Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme : premier acte, danses
[nenuvar.git] / common / blackmensural.ly
1 \version "2.12.0"
2 %% ========================================================
3 % blackmensural.ly – Black Mensural Notation for Lilypond
4 % Version 0.1, January 2011
5 % (C) Lukas Pietsch
6 % Released under the GNU General Public License
7 %% ========================================================
9 %% ===============================================
10 % Context type definitions
11 %% ===============================================
13 %% some settings on score level
14 mensuralTightSetting = {
15 \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 2)
16 \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'common-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 2)
17 \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'shortest-duration-space = #1.5
18 \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'spacing-increment = #0.05
19 \override NoteSpacing #'stem-spacing-correction = #0.0
20 \override Score.BarLine #'stencil = #empty-stencil
21 \override Score.BarNumber #'stencil = #empty-stencil
24 \layout {
25 ragged-right = ##t
26 \context {
27 \Voice
28 \name BlackMensuralVoice %% adapted from MensuralVoice definition
29 \alias Voice
30 \remove Beam_engraver
31 \remove Stem_engraver
32 \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
33 \override Flag #'transparent = ##t
34 \override Beam #'transparent = ##t
35 \override Accidental #'stencil = #empty-stencil
36 \override Accidental #'font-size = #-2
37 \override Accidental #'X-offset = #-2
39 \context {
40 \Staff
41 \name BlackMensuralStaff %% adapted from MensuralStaff definition
42 \alias Staff
43 \denies Voice
44 \defaultchild BlackMensuralVoice
45 \accepts BlackMensuralVoice
46 \description "Same as @code{Staff} context, except that it is
47 accommodated for typesetting a piece in mensural style."
49 \consists "Custos_engraver"
51 %% We can not remove Bar_engraver; otherwise clefs and custodes will
52 %% not show up any more among other line breaking issues.
53 %% Instead, we make the grob invisible
54 \override BarLine #'stencil = #empty-stencil
55 %\override BarLine #'transparent = ##t
57 \override StaffSymbol #'thickness = #0.6
58 \override KeySignature #'font-size = #-2
59 \override TimeSignature #'font-size = #-2
61 %% Choose c clef on 3rd line as default.
62 clefGlyph = #"clefs.vaticana.do"
63 middleCClefPosition = #0
64 middleCPosition = #0
65 clefPosition = #0
66 clefOctavation = #0
68 %% Select mensural style font.
69 \override NoteHead #'style = #'mensural % will be further overridden
70 \override TimeSignature #'style = #'mensural
71 \override KeySignature #'style = #'mensural
72 \override Accidental #'glyph-name-alist = #alteration-mensural-glyph-name-alist
73 \override Custos #'style = #'mensural
74 \override Custos #'neutral-position = #3
75 \override Custos #'neutral-direction = #DOWN
76 \override Dots #'font-size = #-3
78 %% Accidentals are valid only once (same as
79 %% #(set-accidental-style 'forget))
80 extraNatural = ##f
81 autoAccidentals = #`(Staff ,(make-accidental-rule 'same-octave -1))
82 autoCautionaries = #'()
83 printKeyCancellation = ##f
87 \context {
88 \Score
89 \accepts BlackMensuralStaff
93 %% ===============================================
94 % declaring some custom properties
95 %% ===============================================
97 %% custom NoteHead property, for \override-able notehead style definitions
98 #(set-object-property! 'mensural_glyphs 'backend-type? list?)
99 #(set-object-property! 'mensural_glyphs 'backend-doc "current set of mensural display settings")
101 %% custom Voice context property, needed for ligature assembly
102 #(set-object-property! 'mensural_ligature_queue 'backend-type? list?)
103 #(set-object-property! 'mensural_ligature_queue 'backend-doc "current set of note grobs to be assembled into a ligature")
104 #(set-object-property! 'mensural_accidentals_queue 'backend-type? list?)
105 #(set-object-property! 'mensural_accidentals_queue 'backend-doc "current set of accidentals to be collected for a ligature")
107 %% custom entry in an event's 'tweak property
108 #(set-object-property! 'mensural_tags 'backend-type? list?)
109 #(set-object-property! 'mensural_tags 'backend-doc "various tags set in a notehead tweak to control mensural note display")
112 %% ==============================================
113 % convenience definition - empty stencil
114 %% ==============================================
115 #(define-public empty-stencil
116 (ly:make-stencil (list 'embedded-ps "") '(0 . 0) '(0 . 0)))
118 %% ==============================================
119 % convenience shortcut: set a custom flag in our
120 % "mensural_tags" tweak property
121 %% ==============================================
122 #(define (set-mensural-flag! note key val)
123 (let* ((tweaks (ly:music-property note 'tweaks))
124 (flags (if tweaks (assq-ref tweaks 'mensural_tags) '())))
125 (if (not tweaks) (set! tweaks '()))
126 (if (not flags) (set! flags '()))
127 (set! flags (assq-set! flags key val))
128 (set! tweaks (assq-set! tweaks 'mensural_tags flags))
129 (ly:music-set-property! note 'tweaks tweaks)
130 note))
131 #(define (get-mensural-flag note key)
132 (let* ((flags (get-tweak note 'mensural_tags)))
133 (assq-ref flags key)))
134 #(define (set-tweak! event key val frc)
135 (let* ((tw (ly:music-property event 'tweaks))
136 (old (assq key tw)))
137 (if (or frc (not old))
138 (begin
139 (set! tw (assq-set! tw key val))
140 (ly:music-set-property! event 'tweaks tw)))
141 event))
142 #(define (get-tweak event key)
143 (let* (
144 (tw (if (ly:music? event) (ly:music-property event 'tweaks) (ly:event-property event 'tweaks))))
145 (assq-ref tw key)))
147 #(define (flag-notes! key val onlynotes music )
148 (let ((test (if onlynotes 'note-event 'rhythmic-event)))
149 (music-map
150 (lambda (event)
151 (begin
152 (if (memq test (ly:music-property event 'types))
153 (set-mensural-flag! event key val)))
154 event)
155 music)
156 music))
157 #(define (tweak-notes! key val onlynotes music )
158 (let ((test (if onlynotes 'note-event 'rhythmic-event)))
159 (music-map
160 (lambda (event)
161 (begin
162 (if (memq test (ly:music-property event 'types))
163 (set-tweak! event key val onlynotes)))
164 event)
165 music)
166 music))
167 flagNotes = #(define-music-function (parser location key val music) (symbol? boolean? ly:music?)
168 (flag-notes! key val #t music))
171 %% =================================================
172 % Mark an event as explicitly imperfect. Needed only
173 % for imperfect longa rests in perfect modus
174 %% =================================================
175 imperfect = #(define-music-function (parser location mymusic) (ly:music?)
176 (flag-notes! 'imperfect #t #f mymusic))
177 %% =================================================
178 % Make a row of "currentes" ("coniunctura") rhombic
179 % noteheads inside a ligature
180 %% =================================================
181 currentes = #(define-music-function (parser location mymusic) (ly:music?)
182 (flag-notes! 'currens #t #t mymusic))
183 %% =================================================
184 % Mark whether a final ascending L in a ligature
185 % should be folded in
186 %% =================================================
187 pes = #(define-music-function (parser location mymusic) (ly:music?)
188 (flag-notes! 'pes #t #t mymusic))
189 nopes = #(define-music-function (parser location mymusic) (ly:music?)
190 (flag-notes! 'nopes #t #t mymusic))
191 %% =================================================
192 % Mark various options for vertical stems
193 %% =================================================
194 virga = #(define-music-function (parser location mymusic) (ly:music?)
195 (flag-notes! 'altvirga #t #t mymusic))
196 novirga = #(define-music-function (parser location mymusic) (ly:music?)
197 (flag-notes! 'novirga #t #t mymusic))
198 %% =================================================
199 % Mark whether two notes in a ligature
200 % should be displayed as an oblique
201 %% =================================================
202 obliqua = #(define-music-function (parser location mymusic) (ly:music?)
203 (flag-notes! 'obliqua #t #t mymusic))
204 noobliqua = #(define-music-function (parser location mymusic) (ly:music?)
205 (flag-notes! 'noobliqua #t #t mymusic))
208 %% =================================================
209 % Mark one or several notes with a special stencil
210 % Needed for Italian trecento and French "mannered"
211 % notation, e.g. various "semibreves signatae".
212 %% =================================================
213 signata = #(define-music-function (parser location stencilfunction mymusic) (ly:stencil? ly:music?)
214 (make-music 'SequentialMusic
215 'elements (list
216 (make-music ; = \override NoteHead #'stencil = #stencilfunction
217 'ContextSpeccedMusic
218 'context-type 'Bottom
219 'element
220 (make-music
221 'OverrideProperty
222 'symbol 'NoteHead
223 'grob-property-path (list 'stencil)
224 'grob-value stencilfunction))
225 mymusic
226 (make-music
227 'ContextSpeccedMusic
228 'context-type 'Bottom
229 'element
230 (make-music
231 'RevertProperty
232 'symbol 'NoteHead
233 'grob-property-path (list 'stencil))))))
235 %% alternative version using a 'stencil tweak, but
236 %% the override seems to get better horizontal spacing.
237 signataB = #(define-music-function (parser location stencil mymusic) (ly:stencil? ly:music?)
238 (tweak-notes! 'stencil stencil #t mymusic))
240 %% ==================================================
241 % Coloratio
242 %% ==================================================
243 coloratio = #(define-music-function (parser location col mymusic) (symbol? ly:music?)
244 (begin
245 (music-map ; iterate through all the music
246 (lambda (event)
247 (cond
248 ;; for notes: use our custom color flag
249 ((memq 'note-event (ly:music-property event 'types))
250 (set-mensural-flag! event 'color col))
251 ;; for rests: use the standard color mechanism
252 ((memq 'rest-event (ly:music-property event 'types))
253 (case col
254 ((red redhollow)
255 (set-tweak! event 'color (rgb-color 0.7 0 0) #f)))))
256 event)
257 mymusic)
258 mymusic))
260 %% ==============================================
262 %% ==============================================
264 %% =========================================================
265 % This is the music function that will be called during
266 % input processing. It does no processing of its own, but
267 % only adds "applyContext" callbacks at the beginning and
268 % end of the ligature in the input stream. These, together
269 % with the "applyOutput" callbacks inserted by the
270 % \mensura command, will later get executed during translation.
