Sys.Signals module for a Variant type of signals (and a set_signal function that...
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1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* OCamldoc *)
3 (* *)
4 (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
5 (* *)
6 (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
7 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
8 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
9 (* *)
10 (***********************************************************************)
12 (* $Id$ *)
14 (** Environment for finding complete names from relative names. *)
16 let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline ();;
18 module Name = Odoc_name
20 (** relative name * complete name *)
21 type env_element = Name.t * Name.t
23 type env = {
24 env_values : env_element list ;
25 env_types : env_element list ;
26 env_class_types : env_element list ;
27 env_classes : env_element list ;
28 env_modules : env_element list ;
29 env_module_types : env_element list ;
30 env_exceptions : env_element list ;
33 let empty = {
34 env_values = [] ;
35 env_types = [] ;
36 env_class_types = [] ;
37 env_classes = [] ;
38 env_modules = [] ;
39 env_module_types = [] ;
40 env_exceptions = [] ;
43 (** Add a signature to an environment. *)
44 let rec add_signature env root ?rel signat =
45 let qualify id = Name.concat root (Name.from_ident id) in
46 let rel_name id =
47 let n = Name.from_ident id in
48 match rel with
49 None -> n
50 | Some r -> Name.concat r n
52 let f env item =
53 match item with
54 Types.Tsig_value (ident, _) -> { env with env_values = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env.env_values }
55 | Types.Tsig_type (ident,_,_) -> { env with env_types = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env.env_types }
56 | Types.Tsig_exception (ident, _) -> { env with env_exceptions = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env.env_exceptions }
57 | Types.Tsig_module (ident, modtype, _) ->
58 let env2 =
59 match modtype with (* A VOIR : le cas où c'est un identificateur, dans ce cas on n'a pas de signature *)
60 Types.Tmty_signature s -> add_signature env (qualify ident) ~rel: (rel_name ident) s
61 | _ -> env
63 { env2 with env_modules = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env2.env_modules }
64 | Types.Tsig_modtype (ident, modtype_decl) ->
65 let env2 =
66 match modtype_decl with
67 Types.Tmodtype_abstract ->
68 env
69 | Types.Tmodtype_manifest modtype ->
70 match modtype with
71 (* A VOIR : le cas où c'est un identificateur, dans ce cas on n'a pas de signature *)
72 Types.Tmty_signature s -> add_signature env (qualify ident) ~rel: (rel_name ident) s
73 | _ -> env
75 { env2 with env_module_types = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env2.env_module_types }
76 | Types.Tsig_class (ident, _, _) -> { env with env_classes = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env.env_classes }
77 | Types.Tsig_cltype (ident, _, _) -> { env with env_class_types = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env.env_class_types }
79 List.fold_left f env signat
81 let add_exception env full_name =
82 let simple_name = Name.simple full_name in
83 { env with env_exceptions = (simple_name, full_name) :: env.env_exceptions }
85 let add_type env full_name =
86 let simple_name = Name.simple full_name in
87 { env with env_types = (simple_name, full_name) :: env.env_types }
89 let add_value env full_name =
90 let simple_name = Name.simple full_name in
91 { env with env_values = (simple_name, full_name) :: env.env_values }
93 let add_module env full_name =
94 let simple_name = Name.simple full_name in
95 { env with env_modules = (simple_name, full_name) :: env.env_modules }
97 let add_module_type env full_name =
98 let simple_name = Name.simple full_name in
99 { env with env_module_types = (simple_name, full_name) :: env.env_module_types }
101 let add_class env full_name =
102 let simple_name = Name.simple full_name in
103 { env with
104 env_classes = (simple_name, full_name) :: env.env_classes ;
105 (* we also add a type 'cause the class name may appear as a type *)
106 env_types = (simple_name, full_name) :: env.env_types
