Add copyright notices and new function String.chomp
[ocaml.git] / bytecomp /
1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* *)
3 (* Objective Caml *)
4 (* *)
5 (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
6 (* *)
7 (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
8 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
9 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
10 (* *)
11 (***********************************************************************)
13 (* $Id$ *)
15 (* To assign numbers to globals and primitives *)
17 open Misc
18 open Asttypes
19 open Lambda
20 open Cmo_format
22 (* Functions for batch linking *)
24 type error =
25 Undefined_global of string
26 | Unavailable_primitive of string
27 | Wrong_vm of string
28 | Uninitialized_global of string
30 exception Error of error
32 (* Tables for numbering objects *)
34 type 'a numtable =
35 { num_cnt: int; (* The next number *)
36 num_tbl: ('a, int) Tbl.t } (* The table of already numbered objects *)
38 let empty_numtable = { num_cnt = 0; num_tbl = Tbl.empty }
40 let find_numtable nt key =
41 Tbl.find key nt.num_tbl
43 let enter_numtable nt key =
44 let n = !nt.num_cnt in
45 nt := { num_cnt = n + 1; num_tbl = Tbl.add key n !nt.num_tbl };
48 let incr_numtable nt =
49 let n = !nt.num_cnt in
50 nt := { num_cnt = n + 1; num_tbl = !nt.num_tbl };
53 (* Global variables *)
55 let global_table = ref(empty_numtable : Ident.t numtable)
56 and literal_table = ref([] : (int * structured_constant) list)
58 let slot_for_getglobal id =
59 try
60 find_numtable !global_table id
61 with Not_found ->
62 raise(Error(Undefined_global( id)))
64 let slot_for_setglobal id =
65 enter_numtable global_table id
67 let slot_for_literal cst =
68 let n = incr_numtable global_table in
69 literal_table := (n, cst) :: !literal_table;
72 (* The C primitives *)
74 let c_prim_table = ref(empty_numtable : string numtable)
76 let set_prim_table name =
77 ignore(enter_numtable c_prim_table name)
79 let num_of_prim name =
80 try
81 find_numtable !c_prim_table name
82 with Not_found ->
83 if !Clflags.custom_runtime then
84 enter_numtable c_prim_table name
85 else begin
86 let symb =
87 try Dll.find_primitive name
88 with Not_found -> raise(Error(Unavailable_primitive name)) in
89 let num = enter_numtable c_prim_table name in
90 Dll.synchronize_primitive num symb;
91 num
92 end
94 let require_primitive name =
95 if name.[0] <> '%' then ignore(num_of_prim name)
97 let all_primitives () =
98 let prim = Array.create !c_prim_table.num_cnt "" in
99 Tbl.iter (fun name number -> prim.(number) <- name) !c_prim_table.num_tbl;
100 prim
102 let data_primitive_names () =
103 let prim = all_primitives() in
104 let b = Buffer.create 512 in
105 for i = 0 to Array.length prim - 1 do
106 Buffer.add_string b prim.(i); Buffer.add_char b '\000'
107 done;
108 Buffer.contents b
110 let output_primitive_names outchan =
111 output_string outchan (data_primitive_names())
113 open Printf
115 let output_primitive_table outchan =
116 let prim = all_primitives() in
117 fprintf outchan "\
118 #ifdef __cplusplus\n\
119 extern \"C\" {\n\
120 #endif\n";
121 for i = 0 to Array.length prim - 1 do
122 fprintf outchan "extern long %s();\n" prim.(i)
123 done;
124 fprintf outchan "typedef long (*primitive)();\n";
125 fprintf outchan "primitive caml_builtin_cprim[] = {\n";
126 for i = 0 to Array.length prim - 1 do
127 fprintf outchan " %s,\n" prim.(i)
128 done;
129 fprintf outchan " (primitive) 0 };\n";
130 fprintf outchan "char * caml_names_of_builtin_cprim[] = {\n";
131 for i = 0 to Array.length prim - 1 do
132 fprintf outchan " \"%s\",\n" prim.(i)
133 done;
134 fprintf outchan " (char *) 0 };\n";
135 fprintf outchan "\
136 #ifdef __cplusplus\n\
137 }\n\
138 #endif\n"
140 (* Initialization for batch linking *)
142 let init () =