271 %% =========================================================
272 ligatura = #(define-music-function (parser location mymusic) (ly:music?)
273 (make-music
274 'SequentialMusic
275 'elements
276 (list
277 ;; call to start_ligature callback
278 (make-music
279 'ApplyContext
280 'context-type 'Bottom
281 'procedure start_ligature)
282 ;; original music
283 mymusic
284 ;; call to finish_ligature callback
285 (make-music
286 'ApplyContext
287 'context-type 'Bottom
288 'procedure finish_ligature)
290 ;; ugly workaround to get horizontal spacing right:
291 ;; insert an invisible breathing mark as a dummy grob
292 (make-music
293 'ContextSpeccedMusic
294 'context-type 'Bottom
295 'element (make-music
296 'OverrideProperty
297 'symbol 'BreathingSign
298 'grob-property-path '(text)
299 'grob-value " "
300 'pop-first #t
301 'once #t))
302 (make-music
303 'EventChord
304 'elements
305 (list (make-music (quote BreathingEvent))))
309 %% =========================================================
310 % This procedure will be called for every grob in the Voice
311 % context during the translation phase, through ApplyOutput
312 % calls (placed throughout the music by the \mensura command).
313 % It checks whether we are in a ligature, and if yes, places
314 % relevant grobs in a queue to be processed at the end of the
315 % ligature. It also queries each grob's X-extent property,
316 % to force Lilypond to calculate the stencil widths properly.
317 %% =========================================================
318 #(define (mensural_processing grob origin context)
319 (let* ((ifs (ly:grob-interfaces grob))
320 (cause (ly:grob-property grob 'cause))
321 (type (cdr (assq 'name (ly:grob-property grob 'meta ))))
322 (queue (ly:context-property
323 context
324 'mensural_ligature_queue ))
325 (inligature (if queue #t #f))
327 ;(display (format #f "We got a ~a\n" type))
328 (if inligature
329 (cond
330 ((eq? type 'NoteHead)
331 (begin
332 (ly:context-set-property!
333 context
334 'mensural_ligature_queue
335 (append queue (list grob)))))
336 ((eq? type 'Dots)
337 ;; discard the standard dot grob, but mark the parent note with a flag
338 ;; so that the ligature creation procedure can add it as part of the ligature stencil.
339 (let* ((lastnote (car (last-pair queue)))
340 (lastflags (if lastnote (ly:grob-property lastnote 'mensural_tags))))
341 (ly:grob-set-property! lastnote 'mensural_tags
342 (assq-set! lastflags 'punctum #t))
343 (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil empty-stencil)))
344 ((eq? type 'Accidental)
345 ;; put ligature accidentals into a queue of their own.
346 (let* ((stencil (ly:grob-property grob 'stencil))
347 (position (ly:grob-property cause 'Y-offset))
348 (accqueue (ly:context-property context 'mensural_accidentals_queue)))
349 (if (eq? accqueue #f) (set! accqueue '()))
350 (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil empty-stencil)
351 (ly:context-set-property!
352 context
353 'mensural_accidentals_queue
354 (append accqueue (list (cons position stencil)))))))
356 ;; need to do this for every note head, or Lilypond won't figure out
357 ;; the customized X-width in time.
358 (if (or (eq? type 'NoteHead) (eq? type 'Rest))
359 (ly:grob-property grob 'X-extent))
363 % ===========================================
364 % convenience function: use explanatory
365 % symbols rather than duration logs for
366 % note values
367 % ===========================================
368 #(define (duration_log_to_note_symbol log)
369 (case log
370 ((-3) 'mx)
371 ((-2) 'lg)
372 ((-1) 'br)
373 ((0) 'sb)
374 ((1) 'mn)
375 ((2) 'sm)
376 ((3) 'fu)
377 ((4) 'sf)
378 (else #f)))
380 #(define (start_ligature context)
381 (ly:context-set-property!
382 context
383 'mensural_ligature_queue
384 '()))
386 %% ========================================================
387 % This procedure will be called after the last notehead
388 % grob of each ligature, through ApplyContext.
389 % It recovers the stored grobs from the custom
390 % context property 'mensural_ligature_queue, calculates
391 % a single postscript stencil for the ligature, assigns
392 % this stencil to one of the note grobs, and makes the
393 % others invisible.
394 %% =========================================================
395 #(define (finish_ligature context)
396 (let* ((findcontext (ly:context-property-where-defined context 'mensural_ligature_queue))
397 (notes (if (ly:context? findcontext)
398 (ly:context-property findcontext 'mensural_ligature_queue )
399 '()))
400 (imaxall (- (length notes) 1))
401 (imax imaxall)
402 (imiddle (truncate (/ imax 2))) ; this is the note we'll assign our customized stencil to.
403 (ymiddle (ly:grob-property (list-ref notes imiddle) 'Y-offset))
405 (ypositions (map (lambda (gr) (ly:grob-property gr 'Y-offset)) notes) )
406 (vals (map (lambda (gr) (duration_log_to_note_symbol (ly:grob-property gr 'duration-log))) notes))
407 (flags (map (lambda (gr) (ly:grob-property gr 'mensural_tags)) notes))
409 (glyphsettings (ly:grob-property (car notes) 'mensural_glyphs))
410 (foldpes (assq-ref glyphsettings 'foldpes))
411 (basecolor (or (assq-ref glyphsettings 'color) 'black))
413 (mystencil #f)
414 (postscript "")
415 (notewidth 1.1)
416 (noteheight 0.9)
417 (linewidth 0.11)
418 (rightX (* notewidth (+ imaxall 1)))
419 (curX rightX)
420 (firstpos (car ypositions))
421 (posref
422 (lambda (i)
423 (list-ref ypositions i)))
424 (add-postscript
425 (lambda (ps)
426 (set! postscript (string-append postscript ps))))
427 (shift-postscript
428 (lambda (dX dY)
429 (begin
430 (add-postscript (format #f " ~a ~a translate " dX dY))
431 (set! curX (+ curX dX)))))
432 (obliqua-width
433 (lambda (adiff)
434 (+ (* adiff adiff (/ 1.0 12.0)) (* adiff (/ 7.0 12.0)) (/ 4.0 3.0))))
437 ; we need at least two notes to proceed beyond here.
438 (if (>= imaxall 1)
439 (begin
441 ;check how many of our notes are regular ligature notes,
442 ;and how many are trailing currentes or plicae
443 (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
444 ((or (> i imaxall) (< imax imaxall)))
445 (if (assq-ref (list-ref flags i) 'currens)
446 (set! imax (- i 1)))
447 (if (assq-ref (list-ref flags i) 'plica)
448 (begin
449 (set! imax (- i 1))
450 ; also check whether the preceding note is manually forced to be folded in
451 (if (and
452 (> i 0)
453 (assq-ref (list-ref flags (- i 1)) 'pes))
454 (set! foldpes #t)
455 (set! foldpes #f)))))
457 ;(display (format #f "Finishing ligature with ~a (~a) notes.\n" (+ 1 imaxall) (+ 1 imax)))
459 ;; ===========================
460 ;; main loop through note list
461 ;; ===========================
462 (do ((i imaxall (1- i)) ;backwards loop-index variable
463 (nextobliqua #f nextobliqua)) ; flag to indicate we are inside an obliqua
464 ((< i 0))
466 (let* (
467 (atfirst (= i 0))
468 (atpenult (= i (- imax 1)))
469 (atlast (>= i imax))
470 (atverylast (= i imaxall))
471 (inmiddle (and (> i 0) (< i imax)))
473 (previous (if atfirst #f (list-ref notes (- i 1))))
474 (prevval (if atfirst #f (list-ref vals (- i 1))))
475 (prevpos (if atfirst firstpos (list-ref ypositions (- i 1))))
476 (prevflag (if atfirst #f (list-ref flags (- i 1))))
478 (this (list-ref notes i))
479 (thisval (list-ref vals i))
480 (thispos (list-ref ypositions i))
481 (thisflag (list-ref flags i))
483 (next (if atverylast #f (list-ref notes (+ i 1))))
484 (nextval (if atverylast #f (list-ref vals (+ i 1))))
485 (nextpos (if atverylast #f (list-ref ypositions (+ i 1))))
486 (nextflag (if atverylast #f (list-ref flags (+ i 1))))
488 (descending (if atverylast (< thispos prevpos) (< nextpos thispos)))
489 (descended (if atfirst descending (< thispos prevpos)))
491 (singlebr (and atfirst atlast (eq? thisval 'br)))
492 (singlelg (and atfirst atlast (eq? thisval 'lg)))
494 (thiscolor (or (assq-ref thisflag 'color) basecolor))
495 (currens (assq-ref thisflag 'currens))
497 (obliquaB (and (not atfirst)
499 (and atlast ; obligatory sine-perf obliqua
500 descended
501 (not (and (= i 1)(eq? prevval 'sb)))
502 (eq? thisval 'br))
503 (assq-ref prevflag 'obliqua) ; manually set obliqua
504 (and (assq-ref nextflag 'pes) ;
505 descended
506 (not descending)
507 (not (assq-ref prevflag 'noobliqua))
508 (not (and (>= i 2) (assq-ref (list-ref flags (- i 2)) 'obliqua))))
509 (and (= i 1) ; try to use obliqua in descending c.opp.prop.
