Module of module types for OrderedType,ComparableType,Printable,Serializable,Discrete...
[ocaml.git] / ocamlbuild /
1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* ocamlbuild *)
3 (* *)
4 (* Nicolas Pouillard, Berke Durak, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
5 (* *)
6 (* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
7 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
8 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
9 (* *)
10 (***********************************************************************)
12 (* $Id$ *)
13 (* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *)
14 open My_std
15 open Format
16 open Log
17 open Pathname.Operators
19 module Resources = Set.Make(Pathname)
21 let print = Pathname.print
23 let equal = (=)
24 let compare = compare
26 let in_source_dir p =
27 if Pathname.is_implicit p then Pathname.pwd/p else invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "in_source_dir: %S" p)
29 let in_build_dir p =
30 if Pathname.is_relative p then p
31 else invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "in_build_dir: %S" p)
33 let clean_up_links entry =
34 if not !Options.make_links then entry else
35 Slurp.filter begin fun path name _ ->
36 let pathname = in_source_dir (path/name) in
37 if Pathname.link_to_dir pathname !Options.build_dir then
38 let z = Pathname.readlink pathname in
39 (* Here is one exception where one can use Sys.file_exists directly *)
40 (if not (Sys.file_exists z) then
41 Shell.rm pathname; false)
42 else true
43 end entry
45 let clean_up_link_to_build () =
46 Options.entry := Some(clean_up_links (the !Options.entry))
48 let source_dir_path_set_without_links_to_build =
49 lazy begin
50 clean_up_link_to_build ();
51 Slurp.fold (fun path name _ -> StringSet.add (path/name))
52 (the !Options.entry) StringSet.empty
53 end
55 let clean_links () =
56 if !*My_unix.is_degraded then
58 else
59 ignore (clean_up_link_to_build ())
61 let exists_in_source_dir p =
62 if !*My_unix.is_degraded then sys_file_exists (in_source_dir p)
63 else StringSet.mem p !*source_dir_path_set_without_links_to_build
65 let clean p = Shell.rm_f p
67 module Cache = struct
69 let clean () = Shell.chdir Pathname.pwd; Shell.rm_rf !Options.build_dir
71 type knowledge =
72 | Yes
73 | No
74 | Unknown
76 type suspension = (Command.t * (unit -> unit))
78 type build_status =
79 | Bbuilt
80 | Bcannot_be_built
81 | Bnot_built_yet
82 | Bsuspension of suspension
84 type cache_entry =
85 { mutable built : build_status;
86 mutable changed : knowledge;
87 mutable dependencies : Resources.t }
89 let empty () =
90 { built = Bnot_built_yet;
91 changed = Unknown;
92 dependencies = Resources.empty }
94 let print_knowledge f =
95 function
96 | Yes -> pp_print_string f "Yes"
97 | No -> pp_print_string f "No"
98 | Unknown -> pp_print_string f "Unknown"
100 let print_build_status f =
101 function
102 | Bbuilt -> pp_print_string f "Bbuilt"
103 | Bnot_built_yet -> pp_print_string f "Bnot_built_yet"
104 | Bcannot_be_built -> pp_print_string f "Bcannot_be_built"
105 | Bsuspension(cmd, _) ->
106 fprintf f "@[<2>Bsuspension(%a,@ (<fun> : unit -> unit))@]" Command.print cmd
108 let print_cache_entry f e =
109 fprintf f "@[<2>{ @[<2>built =@ %a@];@ @[<2>changed =@ %a@];@ @[<2>dependencies =@ %a@]@ }@]"
110 print_build_status e.built print_knowledge e.changed Resources.print e.dependencies
112 let cache = Hashtbl.create 103
114 let get r =
115 try Hashtbl.find cache r
116 with Not_found ->
117 let cache_entry = empty () in
118 Hashtbl.add cache r cache_entry; cache_entry
120 let fold_cache f x = Hashtbl.fold f cache x
122 let print_cache f () =
123 fprintf f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>{:";
124 fold_cache begin fun k v () ->
125 fprintf f "@ @[<2>%a =>@ %a@];" print k print_cache_entry v
126 end ();
127 fprintf f "@]:}@]"
129 let print_graph f () =
