 | Arg.String f ->
39 if s = "" then
40 match sl with
41 [ [s :: sl] -> do { f s; Some sl }
42 | [] -> None ]
43 else do { f s; Some sl }
44 | Arg.Set_string r ->
45 if s = "" then
46 match sl with
47 [ [s :: sl] -> do { r.val := s; Some sl }
48 | [] -> None ]
49 else do { r.val := s; Some sl }
50 | Arg.Int f ->
51 if s = "" then
52 match sl with
53 [ [s :: sl] ->
54 try do { f (int_of_string s); Some sl } with
55 [ Failure "int_of_string" -> None ]
56 | [] -> None ]
57 else
58 try do { f (int_of_string s); Some sl } with
59 [ Failure "int_of_string" -> None ]
60 | Arg.Set_int r ->
61 if s = "" then
62 match sl with
63 [ [s :: sl] ->
64 try do { r.val := (int_of_string s); Some sl } with
65 [ Failure "int_of_string" -> None ]
66 | [] -> None ]
67 else
68 try do { r.val := (int_of_string s); Some sl } with
69 [ Failure "int_of_string" -> None ]
70 | Arg.Float f ->
71 if s = "" then
72 match sl with
73 [ [s :: sl] -> do { f (float_of_string s); Some sl }
74 | [] -> None ]
75 else do { f (float_of_string s); Some sl }
76 | Arg.Set_float r ->
77 if s = "" then
78 match sl with
79 [ [s :: sl] -> do { r.val := (float_of_string s); Some sl }
80 | [] -> None ]
81 else do { r.val := (float_of_string s); Some sl }
82 | Arg.Tuple specs ->
83 let rec action_args s sl =
84 fun
85 [ [] -> Some sl
86 | [spec :: spec_list] ->
87 match action_arg s sl spec with
88 [ None -> action_args "" [] spec_list
89 | Some [s :: sl] -> action_args s sl spec_list
90 | Some sl -> action_args "" sl spec_list
92 ] in
93 action_args s sl specs
94 | Arg.Symbol syms f ->
95 match (if s = "" then sl else [s :: sl]) with
96 [ [s :: sl] when List.mem s syms -> do { f s; Some sl }
97 | _ -> None ]
100 value common_start s1 s2 =
101 loop 0 where rec loop i =
102 if i == String.length s1 || i == String.length s2 then i
103 else if s1.[i] == s2.[i] then loop (i + 1)
104 else i;
106 value parse_arg fold s sl =
107 fold
108 (fun (name, action, _) acu ->
109 let i = common_start s name in
110 if i == String.length name then
111 try action_arg (String.sub s i (String.length s - i)) sl action with
112 [ Arg.Bad _ -> acu ]
113 else acu) None;
115 value rec parse_aux fold anon_fun =
117 [ [] -> []
118 | [s :: sl] ->
119 if String.length s > 1 && s.[0] = '-' then
120 match parse_arg fold s sl with
121 [ Some sl -> parse_aux fold anon_fun sl
122 | None -> [s :: parse_aux fold anon_fun sl] ]
123 else do { (anon_fun s : unit); parse_aux fold anon_fun sl } ];
125 value align_doc key s =
126 let s =
127 loop 0 where rec loop i =
128 if i = String.length s then ""
129 else if s.[i] = ' ' then loop (i + 1)
130 else String.sub s i (String.length s - i)
132 let (p, s) =
133 if String.length s > 0 then
134 if s.[0] = '<' then
135 loop 0 where rec loop i =
136 if i = String.length s then ("", s)
137 else if s.[i] <> '>' then loop (i + 1)
138 else
139 let p = String.sub s 0 (i + 1) in
140 loop (i + 1) where rec loop i =
141 if i >= String.length s then (p, "")
142 else if s.[i] = ' ' then loop (i + 1)
143 else (p, String.sub s i (String.length s - i))
144 else ("", s)
145 else ("", "")
147 let tab =
148 String.make (max 1 (16 - String.length key - String.length p)) ' '
150 p ^ tab ^ s;
152 value make_symlist l =
153 match l with
154 [ [] -> "<none>"
155 | [h::t] -> (List.fold_left (fun x y -> x ^ "|" ^ y) ("{" ^ h) t) ^ "}" ];
157 value print_usage_list l =
158 List.iter
159 (fun (key, spec, doc) ->
160 match spec with
161 [ Arg.Symbol symbs _ ->
162 let s = make_symlist symbs in
163 let synt = key ^ " " ^ s in
164 eprintf " %s %s\n" synt (align_doc synt doc)
165 | _ -> eprintf " %s %s\n" key (align_doc key doc) ] )
168 value remaining_args argv =
169 let rec loop l i =
170 if i == Array.length argv then l else loop [argv.(i) :: l] (i + 1)
172 List.rev (loop [] (Arg.current.val + 1));
174 value init_spec_list = ref [];
175 value ext_spec_list = ref [];
177 value init spec_list = init_spec_list.val := spec_list;
179 value add name spec descr =
180 ext_spec_list.val := [(name, spec, descr) :: ext_spec_list.val];
182 value fold f init =
183 let spec_list = init_spec_list.val @ ext_spec_list.val in
184 let specs = Sort.list (fun (k1, _, _) (k2, _, _) -> k1 >= k2) spec_list in
185 List.fold_right f specs init;
187 value parse anon_fun argv =
188 let remaining_args = remaining_args argv in
189 parse_aux fold anon_fun remaining_args;
191 value ext_spec_list () = ext_spec_list.val;