Module of module types for OrderedType,ComparableType,Printable,Serializable,Discrete...
[ocaml.git] / otherlibs / dynlink /
1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* *)
3 (* Objective Caml *)
4 (* *)
5 (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
6 (* *)
7 (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
8 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
9 (* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with *)
10 (* the special exception on linking described in file ../../LICENSE. *)
11 (* *)
12 (***********************************************************************)
14 (* $Id$ *)
16 (* Dynamic loading of .cmo files *)
18 open Dynlinkaux
19 open Dynlinkaux.Cmo_format
21 type linking_error =
22 Undefined_global of string
23 | Unavailable_primitive of string
24 | Uninitialized_global of string
26 type error =
27 Not_a_bytecode_file of string
28 | Inconsistent_import of string
29 | Unavailable_unit of string
30 | Unsafe_file
31 | Linking_error of string * linking_error
32 | Corrupted_interface of string
33 | File_not_found of string
34 | Cannot_open_dll of string
36 exception Error of error
38 (* Management of interface CRCs *)
40 let crc_interfaces = ref (Consistbl.create ())
41 let allow_extension = ref true
43 (* Check that the object file being loaded has been compiled against
44 the same interfaces as the program itself. In addition, check that
45 only authorized compilation units are referenced. *)
47 let check_consistency file_name cu =
48 try
49 List.iter
50 (fun (name, crc) ->
51 if name = cu.cu_name then
52 Consistbl.set !crc_interfaces name crc file_name
53 else if !allow_extension then
54 Consistbl.check !crc_interfaces name crc file_name
55 else
56 Consistbl.check_noadd !crc_interfaces name crc file_name)
57 cu.cu_imports
58 with Consistbl.Inconsistency(name, user, auth) ->
59 raise(Error(Inconsistent_import name))
60 | Consistbl.Not_available(name) ->
61 raise(Error(Unavailable_unit name))
63 (* Empty the crc_interfaces table *)
65 let clear_available_units () =
66 Consistbl.clear !crc_interfaces;
67 allow_extension := false
69 (* Allow only access to the units with the given names *)
71 let allow_only names =
72 Consistbl.filter (fun name -> List.mem name names) !crc_interfaces;
73 allow_extension := false
75 (* Prohibit access to the units with the given names *)
77 let prohibit names =
78 Consistbl.filter (fun name -> not (List.mem name names)) !crc_interfaces;
79 allow_extension := false
81 (* Initialize the crc_interfaces table with a list of units with fixed CRCs *)
83 let add_available_units units =
84 List.iter (fun (unit, crc) -> Consistbl.set !crc_interfaces unit crc "")
85 units
87 (* Default interface CRCs: those found in the current executable *)
88 let default_crcs = ref []
90 let default_available_units () =
91 clear_available_units();
92 add_available_units !default_crcs;
93 allow_extension := true
95 (* Initialize the linker tables and everything *)
97 let init () =
98 default_crcs := Symtable.init_toplevel();
99 default_available_units ()
101 (* Read the CRC of an interface from its .cmi file *)
103 let digest_interface unit loadpath =
104 let filename =
105 let shortname = unit ^ ".cmi" in
107 Misc.find_in_path_uncap loadpath shortname
108 with Not_found ->
109 raise (Error(File_not_found shortname)) in
110 let ic = open_in_bin filename in
112 let buffer = String.create (String.length Config.cmi_magic_number) in
113 really_input ic buffer 0 (String.length Config.cmi_magic_number);
114 if buffer <> Config.cmi_magic_number then begin
115 close_in ic;
116 raise(Error(Corrupted_interface filename))
117 end;
118 ignore (input_value ic);
119 let crc =
120 match input_value ic with
121 (_, crc) :: _ -> crc
122 | _ -> raise(Error(Corrupted_interface filename))
124 close_in ic;
126 with End_of_file | Failure _ ->
127 close_in ic;
128 raise(Error(Corrupted_interface filename))
130 (* Initialize the crc_interfaces table with a list of units.
