Add copyright notices and new function String.chomp
[ocaml.git] / asmcomp /
1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* *)
3 (* Objective Caml *)
4 (* *)
5 (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
6 (* *)
7 (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
8 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
9 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
10 (* *)
11 (***********************************************************************)
13 (* $Id$ *)
15 (* Transformation of Mach code into a list of pseudo-instructions. *)
17 open Reg
18 open Mach
20 type label = int
22 let label_counter = ref 99
24 let new_label() = incr label_counter; !label_counter
26 type instruction =
27 { mutable desc: instruction_desc;
28 mutable next: instruction;
29 arg: Reg.t array;
30 res: Reg.t array;
31 dbg: Debuginfo.t;
32 live: Reg.Set.t }
34 and instruction_desc =
35 Lend
36 | Lop of operation
37 | Lreloadretaddr
38 | Lreturn
39 | Llabel of label
40 | Lbranch of label
41 | Lcondbranch of test * label
42 | Lcondbranch3 of label option * label option * label option
43 | Lswitch of label array
44 | Lsetuptrap of label
45 | Lpushtrap
46 | Lpoptrap
47 | Lraise
49 let has_fallthrough = function
50 | Lreturn | Lbranch _ | Lswitch _ | Lraise
51 | Lop Itailcall_ind | Lop (Itailcall_imm _) -> false
52 | _ -> true
54 type fundecl =
55 { fun_name: string;
56 fun_body: instruction;
57 fun_fast: bool }
59 (* Invert a test *)
61 let invert_integer_test = function
62 Isigned cmp -> Isigned(Cmm.negate_comparison cmp)
63 | Iunsigned cmp -> Iunsigned(Cmm.negate_comparison cmp)
65 let invert_test = function
66 Itruetest -> Ifalsetest
67 | Ifalsetest -> Itruetest
68 | Iinttest(cmp) -> Iinttest(invert_integer_test cmp)
69 | Iinttest_imm(cmp, n) -> Iinttest_imm(invert_integer_test cmp, n)
70 | Ifloattest(cmp, neg) -> Ifloattest(cmp, not neg)
71 | Ieventest -> Ioddtest
72 | Ioddtest -> Ieventest
74 (* The "end" instruction *)
76 let rec end_instr =
77 { desc = Lend;
78 next = end_instr;
79 arg = [||];
80 res = [||];
81 dbg = Debuginfo.none;
82 live = Reg.Set.empty }
84 (* Cons an instruction (live, debug empty) *)
86 let instr_cons d a r n =
87 { desc = d; next = n; arg = a; res = r;
88 dbg = Debuginfo.none; live = Reg.Set.empty }
90 (* Cons a simple instruction (arg, res, live empty) *)
92 let cons_instr d n =
93 { desc = d; next = n; arg = [||]; res = [||];
94 dbg = Debuginfo.none; live = Reg.Set.empty }
96 (* Build an instruction with arg, res, dbg, live taken from
97 the given Mach.instruction *)
99 let copy_instr d i n =
100 { desc = d; next = n;
101 arg = i.Mach.arg; res = i.Mach.res;
102 dbg = i.Mach.dbg; live = }
105 Label the beginning of the given instruction sequence.
106 - If the sequence starts with a branch, jump over it.
107 - If the sequence is the end, (tail call position), just do nothing
110 let get_label n = match n.desc with
111 Lbranch lbl -> (lbl, n)
112 | Llabel lbl -> (lbl, n)
113 | Lend -> (-1, n)
114 | _ -> let lbl = new_label() in (lbl, cons_instr (Llabel lbl) n)
116 (* Check the fallthrough label *)
117 let check_label n = match n.desc with
118 | Lbranch lbl -> lbl
119 | Llabel lbl -> lbl
120 | _ -> -1
122 (* Discard all instructions up to the next label.
123 This function is to be called before adding a non-terminating
124 instruction. *)
126 let rec discard_dead_code n =
127 match n.desc with
128 Lend -> n
129 | Llabel _ -> n
130 (* Do not discard Lpoptrap or Istackoffset instructions,
131 as this may cause a stack imbalance later during assembler generation. *)