143 (* Enter the predefined exceptions *)
144 Array.iter
145 (fun name ->
146 let id =
147 try List.assoc name Predef.builtin_values
148 with Not_found -> fatal_error "Symtable.init" in
149 let c = slot_for_setglobal id in
150 let cst = Const_block(0, [Const_base(Const_string name)]) in
151 literal_table := (c, cst) :: !literal_table)
152 Runtimedef.builtin_exceptions;
153 (* Initialize the known C primitives *)
154 if String.length !Clflags.use_prims > 0 then begin
155 let ic = open_in !Clflags.use_prims in
157 while true do
158 set_prim_table (input_line ic)
159 done
160 with End_of_file -> close_in ic
161 | x -> close_in ic; raise x
162 end else if String.length !Clflags.use_runtime > 0 then begin
163 let primfile = Filename.temp_file "camlprims" "" in
165 if Sys.command(Printf.sprintf "%s -p > %s"
166 !Clflags.use_runtime primfile) <> 0
167 then raise(Error(Wrong_vm !Clflags.use_runtime));
168 let ic = open_in primfile in
170 while true do
171 set_prim_table (input_line ic)
172 done
173 with End_of_file -> close_in ic; remove_file primfile
174 | x -> close_in ic; raise x
175 with x -> remove_file primfile; raise x
176 end else begin
177 Array.iter set_prim_table Runtimedef.builtin_primitives
180 (* Relocate a block of object bytecode *)
182 (* Must use the unsafe String.set here because the block may be
183 a "fake" string as returned by Meta.static_alloc. *)
185 let patch_int buff pos n =
186 String.unsafe_set buff pos (Char.unsafe_chr n);
187 String.unsafe_set buff (pos + 1) (Char.unsafe_chr (n asr 8));
188 String.unsafe_set buff (pos + 2) (Char.unsafe_chr (n asr 16));
189 String.unsafe_set buff (pos + 3) (Char.unsafe_chr (n asr 24))
191 let patch_object buff patchlist =
192 List.iter
193 (function
194 (Reloc_literal sc, pos) ->
195 patch_int buff pos (slot_for_literal sc)
196 | (Reloc_getglobal id, pos) ->
197 patch_int buff pos (slot_for_getglobal id)
198 | (Reloc_setglobal id, pos) ->
199 patch_int buff pos (slot_for_setglobal id)
200 | (Reloc_primitive name, pos) ->
201 patch_int buff pos (num_of_prim name))
202 patchlist
204 (* Translate structured constants *)
206 let rec transl_const = function
207 Const_base(Const_int i) -> Obj.repr i
208 | Const_base(Const_char c) -> Obj.repr c
209 | Const_base(Const_string s) -> Obj.repr s
210 | Const_base(Const_float f) -> Obj.repr (float_of_string f)
211 | Const_base(Const_int32 i) -> Obj.repr i
212 | Const_base(Const_int64 i) -> Obj.repr i
213 | Const_base(Const_nativeint i) -> Obj.repr i
214 | Const_pointer i -> Obj.repr i
215 | Const_immstring s -> Obj.repr s
216 | Const_block(tag, fields) ->
217 let block = Obj.new_block tag (List.length fields) in
218 let pos = ref 0 in
219 List.iter
220 (fun c -> Obj.set_field block !pos (transl_const c); incr pos)
221 fields;
222 block
223 | Const_float_array fields ->
224 Obj.repr(Array.of_list( (fun f -> float_of_string f) fields))
226 (* Build the initial table of globals *)
228 let initial_global_table () =
229 let glob = Array.create !global_table.num_cnt (Obj.repr 0) in
230 List.iter
231 (fun (slot, cst) -> glob.(slot) <- transl_const cst)
232 !literal_table;
233 literal_table := [];
234 glob
236 (* Save the table of globals *)
238 let output_global_map oc =
239 output_value oc !global_table
241 let data_global_map () =
242 Obj.repr !global_table
244 (* Functions for toplevel use *)
246 (* Update the in-core table of globals *)
248 let update_global_table () =
249 let ng = !global_table.num_cnt in
250 if ng > Array.length(Meta.global_data()) then Meta.realloc_global_data ng;
251 let glob = Meta.global_data() in
252 List.iter
253 (fun (slot, cst) -> glob.(slot) <- transl_const cst)
254 !literal_table;
255 literal_table := []
257 (* Recover data for toplevel initialization. Data can come either from
