Module of module types for OrderedType,ComparableType,Printable,Serializable,Discrete...
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1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* *)
3 (* Objective Caml *)
4 (* *)
5 (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
6 (* *)
7 (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
8 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
9 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
10 (* *)
11 (***********************************************************************)
13 (* $Id$ *)
15 (* Insertion of moves to suggest possible spilling / reloading points
16 before register allocation. *)
18 open Reg
19 open Mach
21 (* We say that a register is "destroyed" if it is live across a construct
22 that potentially destroys all physical registers: function calls or
23 try...with constructs.
25 The "destroyed" registers must therefore reside in the stack during
26 these instructions.. We will insert spills (stores) just after they
27 are defined, and reloads just before their first use following a
28 "destroying" construct.
30 Instructions with more live registers than actual registers also
31 "destroy" registers: we mark as "destroyed" the registers live
32 across the instruction that haven't been used for the longest time.
33 These registers will be spilled and reloaded as described above. *)
35 (* Association of spill registers to registers *)
37 let spill_env = ref (Reg.Map.empty : Reg.t Reg.Map.t)
39 let spill_reg r =
40 try
41 Reg.Map.find r !spill_env
42 with Not_found ->
43 let spill_r = Reg.create r.typ in
44 spill_r.spill <- true;
45 if String.length > 0 then <- "spilled-" ^;
46 spill_env := Reg.Map.add r spill_r !spill_env;
47 spill_r
49 (* Record the position of last use of registers *)
51 let use_date = ref (Reg.Map.empty : int Reg.Map.t)
52 let current_date = ref 0
54 let record_use regv =
55 for i = 0 to Array.length regv - 1 do
56 let r = regv.(i) in
57 let prev_date = try Reg.Map.find r !use_date with Not_found -> 0 in
58 if !current_date > prev_date then
59 use_date := Reg.Map.add r !current_date !use_date
60 done
62 (* Check if the register pressure overflows the maximum pressure allowed
63 at that point. If so, spill enough registers to lower the pressure. *)
65 let add_superpressure_regs op live_regs res_regs spilled =
66 let max_pressure = Proc.max_register_pressure op in
67 let regs = Reg.add_set_array live_regs res_regs in
68 (* Compute the pressure in each register class *)
69 let pressure = Array.create Proc.num_register_classes 0 in
70 Reg.Set.iter
71 (fun r ->
72 if Reg.Set.mem r spilled then () else begin
73 match r.loc with
74 Stack s -> ()
75 | _ -> let c = Proc.register_class r in
76 pressure.(c) <- pressure.(c) + 1
77 end)
78 regs;
79 (* Check if pressure is exceeded for each class. *)
80 let rec check_pressure cl spilled =
81 if cl >= Proc.num_register_classes then
82 spilled
83 else if pressure.(cl) <= max_pressure.(cl) then
84 check_pressure (cl+1) spilled
85 else begin
86 (* Find the least recently used, unspilled, unallocated, live register
87 in the class *)
88 let lru_date = ref 1000000 and lru_reg = ref Reg.dummy in
89 Reg.Set.iter
90 (fun r ->
91 if Proc.register_class r = cl &&
92 not (Reg.Set.mem r spilled) &&
93 r.loc = Unknown
94 then begin
95 try
96 let d = Reg.Map.find r !use_date in
97 if d < !lru_date then begin
98 lru_date := d;
99 lru_reg := r
101 with Not_found -> (* Should not happen *)
