add a workaround for drm:
[netbsd-mini2440.git] / etc / rc.subr
1 # $NetBSD: rc.subr,v 1.74 2008/12/06 23:21:32 salo Exp $
3 # Copyright (c) 1997-2004 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
4 # All rights reserved.
6 # This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation
7 # by Luke Mewburn.
9 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
10 # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
11 # are met:
12 # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
13 #    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
14 # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
15 #    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
16 #    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
30 # rc.subr
31 #       functions used by various rc scripts
34 : ${rcvar_manpage:='rc.conf(5)'}
35 : ${RC_PID:=$$} ; export RC_PID
38 #       functions
39 #       ---------
42 # checkyesno var
43 #       Test $1 variable, and warn if not set to YES or NO.
44 #       Return 0 if it's "yes" (et al), nonzero otherwise.
46 checkyesno()
48         eval _value=\$${1}
49         case $_value in
51                 #       "yes", "true", "on", or "1"
52         [Yy][Ee][Ss]|[Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee]|[Oo][Nn]|1)
53                 return 0
54                 ;;
56                 #       "no", "false", "off", or "0"
57         [Nn][Oo]|[Ff][Aa][Ll][Ss][Ee]|[Oo][Ff][Ff]|0)
58                 return 1
59                 ;;
60         *)
61                 warn "\$${1} is not set properly - see ${rcvar_manpage}."
62                 return 1
63                 ;;
64         esac
68 # reverse_list list
69 #       print the list in reverse order
71 reverse_list()
73         _revlist=
74         for _revfile; do
75                 _revlist="$_revfile $_revlist"
76         done
77         echo $_revlist
81 # If booting directly to multiuser, send SIGTERM to
82 # the parent (/etc/rc) to abort the boot.
83 # Otherwise just exit.
85 stop_boot()
87         if [ "$autoboot" = yes ]; then
88                 echo "ERROR: ABORTING BOOT (sending SIGTERM to parent)!"
89                 kill -TERM ${RC_PID}
90         fi
91         exit 1
95 # mount_critical_filesystems type
96 #       Go through the list of critical filesystems as provided in
97 #       the rc.conf(5) variable $critical_filesystems_${type}, checking
98 #       each one to see if it is mounted, and if it is not, mounting it.
100 mount_critical_filesystems()
102         eval _fslist=\$critical_filesystems_${1}
103         for _fs in $_fslist; do
104                 mount | (
105                         _ismounted=false
106                         while read what _on on _type type; do
107                                 if [ $on = $_fs ]; then
108                                         _ismounted=true
109                                 fi
110                         done
111                         if $_ismounted; then
112                                 :
113                         else
114                                 mount $_fs >/dev/null 2>&1
115                         fi
116                 )
117         done
121 # check_pidfile pidfile procname [interpreter]
122 #       Parses the first line of pidfile for a PID, and ensures
123 #       that the process is running and matches procname.
124 #       Prints the matching PID upon success, nothing otherwise.
125 #       interpreter is optional; see _find_processes() for details.
127 check_pidfile()
129         _pidfile=$1
130         _procname=$2
131         _interpreter=$3
132         if [ -z "$_pidfile" -o -z "$_procname" ]; then
133                 err 3 'USAGE: check_pidfile pidfile procname [interpreter]'
134         fi
135         if [ ! -f $_pidfile ]; then
136                 return
137         fi
138         read _pid _junk < $_pidfile
139         if [ -z "$_pid" ]; then
140                 return
141         fi
142         _find_processes $_procname ${_interpreter:-.} '-p '"$_pid"
146 # check_process procname [interpreter]
147 #       Ensures that a process (or processes) named procname is running.
148 #       Prints a list of matching PIDs.
149 #       interpreter is optional; see _find_processes() for details.
151 check_process()
153         _procname=$1
154         _interpreter=$2
155         if [ -z "$_procname" ]; then
156                 err 3 'USAGE: check_process procname [interpreter]'
157         fi
158         _find_processes $_procname ${_interpreter:-.} '-ax'
162 # _find_processes procname interpreter psargs
163 #       Search for procname in the output of ps generated by psargs.
