Merge commit 'ocaml3102'
[ocaml.git] / ocamlbuild /
1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* ocamlbuild *)
3 (* *)
4 (* Nicolas Pouillard, Berke Durak, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
5 (* *)
6 (* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
7 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
8 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
9 (* *)
10 (***********************************************************************)
12 (* $Id:,v 2007-11-21 18:29:37 ertai Exp $ *)
13 (* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *)
14 open My_std
15 open Format
16 open Log
17 open Pathname.Operators
18 open Tags.Operators
19 open Tools
20 open Flags
21 open Command;;
24 module S = Set.Make(String)
26 let stdlib_dir = lazy begin
27 (* FIXME *)
28 let ocamlc_where = sprintf "%s/ocamlc.where" (Pathname.pwd / !Options.build_dir) in
29 let () = Command.execute ~quiet:true (Cmd(S[!Options.ocamlc; A"-where"; Sh">"; P ocamlc_where])) in
30 String.chomp (read_file ocamlc_where)
31 end
33 let module_name_of_filename f = String.capitalize (Pathname.remove_extensions f)
34 let module_name_of_pathname x =
35 module_name_of_filename (Pathname.to_string (Pathname.basename x))
37 let ignore_stdlib x =
38 if !Options.nostdlib then false
39 else
40 let x' = !*stdlib_dir/((String.uncapitalize x)-.-"cmi") in
41 Pathname.exists x'
43 let non_dependencies = ref []
44 let non_dependency m1 m2 =
45 (* non_dependency was not supposed to accept pathnames without extension. *)
46 if String.length (Pathname.get_extensions m1) = 0 then
47 invalid_arg "non_dependency: no extension";
48 non_dependencies := (m1, m2) :: !non_dependencies
50 let path_importance path x =
51 if List.mem (path, x) !non_dependencies
52 || (List.mem x !Options.ignore_list) then begin
53 let () = dprintf 3 "This module (%s) is ignored by %s" x path in
54 `ignored
55 end
56 else if ignore_stdlib x then `just_try else `mandatory
58 let expand_module include_dirs module_name exts =
59 let dirname = Pathname.dirname module_name in
60 let basename = Pathname.basename module_name in
61 let module_name_cap = dirname/(String.capitalize basename) in
62 let module_name_uncap = dirname/(String.uncapitalize basename) in
63 List.fold_right begin fun include_dir ->
64 List.fold_right begin fun ext acc ->
65 include_dir/(module_name_uncap-.-ext) ::
66 include_dir/(module_name_cap-.-ext) :: acc
67 end exts
68 end include_dirs []
70 let string_list_of_file file =
71 with_input_file file begin fun ic ->
72 Lexers.blank_sep_strings (Lexing.from_channel ic)
73 end
74 let print_path_list = Pathname.print_path_list
76 let ocaml_ppflags tags =
77 let flags = Flags.of_tags (tags++"ocaml"++"pp") in
78 let reduced = Command.reduce flags in
79 if reduced = N then N else S[A"-pp"; Quote reduced]
81 let ocaml_add_include_flag x acc =
82 if x = Pathname.current_dir_name then acc else A"-I" :: A x :: acc
84 let ocaml_include_flags path =
85 S (List.fold_right ocaml_add_include_flag (Pathname.include_dirs_of (Pathname.dirname path)) [])
87 let info_libraries = Hashtbl.create 103
89 let libraries = Hashtbl.create 103
90 let libraries_of m =
91 try Hashtbl.find libraries m with Not_found -> []
92 let use_lib m lib = Hashtbl.replace libraries m (lib :: libraries_of m)
94 let ocaml_lib ?(extern=false) ?(byte=true) ?(native=true) ?dir ?tag_name libpath =
95 let add_dir x =
96 match dir with
97 | Some dir -> S[A"-I"; P dir; x]
98 | None -> x
100 let tag_name =
101 match tag_name with
102 | Some x -> x
103 | None -> "use_" ^ Pathname.basename libpath
105 Hashtbl.replace info_libraries tag_name (libpath, extern);
106 if extern then begin
107 if byte then
108 flag ["ocaml"; tag_name; "link"; "byte"] (add_dir (A (libpath^".cma")));
109 if native then
110 flag ["ocaml"; tag_name; "link"; "native"] (add_dir (A (libpath^".cmxa")));
111 end else begin
112 if not byte && not native then
113 invalid_arg "ocaml_lib: ~byte:false or ~native:false only works with ~extern:true";
114 end;
115 match dir with
116 | None -> ()
117 | Some dir -> flag ["ocaml"; tag_name; "compile"] (S[A"-I"; P dir])
119 let cmi_of = Pathname.update_extensions "cmi"
121 exception Ocamldep_error of string
123 let read_path_dependencies =
124 let path_dependencies = Hashtbl.create 103 in
125 let read path =
126 let module_name = module_name_of_pathname path in
127 let depends = path-.-"depends" in
128 with_input_file depends begin fun ic ->
129 let ocamldep_output =
130 try Lexers.ocamldep_output (Lexing.from_channel ic)
131 with Lexers.Error msg -> raise (Ocamldep_error(Printf.sprintf "Ocamldep.ocamldep: bad output (%s)" msg)) in
132 let deps =
133 List.fold_right begin fun (path, deps) acc ->
134 let module_name' = module_name_of_pathname path in
135 if module_name' = module_name
136 then List.union deps acc
137 else raise (Ocamldep_error(Printf.sprintf "Ocamldep.ocamldep: multiple files in ocamldep output (%s not expected)" path))
138 end ocamldep_output [] in
139 let deps =
140 if !Options.nostdlib && not (Tags.mem "nopervasives" (tags_of_pathname path)) then
141 "Pervasives" :: deps
142 else deps in
143 let deps' = List.fold_right begin fun dep acc ->
144 match path_importance path dep with
145 | `ignored -> acc
146 | (`just_try | `mandatory) as importance -> (importance, dep) :: acc
147 end deps [] in
148 Hashtbl.replace path_dependencies path
149 (List.union (try Hashtbl.find path_dependencies path with Not_found -> []) deps');
150 deps'
152 in read
154 let path_dependencies_of = memo read_path_dependencies