103 end)
104 live_regs;
105 if !lru_reg != Reg.dummy then begin
106 pressure.(cl) <- pressure.(cl) - 1;
107 check_pressure cl (Reg.Set.add !lru_reg spilled)
108 end else
109 (* Couldn't find any spillable register, give up for this class *)
110 check_pressure (cl+1) spilled
111 end in
112 check_pressure 0 spilled
114 (* A-list recording what is destroyed at if-then-else points. *)
116 let destroyed_at_fork = ref ([] : (instruction * Reg.Set.t) list)
118 (* First pass: insert reload instructions based on an approximation of
119 what is destroyed at pressure points. *)
121 let add_reloads regset i =
122 Reg.Set.fold
123 (fun r i -> instr_cons (Iop Ireload) [|spill_reg r|] [|r|] i)
124 regset i
126 let reload_at_exit = ref []
128 let find_reload_at_exit k =
130 List.assoc k !reload_at_exit
131 with
132 | Not_found -> Misc.fatal_error "Spill.find_reload_at_exit"
134 let reload_at_break = ref Reg.Set.empty
136 let rec reload i before =
137 incr current_date;
138 record_use i.arg;
139 record_use i.res;
140 match i.desc with
141 Iend ->
142 (i, before)
143 | Ireturn | Iop(Itailcall_ind) | Iop(Itailcall_imm _) ->
144 (add_reloads (Reg.inter_set_array before i.arg) i,
145 Reg.Set.empty)
146 | Iop(Icall_ind | Icall_imm _ | Iextcall(_, true)) ->
147 (* All regs live across must be spilled *)
148 let (new_next, finally) = reload in
149 (add_reloads (Reg.inter_set_array before i.arg)
150 (instr_cons_debug i.desc i.arg i.res i.dbg new_next),
151 finally)
152 | Iop op ->
153 let new_before =
154 (* Quick check to see if the register pressure is below the maximum *)
155 if Reg.Set.cardinal + Array.length i.res <=
156 Proc.safe_register_pressure op
157 then before
158 else add_superpressure_regs op i.res before in
159 let after =
160 Reg.diff_set_array (Reg.diff_set_array new_before i.arg) i.res in
161 let (new_next, finally) = reload after in
162 (add_reloads (Reg.inter_set_array new_before i.arg)
163 (instr_cons_debug i.desc i.arg i.res i.dbg new_next),
164 finally)
165 | Iifthenelse(test, ifso, ifnot) ->
166 let at_fork = Reg.diff_set_array before i.arg in
167 let date_fork = !current_date in
168 let (new_ifso, after_ifso) = reload ifso at_fork in
169 let date_ifso = !current_date in
170 current_date := date_fork;
171 let (new_ifnot, after_ifnot) = reload ifnot at_fork in
172 current_date := max date_ifso !current_date;
173 let (new_next, finally) =
174 reload (Reg.Set.union after_ifso after_ifnot) in
175 let new_i =
176 instr_cons (Iifthenelse(test, new_ifso, new_ifnot))
177 i.arg i.res new_next in
178 destroyed_at_fork := (new_i, at_fork) :: !destroyed_at_fork;
179 (add_reloads (Reg.inter_set_array before i.arg) new_i,
180 finally)
181 | Iswitch(index, cases) ->
182 let at_fork = Reg.diff_set_array before i.arg in
183 let date_fork = !current_date in
184 let date_join = ref 0 in
185 let after_cases = ref Reg.Set.empty in
186 let new_cases =
188 (fun c ->
189 current_date := date_fork;
190 let (new_c, after_c) = reload c at_fork in
191 after_cases := Reg.Set.union !after_cases after_c;
192 date_join := max !date_join !current_date;
193 new_c)
194 cases in
195 current_date := !date_join;
196 let (new_next, finally) = reload !after_cases in
197 (add_reloads (Reg.inter_set_array before i.arg)
198 (instr_cons (Iswitch(index, new_cases))
199 i.arg i.res new_next),
200 finally)
201 | Iloop(body) ->
202 let date_start = !current_date in
203 let at_head = ref before in
204 let final_body = ref body in
205 begin try