130 fprintf f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>{:";
131 fold_cache begin fun k v () ->
132 if not (Resources.is_empty v.dependencies) then
133 fprintf f "@ @[<2>%a =>@ %a@];" print k Resources.print v.dependencies
134 end ();
135 fprintf f "@]@ :}@]"
137 let resource_changed r =
138 dprintf 10 "resource_changed:@ %a" print r;
139 (get r).changed <- Yes
141 let external_is_up_to_date absolute_path =
142 let key = "Resource: " ^ absolute_path in
143 let digest = Digest.file absolute_path in
144 let is_up_to_date =
146 let digest' = Digest_cache.get key in
147 digest = digest'
148 with Not_found ->
149 false
151 is_up_to_date || (Digest_cache.put key digest; false)
153 let source_is_up_to_date r_in_source_dir r_in_build_dir =
154 let key = "Resource: " ^ r_in_source_dir in
155 let digest = Digest.file r_in_source_dir in
156 let r_is_up_to_date =
157 Pathname.exists r_in_build_dir &&
159 let digest' = Digest_cache.get key in
160 digest = digest'
161 with Not_found ->
162 false
164 r_is_up_to_date || (Digest_cache.put key digest; false)
166 let prod_is_up_to_date p =
167 let x = in_build_dir p in
168 not (exists_in_source_dir p) || Pathname.exists x && Pathname.same_contents x (in_source_dir p)
170 let rec resource_has_changed r =
171 let cache_entry = get r in
172 match cache_entry.changed with
173 | Yes -> true
174 | No -> false
175 | Unknown ->
176 let res =
177 match cache_entry.built with
178 | Bbuilt -> false
179 | Bsuspension _ -> assert false
180 | Bcannot_be_built -> false
181 | Bnot_built_yet -> not (prod_is_up_to_date r) in
182 let () = cache_entry.changed <- if res then Yes else No in res
184 let resource_state r = (get r).built
186 let resource_built r = (get r).built <- Bbuilt
188 let resource_failed r = (get r).built <- Bcannot_be_built
190 let import_in_build_dir r =
191 let cache_entry = get r in
192 let r_in_build_dir = in_build_dir r in
193 let r_in_source_dir = in_source_dir r in
194 if source_is_up_to_date r_in_source_dir r_in_build_dir then begin
195 dprintf 5 "%a exists and up to date" print r;
196 end else begin
197 dprintf 5 "%a exists in source dir -> import it" print r;
198 Shell.mkdir_p (Pathname.dirname r);
199 Pathname.copy r_in_source_dir r_in_build_dir;
200 cache_entry.changed <- Yes;
201 end;
202 cache_entry.built <- Bbuilt
204 let suspend_resource r cmd kont prods =
205 let cache_entry = get r in
206 match cache_entry.built with
207 | Bsuspension _ -> ()
208 | Bbuilt -> ()
209 | Bcannot_be_built -> assert false
210 | Bnot_built_yet ->
211 let kont = begin fun () ->
212 kont ();
213 List.iter begin fun prod ->
214 (get prod).built <- Bbuilt
215 end prods
216 end in cache_entry.built <- Bsuspension(cmd, kont)
218 let resume_suspension (cmd, kont) =
219 Command.execute cmd;
220 kont ()
222 let resume_resource r =
223 let cache_entry = get r in
224 match cache_entry.built with
225 | Bsuspension(s) -> resume_suspension s
226 | Bbuilt -> ()
227 | Bcannot_be_built -> ()
228 | Bnot_built_yet -> ()
230 let get_optional_resource_suspension r =
231 match (get r).built with
232 | Bsuspension cmd_kont -> Some cmd_kont
233 | Bbuilt | Bcannot_be_built | Bnot_built_yet -> None
235 let clear_resource_failed r = (get r).built <- Bnot_built_yet
237 let dependencies r = (get r).dependencies
239 let fold_dependencies f =
240 fold_cache (fun k v -> Resources.fold (f k) v.dependencies)
242 let add_dependency r s =
243 let cache_entry = get r in
244 cache_entry.dependencies <- Resources.add s cache_entry.dependencies
246 let print_dependencies = print_graph
250 let digest p =
251 let f = Pathname.to_string (in_build_dir p) in
252 let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
253 Buffer.add_string buf f;
254 (if sys_file_exists f then Buffer.add_string buf (Digest.file f));
255 Digest.string (Buffer.contents buf)
257 let exists_in_build_dir p = Pathname.exists (in_build_dir p)
260 type env = string
262 let split_percent s =
