1 (***********************************************************************)
4 (* Nicolas Pouillard, Berke Durak, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
6 (* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
7 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
8 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
10 (***********************************************************************)
12 (* $Id: glob_lexer.mll,v 2007-11-21 21:02:58 ertai Exp $ *)
13 (* Original author: Berke Durak *)
20 | ATOM of pattern atom
31 let sf = Printf.sprintf;;
33 let concat_patterns p1 p2 =
37 | (_,_) -> Concat(p1,p2)
40 let slash = Class(Atom('/','/'));;
41 let not_slash = Class(Not(Atom('/','/')));;
42 let any = Class True;;
45 let pattern_chars = ['a'-'z']|['A'-'Z']|'_'|'-'|['0'-'9']|'.'
46 let space_chars = [' ' '\t' '\n' '\r' '\012']
49 | '<' { ATOM(Pattern(let (p,_) = parse_pattern ['>'] Epsilon lexbuf in p)) }
50 | '"' { ATOM(Constant(parse_string (Buffer.create 32) lexbuf)) }
51 | "and"|"AND"|"&" { AND }
52 | "or"|"OR"|"|" { OR }
53 | "not"|"NOT"|"~" { NOT }
55 | "false"|"0" { FALSE }
58 | space_chars+ { token lexbuf }
61 and parse_pattern eof_chars p = parse
62 | (pattern_chars+ as u) { parse_pattern eof_chars (concat_patterns p (Word u)) lexbuf }
66 let (p',c) = parse_pattern ['}';','] Epsilon lexbuf in
71 parse_pattern eof_chars (concat_patterns p (Union pl)) lexbuf
77 let cl = Not(Or(parse_class [] lexbuf)) in
78 parse_pattern eof_chars (concat_patterns p (Class cl)) lexbuf
82 let cl = Or(parse_class [] lexbuf) in
83 parse_pattern eof_chars (concat_patterns p (Class cl)) lexbuf
85 (* Random thought... **/* seems to be equal to True *)
86 | "/**/" (* / | /\Sigma^*/ *)
87 { let q = Union[slash; Concat(slash, Concat(Star any, slash)) ] in
88 parse_pattern eof_chars (concat_patterns p q) lexbuf }
89 | "/**" (* \varepsilon | /\Sigma^* *)
90 { let q = Union[Epsilon; Concat(slash, Star any)] in
91 parse_pattern eof_chars (concat_patterns p q) lexbuf }
92 | "**/" (* \varepsilon | \Sigma^*/ *)
93 { let q = Union[Epsilon; Concat(Star any, slash)] in
94 parse_pattern eof_chars (concat_patterns p q) lexbuf }
95 | "**" { raise (Parse_error("Ambiguous ** pattern not allowed unless surrounded by one or more slashes")) }
96 | '*' { parse_pattern eof_chars (concat_patterns p (Star not_slash)) lexbuf }
97 | '/' { parse_pattern eof_chars (concat_patterns p slash) lexbuf }
98 | '?' { parse_pattern eof_chars (concat_patterns p not_slash) lexbuf }
100 { if List.mem c eof_chars then
103 raise (Parse_error(sf "Unexpected character %C in glob pattern" c))
106 and parse_string b = parse
107 | "\"" { Buffer.contents b }
108 | "\\\"" { Buffer.add_char b '"'; parse_string b lexbuf }
109 | [^'"' '\\']+ as u { Buffer.add_string b u; parse_string b lexbuf }
110 | _ as c { raise (Parse_error(sf "Unexpected character %C in string" c)) }
112 and parse_class cl = parse
114 | "-]" { ((Atom('-','-'))::cl) }
115 | (_ as c1) '-' (_ as c2) { parse_class ((Atom(c1,c2))::cl) lexbuf }
116 | _ as c { parse_class ((Atom(c,c))::cl) lexbuf }