206 while true do
207 current_date := date_start;
208 let (new_body, new_at_head) = reload body !at_head in
209 let merged_at_head = Reg.Set.union !at_head new_at_head in
210 if Reg.Set.equal merged_at_head !at_head then begin
211 final_body := new_body;
212 raise Exit
213 end;
214 at_head := merged_at_head
215 done
216 with Exit -> ()
217 end;
218 let (new_next, finally) = reload Reg.Set.empty in
219 (instr_cons (Iloop(!final_body)) i.arg i.res new_next,
220 finally)
221 | Icatch(nfail, body, handler) ->
222 let new_set = ref Reg.Set.empty in
223 reload_at_exit := (nfail, new_set) :: !reload_at_exit ;
224 let (new_body, after_body) = reload body before in
225 let at_exit = !new_set in
226 reload_at_exit := !reload_at_exit ;
227 let (new_handler, after_handler) = reload handler at_exit in
228 let (new_next, finally) =
229 reload (Reg.Set.union after_body after_handler) in
230 (instr_cons (Icatch(nfail, new_body, new_handler)) i.arg i.res new_next,
231 finally)
232 | Iexit nfail ->
233 let set = find_reload_at_exit nfail in
234 set := Reg.Set.union !set before;
235 (i, Reg.Set.empty)
236 | Itrywith(body, handler) ->
237 let (new_body, after_body) = reload body before in
238 let (new_handler, after_handler) = reload handler in
239 let (new_next, finally) =
240 reload (Reg.Set.union after_body after_handler) in
241 (instr_cons (Itrywith(new_body, new_handler)) i.arg i.res new_next,
242 finally)
243 | Iraise ->
244 (add_reloads (Reg.inter_set_array before i.arg) i, Reg.Set.empty)
246 (* Second pass: add spill instructions based on what we've decided to reload.
247 That is, any register that may be reloaded in the future must be spilled
248 just after its definition. *)
251 As an optimization, if a register needs to be spilled in one branch of
252 a conditional but not in the other, then we spill it late on entrance
253 in the branch that needs it spilled.
254 NB: This strategy is turned off in loops, as it may prevent a spill from
255 being lifted up all the way out of the loop.
256 NB again: This strategy is also off in switch arms
257 as it generates many useless spills inside switch arms
258 NB ter: is it the same thing for catch bodies ?
262 let spill_at_exit = ref []
263 let find_spill_at_exit k =
265 List.assoc k !spill_at_exit
266 with
267 | Not_found -> Misc.fatal_error "Spill.find_spill_at_exit"
269 let spill_at_raise = ref Reg.Set.empty
270 let inside_loop = ref false
271 and inside_arm = ref false
272 and inside_catch = ref false
274 let add_spills regset i =
275 Reg.Set.fold
276 (fun r i -> instr_cons (Iop Ispill) [|r|] [|spill_reg r|] i)
277 regset i
279 let rec spill i finally =
280 match i.desc with
281 Iend ->
282 (i, finally)
283 | Ireturn | Iop(Itailcall_ind) | Iop(Itailcall_imm _) ->
284 (i, Reg.Set.empty)
285 | Iop Ireload ->
286 let (new_next, after) = spill finally in
287 let before1 = Reg.diff_set_array after i.res in
288 (instr_cons i.desc i.arg i.res new_next,
289 Reg.add_set_array before1 i.res)
290 | Iop _ ->
291 let (new_next, after) = spill finally in
292 let before1 = Reg.diff_set_array after i.res in
293 let before =
294 match i.desc with
295 Iop Icall_ind | Iop(Icall_imm _) | Iop(Iextcall _)
296 | Iop(Iintop Icheckbound) | Iop(Iintop_imm(Icheckbound, _)) ->
297 Reg.Set.union before1 !spill_at_raise
298 | _ ->
299 before1 in
300 (instr_cons_debug i.desc i.arg i.res i.dbg
301 (add_spills (Reg.inter_set_array after i.res) new_next),
302 before)
303 | Iifthenelse(test, ifso, ifnot) ->