164 #       Prints the PIDs of any matching processes, space separated.
166 #       If interpreter == ".", check the following variations of procname
167 #       against the first word of each command:
168 #               procname
169 #               `basename procname`
170 #               `basename procname` + ":"
171 #               "(" + `basename procname` + ")"
173 #       If interpreter != ".", read the first line of procname, remove the
174 #       leading #!, normalise whitespace, append procname, and attempt to
175 #       match that against each command, either as is, or with extra words
176 #       at the end.  As an alternative, to deal with interpreted daemons
177 #       using perl, the basename of the interpreter plus a colon is also
178 #       tried as the prefix to procname.
180 _find_processes()
182         if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
183                 err 3 'USAGE: _find_processes procname interpreter psargs'
184         fi
185         _procname=$1
186         _interpreter=$2
187         _psargs=$3
189         _pref=
190         _procnamebn=${_procname##*/}
191         if [ $_interpreter != "." ]; then       # an interpreted script
192                 read _interp < ${_chroot:-}/$_procname  # read interpreter name
193                 _interp=${_interp#\#!}          # strip #!
194                 set -- $_interp
195                 if [ $_interpreter != $1 ]; then
196                         warn "\$command_interpreter $_interpreter != $1"
197                 fi
198                 _interp="$* $_procname"         # cleanup spaces, add _procname
199                 _interpbn=${1##*/}
200                 _fp_args='_argv'
201                 _fp_match='case "$_argv" in
202                     ${_interp}|"${_interp} "*|"${_interpbn}: "*${_procnamebn}*)'
203         else                                    # a normal daemon
204                 _fp_args='_arg0 _argv'
205                 _fp_match='case "$_arg0" in
206                     $_procname|$_procnamebn|${_procnamebn}:|"(${_procnamebn})")'
207         fi
209         _proccheck='
210                 ps -o "pid,command" '"$_psargs"' |
211                 while read _npid '"$_fp_args"'; do
212                         case "$_npid" in
213                             PID)
214                                 continue ;;
215                         esac ; '"$_fp_match"'
216                                 echo -n "$_pref$_npid" ;
217                                 _pref=" "
218                                 ;;
219                         esac
220                 done'
222 #echo 1>&2 "proccheck is :$_proccheck:"
223         eval $_proccheck
227 # wait_for_pids pid [pid ...]
228 #       spins until none of the pids exist
230 wait_for_pids()
232         _list="$@"
233         if [ -z "$_list" ]; then
234                 return
235         fi
236         _prefix=
237         while true; do
238                 _nlist="";
239                 for _j in $_list; do
240                         if kill -0 $_j 2>/dev/null; then
241                                 _nlist="${_nlist}${_nlist:+ }$_j"
242                         fi
243                 done
244                 if [ -z "$_nlist" ]; then
245                         break
246                 fi
247                 _list=$_nlist
248                 echo -n ${_prefix:-"Waiting for PIDS: "}$_list
249                 _prefix=", "
250                 sleep 2
251         done
252         if [ -n "$_prefix" ]; then
253                 echo "."
254         fi
258 # run_rc_command argument
259 #       Search for argument in the list of supported commands, which is:
260 #               "start stop restart rcvar status poll ${extra_commands}"
261 #       If there's a match, run ${argument}_cmd or the default method
262 #       (see below).
264 #       If argument has a given prefix, then change the operation as follows:
265 #               Prefix  Operation
266 #               ------  ---------
267 #               fast    Skip the pid check, and set rc_fast=yes
268 #               force   Set ${rcvar} to YES, and set rc_force=yes
269 #               one     Set ${rcvar} to YES
271 #       The following globals are used:
273 #       Name            Needed  Purpose
274 #       ----            ------  -------
275 #       name            y       Name of script.
277 #       command         n       Full path to command.
278 #                               Not needed if ${rc_arg}_cmd is set for
279 #                               each keyword.
281 #       command_args    n       Optional args/shell directives for command.
283 #       command_interpreter n   If not empty, command is interpreted, so
284 #                               call check_{pidfile,process}() appropriately.
286 #       extra_commands  n       List of extra commands supported.