258 executable file (normal case) or from linked-in data (-output-obj). *)
260 type section_reader = {
261 read_string: string -> string;
262 read_struct: string -> Obj.t;
263 close_reader: unit -> unit
266 let read_sections () =
268 let sections = Meta.get_section_table () in
269 { read_string =
270 (fun name -> (Obj.magic(List.assoc name sections) : string));
271 read_struct =
272 (fun name -> List.assoc name sections);
273 close_reader =
274 (fun () -> ()) }
275 with Not_found ->
276 let ic = open_in_bin Sys.executable_name in
277 Bytesections.read_toc ic;
278 { read_string = Bytesections.read_section_string ic;
279 read_struct = Bytesections.read_section_struct ic;
280 close_reader = fun () -> close_in ic }
282 (* Initialize the linker for toplevel use *)
284 let init_toplevel () =
286 let sect = read_sections () in
287 (* Locations of globals *)
288 global_table := (Obj.magic (sect.read_struct "SYMB") : Ident.t numtable);
289 (* Primitives *)
290 let prims = sect.read_string "PRIM" in
291 c_prim_table := empty_numtable;
292 let pos = ref 0 in
293 while !pos < String.length prims do
294 let i = String.index_from prims !pos '\000' in
295 set_prim_table (String.sub prims !pos (i - !pos));
296 pos := i + 1
297 done;
298 (* DLL initialization *)
299 let dllpath = try sect.read_string "DLPT" with Not_found -> "" in
300 Dll.init_toplevel dllpath;
301 (* Recover CRC infos for interfaces *)
302 let crcintfs =
303 try (Obj.magic (sect.read_struct "CRCS") : (string * Digest.t) list)
304 with Not_found -> [] in
305 (* Done *)
306 sect.close_reader();
307 crcintfs
308 with Bytesections.Bad_magic_number | Not_found | Failure _ ->
309 fatal_error "Toplevel bytecode executable is corrupted"
311 (* Find the value of a global identifier *)
313 let get_global_position id = slot_for_getglobal id
315 let get_global_value id =
316 (Meta.global_data()).(slot_for_getglobal id)
317 let assign_global_value id v =
318 (Meta.global_data()).(slot_for_getglobal id) <- v
320 (* Check that all globals referenced in the given patch list
321 have been initialized already *)
323 let check_global_initialized patchlist =
324 (* First determine the globals we will define *)
325 let defined_globals =
326 List.fold_left
327 (fun accu rel ->
328 match rel with
329 (Reloc_setglobal id, pos) -> id :: accu
330 | _ -> accu)
331 [] patchlist in
332 (* Then check that all referenced, not defined globals have a value *)
333 let check_reference = function
334 (Reloc_getglobal id, pos) ->
335 if not (List.mem id defined_globals)
336 && Obj.is_int (get_global_value id)
337 then raise (Error(Uninitialized_global( id)))
338 | _ -> () in
339 List.iter check_reference patchlist
341 (* Save and restore the current state *)
343 type global_map = Ident.t numtable
345 let current_state () = !global_table
347 let restore_state st = global_table := st
349 let hide_additions st =
350 if st.num_cnt > !global_table.num_cnt then
351 fatal_error "Symtable.hide_additions";
352 global_table :=
353 { num_cnt = !global_table.num_cnt;
354 num_tbl = st.num_tbl }
356 (* "Filter" the global map according to some predicate.
357 Used to expunge the global map for the toplevel. *)
359 let filter_global_map p gmap =
360 let newtbl = ref Tbl.empty in
361 Tbl.iter
362 (fun id num -> if p id then newtbl := Tbl.add id num !newtbl)
363 gmap.num_tbl;
364 {num_cnt = gmap.num_cnt; num_tbl = !newtbl}
366 (* Error report *)
368 open Format
370 let report_error ppf = function
371 | Undefined_global s ->
372 fprintf ppf "Reference to undefined global `%s'" s
373 | Unavailable_primitive s ->
374 fprintf ppf "The external function `%s' is not available" s
375 | Wrong_vm s ->
376 fprintf ppf "Cannot find or execute the runtime system %s" s
377 | Uninitialized_global s ->
378 fprintf ppf "The value of the global `%s' is not yet computed" s