Sys.Signals module for a Variant type of signals (and a set_signal function that...
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1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* *)
3 (* Objective Caml *)
4 (* *)
5 (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
6 (* *)
7 (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
8 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
9 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
10 (* *)
11 (***********************************************************************)
13 (* $Id$ *)
15 (* Compiling C files and building C libraries *)
17 let command cmdline =
18 if !Clflags.verbose then begin
19 prerr_string "+ ";
20 prerr_string cmdline;
21 prerr_newline()
22 end;
23 Sys.command cmdline
25 let run_command cmdline = ignore(command cmdline)
27 (* Build @responsefile to work around Windows limitations on
28 command-line length *)
29 let build_diversion lst =
30 let (responsefile, oc) = Filename.open_temp_file "camlresp" "" in
31 List.iter
32 (fun f ->
33 if f <> "" then begin
34 output_string oc (Filename.quote f); output_char oc '\n'
35 end)
36 lst;
37 close_out oc;
38 at_exit (fun () -> Misc.remove_file responsefile);
39 "@" ^ responsefile
41 let quote_files lst =
42 let s =
43 String.concat " "
44 ( (fun f -> if f = "" then f else Filename.quote f) lst) in
45 if Sys.os_type = "Win32" && String.length s >= 256
46 then build_diversion lst
47 else s
49 let quote_optfile = function
50 | None -> ""
51 | Some f -> Filename.quote f
53 let compile_file name =
54 command
55 (Printf.sprintf
56 "%s -c %s %s %s %s"
57 !Clflags.c_compiler
58 (String.concat " " (List.rev !Clflags.ccopts))
59 (quote_files
60 (List.rev_map (fun dir -> "-I" ^ dir) !Clflags.include_dirs))
61 (Clflags.std_include_flag "-I")
62 (Filename.quote name))
64 let create_archive archive file_list =
65 Misc.remove_file archive;
66 let quoted_archive = Filename.quote archive in
67 match Config.ccomp_type with
68 "msvc" ->
69 command(Printf.sprintf "link /lib /nologo /out:%s %s"
70 quoted_archive (quote_files file_list))
71 | _ ->
72 let r1 =
73 command(Printf.sprintf "ar rc %s %s"
74 quoted_archive (quote_files file_list)) in
75 if r1 <> 0 || String.length Config.ranlib = 0
76 then r1
77 else command(Config.ranlib ^ " " ^ quoted_archive)
79 let expand_libname name =
80 if String.length name < 2 || String.sub name 0 2 <> "-l"
81 then name
82 else begin
83 let libname =
84 "lib" ^ String.sub name 2 (String.length name - 2) ^ Config.ext_lib in
85 try
86 Misc.find_in_path !Config.load_path libname
87 with Not_found ->
88 libname
89 end
91 (* Handling of msvc's /link options *)
93 let make_link_options optlist =
94 let rec split linkopts otheropts = function
95 | [] -> String.concat " " otheropts
96 ^ " /link /subsystem:console "
97 ^ String.concat " " linkopts
98 | opt :: rem ->
99 if String.length opt >= 5 && String.sub opt 0 5 = "/link"
100 then split (String.sub opt 5 (String.length opt - 5) :: linkopts)
101 otheropts rem
102 else split linkopts (opt :: otheropts) rem
103 in split [] [] optlist
105 (* Handling of Visual C++ 2005 manifest files *)
107 let merge_manifest exefile =
108 let manfile = exefile ^ ".manifest" in
109 if not (Sys.file_exists manfile) then 0 else begin
110 let retcode =
111 command (Printf.sprintf "mt -nologo -outputresource:%s -manifest %s"
112 (Filename.quote exefile)
113 (Filename.quote manfile)) in
114 Misc.remove_file manfile;
115 retcode