510 descending
511 (eq? thisval 'sb)
512 (eq? prevval 'sb)
513 (not (assq-ref thisflag 'obliqua))
514 (not (assq-ref prevflag 'noobliqua))))))
515 (obliquaA nextobliqua)
517 (pesbottom (or
518 (and atpenult ;automatic fold-in pes in ascending cum-perf
519 foldpes ;(old style)
520 (not descending)
521 (not obliquaB)
522 (eq? nextval 'lg)
523 (not (eq? thisval 'sb))
524 (not (assq-ref nextflag 'plica))
525 (not (assq-ref nextflag 'nopes)))
526 (and (not descending) ;manually tweaked fold-in pes
527 (not obliquaB)
528 (not (eq? thisval 'sb))
529 (assq-ref nextflag 'pes))))
530 (pestop (or
531 (and atlast ;automatic fold-in pes
532 (not atfirst)
533 foldpes
534 (not descended)
535 (eq? thisval 'lg)
536 (not (eq? prevval 'sb))
537 (not (assq-ref thisflag 'plica))
538 (not (assq-ref thisflag 'nopes)))
539 (and (not descended) ;manually tweaked fold-in pes
540 (assq-ref thisflag 'pes))))
541 (plica (and atlast (assq-ref thisflag 'plica) (< imax imaxall)))
542 (skipplica (and atverylast (assq-ref prevflag 'plica)))
543 (opposita (and atfirst
544 (< i imax)
545 (eq? thisval 'sb)))
546 (online (= 0 (modulo (inexact->exact (* 2 thispos)) 2)))
547 (dotatside (lambda (x) (cons (+ x 0.3) 0)))
548 (dotabove (cons 0 (if online 0.8 0.8)))
549 (processdot (lambda (flag offset)
550 (if (assq-ref flag 'punctum)
551 (let ((y (cdr offset)))
552 (while
553 (< linewidth (abs (- y (inexact->exact y))))
554 (set! y (+ y 0.05)))
555 (add-postscript
556 (format #f "gsave newpath ~a ~a ~a 0 360 arc fill grestore "
557 (car offset) y (* 1.3 linewidth)))))))
560 ;; connector lines and relative y positioning
561 (if atverylast
562 (shift-postscript 0 (- thispos ymiddle))
563 (shift-postscript 0 (- thispos nextpos)))
564 (if (or inmiddle atfirst)
565 (let ((ydiff (- nextpos thispos)))
566 (if (= ydiff 0)
567 (shift-postscript -0.2 0)
568 (if (and (not obliquaA) (not (assq-ref nextflag 'currens)))
569 (add-postscript (ps_virga 0 ydiff thiscolor))))
572 ;; longa and plica strokes (virgae)
573 (cond
574 (plica
575 (let ((plicadiff (- (posref (+ i 1)) (posref i))))
576 (if (!= 0 plicadiff)
577 (let* ((plicadir (if (= plicadiff 0) 1 (/ plicadiff (abs plicadiff))))
578 (shortplica 0.7)
579 (longplica 1.5)
580 (noplica 0)
581 (alternate (assq-ref thisflag 'altvirga)))
582 (cond
583 (pestop
584 ;use additional plica note on the side; early-1200s style; Apel 248f.
585 (begin
586 (shift-postscript (* 0.8 notewidth) 0)
587 (add-postscript
588 (ps_notehead 'pes thiscolor (* plicadir -0.8 notewidth) (* plicadir -0.8 noteheight)))
589 (add-postscript (ps_virga (* -0.4 notewidth) (* plicadir longplica) thiscolor))
590 (add-postscript (ps_virga (* 0.4 notewidth) (* plicadir longplica) thiscolor)))
591 (shift-postscript (* -0.8 notewidth) 0)
593 ((and atfirst atlast)
594 ;standalone nota plicata; Ars antiqua / Ars nova style; Apel 334
595 (let* ((leftplica (* plicadir
596 (if (eq? thisval 'lg)
597 (if (and (= plicadir 1) alternate) noplica shortplica)
598 (if alternate shortplica longplica))))
599 (rightplica (* plicadir
600 (if (eq? thisval 'lg)
601 longplica
602 shortplica))))
603 (add-postscript (ps_virga (* (- linewidth 1) notewidth) leftplica thiscolor))
604 (if (!= rightplica 0)
605 (add-postscript (ps_virga 0 rightplica thiscolor)))))
606 (else
607 ;normal ligatura plicata; Apel 248f.
608 (add-postscript (ps_virga 0 (* plicadir longplica) thiscolor))))))))
610 ; alternative longa stroke of initial ascending
611 ((and
612 atfirst
613 (not descending)
614 (not obliquaA)
615 (eq? thisval 'lg)
616 (assq-ref thisflag 'altvirga))
617 (add-postscript (ps_virga (- linewidth notewidth) -2.2 thiscolor)))
619 ; normal longa/maxima stroke
620 ((or
621 (eq? thisval 'mx)
622 singlelg
623 (and
624 (eq? thisval 'lg)
625 (not (assq-ref thisflag 'obliqua))
627 (and atlast (not pestop) (not descended))
628 (and atfirst (not descending))
629 inmiddle)))
630 (let* ((usevirga (not (and (eq? thisval 'mx) (assq-ref thisflag 'novirga))))
631 (virga_down (not (assq-ref thisflag 'altvirga)))
632 (ydiff (cond
633 ((and usevirga virga_down descending) (- nextpos thispos))
634 ((and usevirga (not virga_down) (not descending)) (- nextpos thispos))
635 (else 0)))
636 (ylength (+ ydiff (if virga_down -2.2 2.2)))
638 (if usevirga
639 (add-postscript (ps_virga 0 ylength thiscolor)))))
641 ; exceptional forms: non-paired semibreve; Apel 100
642 ((and
643 (= i 1)
644 (eq? prevval 'sb)
645 (not (eq? thisval 'sb)))
646 (let ((virga (if (eq? thisval 'lg) -1.5 1.5)))
647 (add-postscript (ps_virga 0 virga thiscolor))))
649 ; end of virga condition block
653 ;; main note shapes
654 (cond
655 (skipplica i)
657 (currens
658 (begin
659 (shift-postscript (* -0.1 notewidth) 0)
660 (add-postscript (ps_notehead 'rhombus thiscolor notewidth (* 1.3 notewidth)))
661 (shift-postscript (* -0.7 notewidth) 0)))
663 (obliquaA
664 (let* ((ydiff (- nextpos thispos))
665 (adiff (abs ydiff))
666 (width (obliqua-width adiff)))
667 (set! thisflag (assq-set! thisflag 'obliqua #t))
668 (list-set! flags i thisflag)
669 (add-postscript (ps_notehead 'obliqua thiscolor width ydiff))
670 (processdot thisflag (cons 0.3 (+ 0.8 (* 0.3 (/ ydiff width)))))
671 (set! nextobliqua #f)))
673 (obliquaB
674 (let* ((ydiff (- thispos prevpos))
675 (adiff (abs ydiff))
676 (width (obliqua-width adiff)))
677 (shift-postscript linewidth 0)
678 (add-postscript (ps_notehead 'obliqua thiscolor (* -1 width) (* -1 ydiff)))
679 (if atverylast
680 (processdot thisflag (dotatside 0))
681 (processdot thisflag (cons -0.3 (+ 0.8 (* 0.3 (/ ydiff width))))))
682 (shift-postscript (- 0 width) 0)
683 (set! nextobliqua #t)))
685 (pesbottom
686 (let* ((ycorr (if (< (- nextpos thispos) 1) -0.15 0)))
687 (shift-postscript (- linewidth (* 0.5 notewidth)) ycorr)
688 (add-postscript (ps_notehead
689 'pes thiscolor
690 (* -1 notewidth)
691 (* -1 noteheight)))
692 (processdot thisflag (dotatside (* 0.5 notewidth)))
693 (shift-postscript (* -0.5 notewidth) (- 0 ycorr))))
695 (pestop
696 (let* ((ycorr (if (< (- thispos prevpos) 1) 0.15 0)))
697 (set! thisflag (assq-set! thisflag 'pes #t))
698 (list-set! flags i thisflag)
699 (shift-postscript (- linewidth (* 0.5 notewidth)) ycorr)
700 (add-postscript (ps_notehead 'pes thiscolor notewidth noteheight))
701 (if atverylast
702 (processdot thisflag (dotatside (* 0.5 notewidth)))
703 (processdot thisflag dotabove))
704 (shift-postscript (- (* 0.5 notewidth) linewidth) (- 0 ycorr))
707 (else ; normal quadrata shape
708 (let* ((ismax (eq? thisval 'mx))
709 (w (if ismax (* 2.0 notewidth) notewidth)))
710 (shift-postscript (- linewidth (* 0.5 w)) 0)
711 (add-postscript (ps_notehead 'quadrata thiscolor w noteheight))
712 (if atverylast
713 (processdot thisflag (dotatside (* 0.5 w)))
714 (processdot thisflag dotabove))
715 (shift-postscript (* -0.5 w) 0))))
716 ;; end of notehead condition block
718 ;; initial strokes
719 (cond
720 ;; cum-opp-prop.: use initial upward stroke
721 (opposita
722 (add-postscript (ps_virga 0 2.2 thiscolor)))
723 ((and
724 atfirst
725 (not atlast)
726 descending
727 (eq? thisval 'br)
729 ;;descending cum proprietate: use initial downwards stroke
730 (add-postscript (ps_virga 0 -2.2 thiscolor)))
731 ((and
732 atfirst
733 (not atlast)
734 (not descending)
735 (eq? nextval 'br)
736 obliquaA
737 (or (and (eq? thisval 'lg) (assq-ref thisflag 'altvirga))
738 (and (eq? thisval 'br) (not (assq-ref thisflag 'novirga)))))
739 ;;rare ascending obliques, cf. Apel 1962: 97
740 (add-postscript (ps_virga 0 -2.2 thiscolor)))
743 )) ; end of note loop
747 (set! postscript
749 (string-append
750 (format #f "gsave currentpoint translate ~a 0 moveto currentpoint translate ~a setlinewidth 1 setlinecap " rightX linewidth)
751 postscript
752 " grestore"))
753 (set! mystencil
754 (ly:make-stencil
755 (list 'embedded-ps postscript)
756 (cons curX rightX)
757 (cons 0 0)))
759 ;; add accidentals
760 (let ((accstencil empty-stencil)
761 (accqueue (ly:context-property context 'mensural_accidentals_queue )))
762 (if (eq? accqueue #f) (set! accqueue '()))
763 (map (lambda (entry)
764 (set! accstencil
765 (ly:stencil-add
766 accstencil
767 (ly:stencil-translate-axis (cdr entry) (- (car entry) ymiddle) 1))))
768 accqueue)
769 (if (> (length accqueue) 0)
770 (set! mystencil
771 (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge
772 mystencil 0 -1 accstencil 0.2)))
773 (ly:context-set-property! context 'mensural_accidentals_queue '()))
775 ;; set the middle note's stencil to our custom stencil;
776 ;; all other stencils to zero
777 (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
778 ((> i imaxall))
779 (let* ((thisnote (list-ref notes i)))
780 ;(begin
781 ; (ly:context-set-property!