288 #       pidfile         n       If set, use check_pidfile $pidfile $command,
289 #                               otherwise use check_process $command.
290 #                               In either case, only check if $command is set.
292 #       procname        n       Process name to check for instead of $command.
294 #       rcvar           n       This is checked with checkyesno to determine
295 #                               if the action should be run.
297 #       ${name}_chroot  n       Directory to chroot to before running ${command}
298 #                               Requires /usr to be mounted.
300 #       ${name}_chdir   n       Directory to cd to before running ${command}
301 #                               (if not using ${name}_chroot).
303 #       ${name}_flags   n       Arguments to call ${command} with.
304 #                               NOTE:   $flags from the parent environment
305 #                                       can be used to override this.
307 #       ${name}_env     n       Additional environment variable settings
308 #                               for running ${command}
310 #       ${name}_nice    n       Nice level to run ${command} at.
312 #       ${name}_user    n       User to run ${command} as, using su(1) if not
313 #                               using ${name}_chroot.
314 #                               Requires /usr to be mounted.
316 #       ${name}_group   n       Group to run chrooted ${command} as.
317 #                               Requires /usr to be mounted.
319 #       ${name}_groups  n       Comma separated list of supplementary groups
320 #                               to run the chrooted ${command} with.
321 #                               Requires /usr to be mounted.
323 #       ${rc_arg}_cmd   n       If set, use this as the method when invoked;
324 #                               Otherwise, use default command (see below)
326 #       ${rc_arg}_precmd n      If set, run just before performing the
327 #                               ${rc_arg}_cmd method in the default
328 #                               operation (i.e, after checking for required
329 #                               bits and process (non)existence).
330 #                               If this completes with a non-zero exit code,
331 #                               don't run ${rc_arg}_cmd.
333 #       ${rc_arg}_postcmd n     If set, run just after performing the
334 #                               ${rc_arg}_cmd method, if that method
335 #                               returned a zero exit code.
337 #       required_dirs   n       If set, check for the existence of the given
338 #                               directories before running the default
339 #                               (re)start command.
341 #       required_files  n       If set, check for the readability of the given
342 #                               files before running the default (re)start
343 #                               command.
345 #       required_vars   n       If set, perform checkyesno on each of the
346 #                               listed variables before running the default
347 #                               (re)start command.
349 #       Default behaviour for a given argument, if no override method is
350 #       provided:
352 #       Argument        Default behaviour
353 #       --------        -----------------
354 #       start           if !running && checkyesno ${rcvar}
355 #                               ${command}
357 #       stop            if ${pidfile}
358 #                               rc_pid=$(check_pidfile $pidfile $command)
359 #                       else
360 #                               rc_pid=$(check_process $command)
361 #                       kill $sig_stop $rc_pid
362 #                       wait_for_pids $rc_pid
363 #                       ($sig_stop defaults to TERM.)
365 #       reload          Similar to stop, except use $sig_reload instead,
366 #                       and doesn't wait_for_pids.
367 #                       $sig_reload defaults to HUP.
369 #       restart         Run `stop' then `start'.
371 #       status          Show if ${command} is running, etc.
373 #       poll            Wait for ${command} to exit.
375 #       rcvar           Display what rc.conf variable is used (if any).
377 #       Variables available to methods, and after run_rc_command() has
378 #       completed:
380 #       Variable        Purpose
381 #       --------        -------
382 #       rc_arg          Argument to command, after fast/force/one processing
383 #                       performed
385 #       rc_flags        Flags to start the default command with.
386 #                       Defaults to ${name}_flags, unless overridden
387 #                       by $flags from the environment.
388 #                       This variable may be changed by the precmd method.
390 #       rc_pid          PID of command (if appropriate)
392 #       rc_fast         Not empty if "fast" was provided (q.v.)
394 #       rc_force        Not empty if "force" was provided (q.v.)
397 run_rc_command()
399         rc_arg=$1
400         if [ -z "$name" ]; then
401                 err 3 'run_rc_command: $name is not set.'