304 let (new_next, at_join) = spill finally in
305 let (new_ifso, before_ifso) = spill ifso at_join in
306 let (new_ifnot, before_ifnot) = spill ifnot at_join in
308 !inside_loop || !inside_arm
309 then
310 (instr_cons (Iifthenelse(test, new_ifso, new_ifnot))
311 i.arg i.res new_next,
312 Reg.Set.union before_ifso before_ifnot)
313 else begin
314 let destroyed = List.assq i !destroyed_at_fork in
315 let spill_ifso_branch =
316 Reg.Set.diff (Reg.Set.diff before_ifso before_ifnot) destroyed
317 and spill_ifnot_branch =
318 Reg.Set.diff (Reg.Set.diff before_ifnot before_ifso) destroyed in
319 (instr_cons
320 (Iifthenelse(test, add_spills spill_ifso_branch new_ifso,
321 add_spills spill_ifnot_branch new_ifnot))
322 i.arg i.res new_next,
323 Reg.Set.diff (Reg.Set.diff (Reg.Set.union before_ifso before_ifnot)
324 spill_ifso_branch)
325 spill_ifnot_branch)
327 | Iswitch(index, cases) ->
328 let (new_next, at_join) = spill finally in
329 let saved_inside_arm = !inside_arm in
330 inside_arm := true ;
331 let before = ref Reg.Set.empty in
332 let new_cases =
334 (fun c ->
335 let (new_c, before_c) = spill c at_join in
336 before := Reg.Set.union !before before_c;
337 new_c)
338 cases in
339 inside_arm := saved_inside_arm ;
340 (instr_cons (Iswitch(index, new_cases)) i.arg i.res new_next,
341 !before)
342 | Iloop(body) ->
343 let (new_next, _) = spill finally in
344 let saved_inside_loop = !inside_loop in
345 inside_loop := true;
346 let at_head = ref Reg.Set.empty in
347 let final_body = ref body in
348 begin try
349 while true do
350 let (new_body, before_body) = spill body !at_head in
351 let new_at_head = Reg.Set.union !at_head before_body in
352 if Reg.Set.equal new_at_head !at_head then begin
353 final_body := new_body; raise Exit
354 end;
355 at_head := new_at_head
356 done
357 with Exit -> ()
358 end;
359 inside_loop := saved_inside_loop;
360 (instr_cons (Iloop(!final_body)) i.arg i.res new_next,
361 !at_head)
362 | Icatch(nfail, body, handler) ->
363 let (new_next, at_join) = spill finally in
364 let (new_handler, at_exit) = spill handler at_join in
365 let saved_inside_catch = !inside_catch in
366 inside_catch := true ;
367 spill_at_exit := (nfail, at_exit) :: !spill_at_exit ;
368 let (new_body, before) = spill body at_join in
369 spill_at_exit := !spill_at_exit;
370 inside_catch := saved_inside_catch ;
371 (instr_cons (Icatch(nfail, new_body, new_handler)) i.arg i.res new_next,
372 before)
373 | Iexit nfail ->
374 (i, find_spill_at_exit nfail)
375 | Itrywith(body, handler) ->
376 let (new_next, at_join) = spill finally in
377 let (new_handler, before_handler) = spill handler at_join in
378 let saved_spill_at_raise = !spill_at_raise in
379 spill_at_raise := before_handler;
380 let (new_body, before_body) = spill body at_join in
381 spill_at_raise := saved_spill_at_raise;
382 (instr_cons (Itrywith(new_body, new_handler)) i.arg i.res new_next,
383 before_body)
384 | Iraise ->
385 (i, !spill_at_raise)
387 (* Entry point *)
389 let fundecl f =
390 spill_env := Reg.Map.empty;
391 use_date := Reg.Map.empty;
392 current_date := 0;
393 let (body1, _) = reload f.fun_body Reg.Set.empty in
394 let (body2, tospill_at_entry) = spill body1 Reg.Set.empty in
395 let new_body =
396 add_spills (Reg.inter_set_array tospill_at_entry f.fun_args) body2 in
397 spill_env := Reg.Map.empty;
398 use_date := Reg.Map.empty;
399 { fun_name = f.fun_name;
400 fun_args = f.fun_args;
401 fun_body = new_body;
402 fun_fast = f.fun_fast }