782 ; context
783 ; 'mensuralNotesQueue
784 ; (append (ly:context-property context 'mensuralNotesQueue) (list thisnote)))
786 (if (= i imiddle)
787 (ly:grob-set-property! thisnote 'stencil mystencil)
788 (ly:grob-set-property! thisnote 'stencil empty-stencil))))
790 ;reset queue
791 (ly:context-set-property!
792 (ly:context-property-where-defined context 'mensural_ligature_queue)
793 'mensural_ligature_queue
794 #f)))))
798 %% ==============================================
800 %% ==============================================
801 %% ==============================================
802 % Top-level note shape functions
803 %% ==============================================
804 #(define-public (make-mensural-note-stencil
805 notehead-type ; one of 'quadrata, 'rhombus, 'obliqua, 'pes
806 color-type ; one of 'black, 'white, 'halfblack, 'blackhollow,
807 ; 'red, 'halfred, 'redhollow
808 ; 'gray, 'halfgray
809 width height ; desired dimensions, measured in staff space
810 . additions) ; optional list of keys defined in mensural_flags below
811 ; e.g. 'stem_above, 'flag_above_right etc.
812 (let* (
813 (postscript
814 (string-append
815 "gsave currentpoint translate "
816 (format #f "~a 0 translate " (* 0.5 width))
817 (ps_notehead notehead-type color-type width height)
818 (string-concatenate (map (lambda (x) (ps_flag x color-type)) additions))
819 "grestore ")))
820 (ly:make-stencil
821 (list
822 'embedded-ps
823 postscript)
824 (cons -0.0 width)
825 (cons -0.6 0.6))))
827 #(define-public (ps_notehead head-type color width height)
828 (let* ((contours (assq-ref mensural_notehead_contour_funcs head-type))
829 (outerfunc (list-ref contours 0))
830 (innerfunc (list-ref contours (case color ((halfblack halfwhite halfred halfgray halfhollow) 2) (else 1))))
831 (outerps (outerfunc width height))
832 (innerps (innerfunc width height))
835 (case color
836 ((gray halfgray)
837 (string-append
838 "gsave newpath "
839 outerps
840 "gsave "
841 innerps
842 "0 setgray eofill grestore newpath "
843 innerps
844 "0.7 setgray fill grestore "))
845 ((halfred)
846 (string-append
847 "gsave newpath "
848 outerps
849 "gsave "
850 innerps
851 "0 setgray eofill grestore newpath "
852 innerps
853 "0.7 0 0 setrgbcolor fill grestore "))
854 ((red)
855 (string-append
856 "gsave newpath "
857 outerps
858 "0.7 0 0 setrgbcolor fill grestore "))
859 ((halfblack)
860 (string-append
861 "gsave newpath "
862 outerps
863 ;; turn the inner shape around so that the left half will be white and the right half black
864 "[-1 0 0 1 0 0] concat "
865 innerps
866 "0 setgray eofill grestore "))
867 ((white blackhollow halfwhite hollow halfhollow)
868 (string-append
869 "gsave newpath "
870 outerps
871 innerps
872 "0 setgray eofill grestore "))
873 ((redhollow)
874 (string-append
875 "gsave newpath "
876 outerps
877 innerps
878 "0.7 0 0 setrgbcolor eofill grestore "))
879 (else
880 (string-append
881 "gsave newpath "
882 outerps
883 (if (eq? head-type 'obliqua) "closepath " "")
884 "0 setgray fill grestore "))
887 #(define-public (ps_flag type color)
888 (let* ((postscript (if (string? type) type (assq-ref mensural_flags type)))
889 (ps_linestyle "1 setlinecap 0.11 setlinewidth ")
890 (ps_color
891 (case color
892 ((red redhollow)
893 "0.7 0 0 setrgbcolor ")
894 (else
895 "0 setgray "))))
896 (string-append ps_linestyle ps_color postscript)))
899 %% ====================================================
900 % Rests
901 %% ====================================================
902 %% We need to fix Lilypond's buggy treatment of large
903 %% mensural rests. Lilypond thinks a single three-space
904 %% line is a Mx rest, when in reality it's a perfect
905 %% Lg rest. A Mx rest is a combination of two or three
906 %% vertical lines, which may be either two-space or
907 %% three-space long.
908 %% ====================================================
909 #(define (large_rest_stencil value modus maximodus imperfect)
910 (let* ((lines (cond
911 ((eq? value -2) 1)
912 ((or imperfect (eq? maximodus #f)) 2)
913 (else 3)))
914 (length (cond
915 ((and (eq? value -2) imperfect) 2)
916 ((eq? modus #f) 2)
917 (else 3)))
918 (dist 0.6)
919 (width 0.3)
920 (prefix (format #f "gsave currentpoint translate newpath ~a setlinewidth 0 setlinecap 0 0 moveto " width))
921 (psA (format #f "0 ~a rlineto " length))
922 (psB (format #f "~a ~a rmoveto " dist (- 0 length)))
923 (ps (string-append prefix psA))
924 (xmax (+ (* dist (- lines 1)) (* 0.5 width)))
926 (do ((i 2 (1+ i)))
927 ((> i lines))
928 (set! ps (string-append ps psB psA)))
929 (set! ps (string-append ps "stroke grestore "))
930 (ly:make-stencil (list 'embedded-ps ps) (cons (* -0.5 width) xmax) (cons -0.0 length))))
934 % ======================================================
935 % control the vertical position of rest signs
936 % ======================================================
937 pausa = #(define-music-function (parser location position music) (number? ly:music?)
938 (let* ((fixed (if (>= position 1) #t #f))
939 (y (if fixed position 2)))
940 (music-map
941 (lambda (event)
942 (if (memq 'rest-event (ly:music-property event 'types))
943 (begin
944 (set-tweak! event 'Y-offset (- y 3) #f)
945 (if (not fixed)
946 (set! y (if (<= y 1) 2 (- y 1))))))
947 event)
948 music)
949 music))
953 %% ==================================================
954 % Plica function
955 % (lplica: to be called from within a ligature)
956 % takes a pair of notes, treats the second as a kind
957 % of grace note subtracting its duration from the first,
958 % and marks the first with the 'plica tag for later
959 % formatting.
960 %% ==================================================
961 lplica = #(define-music-function (parser location noteA noteB) (ly:music? ly:music?)
962 (let* ((neA (car (ly:music-property noteA 'elements)))
963 (neB (car (ly:music-property noteB 'elements)))
964 (durA (ly:music-property neA 'duration))
965 (durB (ly:music-property neB 'duration))
966 (momA (ly:music-length noteA))
967 (momB (ly:music-length noteB))
968 (numA (ly:moment-main-numerator momA))
969 (denA (ly:moment-main-denominator momA))
970 (numB (ly:moment-main-numerator momB))
971 (denB (ly:moment-main-denominator momB))
972 (numC (if (= denA denB)
973 (- numA numB)
974 (- (* numA denB) (* numB denA))))
975 (denC (if (= denA denB)
976 denA
977 (* denA denB)))
978 (numF (* numC denA))
979 (denF (* denC numA)))
980 (set-mensural-flag! neA 'plica #t)
981 (make-music 'SequentialMusic
982 'elements (list
983 (ly:music-compress noteA (ly:make-moment numF denF))
984 noteB))))
986 plica = #(define-music-function (parser location noteA noteB) (ly:music? ly:music?)
