Sys.Signals module for a Variant type of signals (and a set_signal function that...
[ocaml.git] / asmcomp /
1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* *)
3 (* Objective Caml *)
4 (* *)
5 (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
6 (* *)
7 (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
8 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
9 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
10 (* *)
11 (***********************************************************************)
13 (* $Id$ *)
15 (* Link a set of .cmx/.o files and produce an executable *)
17 open Sys
18 open Misc
19 open Config
20 open Compilenv
22 type error =
23 File_not_found of string
24 | Not_an_object_file of string
25 | Missing_implementations of (string * string list) list
26 | Inconsistent_interface of string * string * string
27 | Inconsistent_implementation of string * string * string
28 | Assembler_error of string
29 | Linking_error
30 | Multiple_definition of string * string * string
31 | Missing_cmx of string * string
33 exception Error of error
35 (* Consistency check between interfaces and implementations *)
37 let crc_interfaces = Consistbl.create ()
38 let crc_implementations = Consistbl.create ()
39 let extra_implementations = ref ([] : string list)
40 let implementations_defined = ref ([] : (string * string) list)
41 let cmx_required = ref ([] : string list)
43 let check_consistency file_name unit crc =
44 begin try
45 List.iter
46 (fun (name, crc) ->
47 if name = unit.ui_name
48 then Consistbl.set crc_interfaces name crc file_name
49 else Consistbl.check crc_interfaces name crc file_name)
50 unit.ui_imports_cmi
51 with Consistbl.Inconsistency(name, user, auth) ->
52 raise(Error(Inconsistent_interface(name, user, auth)))
53 end;
54 begin try
55 List.iter
56 (fun (name, crc) ->
57 if crc <> cmx_not_found_crc then
58 Consistbl.check crc_implementations name crc file_name
59 else if List.mem name !cmx_required then
60 raise(Error(Missing_cmx(file_name, name)))
61 else
62 extra_implementations := name :: !extra_implementations)
63 unit.ui_imports_cmx
64 with Consistbl.Inconsistency(name, user, auth) ->
65 raise(Error(Inconsistent_implementation(name, user, auth)))
66 end;
67 begin try
68 let source = List.assoc unit.ui_name !implementations_defined in
69 raise (Error(Multiple_definition(unit.ui_name, file_name, source)))
70 with Not_found -> ()
71 end;
72 Consistbl.set crc_implementations unit.ui_name crc file_name;
73 implementations_defined :=
74 (unit.ui_name, file_name) :: !implementations_defined;
75 if unit.ui_symbol <> unit.ui_name then
76 cmx_required := unit.ui_name :: !cmx_required
78 let extract_crc_interfaces () =
79 Consistbl.extract crc_interfaces
80 let extract_crc_implementations () =
81 List.fold_left
82 (fun ncl n ->
83 if List.mem_assoc n ncl then ncl else (n, cmx_not_found_crc) :: ncl)
84 (Consistbl.extract crc_implementations)
85 !extra_implementations
87 (* Add C objects and options and "custom" info from a library descriptor.
88 See bytecomp/ for comments on the order of C objects. *)
90 let lib_ccobjs = ref []
91 let lib_ccopts = ref []
93 let add_ccobjs l =
94 if not !Clflags.no_auto_link then begin
95 lib_ccobjs := l.lib_ccobjs @ !lib_ccobjs;
96 lib_ccopts := l.lib_ccopts @ !lib_ccopts
97 end
99 (* First pass: determine which units are needed *)
101 let missing_globals = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (string, string list ref) Hashtbl.t)
103 let is_required name =
104 try ignore (Hashtbl.find missing_globals name); true
105 with Not_found -> false
107 let add_required by (name, crc) =
109 let rq = Hashtbl.find missing_globals name in
110 rq := by :: !rq
111 with Not_found ->
112 Hashtbl.add missing_globals name (ref [by])
114 let remove_required name =
115 Hashtbl.remove missing_globals name
117 let extract_missing_globals () =
118 let mg = ref [] in
119 Hashtbl.iter (fun md rq -> mg := (md, !rq) :: !mg) missing_globals;
122 let scan_file obj_name tolink =
123 let file_name =
125 find_in_path !load_path obj_name
126 with Not_found ->
127 raise(Error(File_not_found obj_name)) in
128 if Filename.check_suffix file_name ".cmx" then begin
129 (* This is a .cmx file. It must be linked in any case.