402         fi
404         _rc_prefix=
405         case "$rc_arg" in
406         fast*)                          # "fast" prefix; don't check pid
407                 rc_arg=${rc_arg#fast}
408                 rc_fast=yes
409                 ;;
410         force*)                         # "force" prefix; always run
411                 rc_force=yes
412                 _rc_prefix=force
413                 rc_arg=${rc_arg#${_rc_prefix}}
414                 if [ -n "${rcvar}" ]; then
415                         eval ${rcvar}=YES
416                 fi
417                 ;;
418         one*)                           # "one" prefix; set ${rcvar}=yes
419                 _rc_prefix=one
420                 rc_arg=${rc_arg#${_rc_prefix}}
421                 if [ -n "${rcvar}" ]; then
422                         eval ${rcvar}=YES
423                 fi
424                 ;;
425         esac
427         _keywords="start stop restart rcvar"
428         if [ -n "$extra_commands" ]; then
429                 _keywords="${_keywords} ${extra_commands}"
430         fi
431         rc_pid=
432         _pidcmd=
433         _procname=${procname:-${command}}
435                                         # setup pid check command if not fast
436         if [ -z "$rc_fast" -a -n "$_procname" ]; then
437                 if [ -n "$pidfile" ]; then
438                         _pidcmd='rc_pid=$(check_pidfile '"$pidfile $_procname $command_interpreter"')'
439                 else
440                         _pidcmd='rc_pid=$(check_process '"$_procname $command_interpreter"')'
441                 fi
442                 if [ -n "$_pidcmd" ]; then
443                         _keywords="${_keywords} status poll"
444                 fi
445         fi
447         if [ -z "$rc_arg" ]; then
448                 rc_usage "$_keywords"
449         fi
451         if [ -n "$flags" ]; then        # allow override from environment
452                 rc_flags=$flags
453         else
454                 eval rc_flags=\$${name}_flags
455         fi
456         eval _chdir=\$${name}_chdir     _chroot=\$${name}_chroot \
457             _nice=\$${name}_nice        _user=\$${name}_user \
458             _group=\$${name}_group      _groups=\$${name}_groups \
459             _env=\"\$${name}_env\"
461         if [ -n "$_user" ]; then        # unset $_user if running as that user
462                 if [ "$_user" = "$(id -un)" ]; then
463                         unset _user
464                 fi
465         fi
467                                         # if ${rcvar} is set, and $1 is not
468                                         # "rcvar", then run
469                                         #       checkyesno ${rcvar}
470                                         # and return if that failed or warn
471                                         # user and exit when interactive
472                                         #
473         if [ -n "${rcvar}" -a "$rc_arg" != "rcvar" ]; then
474                 if ! checkyesno ${rcvar}; then
475                                         # check whether interactive or not
476                         if [ -n "$_run_rc_script" ]; then
477                                 return 0
478                         fi
479                         for _elem in $_keywords; do
480                                 if [ "$_elem" = "$rc_arg" ]; then
481                                         echo 1>&2 "\$${rcvar} is not enabled - see ${rcvar_manpage}."
482                                         echo 1>&2 "Use the following if you wish to perform the operation:"
483                                         echo 1>&2 "  $0 one${rc_arg}"
484                                         exit 1
485                                 fi
486                         done
487                         echo 1>&2 "$0: unknown directive '$rc_arg'."
488                         rc_usage "$_keywords"
489                 fi
490         fi
492         eval $_pidcmd                   # determine the pid if necessary
494         for _elem in $_keywords; do
495                 if [ "$_elem" != "$rc_arg" ]; then
496                         continue
497                 fi
499                                         # if there's a custom ${XXX_cmd},
500                                         # run that instead of the default
501                                         #
502                 eval _cmd=\$${rc_arg}_cmd _precmd=\$${rc_arg}_precmd \
503                     _postcmd=\$${rc_arg}_postcmd
504                 if [ -n "$_cmd" ]; then
505                                         # if the precmd failed and force
506                                         # isn't set, exit
507                                         #
508                         if ! eval $_precmd && [ -z "$rc_force" ]; then
509                                 return 1
510                         fi
512                         if ! eval $_cmd && [ -z "$rc_force" ]; then
513                                 return 1
514                         fi
515                         eval $_postcmd
516                         return 0
517                 fi
519                 case "$rc_arg" in       # default operations...