988 \ligatura { \lplica $noteA $noteB }
991 %% ===================================================
992 % postscript definitions for note shape primitives
993 %% ===================================================
995 %% ===================================================
996 % diagonal flexa shape, ligatures
997 %% ===================================================
998 #(define (ps_obliqua_outer_side width ydiff)
999 (begin
1000 ;(display (format #f "width: ~a; ydiff: ~a\n" width ydiff))
1001 (format #f
1002 "0 ~a translate
1003 ~a 1 scale
1004 [1 ~a 0 1 0 0] concat
1005 1.05 -0.3 moveto
1006 0 -0.3 0 -0.5 0 -0.3 curveto
1007 0 0.25 lineto
1008 0 0.45 0 0.45 1.05 0.45 curveto "
1009 (* -0.2 (/ ydiff (- (abs width) 0.4)))
1010 (/ width 2.0)
1011 (* (/ ydiff 2.0) (/ (abs width) (- (abs width) 0.4)))
1014 #(define (ps_obliqua_inner_side width ydiff)
1015 (format #f
1016 "1.05 0.33 moveto
1017 ~a 0.33 ~:*~a 0.33 ~:*~a 0.15 curveto
1018 ~:*~a -0.18 lineto
1019 ~:*~a -0.3 ~:*~a -0.18 1.05 -0.18 curveto "
1020 (* 0.15 (/ 1 (abs width)))
1023 %% ===================================================
1024 % rhombus shapes (semibreves and below)
1025 %% ===================================================
1026 #(define (ps_rhombus_outer_side width height)
1027 (format #f
1028 "~a ~a scale
1029 -0.1 0.4 moveto
1030 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.1 0.4 curveto
1031 0.45 0.05 lineto
1032 0.5 0 0.5 0 0.45 -0.05 curveto
1033 0.1 -0.4 lineto
1034 0 -0.5 0 -0.5 -0.1 -0.4 curveto
1035 -0.45 -0.05 lineto
1036 -0.5 0 -0.5 0 -0.45 0.05 curveto
1037 closepath "
1038 width
1039 height))
1041 #(define (ps_rhombus_inner_side width height)
1042 "[0.7 -0.1 -0.1 0.7 0 0] concat
1043 -0.1 0.4 moveto
1044 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.1 0.4 curveto
1045 0.45 0.05 lineto
1046 0.5 0 0.5 0 0.45 -0.05 curveto
1047 0.1 -0.4 lineto
1048 0 -0.5 0 -0.5 -0.1 -0.4 curveto
1049 -0.45 -0.05 lineto
1050 -0.5 0 -0.5 0 -0.45 0.05 curveto
1051 closepath ")
1053 #(define (ps_rhombus_half_inner_side width height)
1054 "[0.7 -0.1 -0.1 0.7 0 0] concat
1055 0 0.5 moveto
1056 0 -0.5 lineto
1057 -0.5 0 lineto
1058 0 0.5 lineto closepath ")
1060 %% ===================================================
1061 % quadrata shapes (brevis and above)
1062 %% ===================================================
1063 #(define (ps_quadrata_outer_side width height)
1064 (format #f
1065 "~a ~a scale
1066 -0.5 0.45 moveto
1067 -0.5 0.48 -0.48 0.5 -0.45 0.5 curveto
1068 -0.4 0.5 -0.4 0.45 -0.25 0.45 curveto
1069 0.25 0.45 lineto
1070 0.4 0.45 0.4 0.5 0.45 0.5 curveto
1071 0.48 0.5 0.5 0.48 0.5 0.45 curveto
1072 0.5 -0.45 lineto
1073 0.5 -0.48 0.48 -0.5 0.45 -0.5 curveto
1074 0.4 -0.5 0.4 -0.45 0.3 -0.45 curveto
1075 -0.3 -0.45 lineto
1076 -0.4 -0.45 -0.4 -0.5 -0.45 -0.5 curveto
1077 -0.48 -0.5 -0.5 -0.48 -0.5 -0.45 curveto
1078 closepath " width height))
1080 #(define (ps_quadrata_inner_side width height)
1081 (format #f
1082 "~a ~a scale
1083 -0.5 0.4 moveto
1084 -0.5 0.46 -0.46 0.5 -0.4 0.5 curveto
1085 0.4 0.5 lineto
1086 0.46 0.5 0.5 0.46 0.5 0.4 curveto
1087 0.5 -0.4 lineto
1088 0.5 -0.46 0.46 -0.5 0.4 -0.5 curveto
1089 -0.4 -0.5 lineto
1090 -0.46 -0.5 -0.5 -0.46 -0.5 -0.4 curveto
1091 closepath "
1092 (/ (- width (* 0.4 height)) width)
1093 0.65))
1095 #(define (ps_quadrata_half_inner_side width height)
1096 (format #f
1097 "~a ~a scale
1098 0.5 0.4 moveto
1099 0.5 0.46 0.46 0.5 0.4 0.5 curveto
1100 0 0.5 lineto
1101 0 -0.5 lineto
1102 0.4 -0.5 lineto
1103 0.46 -0.5 0.5 -0.46 0.5 -0.4 curveto
1104 closepath "
1105 (/ (- width (* 0.3 height)) width)
1106 0.76))
1109 %% ===================================================
1110 % pes shapes (slightly rounded quadrata to be used
1111 % in ligatures)
1112 %% ===================================================
1113 #(define (ps_pes_outer_side width height . diffs)
1114 (let* ((yshift (if (> (length diffs) 0) (car diffs) 0)))
1115 (format #f
1116 "0 ~a translate
1117 ~a ~a scale
1118 -0.5 0.35 moveto
1119 -0.5 0.45 -0.3 0.45 0 0.45 curveto
1120 0.3 0.45 0.5 0.45 0.5 0.35 curveto
1121 0.5 -0.45 lineto
1122 0.5 -0.55 0.4 -0.45 0 -0.45 curveto
1123 -0.4 -0.45 -0.5 -0.55 -0.5 -0.45 curveto
1124 closepath " yshift width height)))
1126 #(define (ps_pes_inner_side width height)
1127 (format #f
1128 "0 0.31 moveto
1129 ~a 0.31 ~:*~a 0.42 ~:*~a 0 curveto
1130 ~:*~a -0.42 ~:*~a -0.31 0 -0.31 curveto
1131 ~a -0.31 ~:*~a -0.42 ~:*~a 0 curveto
1132 ~:*~a 0.42 ~:*~a 0.31 0 0.31 curveto closepath "
1133 (- 0.5 (/ 0.15 (abs width)))
1134 (+ -0.5 (/ 0.15 (abs width)))))
1136 #(define (ps_pes_half_inner_side width height)
1137 (format #f
1138 "0 0.31 moveto
1139 ~a 0.31 ~:*~a 0.42 ~:*~a 0 curveto
1140 ~:*~a -0.42 ~:*~a -0.31 0 -0.31 curveto closepath "
1141 (- 0.5 (/ 0.15 (abs width)))
1142 (+ -0.5 (/ 0.15 (abs width)))))
1145 %% ==============================================
1146 % List of functions to combine into note shapes
1147 %% ==============================================
1148 #(define mensural_notehead_contour_funcs
1149 (list
1150 (cons 'quadrata
1151 (list ps_quadrata_outer_side
1152 ps_quadrata_inner_side
1153 ps_quadrata_half_inner_side))
1154 (cons 'rhombus
1155 (list ps_rhombus_outer_side
1156 ps_rhombus_inner_side
1157 ps_rhombus_half_inner_side))
1158 (cons 'pes
1159 (list ps_pes_outer_side
1160 ps_pes_inner_side
1161 ps_pes_half_inner_side))
1162 (cons 'obliqua
1163 (list ps_obliqua_outer_side
1164 ps_obliqua_inner_side
1165 ps_obliqua_inner_side))
1168 %% =============================================
1169 % List of available stem/flag additions
1170 %% =============================================
1172 #(define (ps_virga x y color)
1173 (let* ((realx (+ x (if (<= x 0.0) 0.055 -0.055)))
1174 (usered (if (or (eq? color 'red) (eq? color 'redhollow)) #t #f)))
1175 (string-append
1176 (if usered "gsave 0.7 0 0 setrgbcolor " "")
1177 (format #f "newpath ~a 0 moveto 0 ~a rlineto stroke " realx y)
1178 (if usered "grestore " ""))))
1180 #(define mensural_flags
1182 (stem_above .
1183 "newpath 0 0.51 moveto 0 1.8 rlineto stroke ")
1185 (stem_below .
1186 "newpath 0 -0.51 moveto 0 -1.4 rlineto stroke ")
1188 (flag_above_right .
1189 "newpath 0 0.51 moveto
1190 0 1.7 rlineto stroke
1191 newpath 0 2.26 moveto
1192 0.019 -0.05 0.073 -0.077 0.154 -0.126 rcurveto
1193 0.324 -0.192 0.387 -0.356 0.45 -0.7 rcurveto
1194 -0.06 0 rlineto
1195 -0.138 0.5 -0.49 0.46 -0.55 0.66 rcurveto
1196 closepath fill ")
1198 (double_flag_above_right .
1199 "newpath 0 0.51 moveto
1200 0 1.7 rlineto stroke
1201 newpath 0 2.26 moveto
1202 0.019 -0.05 0.073 -0.077 0.154 -0.126 rcurveto
1203 0.324 -0.192 0.387 -0.356 0.45 -0.7 rcurveto
1204 -0.06 0 rlineto
1205 -0.138 0.5 -0.49 0.46 -0.55 0.66 rcurveto
1206 closepath fill
1207 newpath 0 1.75 moveto
1208 0.019 -0.05 0.073 -0.077 0.154 -0.126 rcurveto
1209 0.324 -0.192 0.387 -0.356 0.45 -0.7 rcurveto
1210 -0.06 0 rlineto
1211 -0.138 0.5 -0.49 0.46 -0.55 0.66 rcurveto
1212 closepath fill ")
1214 (triple_flag_above_right .
1215 "newpath 0 0.51 moveto
1216 0 1.7 rlineto stroke
1217 newpath 0 2.26 moveto
1218 0.019 -0.05 0.073 -0.077 0.154 -0.126 rcurveto
1219 0.324 -0.192 0.387 -0.356 0.45 -0.7 rcurveto
1220 -0.06 0 rlineto
1221 -0.138 0.5 -0.49 0.46 -0.55 0.66 rcurveto
1222 closepath fill
1223 newpath 0 1.75 moveto
1224 0.019 -0.05 0.073 -0.077 0.154 -0.126 rcurveto
1225 0.324 -0.192 0.387 -0.356 0.45 -0.7 rcurveto
1226 -0.06 0 rlineto
1227 -0.138 0.5 -0.49 0.46 -0.55 0.66 rcurveto
1228 closepath fill
1229 newpath 0 1.24 moveto
1230 0.019 -0.05 0.073 -0.077 0.154 -0.126 rcurveto
1231 0.324 -0.192 0.387 -0.356 0.45 -0.7 rcurveto
1232 -0.06 0 rlineto
1233 -0.138 0.5 -0.49 0.46 -0.55 0.66 rcurveto
1234 closepath fill ")
1236 (flag_above_left .
1237 "newpath 0 0.51 moveto
1238 0 1.7 rlineto stroke
1239 newpath 0 2.26 moveto
1240 -0.019 -0.05 -0.073 -0.077 -0.154 -0.126 rcurveto
1241 -0.324 -0.192 -0.387 -0.356 -0.45 -0.7 rcurveto
1242 0.06 0 rlineto
1243 0.138 0.5 0.49 0.46 0.55 0.66 rcurveto
1244 closepath fill ")
1246 (flag_below right .
1247 "newpath 0 -0.51 moveto
1248 0 -1.4 rlineto stroke
1249 newpath 0 -1.96 moveto
1250 0.019 0.05 0.073 0.077 0.154 0.126 rcurveto
1251 0.324 0.192 0.387 0.356 0.45 0.7 rcurveto
1252 -0.06 0 rlineto
1253 -0.138 -0.5 -0.49 -0.46 -0.55 -0.66 rcurveto
1254 closepath fill ")
1256 (flag_below left .
1257 "newpath 0 -0.51 moveto
1258 0 -1.4 rlineto stroke
1259 newpath 0 -1.96 moveto
1260 -0.019 0.05 -0.073 0.077 -0.154 0.126 rcurveto
1261 -0.324 0.192 -0.387 0.356 -0.45 0.7 rcurveto
1262 0.06 0 rlineto
1263 0.138 -0.5 0.49 -0.46 0.55 -0.66 rcurveto
1264 closepath fill ")
1266 (vg_diagonal . "-0.33 0 moveto -0.558 -0.86 rlineto stroke ")
1268 (dovetail_above . "0.45 1.19 moveto -0.45 -0.65 rlineto -0.45 0.65 rlineto stroke ")
1270 (pigtail_above_right .
