first attempt at oo-oo is done!
[o_s.git] /
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 # drawing hearts in the snow!
3 from odf.opendocument import OpenDocumentText
4 from odf.text import P, Span
5 from import Style, TextProperties, ParagraphProperties, BackgroundImage, GraphicProperties
6 from odf.draw import Frame, TextBox
8 from texts import *
9 from liblove import *
11 class CharSpice(Spice):
12 def __init__(self, genre, style):
13 Spice.__init__(self, genre, style)
14 self.spices = spices
15 self.words = words
17 # leaving it here because it was built for this spice
18 def kinda_p4char_spice(self, paragraphic_style, boldstyle, text, textbox):
19 sectioned = text.split()
20 p = P(text=u"", stylename=paragraphic_style)
21 try:
22 sectioned[-1]
23 for i in range(len(sectioned)-1):
24 if sectioned[i].lower() in self.words:
25 boldpart = Span(stylename=boldstyle, text=sectioned[i] + u" ")
26 p.addElement(boldpart)
27 else:
28 normalpart = Span(text=sectioned[i] + u" ")
29 p.addElement(normalpart)
30 p.addText(sectioned[-1])
31 except IndexError:
32 p.addText(u"")
33 textbox.addElement(p)
35 def character_text_frame(self, odt, spice):
36 # character spice !
37 if spice == "sexy":
38 boldstyle = Style(name=spice + "Bold", family="text")
39 boldprop = TextProperties(fontfamily="diluvienne", fontsize="28pt")
40 boldstyle.addElement(boldprop)
41 odt.automaticstyles.addElement(boldstyle)
42 elif spice == "champagne":
43 boldstyle = Style(name=spice + "Bold", family="text")
44 boldprop = TextProperties(fontfamily="Cimatics_Trash")
45 boldstyle.addElement(boldprop)
46 odt.automaticstyles.addElement(boldstyle)
47 else:
48 boldstyle = Style(name=spice + "Bold", family="text")
49 boldprop = TextProperties(fontweight="bold", fontfamily="NotCourierSans", letterspacing="2mm")
50 boldstyle.addElement(boldprop)
51 odt.automaticstyles.addElement(boldstyle)
53 ### header frame (for letter)
54 if self.genre == "brief":
55 header(odt)
57 ### textframe
58 graphic_style = Style(name="Main Body Frame", family="graphic")
59 graphic_properties = GraphicProperties(backgroundcolor="#ffffff", border="10mm double #ffffff")
60 graphic_style.addElement(graphic_properties)
61 frame = make_frame(odt, graphic_style, "240mm", "170mm", "0mm", "0mm", "1")
62 frameframe = frame["frame"]
63 textbox = frame["textbox"]
65 for paragraph in txt[self.genre]:
66 self.kinda_p4char_spice("Body Text", boldstyle, paragraph, textbox)
68 odt.text.addElement(frameframe)
70 def loop_over_spices(self):
71 for myspice in self.spices:
73 myodt = OpenDocumentText()
75 # genredotstyle... is this really the name we want?
76 genredotstyle = self.read_stylesheet()
77 myodt.styles.addElement(genredotstyle)
78 frame_border(myodt)
80 self.character_text_frame(myodt, myspice)
83 self.label(myodt, myspice)
85 myname = self.genre + "/" + + "/character/" + self.genre + "_" + + "_" + myspice
86, True)
88 if __name__ == "__main__":
89 spices = ["sexy", "champagne", "lungo"]
90 words = [u"aai", u"aan", u"alleen", u"beloofde", u"bemind", u"benen", u"bewust", u"borst", u"eenzaam", u"elkaar", u"geloofde", u"gesmoord", u"gevoel", u"gezicht", u"giechelend", u"glimlachte", u"haar", u"hand", u"haren", u"hem", u"hen", u"herinner", u"herinneren", u"herinneringen", u"hier", u"hij", u"hoofd", u"hoop", u"huilen", u"ik", u"ja", u"je", u"jij", u"jou", u"jouw", u"kiezen", u"kleurde", u"leven", u"liefde", u"liefdes", u"liefs", u"liefste", u"lieve", u"lippen", u"man", u"me", u"mijn", u"moed", u"moeilijk", u"ogen", u"ons", u"ontmoeting", u"onze", u"opnieuw", u"rituelen", u"roos", u"routine", u"ruggen", u"samen", u"smoorverliefd", u"spijt", u"stotterde", u"streelde", u"tenen", u"troost", u"vergat", u"vergeet", u"vergeten", u"voorzichtig", u"vriend", u"vrienden", u"vrijheid", u"vrouw", u"we", u"wij", u"wil", u"wilde", u"wilden", u"willen", u"ze", u"zelf", u"zij", u"zijn", u"zinnen"]
91 directory_structure()
92 for genre in ["brief", "verhaal", "gedicht"]:
93 for style in text_style[genre].keys():
94 to_season = CharSpice(genre, style)
95 to_season.loop_over_spices()