2 * Add rules for producing .recdepends from .ml, .mli, .mllib, .mlpack
3 * Produce a dependency subgraph when failing on circular deps (e.g. "A: B C\nB: D")
4 * Executor: exceptional conditions and Not_found
6 * Design a nice, friendly, future-proof plugin (myocamlbuild) API
7 * Ocamlbuild should keep track of files removed from the source directory, e.g.,
8 removing a .mli should be mirrored in the _build directory.
14 * Fine control for hygiene using a glob pattern (command line option + tag)
15 => the command line option is todo.
16 -tag "<glob1> or <glob2> ..." "tag1, -tag2, ..."
19 * Config file for options => no since myocamlbuild is sufficent
20 * Optimize MD5 (Daemon ? Dnotify ?) : too much hassle for little gain
23 * Fix uncaught exception handler to play well with the Display module
24 * Finish display before executing target
25 * Slurp: in a directory read files, before subdirs (to have _tags before foo/_tags)
27 * Add ocamldoc rules (use .odoc extension)
28 * Add .inferred.mli target rules
29 * -- with no args does not call the executable
30 * Complain when used with -- and no target
31 * dep ["ocaml"; "link"; "use_foo"] ["foo/foo.o"] tags for adding targets
32 * Ensure that _build and _log are not created if not needed (with -help for
34 * Display: should display nothing (even when finish is called) when no real
36 * Have some option to draw tags/rules that applies on a target (it's -show-tags).
37 * rm sanitize.sh during -clean
38 * rm sanitize.sh when running ocamlbuild
39 * Export my_unix_with_unix and executor (and change its name)