109 let add_class_type env full_name =
110 let simple_name = Name.simple full_name in
111 { env with
112 env_class_types = (simple_name, full_name) :: env.env_class_types ;
113 (* we also add a type 'cause the class type name may appear as a type *)
114 env_types = (simple_name, full_name) :: env.env_types
117 let full_module_name env n =
118 try List.assoc n env.env_modules
119 with Not_found ->
120 print_DEBUG ("Module "^n^" not found with env=");
121 List.iter (fun (sn, fn) -> print_DEBUG ("("^sn^", "^fn^")")) env.env_modules;
124 let full_module_type_name env n =
125 try List.assoc n env.env_module_types
126 with Not_found ->
127 print_DEBUG ("Module "^n^" not found with env=");
128 List.iter (fun (sn, fn) -> print_DEBUG ("("^sn^", "^fn^")")) env.env_modules;
131 let full_module_or_module_type_name env n =
132 try List.assoc n env.env_modules
133 with Not_found -> full_module_type_name env n
135 let full_type_name env n =
136 try
137 let full = List.assoc n env.env_types in
138 (** print_string ("type "^n^" is "^full);
139 print_newline ();*)
140 full
141 with Not_found ->
142 (** print_string ("type "^n^" not found");
143 print_newline ();*)
146 let full_value_name env n =
147 try List.assoc n env.env_values
148 with Not_found -> n
150 let full_exception_name env n =
151 try List.assoc n env.env_exceptions
152 with Not_found ->
153 print_DEBUG ("Exception "^n^" not found with env=");
154 List.iter (fun (sn, fn) -> print_DEBUG ("("^sn^", "^fn^")")) env.env_exceptions;
157 let full_class_name env n =
158 try List.assoc n env.env_classes
159 with Not_found ->
160 print_DEBUG ("Class "^n^" not found with env=");
161 List.iter (fun (sn, fn) -> print_DEBUG ("("^sn^", "^fn^")")) env.env_classes;
164 let full_class_type_name env n =
165 try List.assoc n env.env_class_types
166 with Not_found ->
167 print_DEBUG ("Class type "^n^" not found with env=");
168 List.iter (fun (sn, fn) -> print_DEBUG ("("^sn^", "^fn^")")) env.env_class_types;
171 let full_class_or_class_type_name env n =
172 try List.assoc n env.env_classes
173 with Not_found -> full_class_type_name env n
175 let print_env_types env =
176 List.iter (fun (s1,s2) -> Printf.printf "%s = %s\n" s1 s2) env.env_types
178 let subst_type env t =
180 print_string "Odoc_env.subst_type\n";
181 print_env_types env ;
182 print_newline ();
184 Printtyp.mark_loops t;
185 let deja_vu = ref [] in
186 let rec iter t =
187 if List.memq t !deja_vu then () else begin
188 deja_vu := t :: !deja_vu;
189 Btype.iter_type_expr iter t;
190 match t.Types.desc with
191 | Types.Tconstr (p, [ty], a) when Path.same p Predef.path_option ->
193 | Types.Tconstr (p, l, a) ->
194 let new_p =
195 Odoc_name.to_path (full_type_name env (Odoc_name.from_path p)) in
196 t.Types.desc <- Types.Tconstr (new_p, l, a)
197 | Types.Tobject (_, ({contents=Some(p,tyl)} as r)) ->
198 let new_p =
199 Odoc_name.to_path (full_type_name env (Odoc_name.from_path p)) in
200 r := Some (new_p, tyl)
201 | Types.Tvariant ({Types.row_name=Some(p, tyl)} as row) ->
202 let new_p =
203 Odoc_name.to_path (full_type_name env (Odoc_name.from_path p)) in
204 t.Types.desc <-
205 Types.Tvariant {row with Types.row_name=Some(new_p, tyl)}
206 | _ ->
210 iter t;
214 let subst_module_type env t =
215 let rec iter t =
216 match t with
217 Types.Tmty_ident p ->
218 let new_p = Odoc_name.to_path (full_module_type_name env (Odoc_name.from_path p)) in
219 Types.Tmty_ident new_p
220 | Types.Tmty_signature _ ->
222 | Types.Tmty_functor (id, mt1, mt2) ->
223 Types.Tmty_functor (id, iter mt1, iter mt2)
225 iter t
227 let subst_class_type env t =
228 let rec iter t =
229 match t with
230 Types.Tcty_constr (p,texp_list,ct) ->
231 let new_p = Odoc_name.to_path (full_type_name env (Odoc_name.from_path p)) in
232 let new_texp_list = (subst_type env) texp_list in
233 let new_ct = iter ct in
234 Types.Tcty_constr (new_p, new_texp_list, new_ct)
235 | Types.Tcty_signature cs ->
236 (* on ne s'occupe pas des vals et methods *)
238 | Types.Tcty_fun (l, texp, ct) ->
239 let new_texp = subst_type env texp in
240 let new_ct = iter ct in
241 Types.Tcty_fun (l, new_texp, new_ct)
243 iter t
245 (* eof $Id$ *)