132 | Lpoptrap -> n
133 | Lop(Istackoffset _) -> n
134 | _ -> discard_dead_code
137 Add a branch in front of a continuation.
138 Discard dead code in the continuation.
139 Does not insert anything if we're just falling through
140 or if we jump to dead code after the end of function (lbl=-1)
143 let add_branch lbl n =
144 if lbl >= 0 then
145 let n1 = discard_dead_code n in
146 match n1.desc with
147 | Llabel lbl1 when lbl1 = lbl -> n1
148 | _ -> cons_instr (Lbranch lbl) n1
149 else
150 discard_dead_code n
152 (* Current labels for exit handler *)
154 let exit_label = ref []
156 let find_exit_label k =
158 List.assoc k !exit_label
159 with
160 | Not_found -> Misc.fatal_error "Linearize.find_exit_label"
162 let is_next_catch n = match !exit_label with
163 | (n0,_)::_ when n0=n -> true
164 | _ -> false
166 (* Linearize an instruction [i]: add it in front of the continuation [n] *)
168 let rec linear i n =
169 match i.Mach.desc with
170 Iend -> n
171 | Iop(Itailcall_ind | Itailcall_imm _ as op) ->
172 copy_instr (Lop op) i (discard_dead_code n)
173 | Iop(Imove | Ireload | Ispill)
174 when i.Mach.arg.(0).loc = i.Mach.res.(0).loc ->
175 linear n
176 | Iop op ->
177 copy_instr (Lop op) i (linear n)
178 | Ireturn ->
179 let n1 = copy_instr Lreturn i (discard_dead_code n) in
180 if !Proc.contains_calls
181 then cons_instr Lreloadretaddr n1
182 else n1
183 | Iifthenelse(test, ifso, ifnot) ->
184 let n1 = linear n in
185 begin match (ifso.Mach.desc, ifnot.Mach.desc, n1.desc) with
186 Iend, _, Lbranch lbl ->
187 copy_instr (Lcondbranch(test, lbl)) i (linear ifnot n1)
188 | _, Iend, Lbranch lbl ->
189 copy_instr (Lcondbranch(invert_test test, lbl)) i (linear ifso n1)
190 | Iexit nfail1, Iexit nfail2, _
191 when is_next_catch nfail1 ->
192 let lbl2 = find_exit_label nfail2 in
193 copy_instr
194 (Lcondbranch (invert_test test, lbl2)) i (linear ifso n1)
195 | Iexit nfail, _, _ ->
196 let n2 = linear ifnot n1
197 and lbl = find_exit_label nfail in
198 copy_instr (Lcondbranch(test, lbl)) i n2
199 | _, Iexit nfail, _ ->
200 let n2 = linear ifso n1 in
201 let lbl = find_exit_label nfail in
202 copy_instr (Lcondbranch(invert_test test, lbl)) i n2
203 | Iend, _, _ ->
204 let (lbl_end, n2) = get_label n1 in
205 copy_instr (Lcondbranch(test, lbl_end)) i (linear ifnot n2)
206 | _, Iend, _ ->
207 let (lbl_end, n2) = get_label n1 in
208 copy_instr (Lcondbranch(invert_test test, lbl_end)) i
209 (linear ifso n2)
210 | _, _, _ ->
211 (* Should attempt branch prediction here *)
212 let (lbl_end, n2) = get_label n1 in
213 let (lbl_else, nelse) = get_label (linear ifnot n2) in
214 copy_instr (Lcondbranch(invert_test test, lbl_else)) i
215 (linear ifso (add_branch lbl_end nelse))
217 | Iswitch(index, cases) ->
218 let lbl_cases = Array.create (Array.length cases) 0 in
219 let (lbl_end, n1) = get_label(linear n) in
220 let n2 = ref (discard_dead_code n1) in
221 for i = Array.length cases - 1 downto 0 do
222 let (lbl_case, ncase) =
223 get_label(linear cases.(i) (add_branch lbl_end !n2)) in
224 lbl_cases.(i) <- lbl_case;
225 n2 := discard_dead_code ncase
226 done;
227 (* Switches with 1 and 2 branches have been eliminated earlier.
228 Here, we do something for switches with 3 branches. *)
229 if Array.length index = 3 then begin
230 let fallthrough_lbl = check_label !n2 in
231 let find_label n =
232 let lbl = lbl_cases.(index.(n)) in
233 if lbl = fallthrough_lbl then None else Some lbl in
234 copy_instr (Lcondbranch3(find_label 0, find_label 1, find_label 2))
235 i !n2
236 end else
237 copy_instr (Lswitch( (fun n -> lbl_cases.(n)) index)) i !n2
238 | Iloop body ->
239 let lbl_head = new_label() in
240 let n1 = linear n in
241 let n2 = linear body (cons_instr (Lbranch lbl_head) n1) in
242 cons_instr (Llabel lbl_head) n2
243 | Icatch(io, body, handler) ->
244 let (lbl_end, n1) = get_label(linear n) in
245 let (lbl_handler, n2) = get_label(linear handler n1) in
246 exit_label := (io, lbl_handler) :: !exit_label ;
247 let n3 = linear body (add_branch lbl_end n2) in
248 exit_label := !exit_label;
250 | Iexit nfail ->
251 let n1 = linear n in
252 let lbl = find_exit_label nfail in
253 add_branch lbl n1
254 | Itrywith(body, handler) ->
255 let (lbl_join, n1) = get_label (linear n) in
256 let (lbl_body, n2) =
257 get_label (cons_instr Lpushtrap
258 (linear body (cons_instr Lpoptrap n1))) in
259 cons_instr (Lsetuptrap lbl_body)
260 (linear handler (add_branch lbl_join n2))
261 | Iraise ->
262 copy_instr Lraise i (discard_dead_code n)
264 let fundecl f =
265 { fun_name = f.Mach.fun_name;
266 fun_body = linear f.Mach.fun_body end_instr;
267 fun_fast = f.Mach.fun_fast }