264 let pos = String.index s '%' in
265 Some (String.before s pos, String.after s (pos + 1))
266 with Not_found -> None
268 let extract prefix suffix s =
269 let lprefix = String.length prefix in
270 let lsuffix = String.length suffix in
271 let ls = String.length s in
272 if lprefix + lsuffix > ls then None else
273 let s' = String.sub s lprefix (ls - lsuffix - lprefix) in
274 if equal (prefix ^ s' ^ suffix) s then Some s' else None
276 let matchit r1 r2 =
277 match split_percent r1 with
278 | Some (x, y) -> extract x y r2
279 | _ -> if equal r1 r2 then Some "" else None
281 let rec subst percent r =
282 match split_percent r with
283 | Some (x, y) -> x ^ percent ^ y
284 | _ -> r
286 let print_env = pp_print_string
289 (* Should normalize *)
290 let import x = Pathname.normalize x
292 module MetaPath : sig
294 type t
295 type env
297 val mk : (bool * string) -> t
298 val matchit : t -> string -> env option
299 val subst : env -> t -> string
300 val print_env : Format.formatter -> env -> unit
302 end = struct
303 open Glob_ast
305 type atoms = A of string | V of string * Glob.globber
306 type t = atoms list
307 type env = (string * string) list
309 exception No_solution
311 let mk (pattern_allowed, s) = begin function
312 | `Var(var_name, globber) -> V(var_name, globber)
313 | `Word s -> A s
314 end (Lexers.path_scheme pattern_allowed (Lexing.from_string s))
316 let mk = memo mk
318 let match_prefix s pos prefix =
319 match String.contains_string s pos prefix with
320 | Some(pos') -> if pos = pos' then pos' + String.length prefix else raise No_solution
321 | None -> raise No_solution
323 let matchit p s =
324 let sl = String.length s in
325 let rec loop xs pos acc delta =
326 match xs with
327 | [] -> if pos = sl then acc else raise No_solution
328 | A prefix :: xs -> loop xs (match_prefix s pos prefix) acc 0
329 | V(var, patt) :: A s2 :: xs' ->
330 begin match String.contains_string s (pos + delta) s2 with
331 | Some(pos') ->
332 let matched = String.sub s pos (pos' - pos) in
333 if Glob.eval patt matched
334 then
335 try loop xs' (pos' + String.length s2) ((var, matched) :: acc) 0
336 with No_solution -> loop xs pos acc (pos' - pos + 1)
337 else loop xs pos acc (pos' - pos + 1)
338 | None -> raise No_solution
340 | [V(var, patt)] ->
341 let matched = String.sub s pos (sl - pos) in
342 if Glob.eval patt matched then (var, matched) :: acc else raise No_solution
343 | V _ :: _ -> assert false
345 try Some (loop p 0 [] 0)
346 with No_solution -> None
348 let pp_opt pp_elt f =
349 function
350 | None -> pp_print_string f "None"
351 | Some x -> Format.fprintf f "Some(%a)" pp_elt x
353 let print_env f env =
354 List.iter begin fun (k, v) ->
355 if k = "" then Format.fprintf f "%%=%s " v
356 else Format.fprintf f "%%(%s)=%s " k v
357 end env
359 (* let matchit p s =
360 let res = matchit p s in
361 Format.eprintf "matchit %S %S = %a@." p s (pp_opt print_env) res;
364 let _ = begin
365 assert (matchit "%(path)lib%(libname).a" "libfoo.a" <> None);
366 assert (matchit "%(path)lib%(libname).a" "path/libfoo.a" <> None);
367 assert (matchit "libfoo.a" "libfoo.a" <> None);
368 assert (matchit "lib%(libname).a" "libfoo.a" <> None);
369 assert (matchit "%(path)libfoo.a" "path/libfoo.a" <> None);
370 assert (matchit "foo%" "foobar" <> None);
371 exit 42
372 end;; *)
374 let subst env s =
375 String.concat "" begin
376 begin fun x ->
377 match x with
378 | A atom -> atom
379 | V(var, _) -> List.assoc var env
380 end s
384 type env = MetaPath.env
385 type resource_pattern = (Pathname.t * MetaPath.t)
387 let print_pattern f (x, _) = Pathname.print f x
389 let import_pattern x = x, (true, x)
390 let matchit (_, p) x = MetaPath.matchit p x
392 let subst env s = MetaPath.subst env ( (false, s))
393 let subst_any env s = MetaPath.subst env ( (true, s))
394 let subst_pattern env (_, p) = MetaPath.subst env p
396 let print_env = MetaPath.print_env