1271 "newpath 0 0.51 moveto
1272 0.0733 0 rlineto
1273 0 0.7263 rlineto
1274 0.26921 0.1805 0.4441 0.3356 0.44088 0.5202 rcurveto
1275 -0.001 0.07 -0.0409 0.131 -0.10692 0.1443 rcurveto
1276 -0.2204 0.044 -0.40347 -0.2512 -0.40614 -0.4129 rcurveto
1277 0 -0.2422 rlineto
1278 -0.10074 -0.063 -0.20675 -0.1174 -0.31864 -0.1686 rcurveto
1279 -0.004 -0.013 0.0309 -0.026 0.06 -0.019 rcurveto
1280 0.0658 0.023 0.15663 0.07 0.25761 0.1271 rcurveto
1281 0 -0.6775 rlineto
1282 closepath
1283 0.089 0.7869 rmoveto
1284 0.004 0.1896 rlineto
1285 -0.006 0.1884 0.23085 0.3833 0.28863 0.2504 rcurveto
1286 0.0653 -0.1501 -0.0975 -0.2895 -0.29263 -0.44 rcurveto
1287 closepath fill ")
1289 (dovetail_below .
1290 "newpath 0 -0.51 moveto
1291 0 -0.6 rlineto
1292 -0.45 -0.7 rmoveto
1293 0.45 0.7 rlineto
1294 0.45 -0.7 rlineto
1295 stroke ")
1297 (fishhook_below_right .
1298 "newpath 0.0 -0.5 moveto
1299 0 -0.8 rlineto
1300 0 -0.55 0.7 -0.55 0.7 0 rcurveto
1301 stroke ")
1303 (fishhook_below_left .
1304 "newpath 0.0. -0.5 moveto
1305 0 -0.8 rlineto
1306 0 -0.55 -0.7 -0.55 -0.7 0 rcurveto
1307 stroke ")
1309 (pigtail_below_right .
1310 "newpath -0.05 -0.5 moveto
1311 0.0037844 0.0576394 0.0964026 0.0612589 0.09375 0 rcurveto
1312 0 -0.65624995 rlineto
1313 0.10524882 0.069477 0.44311832 0.017572 0.4375 -0.28125 rcurveto
1314 -0.002977 -0.1583168 -0.11875128 -0.2150484 -0.25 -0.21875 rcurveto
1315 -0.0702051 -0.00198 -0.13284105 0.014921 -0.18359375 0.058593 rcurveto
1316 -0.045778 0.039392 -0.09367625 0.1098058 -0.09765625 0.1914068 rcurveto
1317 -3.2669e-4 0.032748 -0.0012314 0.060905 0 0.09375 rcurveto
1318 -0.0896129 -0.075841 -0.1447283 -0.193056 -0.21875 -0.34375 rcurveto
1319 -0.005961 -0.012135 -0.0533322 -0.030701 -0.03125 0.023437 rcurveto
1320 0.062823 0.190669 0.10011305 0.298224 0.25 0.4140631 rcurveto
1321 0 0.71874995 rlineto
1322 closepath
1323 0.19 -1.08 rmoveto
1324 0.1122116 -0.049485 0.233678 -0.00259 0.25 0.125 rcurveto
1325 0.009906 0.077436 -0.0676818 0.189745 -0.15625 0.21875 rcurveto
1326 -0.0643557 0.021076 -0.1424987 0.00582 -0.19921875 -0.027344 rcurveto
1327 0 -0.125 rlineto
1328 0.0020787 -0.068953 0.03860102 -0.1619177 0.10546875 -0.191406 rcurveto
1329 closepath eofill ")
1332 #(define mensural_c_clef
1333 (ly:make-stencil (list
1334 'embedded-ps
1335 "gsave currentpoint translate newpath
1336 -0.35 0 moveto
1337 1.4 1.4 scale
1338 0.0106 0.4047 0.0429 0.5475 0.101 0.606 rcurveto
1339 0.0429 0.043 0.27535 0.039 0.45998 0 rcurveto
1340 0.13076 -0.035 0.15309 -0.046 0.15699 -0.1878 rcurveto
1341 0.003 -0.1276 -0.004 -0.1808 -0.13219 -0.1701 rcurveto
1342 -0.10879 0 -0.42567 0.1169 -0.4519 0 rcurveto
1343 -0.0372 -0.1666 -0.0429 -0.319 -0.004 -0.4664 rcurveto
1344 0.0283 -0.1063 0.30583 -0.1063 0.43121 -0.096 rcurveto
1345 0.12545 0 0.16372 0.071 0.16372 -0.1063 rcurveto
1346 0 -0.1807 -0.0106 -0.2374 -0.1701 -0.2445 rcurveto
1347 -0.18428 0 -0.33595 0 -0.435 0.1311 rcurveto
1348 -0.11092 0.1772 -0.11021 0.2658 -0.1134 0.4462 rcurveto
1349 closepath fill grestore ")
1350 '(-0.8 . 0.8)
1351 '(0 . 0)))
1353 #(define mensural_f_clef
1354 (ly:make-stencil (list
1355 'embedded-ps
1356 "gsave currentpoint translate newpath
1357 1.2 1.2 scale
1358 0.1 0.46 moveto
1359 0.24312 -0.3359 rlineto
1360 0.018 -0.02 0.0546 -0.023 0.0724 0 rcurveto
1361 0.24212 0.3335 rlineto
1362 0.008 0.01 0.005 0.017 0 0.026 rcurveto
1363 -0.24212 0.3335 rlineto
1364 -0.026 0.023 -0.0506 0.024 -0.0724 0 rcurveto
1365 -0.24345 -0.3335 rlineto
1366 -0.003 -0.01 -0.003 -0.016 0.0003 -0.023 rcurveto
1367 closepath fill newpath
1368 0.33 -0.79 moveto
1369 0.003 -0.055 0.004 -0.652 0.0007 -0.8674 rcurveto
1370 -4.8e-4 -0.034 0.0796 -0.039 0.0796 -0.01 rcurveto
1371 0 0.2232 0.0116 0.8065 0.0142 0.8669 rcurveto
1372 0.24212 0.3335 rlineto
1373 0.008 0.01 0.006 0.017 0 0.026 rcurveto
1374 -0.24212 0.3335 rlineto
1375 -0.0233 0.02 -0.056 0.017 -0.0724 0 rcurveto
1376 -0.24211 -0.3335 rlineto
1377 -0.007 -0.01 -0.006 -0.018 0 -0.026 rcurveto
1378 closepath fill newpath
1379 -0.5 0.7 moveto
1380 0.0297 0.039 0.2465 -0.02 0.34237 -0.01 rcurveto
1381 0.0969 0.014 0.21204 0.011 0.21204 -0.073 rcurveto
1382 0 -0.085 -0.0196 -1.0593 -0.0478 -1.7195 rcurveto
1383 -0.0282 -0.6602 0.0282 -0.7617 -0.0169 -0.7617 rcurveto
1384 -0.0451 0 -0.0559 0.047 -0.062 0.2031 rcurveto
1385 -0.006 0.1657 0.01 1.0342 -0.0104 1.0845 rcurveto
1386 -0.0201 0.05 -0.38575 -0.023 -0.41353 0.014 rcurveto
1387 -0.0307 0.04 -0.0381 0.3139 4.4e-4 0.3589 rcurveto
1388 0.0183 0.021 0.42054 -0.051 0.42515 0.035 rcurveto
1389 0.004 0.075 -0.003 0.4276 -0.005 0.4853 rcurveto
1390 -0.002 0.066 -0.4088 -0.01 -0.43227 0.021 rcurveto
1391 -0.0254 0.034 -0.028 0.3126 0.008 0.3599 rcurveto
1392 closepath fill grestore ")
1393 '(-1 . 1)
1394 '(0 . 0)))
1396 #(define mensural_g_clef
1397 (ly:make-stencil (list
1398 'embedded-ps
1399 "gsave currentpoint translate 1.5 1.5 scale newpath
1400 -0.208455 0.4111 moveto
1401 -0.189143 -0.01 -0.369817 0.034 -0.525083 0.034 rcurveto
1402 -0.115744 0 -0.4291 -0.042 -0.426277 -0.3952 rcurveto
1403 0 -0.3501 0.262541 -0.5025 0.4291 -0.494 rcurveto
1404 0.143974 0.01 0.265365 0.042 0.316179 0.096 rcurveto
1405 -0.04799 0.1581 rlineto
1406 0 0 -0.06211 -0.2004 -0.208904 -0.1976 rcurveto
1407 -0.175028 0 -0.268188 0.085 -0.282303 0.3952 rcurveto
1408 -0.0056 0.1779 0.152443 0.3501 0.287949 0.3416 rcurveto
1409 0.141151 -0.01 0.446038 -0.073 0.446038 -0.073 rcurveto
1410 closepath fill newpath
1411 -0.462527 0.4716 moveto
1412 -0.06211 -0.4263 0 -0.7142 0.02258 -0.8638 rcurveto
1413 0.03952 -0.2823 -0.07058 -0.3896 -0.200435 -0.4037 rcurveto
1414 -0.127036 -0.014 -0.27948 0.065 -0.27948 0.065 rcurveto
1415 -0.112921 -0.087 rlineto
1416 0 0 0.05928 -0.048 0.160913 -0.065 rcurveto
1417 0.112921 -0.02 0.231488 -0.02 0.3557 0.017 rcurveto
1418 0.177852 0.056 0.330294 0.2033 0.293595 0.463 rcurveto
1419 -0.03388 0.2399 -0.104452 0.4601 -0.09316 0.6154 rcurveto
1420 0.0085 0.1327 0.04517 0.2682 0.04517 0.2682 rcurveto
1421 closepath fill newpath
1422 -0.414536 -0.7225 moveto
1423 0.149621 0 0.208904 0 0.333117 0.1185 rcurveto
1424 0.135506 0.1327 0.104452 0.7312 0.06211 0.9542 rcurveto
1425 -0.04234 0.2259 -0.127036 0.5477 -0.129859 0.6126 rcurveto
1426 -0.01129 0.1609 0.09598 0.2089 0.155266 0.1045 rcurveto
1427 0.110098 -0.192 0.09598 -0.4065 0.0367 -0.4969 rcurveto
1428 -0.07622 -0.1157 -0.197612 -0.1044 -0.364171 -0.093 rcurveto
1429 0 -0.1073 rlineto
1430 0.355702 -0.031 0.533552 0.2512 0.516614 0.4827 rcurveto
1431 -0.01694 0.223 -0.09034 0.3388 -0.225842 0.3501 rcurveto
1432 -0.138328 0.014 -0.262542 -0.2259 -0.242781 -0.415 rcurveto
1433 0.01694 -0.3444 0.302065 -0.9711 0.146798 -1.2986 rcurveto
1434 -0.06493 -0.1383 -0.191966 -0.1581 -0.299241 -0.175 rcurveto
1435 closepath fill grestore ")
1436 '(-1.8 . 0.8)
1437 '(0 . 0)))
1439 % ===========================================================
1440 % fix mensural clefs
1441 % \clavis #'f #3 gives f clef on 3rd line (from bottom)
1442 % ===========================================================
1443 clavis = #(define-music-function (parser location type line ) (symbol? number? )
1444 (let* ((mystencil
1445 (case type
1446 ((f) mensural_f_clef)
1447 ((g) mensural_g_clef)
1448 (else mensural_c_clef)))
1449 (linepos (* 2 (- line 3)))
1450 (midCpos
1451 (case type
1452 ((f) (+ (* 2 (- line 3)) 4))
1453 ((g) (- (* 2 (- line 3)) 4))
1454 (else (* 2 (- line 3))))))
1456 (make-music
1457 'ContextSpeccedMusic
1458 'context-type 'Staff
1459 'element
1460 (make-music
1461 'SequentialMusic
1462 'elements (list
1463 (make-music
1464 'OverrideProperty
1465 ;'pop-first #t
1466 ;'once #t
1467 'symbol 'Clef
1468 'grob-property-path (list 'stencil)
1469 'grob-value mystencil)
1470 (make-music ; dummy setting
1471 'PropertySet
1472 'symbol 'clefGlyph
1473 'value "clefs.C")
1474 (make-music
1475 'PropertySet
1476 'symbol 'middleCClefPosition
1477 'value midCpos)
1478 (make-music
1479 'PropertySet
1480 'symbol 'clefPosition
1481 'value linepos)
1482 (make-music
1483 'ApplyContext
1484 'procedure ly:set-middle-C!)