130 Read the infos to see which modules it requires. *)
131 let (info, crc) = Compilenv.read_unit_info file_name in
132 remove_required info.ui_name;
133 List.iter (add_required file_name) info.ui_imports_cmx;
134 (info, file_name, crc) :: tolink
136 else if Filename.check_suffix file_name ".cmxa" then begin
137 (* This is an archive file. Each unit contained in it will be linked
138 in only if needed. *)
139 let ic = open_in_bin file_name in
140 let buffer = String.create (String.length cmxa_magic_number) in
141 really_input ic buffer 0 (String.length cmxa_magic_number);
142 if buffer <> cmxa_magic_number then
143 raise(Error(Not_an_object_file file_name));
144 let infos = (input_value ic : library_infos) in
145 close_in ic;
146 add_ccobjs infos;
147 List.fold_right
148 (fun (info, crc) reqd ->
149 if info.ui_force_link
150 || !Clflags.link_everything
151 || is_required info.ui_name
152 then begin
153 remove_required info.ui_name;
154 List.iter (add_required (Printf.sprintf "%s(%s)"
155 file_name info.ui_name))
156 info.ui_imports_cmx;
157 (info, file_name, crc) :: reqd
158 end else
159 reqd)
160 infos.lib_units tolink
162 else raise(Error(Not_an_object_file file_name))
164 (* Second pass: generate the startup file and link it with everything else *)
166 module IntSet = Set.Make(
167 struct
168 type t = int
169 let compare = compare
170 end)
172 let make_startup_file ppf filename units_list =
173 let compile_phrase p = Asmgen.compile_phrase ppf p in
174 let oc = open_out filename in
175 Emitaux.output_channel := oc;
176 Location.input_name := "caml_startup"; (* set name of "current" input *)
177 Compilenv.reset "_startup"; (* set the name of the "current" compunit *)
178 Emit.begin_assembly();
179 let name_list =
180 List.flatten ( (fun (info,_,_) -> info.ui_defines) units_list) in
181 compile_phrase (Cmmgen.entry_point name_list);
182 let apply_functions = ref (IntSet.add 2 (IntSet.add 3 IntSet.empty)) in
183 (* The callback functions always reference caml_apply[23] *)
184 let send_functions = ref IntSet.empty in
185 let curry_functions = ref IntSet.empty in
186 List.iter
187 (fun (info,_,_) ->
188 List.iter
189 (fun n -> apply_functions := IntSet.add n !apply_functions)
190 info.ui_apply_fun;
191 List.iter
192 (fun n -> send_functions := IntSet.add n !send_functions)
193 info.ui_send_fun;
194 List.iter
195 (fun n -> curry_functions := IntSet.add n !curry_functions)
196 info.ui_curry_fun)
197 units_list;
198 IntSet.iter
199 (fun n -> compile_phrase (Cmmgen.apply_function n))
200 !apply_functions;
201 IntSet.iter
202 (fun n -> compile_phrase (Cmmgen.send_function n))
203 !send_functions;
204 IntSet.iter
205 (fun n -> List.iter (compile_phrase) (Cmmgen.curry_function n))
206 !curry_functions;
207 Array.iter
208 (fun name -> compile_phrase (Cmmgen.predef_exception name))
209 Runtimedef.builtin_exceptions;
210 compile_phrase (Cmmgen.global_table name_list);
211 compile_phrase
212 (Cmmgen.globals_map
213 (
214 (fun (unit,_,_) ->
215 try (unit.ui_name, List.assoc unit.ui_name unit.ui_imports_cmi)
216 with Not_found -> assert false)
217 units_list));
218 compile_phrase(Cmmgen.data_segment_table ("_startup" :: name_list));
219 compile_phrase(Cmmgen.code_segment_table ("_startup" :: name_list));
220 compile_phrase
221 (Cmmgen.frame_table("_startup" :: "_system" :: name_list));
222 Emit.end_assembly();
223 close_out oc
225 let call_linker file_list startup_file output_name =
226 let libname =
227 if !Clflags.gprofile
228 then "libasmrunp" ^ ext_lib
229 else "libasmrun" ^ ext_lib in
230 let runtime_lib =
232 if !Clflags.nopervasives then None
233 else Some(find_in_path !load_path libname)
234 with Not_found ->
235 raise(Error(File_not_found libname)) in
236 let c_lib =
237 if !Clflags.nopervasives then "" else Config.native_c_libraries in
238 match Config.ccomp_type with
239 | "cc" ->
240 let cmd =
241 if not !Clflags.output_c_object then
242 Printf.sprintf "%s %s -o %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s"
243 !Clflags.c_linker
244 (if !Clflags.gprofile then Config.cc_profile else "")
245 (Filename.quote output_name)
246 (Clflags.std_include_flag "-I")
247 (String.concat " " (List.rev !Clflags.ccopts))
248 (Filename.quote startup_file)
249 (Ccomp.quote_files (List.rev file_list))
250 (Ccomp.quote_files
251 ( (fun dir -> if dir = "" then "" else "-L" ^ dir)
252 !load_path))
253 (Ccomp.quote_files (List.rev !Clflags.ccobjs))
254 (Ccomp.quote_optfile runtime_lib)
255 c_lib
256 else
257 Printf.sprintf "%s -o %s %s %s"
258 Config.native_partial_linker
259 (Filename.quote output_name)
