* Added Array.{map2,fold_left2,fold_right2} (from stdlib2)
[ocaml.git] / typing / oprint.ml
1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* *)
3 (* Objective Caml *)
4 (* *)
5 (* Projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
6 (* *)
7 (* Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
8 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
9 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
10 (* *)
11 (***********************************************************************)
13 (* $Id$ *)
15 open Format
16 open Outcometree
18 exception Ellipsis
20 let cautious f ppf arg =
21 try f ppf arg with
22 Ellipsis -> fprintf ppf "..."
24 let rec print_ident ppf =
25 function
26 Oide_ident s -> fprintf ppf "%s" s
27 | Oide_dot (id, s) -> fprintf ppf "%a.%s" print_ident id s
28 | Oide_apply (id1, id2) ->
29 fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" print_ident id1 print_ident id2
31 let value_ident ppf name =
32 if List.mem name
33 ["or"; "mod"; "land"; "lor"; "lxor"; "lsl"; "lsr"; "asr"] then
34 fprintf ppf "( %s )" name
35 else
36 match name.[0] with
37 'a'..'z' | '\223'..'\246' | '\248'..'\255' | '_' ->
38 fprintf ppf "%s" name
39 | _ -> fprintf ppf "( %s )" name
41 (* Values *)
43 let valid_float_lexeme s =
44 let l = String.length s in
45 let rec loop i =
46 if i >= l then s ^ "." else
47 match s.[i] with
48 | '0' .. '9' | '-' -> loop (i+1)
49 | _ -> s
50 in loop 0
52 let float_repres f =
53 match classify_float f with
54 FP_nan -> "nan"
55 | FP_infinite ->
56 if f < 0.0 then "neg_infinity" else "infinity"
57 | _ ->
58 let s1 = Printf.sprintf "%.12g" f in
59 if f = float_of_string s1 then valid_float_lexeme s1 else
60 let s2 = Printf.sprintf "%.15g" f in
61 if f = float_of_string s2 then valid_float_lexeme s2 else
62 Printf.sprintf "%.18g" f
64 let parenthesize_if_neg ppf fmt v isneg =
65 if isneg then pp_print_char ppf '(';
66 fprintf ppf fmt v;
67 if isneg then pp_print_char ppf ')'
69 let print_out_value ppf tree =
70 let rec print_tree_1 ppf =
71 function
72 | Oval_constr (name, [param]) ->
73 fprintf ppf "@[<1>%a@ %a@]" print_ident name print_constr_param param
74 | Oval_constr (name, (_ :: _ as params)) ->
75 fprintf ppf "@[<1>%a@ (%a)@]" print_ident name
76 (print_tree_list print_tree_1 ",") params
77 | Oval_variant (name, Some param) ->
78 fprintf ppf "@[<2>`%s@ %a@]" name print_constr_param param
79 | tree -> print_simple_tree ppf tree
80 and print_constr_param ppf = function
81 | Oval_int i -> parenthesize_if_neg ppf "%i" i (i < 0)
82 | Oval_int32 i -> parenthesize_if_neg ppf "%lil" i (i < 0l)
83 | Oval_int64 i -> parenthesize_if_neg ppf "%LiL" i (i < 0L)
84 | Oval_nativeint i -> parenthesize_if_neg ppf "%nin" i (i < 0n)
85 | Oval_float f -> parenthesize_if_neg ppf "%s" (float_repres f) (f < 0.0)
86 | tree -> print_simple_tree ppf tree
87 and print_simple_tree ppf =
88 function
89 Oval_int i -> fprintf ppf "%i" i
90 | Oval_int32 i -> fprintf ppf "%lil" i
91 | Oval_int64 i -> fprintf ppf "%LiL" i
92 | Oval_nativeint i -> fprintf ppf "%nin" i
93 | Oval_float f -> fprintf ppf "%s" (float_repres f)
94 | Oval_char c -> fprintf ppf "%C" c
95 | Oval_string s ->