131 Their CRCs are read from their interfaces. *)
133 let add_interfaces units loadpath =
134 add_available_units
135 ( (fun unit -> (unit, digest_interface unit loadpath)) units)
137 (* Check whether the object file being loaded was compiled in unsafe mode *)
139 let unsafe_allowed = ref false
141 let allow_unsafe_modules b =
142 unsafe_allowed := b
144 let check_unsafe_module cu =
145 if (not !unsafe_allowed) && cu.cu_primitives <> []
146 then raise(Error(Unsafe_file))
148 (* Load in-core and execute a bytecode object file *)
150 let load_compunit ic file_name compunit =
151 check_consistency file_name compunit;
152 check_unsafe_module compunit;
153 seek_in ic compunit.cu_pos;
154 let code_size = compunit.cu_codesize + 8 in
155 let code = Meta.static_alloc code_size in
156 unsafe_really_input ic code 0 compunit.cu_codesize;
157 String.unsafe_set code compunit.cu_codesize (Char.chr Opcodes.opRETURN);
158 String.unsafe_set code (compunit.cu_codesize + 1) '\000';
159 String.unsafe_set code (compunit.cu_codesize + 2) '\000';
160 String.unsafe_set code (compunit.cu_codesize + 3) '\000';
161 String.unsafe_set code (compunit.cu_codesize + 4) '\001';
162 String.unsafe_set code (compunit.cu_codesize + 5) '\000';
163 String.unsafe_set code (compunit.cu_codesize + 6) '\000';
164 String.unsafe_set code (compunit.cu_codesize + 7) '\000';
165 let initial_symtable = Symtable.current_state() in
166 begin try
167 Symtable.patch_object code compunit.cu_reloc;
168 Symtable.check_global_initialized compunit.cu_reloc;
169 Symtable.update_global_table()
170 with Symtable.Error error ->
171 let new_error =
172 match error with
173 Symtable.Undefined_global s -> Undefined_global s
174 | Symtable.Unavailable_primitive s -> Unavailable_primitive s
175 | Symtable.Uninitialized_global s -> Uninitialized_global s
176 | _ -> assert false in
177 raise(Error(Linking_error (file_name, new_error)))
178 end;
179 begin try
180 ignore((Meta.reify_bytecode code code_size) ())
181 with exn ->
182 Symtable.restore_state initial_symtable;
183 raise exn
186 let loadfile file_name =
187 let ic = open_in_bin file_name in
189 let buffer = String.create (String.length Config.cmo_magic_number) in
190 really_input ic buffer 0 (String.length Config.cmo_magic_number);
191 if buffer = Config.cmo_magic_number then begin
192 let compunit_pos = input_binary_int ic in (* Go to descriptor *)
193 seek_in ic compunit_pos;
194 load_compunit ic file_name (input_value ic : compilation_unit)
195 end else
196 if buffer = Config.cma_magic_number then begin
197 let toc_pos = input_binary_int ic in (* Go to table of contents *)
198 seek_in ic toc_pos;
199 let lib = (input_value ic : library) in
200 begin try
201 Dll.open_dlls Dll.For_execution
202 ( Dll.extract_dll_name lib.lib_dllibs)
203 with Failure reason ->
204 raise(Error(Cannot_open_dll reason))
205 end;
206 List.iter (load_compunit ic file_name) lib.lib_units
207 end else
208 raise(Error(Not_a_bytecode_file file_name));
209 close_in ic
210 with exc ->
211 close_in ic; raise exc
213 let loadfile_private file_name =
214 let initial_symtable = Symtable.current_state()
215 and initial_crc = !crc_interfaces in
217 loadfile file_name;
218 Symtable.hide_additions initial_symtable;
219 crc_interfaces := initial_crc
220 with exn ->
221 Symtable.hide_additions initial_symtable;
222 crc_interfaces := initial_crc;
223 raise exn
225 (* Error report *)
227 let error_message = function
228 Not_a_bytecode_file name ->
229 name ^ " is not a bytecode object file"
230 | Inconsistent_import name ->
231 "interface mismatch on " ^ name
232 | Unavailable_unit name ->
233 "no implementation available for " ^ name
234 | Unsafe_file ->
235 "this object file uses unsafe features"
236 | Linking_error (name, Undefined_global s) ->
237 "error while linking " ^ name ^ ".\n" ^
238 "Reference to undefined global `" ^ s ^ "'"
239 | Linking_error (name, Unavailable_primitive s) ->
240 "error while linking " ^ name ^ ".\n" ^
241 "The external function `" ^ s ^ "' is not available"
242 | Linking_error (name, Uninitialized_global s) ->
243 "error while linking " ^ name ^ ".\n" ^
244 "The module `" ^ s ^ "' is not yet initialized"
245 | Corrupted_interface name ->
246 "corrupted interface file " ^ name
247 | File_not_found name ->
248 "cannot find file " ^ name ^ " in search path"
249 | Cannot_open_dll reason ->
250 "error loading shared library: " ^ reason