removed fasls
[objcffi.git] / reader-syntax.lisp
1 (in-package :objcffi)
3 (defun read-until-characters (stream characters &key (eof 'eof) (skip t))
4 (let* ((eos nil)
5 (string (with-output-to-string (result)
6 (if skip
7 (loop for char = (read-char stream nil eof)
8 until (or (eq eof char) (find char characters :test #'char=))
9 do (write-char char result)
10 finally (setq eos char))
11 (loop for char = (peek-char nil stream)
12 until (or (eq eof char) (find char characters :test #'char=))
13 do (read-char stream nil)
14 do (write-char char result)
15 finally (setq eos char))))))
16 (values string eos)))
18 (defun probably-objc-class-name (object name)
19 (and (not (string= "" name))
20 (symbolp object)
21 (upper-case-p (elt name 0))))
23 (defun skip-whitespace (stream)
24 (do ((ch (peek-char nil stream nil #\!)
25 (peek-char nil stream nil #\!)))
26 ((not (find ch '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline #\Return))))
27 (read-char stream)))
29 (defun utf-8-string (string)
30 #+sbcl (sb-ext:string-to-octets string :external-format :utf-8))
32 (defun enable-objc-reader-syntax ()
33 ;; Makes the following assumptions
34 ;; if the first expression e.g. [expression ...]
35 ;; starts with either #\[ or #\(,
36 ;; then it is a compound expression so (read) it
37 ;; otherwise read up to 'whitespace'
38 ;; (which is assumed to be any of (#\space #\tab #\newline #\return))
39 ;; and check if it "looks" like an objc-class-name
40 (set-macro-character #\@ (lambda (stream char) ;; TODO if its not a string produce a warning
41 `(send "NSString" "stringWithUTF8String:" ,(utf-8-string (read stream)))))
42 (set-macro-character #\] (get-macro-character #\) nil))
43 (set-macro-character #\[ (lambda (stream char)
44 (declare (ignore char))
45 (let* (object-name object
46 (selector-name "")
47 (parameters nil))
48 (if (find (peek-char t stream) '(#\[ #\()) ;; this is -really- bad
49 (setf object-name ""
50 object (read stream))
51 (setf object-name (read-until-characters stream
52 '(#\space #\tab #\newline #\return)) ;; again this sucks, a lot
53 object (read-from-string object-name)))
54 (labels ((read-parameter ()
55 (skip-whitespace stream)
56 (multiple-value-bind (name end)
57 (read-until-characters stream ":]")
58 (cond ((char= #\: end)
59 (setf selector-name
60 (concatenate 'string selector-name name ":"))
61 (push (read stream) parameters)
62 (read-parameter))
63 (t (setf selector-name
64 (concatenate 'string selector-name name)))))))
65 (read-parameter))
66 (setf parameters (reverse parameters))
67 (append (list 'send
68 (if (probably-objc-class-name object object-name) object-name object)
69 selector-name)
70 parameters)))))