1485 )))))
1487 %% ==============================================
1488 % signature_stencil
1489 %% ==============================================
1490 #(define (signature_stencil sign)
1491 (cond
1492 ; sign is a custom stencil
1493 ((ly:stencil? sign)
1494 sign)
1495 ; sign is a glyph name
1496 ((string? sign)
1497 (lambda (grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup (#:musicglyph sign)))))
1498 ; sign is a markup expression
1499 ((markup? sign)
1500 (lambda (grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob sign)))
1501 ; sign is a number pair
1502 ((number-pair? sign)
1503 (lambda (grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob
1504 ;; TODO: fix vertical alignment of denominator
1505 (markup (make-column-markup (list
1506 (number->string (car sign))
1507 (number->string (cdr sign))))))))
1509 ; sign is a rational number
1510 ((rational? sign)
1511 (let* ((num (numerator sign))
1512 (den (denominator sign))
1513 (marknum (markup (number->string num)))
1514 (markden (markup (number->string den))))
1515 (if (= 1 den)
1516 (lambda (grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob marknum))
1517 (lambda (grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob
1518 ;; TODO: fix vertical alignment of denominator
1519 (markup (make-column-markup (list marknum markden))))))))
1520 ; if #f has been passed in: print nothing
1521 (else
1522 empty-stencil)))
1524 %% ==============================================
1525 % Proportions
1526 %% ==============================================
1527 proportio = #(define-music-function (parser location prop music) (rational? ly:music?)
1528 (let* ((num (numerator prop))
1529 (den (denominator prop))
1530 (mom (ly:make-moment den num))
1531 (stencil (signature_stencil prop))
1532 (sign (list
1533 (make-music ; = \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil =
1534 'ContextSpeccedMusic
1535 'context-type 'Staff
1536 'element (
1537 make-music 'OverrideProperty
1538 'pop-first #t
1539 'once #t
1540 'symbol 'TimeSignature
1541 'grob-property-path '(stencil)
1542 'grob-value stencil))
1543 (make-music
1544 'ContextSpeccedMusic
1545 'context-type 'Staff
1546 'descend-only #t
1547 'element (
1548 make-music
1549 'ContextSpeccedMusic
1550 'context-type 'Timing
1551 'element
1552 (make-music
1553 'PropertySet
1554 'symbol 'timeSignatureFraction
1555 'value '(4 . 4))))))
1557 (make-music
1558 'SequentialMusic
1559 'elements (append
1560 sign
1561 (list
1562 (ly:music-compress music mom))))))
1564 %% =======================================================
1565 % check if a music event is an 'event-chord that contains
1566 % at least one 'rhythmic-event (i.e. a note or rest).
1567 %% =======================================================
1568 #(define (rhythmicchord? event)
1569 (let* ((types (ly:music-property event 'types))
1570 (elements (ly:music-property event 'elements))
1571 (hasrhythmicchild #f))
1572 (if (and (memq 'event-chord types) (list? elements))
1573 (map (lambda (child)
1574 (let ((childtypes (ly:music-property child 'types)))
1575 (if (memq 'rhythmic-event childtypes)
1576 (set! hasrhythmicchild #t))))
1577 elements))
1578 hasrhythmicchild))
1581 %% ==============================================
1582 % mensura command
1583 %% ==============================================
1584 mensura = #(define-music-function (parser location vals music) (list? ly:music?)
1585 (let* (
1586 (newmusic (ly:music-deep-copy music))
1587 (sign (assq-ref vals 'sign))
1588 (prolatio (assq-ref vals 'prolatio))
1589 (tempus (assq-ref vals 'tempus))
1590 ; if neither tempus nor prolatio are explicitly set, assume an
1591 ; ars-antiqua-style mensuration on modus level (1mx = 2lg = 6br)
1592 (usetempus (if (or (assq 'prolatio vals) (assq 'tempus vals)) #t #f))
1593 (modus (if (assq 'modus vals) (assq-ref vals 'modus) (if usetempus #t #f)))
1594 (maximodus (assq-ref vals 'maximodus))
1595 (beat (if usetempus
1596 (ly:make-moment 1 2) ;basic beat unit is the minim (1/2)
1597 (ly:make-moment 2 1))) ;basic beat unit is the breve
1599 (dimin (or (assq-ref vals 'diminutio) 1))
1600 (beatgroup (if usetempus (if prolatio 3 2) 3))
1601 (groupcount (if usetempus (if tempus 3 2) 2))
1602 (measurelength (ly:moment-mul beat (ly:make-moment (* beatgroup groupcount) 1)))
1603 (beatlist (if tempus
1604 (list beatgroup beatgroup beatgroup)
1605 (list beatgroup beatgroup)))
1606 (fakesign (cond
1607 ((and prolatio tempus (= dimin 2)) '(9 . 8))
1608 ((and prolatio tempus ) '(9 . 4))
1609 ((and prolatio (= dimin 2)) '(6 . 8))
1610 ( prolatio '(6 . 4))
1611 ((and tempus (= dimin 2)) '(3 . 4))
1612 ( (= dimin 2) '(2 . 2))
1613 ( tempus '(3 . 2))
1614 (usetempus '(4 . 4))
1615 (else #f))) ;dummy setting
1616 (glyphname (if fakesign
1617 (string-append
1618 "timesig.mensural"
1619 (number->string (car fakesign))
1620 (number->string (cdr fakesign)))
1621 ""))
1622 (signstencil
1623 (signature_stencil
1624 (cond
1625 ; signature has been explicitly set to false: print nothing
1626 ((and (pair? (assq 'sign vals)) (not sign))
1628 ; use default mensuration signs
1629 ((and usetempus (not (assq 'sign vals)))
1630 glyphname)
1631 (else
1632 sign))))
1633 (unflagged_sm (assq-ref vals 'unflagged_sm))
1634 (basecolor (or (assq-ref vals 'color) 'black))
1635 (noteglyphs
1636 (list
1637 (cons 'mx (lambda (color)
1638 (or (assq-ref vals 'mx)
1639 (make-mensural-note-stencil
1640 'quadrata color 1.7 0.75 (ps_virga 0.85 -1.4 color))))) ;mx
1641 (cons 'lg (lambda (color)
1642 (or (assq-ref vals 'lg)
1643 (make-mensural-note-stencil
1644 'quadrata color 1.10 0.90 (ps_virga 0.425 -1.4 color))))) ;lg
1645 (cons 'br (lambda (color)
1646 (or (assq-ref vals 'br)
1647 (make-mensural-note-stencil
1648 'quadrata color 1.10 0.90 )))) ;br
1649 (cons 'sb (lambda (color)
1650 (or (assq-ref vals 'sb)
1651 (make-mensural-note-stencil
1652 'rhombus color 1.3 1.1 )))) ;sb
1653 (cons 'mn (lambda (color)
1654 (or (assq-ref vals 'mn)
1655 (make-mensural-note-stencil
1656 'rhombus color 1.3 1.1 'stem_above)))) ;mn
1657 (cons 'sm (lambda (color)
1658 (or (assq-ref vals 'sm)
1659 (if unflagged_sm ;sm
1660 (make-mensural-note-stencil
1661 'rhombus
1662 (case color (( black ) 'blackhollow ) (( white blackhollow hollow ) 'black) (else color))
1663 1.3 1.1
1664 'stem_above)
1665 (make-mensural-note-stencil
1666 'rhombus
1667 color
1668 1.3 1.1
1669 'flag_above_right)))))
1670 (cons 'fu (lambda (color)
1671 (or (assq-ref vals 'fu) ;fu
1672 (if unflagged_sm
1673 (make-mensural-note-stencil
1674 'rhombus
1675 (case color (( black ) 'blackhollow ) (( white blackhollow hollow ) 'black) (else color))
1676 1.3 1.1
1677 'flag_above_right)
1678 (make-mensural-note-stencil
1679 'rhombus
1680 color
1681 1.3 1.1
1682 'double_flag_above_right)))))
1683 (cons 'sf (lambda (color)
1684 (or (assq-ref vals 'sf) ;semifusa
1685 (if unflagged_sm
1686 (make-mensural-note-stencil
1687 'rhombus
1688 (case color (( black ) 'blackhollow ) (( white blackhollow hollow ) 'black) (else color))
1689 1.3 1.1
1690 'double_flag_above_right)
1691 (make-mensural-note-stencil
1692 'rhombus
1693 color
1694 1.3 1.1
1695 'triple_flag_above_right)))))
1697 (notesettings
1698 (list
1699 (cons 'foldpes (assq-ref vals 'foldpes))
1700 (cons 'color basecolor)
1701 (cons 'unflagged_sm unflagged_sm)))
1702 (notestencilfunction (lambda (grob)
1703 (let* ((cause (ly:grob-property grob 'cause))
1704 (duration (ly:event-property cause 'duration))
1705 (durlog (ly:duration-log duration))
1706 (dur (duration_log_to_note_symbol durlog))
1707 (tags (ly:grob-property grob 'mensural_tags))
1708 (colortweak (get-mensural-flag cause 'color))
1709 (thiscolor (if colortweak colortweak basecolor))
1710 (thisstencil #f))
1711 (if (assoc duration vals)
1712 (set! thisstencil (assoc-ref vals duration))
1713 (set! thisstencil ((assq-ref noteglyphs dur) thiscolor))
1715 thisstencil)))
1716 (reststencilfunction (lambda (grob)
1717 (let* ((cause (ly:grob-property grob 'cause))
1718 (duration (ly:event-property cause 'duration))
1719 (durlog (ly:duration-log duration))
1720 (tags (ly:grob-property grob 'mensural_tags))
1721 (imperfect (if tags (assq-ref tags 'imperfect) #f))
1723 (if (<= durlog -2)
1724 (large_rest_stencil durlog modus maximodus imperfect)
1725 (ly:rest::print grob)))))
1726 (widthfunction (lambda (grob)
1727 (let* ((cause (ly:grob-property grob 'cause))
1728 (duration (ly:event-property cause 'duration))
1729 (durlog (ly:duration-log duration)))
1730 (if (<= durlog -2)
1731 (ly:grob::stencil-width grob)
1732 (ly:rest::width grob)))))
1734 (result (list
1735 (make-music
1736 'ContextSpeccedMusic
1737 'context-type 'Bottom
1738 'element
1739 (make-music
1740 'OverrideProperty
1741 'symbol 'NoteHead
1742 'grob-property-path (list 'mensural_glyphs)
1743 'grob-value notesettings))
1744 (make-music
1745 'ContextSpeccedMusic ; = \set mensural_ligature_queue = #f
1746 'context-type 'Bottom
1747 'element
1748 (make-music
1749 'PropertySet
1750 'symbol 'mensural_ligature_queue
1751 'value #f))
1753 ;(make-music ; = \override NoteHead #'X-extent = #widthfunction
1754 ; 'ContextSpeccedMusic
1755 ; 'context-type 'Bottom
1756 ; 'element
1757 ; (make-music
1758 ; 'OverrideProperty
1759 ; 'pop-first #t
1760 ; 'symbol 'NoteHead
1761 ; 'grob-property-path (list 'X-extent)
1762 ; 'grob-value widthfunction))
1763 (make-music ; = \override Rest #'X-extent = #widthfunction
1764 'ContextSpeccedMusic
1765 'context-type 'Bottom
1766 'element
1767 (make-music
1768 'OverrideProperty
1769 'symbol 'Rest
1770 'grob-property-path (list 'X-extent)
1771 'grob-value widthfunction))
1773 (make-music ; = \override NoteHead #'stencil = #notestencilfunction
1774 'ContextSpeccedMusic
1775 'context-type 'Bottom
1776 'element
1777 (make-music
1778 'OverrideProperty
1779 'symbol 'NoteHead
1780 'grob-property-path (list 'stencil)
1781 'grob-value notestencilfunction))
1783 (make-music ; = \override Rest #'stencil = #reststencilfunction
1784 'ContextSpeccedMusic
1785 'context-type 'Bottom
1786 'element
1787 (make-music
1788 'OverrideProperty
1789 'symbol 'Rest
1790 'grob-property-path (list 'stencil)
1791 'grob-value reststencilfunction))
1794 (make-music
1795 'ContextSpeccedMusic ; = \override Rest #'style = #'mensural
1796 'context-type 'Bottom
1797 'element
1798 (make-music
1799 'OverrideProperty
1800 'symbol 'Rest
1801 'grob-property-path (list 'style)
1802 'grob-value 'mensural))
1803 (make-music ; = \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = #signstencil
1804 'ContextSpeccedMusic
1805 'context-type 'Staff
1806 'element (
1807 make-music 'OverrideProperty
1808 'once #t
1809 'symbol 'TimeSignature
1810 'grob-property-path '(stencil)
1811 'grob-value signstencil))
1812 (make-music
1813 'ContextSpeccedMusic
1814 'context-type 'Staff
1815 'descend-only #t
1816 'element (
1817 make-music
1818 'ContextSpeccedMusic
1819 'context-type 'Timing
1820 'element (
1821 make-music
1822 'SequentialMusic
1823 'elements (append
1824 (if (pair? fakesign)
1825 (list
1826 (make-music
1827 'PropertySet
1828 'symbol 'timeSignatureFraction
1829 'value fakesign))
1830 '())
1831 (list
1832 ;(make-music
1833 ; 'PropertySet
1834 ; 'symbol 'beatLength
1835 ; 'value beat)
1836 (make-music
1837 'PropertySet
1838 'symbol 'measureLength
1839 'value measurelength)
1840 (make-music
1841 'PropertySet
1842 'symbol 'beatStructure
1843 'value beatlist)
1844 )))))))
1849 ;; now process the actual music, setting durations according to tempus/prolatio
1850 (music-map
1851 (lambda (event)
1852 (cond
1853 ;;every chord of the music needs to be prefixed
1854 ;;with an ApplyOutput call to our mensural_processing function
1855 ((rhythmicchord? event)
1856 (begin
1857 ;(display "prefixing an event-chord:\n")
1858 (make-music
1859 'SequentialMusic
1860 'elements
1861 (list
1862 (make-music
1863 'ApplyOutputEvent
1864 'context-type 'Bottom
1865 'procedure mensural_processing)
1866 event))))
1867 ((memq 'rhythmic-event (ly:music-property event 'types))
1868 (let* ((duration (ly:music-property event 'duration))
1869 (durlog (ly:duration-log duration))
1870 (dur (duration_log_to_note_symbol durlog))
1871 (dots (ly:duration-dot-count duration))
1872 (durfactor (ly:duration-factor duration))
1873 (color (or (get-mensural-flag event 'color) basecolor))
1874 (newfactor '(1 . 1))
1875 (fprol (if prolatio 3 2))
1876 (ftemp (if tempus 3 2))
1877 (fmod (if modus 3 2))
1878 (fmax (if maximodus 3 2))
1879 (multiply (lambda (pairA pairB) (cons (* (car pairA)(car pairB)) (* (cdr pairA)(cdr pairB)))))
1880 (newevent '())
1882 ;(display (format #f "We have a rhythmic event: ~a\n" event))
1883 (case dur
1884 (( mx ) ; maxima
1885 (set! newfactor (cons (* fprol ftemp fmod fmax) 16)))
1886 (( lg ) ; longa
1887 (set! newfactor (cons (* fprol ftemp fmod) 8)))
1888 (( br ) ; breve
1889 (set! newfactor (cons (* fprol ftemp) 4)))
1890 (( sb ) ; semibreve
1891 (set! newfactor (cons fprol 2))))
1892 (set! newfactor (multiply newfactor durfactor))
1893 (ly:music-set-property!
1894 event
1895 'duration
1896 (ly:make-duration durlog dots (car newfactor) (cdr newfactor)))
1900 event))
1901 (else event)
1903 newmusic)
1905 ; apply proportion
1906 (if (!= dimin 1)
1907 (set! newmusic
1908 (ly:music-compress newmusic
1909 (ly:make-moment (denominator dimin) (numerator dimin)))))
1911 ; insert the time sig code together with the modified music
1912 (make-music
1913 'SequentialMusic
1914 'elements (append
1915 result
1916 (list
1917 newmusic
1921 linea = #(define-music-function (parser location type) (string?)
1923 \once \override Staff.BarLine #'stencil = #ly:bar-line::print
1924 \bar $type
1927 %% ==================================================================
1928 % Accidentals function: use medieval b molle and b durum,
1929 % "♮" = b natural or f sharp; "♭" = b flat or f natural
1930 %% ==================================================================
1931 accidens = #(define-music-function (parser location note) (ly:music?)
1932 (let ((result '())
1933 (notecopy (ly:music-deep-copy note)))
1934 (music-map
1935 (lambda (event)
1936 (if (memq 'note-event (ly:music-property event 'types))
1937 (let* ((pitch (ly:music-property event 'pitch))
1938 (notename (ly:pitch-notename pitch))
1939 (alteration (ly:pitch-alteration pitch)))
1940 (set! result
1941 (make-music
1942 'SequentialMusic
1943 'elements (append (list
1944 (make-music
1945 'ContextSpeccedMusic
1946 'context-type 'Bottom
1947 'element (make-music
1948 'OverrideProperty
1949 'once #t
1950 'symbol 'Accidental
1951 'grob-property-path '(stencil)
1952 'grob-value ly:accidental-interface::print))
1953 (make-music
1954 'ContextSpeccedMusic
1955 'context-type 'Bottom
1956 'element (make-music
1957 'OverrideProperty
1958 'once #t
1959 'symbol 'Accidental
1960 'grob-property-path '(glyph-name-alist)
1961 'grob-value
1962 (case notename
1963 ((3 0 4) '((0 . "accidentals.flat")(1/2 . "accidentals.natural"))) ; c,f,g
1964 (else '((-1/2 . "accidentals.flat")(0 . "accidentals.natural")))) ; b,e,a,d
1966 (list note))))
1967 (ly:music-set-property! event 'force-accidental #t)
1969 notecopy)
1970 result ))