521                 status)
522                         if [ -n "$rc_pid" ]; then
523                                 echo "${name} is running as pid $rc_pid."
524                         else
525                                 echo "${name} is not running."
526                                 return 1
527                         fi
528                         ;;
530                 start)
531                         if [ -n "$rc_pid" ]; then
532                                 echo 1>&2 "${name} already running? (pid=$rc_pid)."
533                                 exit 1
534                         fi
536                         if [ ! -x ${_chroot}${command} ]; then
537                                 return 0
538                         fi
540                                         # check for required variables,
541                                         # directories, and files
542                                         #
543                         for _f in $required_vars; do
544                                 if ! checkyesno $_f; then
545                                         warn "\$${_f} is not enabled."
546                                         if [ -z "$rc_force" ]; then
547                                                 return 1
548                                         fi
549                                 fi
550                         done
551                         for _f in $required_dirs; do
552                                 if [ ! -d "${_f}/." ]; then
553                                         warn "${_f} is not a directory."
554                                         if [ -z "$rc_force" ]; then
555                                                 return 1
556                                         fi
557                                 fi
558                         done
559                         for _f in $required_files; do
560                                 if [ ! -r "${_f}" ]; then
561                                         warn "${_f} is not readable."
562                                         if [ -z "$rc_force" ]; then
563                                                 return 1
564                                         fi
565                                 fi
566                         done
568                                         # if the precmd failed and force
569                                         # isn't set, exit
570                                         #
571                         if ! eval $_precmd && [ -z "$rc_force" ]; then
572                                 return 1
573                         fi
575                                         # setup the command to run, and run it
576                                         #
577                         echo "Starting ${name}."
578                         if [ -n "$_chroot" ]; then
579                                 _doit="\
580 ${_env:+env $_env }\
581 ${_nice:+nice -n $_nice }\
582 chroot ${_user:+-u $_user }${_group:+-g $_group }${_groups:+-G $_groups }\
583 $_chroot $command $rc_flags $command_args"
584                         else
585                                 _doit="\
586 ${_chdir:+cd $_chdir; }\
587 ${_env:+env $_env }\
588 ${_nice:+nice -n $_nice }\
589 $command $rc_flags $command_args"
590                                 if [ -n "$_user" ]; then
591                                     _doit="su -m $_user -c 'sh -c \"$_doit\"'"
592                                 fi
593                         fi
595                                         # if the cmd failed and force
596                                         # isn't set, exit
597                                         #
598                         if ! eval $_doit && [ -z "$rc_force" ]; then
599                                 return 1
600                         fi
602                                         # finally, run postcmd
603                                         #
604                         eval $_postcmd
605                         ;;
607                 stop)
608                         if [ -z "$rc_pid" ]; then
609                                 if [ -n "$pidfile" ]; then
610                                         echo 1>&2 \
611                                     "${name} not running? (check $pidfile)."
612                                 else
613                                         echo 1>&2 "${name} not running?"
614                                 fi
615                                 exit 1
616                         fi
618                                         # if the precmd failed and force
619                                         # isn't set, exit
620                                         #
621                         if ! eval $_precmd && [ -z "$rc_force" ]; then
622                                 return 1
623                         fi
625                                         # send the signal to stop
626                                         #
627                         echo "Stopping ${name}."
628                         _doit="kill -${sig_stop:-TERM} $rc_pid"
629                         if [ -n "$_user" ]; then
630                                 _doit="su -m $_user -c 'sh -c \"$_doit\"'"
631                         fi
633                                         # if the stop cmd failed and force
634                                         # isn't set, exit
635                                         #
636                         if ! eval $_doit && [ -z "$rc_force" ]; then
637                                 return 1
638                         fi
640                                         # wait for the command to exit,
641                                         # and run postcmd.
642                         wait_for_pids $rc_pid
643                         eval $_postcmd
644                         ;;
646                 reload)
647                         if [ -z "$rc_pid" ]; then
648                                 if [ -n "$pidfile" ]; then
649                                         echo 1>&2 \
650                                     "${name} not running? (check $pidfile)."
