Module of module types for OrderedType,ComparableType,Printable,Serializable,Discrete...
[ocaml.git] / ocamlbuild /
1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* ocamlbuild *)
3 (* *)
4 (* Nicolas Pouillard, Berke Durak, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
5 (* *)
6 (* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
7 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
8 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
9 (* *)
10 (***********************************************************************)
12 (* $Id:,v 2007-11-21 20:55:26 ertai Exp $ *)
13 (* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *)
14 open My_std
15 open Command
16 open Pathname.Operators
17 let () = Log.level := -1000
19 let usage () =
20 Format.eprintf "Usage: %s <preprocess-command> <preprocess-args>@." Sys.argv.(0);
21 exit 4
23 let () = if Array.length Sys.argv < 2 then usage ()
25 let args = (Array.to_list Sys.argv)
27 let buf = Buffer.create 2048
29 let digest_file file =
30 Buffer.add_string buf (Digest.file file)
31 let digest_string string =
32 Buffer.add_string buf (Digest.string string)
34 let search_in_path x =
35 if Sys.file_exists x then x else
36 try search_in_path x
37 with Not_found -> (Format.eprintf "Command not found %s@." x; exit 3)
39 let cmd =
40 match args with
41 | ocamlrun :: x :: _ when String.contains_string ocamlrun 0 "ocamlrun" <> None ->
42 digest_file (search_in_path ocamlrun); x
43 | x :: _ -> x
44 | _ -> usage ()
46 let output = ref ""
48 let () = digest_file (search_in_path cmd)
50 let rec loop =
51 function
52 | [] -> Digest.string (Buffer.contents buf)
53 | ("-impl"|"-intf") :: x :: xs ->
54 digest_string x; digest_file x; loop xs
55 | "-o" :: x :: xs ->
56 output := x; loop xs
57 | x :: xs ->
58 let ext = Pathname.get_extension x in
59 digest_string x;
60 (match ext with
61 | "cmo" | "cma" | "ml" | "mli" -> digest_file x
62 | _ -> ());
63 loop xs
65 let digest = loop args;;
67 let cache_dir = "/tmp/ppcache";; (* FIXME *)
69 let () = Shell.mkdir_p cache_dir;;
71 let path = cache_dir/(Digest.to_hex digest);;
73 let cat path = with_input_file ~bin:true path (fun ic -> copy_chan ic stdout);;
75 if sys_file_exists path then
76 if !output = "" then
77 cat path
78 else
79 Shell.cp path !output
80 else
81 let cmd = atomize args in
82 if !output = "" then begin
83 let tmp = path^".tmp" in
84 Command.execute (Cmd(S[cmd; Sh ">"; A tmp]));
85 tmp path;
86 cat path
87 end else begin
88 Command.execute (Cmd cmd);
89 Shell.cp !output path
90 end