260 (Filename.quote startup_file)
261 (Ccomp.quote_files (List.rev file_list))
262 in if Ccomp.command cmd <> 0 then raise(Error Linking_error)
263 | "msvc" ->
264 if not !Clflags.output_c_object then begin
265 let cmd =
266 Printf.sprintf "%s /Fe%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s"
267 !Clflags.c_linker
268 (Filename.quote output_name)
269 (Clflags.std_include_flag "-I")
270 (Filename.quote startup_file)
271 (Ccomp.quote_files (List.rev file_list))
272 (Ccomp.quote_files
273 (List.rev_map Ccomp.expand_libname !Clflags.ccobjs))
274 (Ccomp.quote_optfile runtime_lib)
275 c_lib
276 (Ccomp.make_link_options !Clflags.ccopts) in
277 if Ccomp.command cmd <> 0 then raise(Error Linking_error);
278 if Ccomp.merge_manifest output_name <> 0 then raise(Error Linking_error)
279 end else begin
280 let cmd =
281 Printf.sprintf "%s /out:%s %s %s"
282 Config.native_partial_linker
283 (Filename.quote output_name)
284 (Filename.quote startup_file)
285 (Ccomp.quote_files (List.rev file_list))
286 in if Ccomp.command cmd <> 0 then raise(Error Linking_error)
288 | _ -> assert false
290 let object_file_name name =
291 let file_name =
293 find_in_path !load_path name
294 with Not_found ->
295 fatal_error "Asmlink.object_file_name: not found" in
296 if Filename.check_suffix file_name ".cmx" then
297 Filename.chop_suffix file_name ".cmx" ^ ext_obj
298 else if Filename.check_suffix file_name ".cmxa" then
299 Filename.chop_suffix file_name ".cmxa" ^ ext_lib
300 else
301 fatal_error "Asmlink.object_file_name: bad ext"
303 (* Main entry point *)
305 let link ppf objfiles output_name =
306 let stdlib =
307 if !Clflags.gprofile then "stdlib.p.cmxa" else "stdlib.cmxa" in
308 let stdexit =
309 if !Clflags.gprofile then "std_exit.p.cmx" else "std_exit.cmx" in
310 let objfiles =
311 if !Clflags.nopervasives then objfiles
312 else if !Clflags.output_c_object then stdlib :: objfiles
313 else stdlib :: (objfiles @ [stdexit]) in
314 let units_tolink = List.fold_right scan_file objfiles [] in
315 Array.iter remove_required Runtimedef.builtin_exceptions;
316 begin match extract_missing_globals() with
317 [] -> ()
318 | mg -> raise(Error(Missing_implementations mg))
319 end;
320 List.iter
321 (fun (info, file_name, crc) -> check_consistency file_name info crc)
322 units_tolink;
323 Clflags.ccobjs := !Clflags.ccobjs @ !lib_ccobjs;
324 Clflags.ccopts := !lib_ccopts @ !Clflags.ccopts; (* put user's opts first *)
325 let startup = Filename.temp_file "camlstartup" ext_asm in
326 make_startup_file ppf startup units_tolink;
327 let startup_obj = Filename.temp_file "camlstartup" ext_obj in
328 if Proc.assemble_file startup startup_obj <> 0 then
329 raise(Error(Assembler_error startup));
331 call_linker ( object_file_name objfiles) startup_obj output_name;
332 if not !Clflags.keep_startup_file then remove_file startup;
333 remove_file startup_obj
334 with x ->
335 remove_file startup_obj;
336 raise x
338 (* Error report *)
340 open Format
342 let report_error ppf = function
343 | File_not_found name ->
344 fprintf ppf "Cannot find file %s" name
345 | Not_an_object_file name ->
346 fprintf ppf "The file %s is not a compilation unit description" name
347 | Missing_implementations l ->
348 let print_references ppf = function
349 | [] -> ()
350 | r1 :: rl ->
351 fprintf ppf "%s" r1;
352 List.iter (fun r -> fprintf ppf ",@ %s" r) rl in
353 let print_modules ppf =
354 List.iter
355 (fun (md, rq) ->
356 fprintf ppf "@ @[<hov 2>%s referenced from %a@]" md
357 print_references rq) in
358 fprintf ppf
359 "@[<v 2>No implementations provided for the following modules:%a@]"
360 print_modules l
361 | Inconsistent_interface(intf, file1, file2) ->
362 fprintf ppf
363 "@[<hov>Files %s@ and %s@ make inconsistent assumptions \
364 over interface %s@]"
365 file1 file2 intf
366 | Inconsistent_implementation(intf, file1, file2) ->
367 fprintf ppf
368 "@[<hov>Files %s@ and %s@ make inconsistent assumptions \
369 over implementation %s@]"
370 file1 file2 intf
371 | Assembler_error file ->
372 fprintf ppf "Error while assembling %s" file
373 | Linking_error ->
374 fprintf ppf "Error during linking"
375 | Multiple_definition(modname, file1, file2) ->
376 fprintf ppf
377 "@[<hov>Files %s@ and %s@ both define a module named %s@]"
378 file1 file2 modname
379 | Missing_cmx(filename, name) ->
380 fprintf ppf
381 "@[<hov>File %s@ was compiled without access@ \
382 to the .cmx file@ for module %s,@ \
383 which was produced by `ocamlopt -for-pack'.@ \
384 Please recompile %s@ with the correct `-I' option@ \
385 so that %s.cmx@ is found.@]"
386 filename name filename name