Merge commit 'ocaml3102'
[ocaml.git] / ocamlbuild /
1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* ocamlbuild *)
3 (* *)
4 (* Nicolas Pouillard, Berke Durak, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
5 (* *)
6 (* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
7 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
8 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
9 (* *)
10 (***********************************************************************)
12 (* $Id$ *)
13 (* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *)
14 open My_std
15 open Format
16 open Log
18 type t = string
20 include Filename
22 let print_strings = List.print String.print
24 let concat = filename_concat
26 let compare = compare
28 let print = pp_print_string
30 let mk s = s
32 let pwd = Sys.getcwd ()
34 let add_extension ext x = x ^ "." ^ ext
36 let check_extension x ext =
37 let lx = String.length x and lext = String.length ext in
38 lx > lext + 1 && x.[lx - lext - 1] = '.' && String.is_suffix x ext
40 module Operators = struct
41 let ( / ) = concat
42 let ( -.- ) file ext = add_extension ext file
43 end
44 open Operators
46 let equal x y = x = y
48 let to_string x = x
50 let is_link = Shell.is_link
51 let readlink = Shell.readlink
52 let is_directory x =
53 try (My_unix.stat x).My_unix.stat_file_kind = My_unix.FK_dir
54 with Sys_error _ -> false
55 let readdir x = Outcome.good (sys_readdir x)
57 let dir_seps = ['/';'\\'] (* FIXME add more *)
58 let not_normal_form_re = Glob.parse "<**/{,.,..}/**>"
60 let parent x = concat parent_dir_name x
62 let split p =
63 let rec go p acc =
64 let dir = dirname p in
65 if dir = p then dir, acc
66 else go dir (basename p :: acc)
67 in go p []
69 let join root paths =
70 let root = if root = current_dir_name then "" else root in
71 List.fold_left (/) root paths
73 let _H1 = assert (current_dir_name = ".")
74 let _H2 = assert (parent_dir_name = "..")
76 (* Use H1, H2 *)
77 let rec normalize_list = function
78 | [] -> []
79 | "." :: xs -> normalize_list xs
80 | ".." :: _ -> failwith "Pathname.normalize_list: .. is forbidden here"
81 | _ :: ".." :: xs -> normalize_list xs
82 | x :: xs -> x :: normalize_list xs
84 let normalize x =
85 if Glob.eval not_normal_form_re x then
86 let root, paths = split x in
87 join root (normalize_list paths)
88 else x
90 (* [is_prefix x y] is [x] a pathname prefix of [y] *)
91 let is_prefix x y =
92 let lx = String.length x and ly = String.length y in
93 if lx = ly then x = (String.before y lx)
94 else if lx < ly then x = (String.before y lx) && List.mem y.[lx] dir_seps
95 else false
97 let link_to_dir p dir = is_link p && is_prefix dir (readlink p)
99 let remove_extension x =
100 try chop_extension x
101 with Invalid_argument _ -> x
102 let get_extension x =
104 let pos = String.rindex x '.' in
105 String.after x (pos + 1)
106 with Not_found -> ""
107 let update_extension ext x =
108 add_extension ext (chop_extension x)
110 let chop_extensions x =
111 let dirname = dirname x and basename = basename x in
113 let pos = String.index basename '.' in
114 dirname / (String.before basename pos)
115 with Not_found -> invalid_arg "chop_extensions: no extensions"
116 let remove_extensions x =
117 try chop_extensions x
118 with Invalid_argument _ -> x
119 let get_extensions x =
120 let basename = basename x in
122 let pos = String.index basename '.' in
123 String.after basename (pos + 1)
124 with Not_found -> ""
125 let update_extensions ext x =
126 add_extension ext (chop_extensions x)
128 let exists = sys_file_exists
130 let copy = Shell.cp
131 let remove = Shell.rm
132 let try_remove x = if exists x then Shell.rm x
133 let read = read_file
135 let with_input_file = with_input_file
137 let with_output_file = with_output_file
139 let print_path_list = List.print print
141 let context_table = Hashtbl.create 107
143 let rec include_dirs_of dir =
144 try Hashtbl.find context_table dir
145 with Not_found -> dir :: List.filter (fun dir' -> dir <> dir') !Options.include_dirs
148 let include_dirs_of s =
149 let res = include_dirs_of s in
150 let () = dprintf 0 "include_dirs_of %S ->@ %a" s (List.print print) res
151 in res
154 let define_context dir context =
155 let dir = if dir = "" then current_dir_name else dir in
156 Hashtbl.replace context_table dir& List.union context& include_dirs_of dir
158 let same_contents x y = Digest.file x = Digest.file y