651                                 else
652                                         echo 1>&2 "${name} not running?"
653                                 fi
654                                 exit 1
655                         fi
656                         echo "Reloading ${name} config files."
657                         if ! eval $_precmd && [ -z "$rc_force" ]; then
658                                 return 1
659                         fi
660                         _doit="kill -${sig_reload:-HUP} $rc_pid"
661                         if [ -n "$_user" ]; then
662                                 _doit="su -m $_user -c 'sh -c \"$_doit\"'"
663                         fi
664                         if ! eval $_doit && [ -z "$rc_force" ]; then
665                                 return 1
666                         fi
667                         eval $_postcmd
668                         ;;
670                 restart)
671                         if ! eval $_precmd && [ -z "$rc_force" ]; then
672                                 return 1
673                         fi
674                                         # prevent restart being called more
675                                         # than once by any given script
676                                         #
677                         if ${_rc_restart_done:-false}; then
678                                 return 0
679                         fi
680                         _rc_restart_done=true
682                         ( $0 ${_rc_prefix}stop )
683                         $0 ${_rc_prefix}start
685                         eval $_postcmd
686                         ;;
688                 poll)
689                         if [ -n "$rc_pid" ]; then
690                                 wait_for_pids $rc_pid
691                         fi
692                         ;;
694                 rcvar)
695                         echo "# $name"
696                         if [ -n "$rcvar" ]; then
697                                 if checkyesno ${rcvar}; then
698                                         echo "\$${rcvar}=YES"
699                                 else
700                                         echo "\$${rcvar}=NO"
701                                 fi
702                         fi
703                         ;;
705                 *)
706                         rc_usage "$_keywords"
707                         ;;
709                 esac
710                 return 0
711         done
713         echo 1>&2 "$0: unknown directive '$rc_arg'."
714         rc_usage "$_keywords"
715         exit 1
719 # run_rc_script file arg
720 #       Start the script `file' with `arg', and correctly handle the
721 #       return value from the script.  If `file' ends with `.sh', it's
722 #       sourced into the current environment.  If `file' appears to be
723 #       a backup or scratch file, ignore it.  Otherwise if it's
724 #       executable run as a child process.
726 run_rc_script()
728         _file=$1
729         _arg=$2
730         if [ -z "$_file" -o -z "$_arg" ]; then
731                 err 3 'USAGE: run_rc_script file arg'
732         fi
734         _run_rc_script=true
736         unset   name command command_args command_interpreter \
737                 extra_commands pidfile procname \
738                 rcvar required_dirs required_files required_vars
739         eval unset ${_arg}_cmd ${_arg}_precmd ${_arg}_postcmd
741         case "$_file" in
742         *.sh)                           # run in current shell
743                 set $_arg ; . $_file
744                 ;;
745         *[~#]|*.OLD|*.orig|*,v)         # scratch file; skip
746                 warn "Ignoring scratch file $_file"
747                 ;;
748         *)                              # run in subshell
749                 if [ -x $_file ]; then
750                         if [ -n "$rc_fast_and_loose" ]; then
751                                 set $_arg ; . $_file
752                         else
753                                 ( set $_arg ; . $_file )
754                         fi
755                 fi
756                 ;;
757         esac
761 # load_rc_config command
762 #       Source in the configuration file for a given command.
764 load_rc_config()
766         _command=$1
767         if [ -z "$_command" ]; then
768                 err 3 'USAGE: load_rc_config command'
769         fi
771         if ${_rc_conf_loaded:-false}; then
772                 :
773         else
774                 . /etc/rc.conf
775                 _rc_conf_loaded=true
776         fi
777         if [ -f /etc/rc.conf.d/"$_command" ]; then
778                 . /etc/rc.conf.d/"$_command"
779         fi
783 # load_rc_config_var cmd var
784 #       Read the rc.conf(5) var for cmd and set in the
785 #       current shell, using load_rc_config in a subshell to prevent
786 #       unwanted side effects from other variable assignments.