96 begin try fprintf ppf "%S" s with
97 Invalid_argument "String.create" -> fprintf ppf "<huge string>"
98 end
99 | Oval_list tl ->
100 fprintf ppf "@[<1>[%a]@]" (print_tree_list print_tree_1 ";") tl
101 | Oval_array tl ->
102 fprintf ppf "@[<2>[|%a|]@]" (print_tree_list print_tree_1 ";") tl
103 | Oval_constr (name, []) -> print_ident ppf name
104 | Oval_variant (name, None) -> fprintf ppf "`%s" name
105 | Oval_stuff s -> fprintf ppf "%s" s
106 | Oval_record fel ->
107 fprintf ppf "@[<1>{%a}@]" (cautious (print_fields true)) fel
108 | Oval_ellipsis -> raise Ellipsis
109 | Oval_printer f -> f ppf
110 | Oval_tuple tree_list ->
111 fprintf ppf "@[<1>(%a)@]" (print_tree_list print_tree_1 ",") tree_list
112 | tree -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>(%a)@]" (cautious print_tree_1) tree
113 and print_fields first ppf =
114 function
115 [] -> ()
116 | (name, tree) :: fields ->
117 if not first then fprintf ppf ";@ ";
118 fprintf ppf "@[<1>%a@ =@ %a@]" print_ident name (cautious print_tree_1)
119 tree;
120 print_fields false ppf fields
121 and print_tree_list print_item sep ppf tree_list =
122 let rec print_list first ppf =
123 function
124 [] -> ()
125 | tree :: tree_list ->
126 if not first then fprintf ppf "%s@ " sep;
127 print_item ppf tree;
128 print_list false ppf tree_list
130 cautious (print_list true) ppf tree_list
132 cautious print_tree_1 ppf tree
134 let out_value = ref print_out_value
136 (* Types *)
138 let rec print_list_init pr sep ppf =
139 function
140 [] -> ()
141 | a :: l -> sep ppf; pr ppf a; print_list_init pr sep ppf l
143 let rec print_list pr sep ppf =
144 function
145 [] -> ()
146 | [a] -> pr ppf a
147 | a :: l -> pr ppf a; sep ppf; print_list pr sep ppf l
149 let pr_present =
150 print_list (fun ppf s -> fprintf ppf "`%s" s) (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ ")
152 let pr_vars =
153 print_list (fun ppf s -> fprintf ppf "'%s" s) (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ ")
155 let rec print_out_type ppf =
156 function
157 | Otyp_alias (ty, s) ->
158 fprintf ppf "@[%a@ as '%s@]" print_out_type ty s
159 | Otyp_poly (sl, ty) ->
160 fprintf ppf "@[<hov 2>%a.@ %a@]"
161 pr_vars sl
162 print_out_type ty
163 | ty ->
164 print_out_type_1 ppf ty
166 and print_out_type_1 ppf =
167 function
168 Otyp_arrow (lab, ty1, ty2) ->
169 fprintf ppf "@[%s%a ->@ %a@]" (if lab <> "" then lab ^ ":" else "")
170 print_out_type_2 ty1 print_out_type_1 ty2
171 | ty -> print_out_type_2 ppf ty
172 and print_out_type_2 ppf =
173 function
174 Otyp_tuple tyl ->
175 fprintf ppf "@[<0>%a@]" (print_typlist print_simple_out_type " *") tyl
176 | ty -> print_simple_out_type ppf ty
177 and print_simple_out_type ppf =
178 function
179 Otyp_class (ng, id, tyl) ->
180 fprintf ppf "@[%a%s#%a@]" print_typargs tyl (if ng then "_" else "")
181 print_ident id
182 | Otyp_constr (id, tyl) ->
183 fprintf ppf "@[%a%a@]" print_typargs tyl print_ident id
184 | Otyp_object (fields, rest) ->
185 fprintf ppf "@[<2>< %a >@]" (print_fields rest) fields
186 | Otyp_stuff s -> fprintf ppf "%s" s
187 | Otyp_var (ng, s) -> fprintf ppf "'%s%s" (if ng then "_" else "") s
188 | Otyp_variant (non_gen, row_fields, closed, tags) ->
189 let print_present ppf =
190 function
191 None | Some [] -> ()
192 | Some l -> fprintf ppf "@;<1 -2>> @[<hov>%a@]" pr_present l
194 let print_fields ppf =
195 function
196 Ovar_fields fields ->
197 print_list print_row_field (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@;<1 -2>| ")
198 ppf fields
199 | Ovar_name (id, tyl) ->
200 fprintf ppf "@[%a%a@]" print_typargs tyl print_ident id
202 fprintf ppf "%s[%s@[<hv>@[<hv>%a@]%a ]@]" (if non_gen then "_" else "")
203 (if closed then if tags = None then " " else "< "
204 else if tags = None then "> " else "? ")
205 print_fields row_fields
206 print_present tags
207 | Otyp_alias _ | Otyp_poly _ | Otyp_arrow _ | Otyp_tuple _ as ty ->
208 fprintf ppf "@[<1>(%a)@]" print_out_type ty
209 | Otyp_abstract | Otyp_sum _ | Otyp_record _ | Otyp_manifest (_, _) -> ()
210 and print_fields rest ppf =
211 function
212 [] ->
213 begin match rest with
214 Some non_gen -> fprintf ppf "%s.." (if non_gen then "_" else "")
215 | None -> ()
217 | [s, t] ->
218 fprintf ppf "%s : %a" s print_out_type t;
219 begin match rest with
220 Some _ -> fprintf ppf ";@ "
221 | None -> ()
222 end;
223 print_fields rest ppf []
224 | (s, t) :: l ->
225 fprintf ppf "%s : %a;@ %a" s print_out_type t (print_fields rest) l
226 and print_row_field ppf (l, opt_amp, tyl) =
227 let pr_of ppf =
228 if opt_amp then fprintf ppf " of@ &@ "
229 else if tyl <> [] then fprintf ppf " of@ "
230 else fprintf ppf ""
232 fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>`%s%t%a@]" l pr_of (print_typlist print_out_type " &")
234 and print_typlist print_elem sep ppf =
235 function
236 [] -> ()
237 | [ty] -> print_elem ppf ty
238 | ty :: tyl ->
239 fprintf ppf "%a%s@ %a" print_elem ty sep (print_typlist print_elem sep)
241 and print_typargs ppf =
242 function
243 [] -> ()
244 | [ty1] -> fprintf ppf "%a@ " print_simple_out_type ty1
245 | tyl -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>(%a)@]@ " (print_typlist print_out_type ",") tyl
247 let out_type = ref print_out_type
249 (* Class types *)
251 let type_parameter ppf (ty, (co, cn)) =
252 fprintf ppf "%s'%s" (if not cn then "+" else if not co then "-" else "")
253 (*if co then if cn then "!" else "+" else if cn then "-" else "?"*)
256 let print_out_class_params ppf =
257 function
258 [] -> ()
259 | tyl ->
260 fprintf ppf "@[<1>[%a]@]@ "
261 (print_list type_parameter (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf ", "))
264 let rec print_out_class_type ppf =
265 function
266 Octy_constr (id, tyl) ->
267 let pr_tyl ppf =
268 function
269 [] -> ()
270 | tyl ->
271 fprintf ppf "@[<1>[%a]@]@ " (print_typlist !out_type ",") tyl
273 fprintf ppf "@[%a%a@]" pr_tyl tyl print_ident id
274 | Octy_fun (lab, ty, cty) ->
275 fprintf ppf "@[%s%a ->@ %a@]" (if lab <> "" then lab ^ ":" else "")
276 print_out_type_2 ty print_out_class_type cty
277 | Octy_signature (self_ty, csil) ->
278 let pr_param ppf =
279 function
280 Some ty -> fprintf ppf "@ @[(%a)@]" !out_type ty
281 | None -> ()
283 fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>@[<2>object%a@]@ %a@;<1 -2>end@]" pr_param self_ty
284 (print_list print_out_class_sig_item (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ "))
285 csil
286 and print_out_class_sig_item ppf =
287 function
288 Ocsg_constraint (ty1, ty2) ->
289 fprintf ppf "@[<2>constraint %a =@ %a@]" !out_type ty1
290 !out_type ty2
291 | Ocsg_method (name, priv, virt, ty) ->
292 fprintf ppf "@[<2>method %s%s%s :@ %a@]"
293 (if priv then "private " else "") (if virt then "virtual " else "")
294 name !out_type ty
295 | Ocsg_value (name, mut, vr, ty) ->
296 fprintf ppf "@[<2>val %s%s%s :@ %a@]"
297 (if mut then "mutable " else "")
298 (if vr then "virtual " else "")
299 name !out_type ty
301 let out_class_type = ref print_out_class_type
303 (* Signature *)
305 let out_module_type = ref (fun _ -> failwith "Oprint.out_module_type")
306 let out_sig_item = ref (fun _ -> failwith "Oprint.out_sig_item")
307 let out_signature = ref (fun _ -> failwith "Oprint.out_signature")
309 let rec print_out_module_type ppf =
310 function
311 Omty_abstract -> ()
312 | Omty_functor (name, mty_arg, mty_res) ->
313 fprintf ppf "@[<2>functor@ (%s : %a) ->@ %a@]" name
314 print_out_module_type mty_arg print_out_module_type mty_res
315 | Omty_ident id -> fprintf ppf "%a" print_ident id
316 | Omty_signature sg ->
317 fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>sig@ %a@;<1 -2>end@]" !out_signature sg
318 and print_out_signature ppf =
319 function
320 [] -> ()
321 | [item] -> !out_sig_item ppf item
322 | item :: items ->
323 fprintf ppf "%a@ %a" !out_sig_item item print_out_signature items
324 and print_out_sig_item ppf =
325 function
326 Osig_class (vir_flag, name, params, clt, rs) ->
327 fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s%s@ %a%s@ :@ %a@]"
328 (if rs = Orec_next then "and" else "class")
329 (if vir_flag then " virtual" else "") print_out_class_params params
330 name !out_class_type clt
331 | Osig_class_type (vir_flag, name, params, clt, rs) ->
332 fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s%s@ %a%s@ =@ %a@]"
333 (if rs = Orec_next then "and" else "class type")
334 (if vir_flag then " virtual" else "") print_out_class_params params
335 name !out_class_type clt
336 | Osig_exception (id, tyl) ->
337 fprintf ppf "@[<2>exception %a@]" print_out_constr (id, tyl)
338 | Osig_modtype (name, Omty_abstract) ->
339 fprintf ppf "@[<2>module type %s@]" name
340 | Osig_modtype (name, mty) ->
341 fprintf ppf "@[<2>module type %s =@ %a@]" name !out_module_type mty
342 | Osig_module (name, mty, rs) ->
343 fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s %s :@ %a@]"
344 (match rs with Orec_not -> "module"
345 | Orec_first -> "module rec"
346 | Orec_next -> "and")
347 name !out_module_type mty
348 | Osig_type(td, rs) ->
349 print_out_type_decl
350 (if rs = Orec_next then "and" else "type")
351 ppf td
352 | Osig_value (name, ty, prims) ->
353 let kwd = if prims = [] then "val" else "external" in
354 let pr_prims ppf =
355 function
356 [] -> ()
357 | s :: sl ->
358 fprintf ppf "@ = \"%s\"" s;
359 List.iter (fun s -> fprintf ppf "@ \"%s\"" s) sl
361 fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s %a :@ %a%a@]" kwd value_ident name !out_type
362 ty pr_prims prims
364 and print_out_type_decl kwd ppf (name, args, ty, priv, constraints) =
365 let print_constraints ppf params =
366 List.iter
367 (fun (ty1, ty2) ->
368 fprintf ppf "@ @[<2>constraint %a =@ %a@]" !out_type ty1
369 !out_type ty2)
370 params
372 let type_defined ppf =
373 match args with
374 [] -> fprintf ppf "%s" name
375 | [arg] -> fprintf ppf "@[%a@ %s@]" type_parameter arg name
376 | _ ->
377 fprintf ppf "@[(@[%a)@]@ %s@]"
378 (print_list type_parameter (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf ",@ ")) args name
380 let print_manifest ppf =
381 function
382 Otyp_manifest (ty, _) -> fprintf ppf " =@ %a" !out_type ty
383 | _ -> ()
385 let print_name_args ppf =
386 fprintf ppf "%s %t%a" kwd type_defined print_manifest ty
388 let ty =
389 match ty with
390 Otyp_manifest (_, ty) -> ty
391 | _ -> ty
393 let print_private ppf = function
394 Asttypes.Private -> fprintf ppf " private"
395 | Asttypes.Public -> () in
396 let rec print_out_tkind ppf = function
397 | Otyp_abstract -> ()
398 | Otyp_record lbls ->
399 fprintf ppf " =%a {%a@;<1 -2>}"
400 print_private priv
401 (print_list_init print_out_label (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ ")) lbls
402 | Otyp_sum constrs ->
403 fprintf ppf " =%a@;<1 2>%a"
404 print_private priv
405 (print_list print_out_constr (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ | ")) constrs
406 | ty ->
407 fprintf ppf " =%a@;<1 2>%a"
408 print_private priv
409 !out_type ty
411 fprintf ppf "@[<2>@[<hv 2>%t%a@]%a@]"
412 print_name_args
413 print_out_tkind ty
414 print_constraints constraints
415 and print_out_constr ppf (name, tyl) =
416 match tyl with
417 [] -> fprintf ppf "%s" name
418 | _ ->
419 fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s of@ %a@]" name
420 (print_typlist print_simple_out_type " *") tyl
421 and print_out_label ppf (name, mut, arg) =
422 fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s%s :@ %a@];" (if mut then "mutable " else "") name
423 !out_type arg
425 let _ = out_module_type := print_out_module_type
426 let _ = out_signature := print_out_signature
427 let _ = out_sig_item := print_out_sig_item
429 (* Phrases *)
431 let print_out_exception ppf exn outv =
432 match exn with
433 Sys.Break -> fprintf ppf "Interrupted.@."
434 | Out_of_memory -> fprintf ppf "Out of memory during evaluation.@."
435 | Stack_overflow ->
436 fprintf ppf "Stack overflow during evaluation (looping recursion?).@."
437 | _ -> fprintf ppf "@[Exception:@ %a.@]@." !out_value outv
439 let rec print_items ppf =
440 function
441 [] -> ()
442 | (tree, valopt) :: items ->
443 begin match valopt with
444 Some v ->
445 fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a =@ %a@]" !out_sig_item tree
446 !out_value v
447 | None -> fprintf ppf "@[%a@]" !out_sig_item tree
448 end;
449 if items <> [] then fprintf ppf "@ %a" print_items items
451 let print_out_phrase ppf =
452 function
453 Ophr_eval (outv, ty) ->
454 fprintf ppf "@[- : %a@ =@ %a@]@." !out_type ty !out_value outv
455 | Ophr_signature [] -> ()
456 | Ophr_signature items -> fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a@]@." print_items items
457 | Ophr_exception (exn, outv) -> print_out_exception ppf exn outv
459 let out_phrase = ref print_out_phrase