788 load_rc_config_var()
790         if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
791                 err 3 'USAGE: load_rc_config_var cmd var'
792         fi
793         eval $(eval '(
794                 load_rc_config '$1' >/dev/null;
795                 if [ -n "${'$2'}" -o "${'$2'-UNSET}" != "UNSET" ]; then
796                         echo '$2'=\'\''${'$2'}\'\'';
797                 fi
798         )' )
802 # rc_usage commands
803 #       Print a usage string for $0, with `commands' being a list of
804 #       valid commands.
806 rc_usage()
808         echo -n 1>&2 "Usage: $0 [fast|force|one]("
810         _sep=
811         for _elem; do
812                 echo -n 1>&2 "$_sep$_elem"
813                 _sep="|"
814         done
815         echo 1>&2 ")"
816         exit 1
820 # err exitval message
821 #       Display message to stderr and log to the syslog, and exit with exitval.
823 err()
825         exitval=$1
826         shift
828         if [ -x /usr/bin/logger ]; then
829                 logger "$0: ERROR: $*"
830         fi
831         echo 1>&2 "$0: ERROR: $*"
832         exit $exitval
836 # warn message
837 #       Display message to stderr and log to the syslog.
839 warn()
841         if [ -x /usr/bin/logger ]; then
842                 logger "$0: WARNING: $*"
843         fi
844         echo 1>&2 "$0: WARNING: $*"
848 # backup_file action file cur backup
849 #       Make a backup copy of `file' into `cur', and save the previous
850 #       version of `cur' as `backup' or use rcs for archiving.
852 #       This routine checks the value of the backup_uses_rcs variable,
853 #       which can be either YES or NO.
855 #       The `action' keyword can be one of the following:
857 #       add             `file' is now being backed up (and is possibly
858 #                       being reentered into the backups system).  `cur'
859 #                       is created and RCS files, if necessary, are
860 #                       created as well.
862 #       update          `file' has changed and needs to be backed up.
863 #                       If `cur' exists, it is copied to to `back' or
864 #                       checked into RCS (if the repository file is old),
865 #                       and then `file' is copied to `cur'.  Another RCS
866 #                       check in done here if RCS is being used.
868 #       remove          `file' is no longer being tracked by the backups
869 #                       system.  If RCS is not being used, `cur' is moved
870 #                       to `back', otherwise an empty file is checked in,
871 #                       and then `cur' is removed.
874 backup_file()
876         _action=$1
877         _file=$2
878         _cur=$3
879         _back=$4
881         if checkyesno backup_uses_rcs; then
882                 _msg0="backup archive"
883                 _msg1="update"
885                 # ensure that history file is not locked
886                 if [ -f $_cur,v ]; then
887                         rcs -q -u -U -M $_cur
888                 fi
890                 # ensure after switching to rcs that the
891                 # current backup is not lost
892                 if [ -f $_cur ]; then
893                         # no archive, or current newer than archive
894                         if [ ! -f $_cur,v -o $_cur -nt $_cur,v ]; then
895                                 ci -q -f -u -t-"$_msg0" -m"$_msg1" $_cur
896                                 rcs -q -kb -U $_cur
897                                 co -q -f -u $_cur
898                         fi
899                 fi
901                 case $_action in
902                 add|update)
903                         cp -p $_file $_cur
904                         ci -q -f -u -t-"$_msg0" -m"$_msg1" $_cur
905                         rcs -q -kb -U $_cur
906                         co -q -f -u $_cur
907                         chown root:wheel $_cur $_cur,v
908                         ;;
909                 remove)
910                         cp /dev/null $_cur
911                         ci -q -f -u -t-"$_msg0" -m"$_msg1" $_cur
912                         rcs -q -kb -U $_cur
913                         chown root:wheel $_cur $_cur,v
914                         rm $_cur
915                         ;;
916                 esac
917         else
918                 case $_action in
919                 add|update)
920                         if [ -f $_cur ]; then
921                                 cp -p $_cur $_back
922                         fi
923                         cp -p $_file $_cur
924                         chown root:wheel $_cur
925                         ;;
926                 remove)
927                         mv -f $_cur $_back
928                         ;;
929                 esac
930         fi
933 _rc_subr_loaded=: