stag: allow multiple tag patterns for each extension
[neatvi.git] / conf.h
1 /* neatvi configuration file */
3 /* access mode of new files */
4 #define MKFILE_MODE 0600
6 /* map file names to file types */
7 static struct filetype {
8 char *ft; /* file type */
9 char *pat; /* file name pattern */
10 char *def; /* pattern for global definitions (for gd command) */
11 char *sec; /* section start pattern (for [[ and ]] commands) */
12 } filetypes[] = {
13 {"c", "\\.[hc]$", "^([a-zA-Z_].*)?\\<%s\\>"},
14 {"roff", "\\.(ms|me|mom|tr|roff|tmac|txt|[1-9])$", "^\\.(de|nr|ds) +%s\\>"},
15 {"tex", "\\.tex$"},
16 {"msg", "letter$|mbox$|mail$"},
17 {"mk", "Makefile$|makefile$|\\.mk$", "^%s:"},
18 {"sh", "\\.sh$", "^(function +)?%s(\\(\\))? *\\{", "^(function +)?[a-zA-Z_0-9]+(\\(\\))? *\\{"},
19 {"go", "\\.go$", "^(func|var|const|type)( +\\(.*\\))? +%s\\>", "^(func|type)\\>.*\\{$"},
20 {"py", "\\.py$", "^(def|class) +\\<%s\\>"},
21 {"bib", "bib$"},
22 {"nm", "\\.nm$"},
23 {"diff", "\\.(patch|diff)$"},
24 {"ls", "ls$"},
27 /* colours used in highlights[] for programming languages */
28 #define CKWD (3 | SYN_BD) /* general keywords */
29 #define CCON (CKWD) /* control flow keywords */
30 #define CPRE (2 | SYN_BD) /* preprocessor directives */
31 #define CIMP (4 | SYN_BD) /* imported packages */
32 #define CTYP (3) /* built-in types and values */
33 #define CBIN (3) /* built-in functions */
34 #define CCMT (4 | SYN_IT) /* comments */
35 #define CDEF (4 | SYN_BD) /* top-level definition */
36 #define CFUN (SYN_BD) /* called functions */
37 #define CNUM 4 /* numerical constants */
38 #define CSTR 4 /* string literals */
39 #define CVAR 3 /* macros */
40 #define CIDN 0 /* identifiers */
42 /* syntax highlighting patterns */
43 static struct highlight {
44 char *ft; /* the filetype of this pattern */
45 int att[16]; /* attributes of the matched groups */
46 char *pat; /* regular expression */
47 int end; /* the group ending this pattern */
48 } highlights[] = {
49 /* status bar */
50 {"---", {SYN_BGMK(0) | 7 | SYN_BD, 2, 1}, "^(\".*\").*(\\[[wr]\\]).*$"},
51 {"---", {SYN_BGMK(0) | 7 | SYN_BD, 2, 5, 7}, "^(\".*\").*=.*(L[0-9]+) +(C[0-9]+).*$"},
52 {"---", {SYN_BGMK(0) | 7}, "^(\".*\").*-.*(L[0-9]+) +(C[0-9]+).*$"},
53 {"---", {SYN_BGMK(0) | 2 | SYN_BD}, "^.*$\n?"},
54 /* ex mode */
55 {"-ex", {SYN_BGMK(0) | 7 | SYN_BD}, ":.*$"},
56 {"-ex", {SYN_BGMK(0) | 7 | SYN_BD}, "\\[.*$"},
57 {"-ex", {SYN_BGMK(0) | 7}, ".*$\n?"},
59 /* C */
60 {"c", {CTYP}, "\\<(signed|unsigned|char|short|int|long|float|double|void|struct|enum|union|typedef)\\>"},
61 {"c", {CKWD}, "\\<(static|extern|register)\\>"},
62 {"c", {CCON}, "\\<(return|for|while|if|else|do|sizeof|goto|switch|case|default|break|continue)\\>"},
63 {"c", {CCMT}, "//.*$"},
64 {"c", {CCMT}, "/\\*([^*]|\\*+[^*/])*\\*+/"},
65 {"c", {CIMP, CPRE}, "^#([ \t]*include).*"},
66 {"c", {CIMP, CPRE}, "^#([ \t]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)"},
67 {"c", {0, CFUN}, "([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\\(", 1},
68 {"c", {CSTR}, "\"([^\"]|\\\\\")*\""},
69 {"c", {CNUM}, "'([^\\]|\\\\.)'"},
70 {"c", {CNUM}, "[-+]?\\<(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|[0-9]+)\\>"},
71 {"c", {CCMT}, "^\t*(/\\*.*|\t* \\*.*|\t* \\*\\//)$"},
72 {"c", {CIDN}, "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"},
74 /* troff */
75 {"roff", {0, CKWD, CDEF}, "^[.'][ \t]*(SH)(.*)$"},
76 {"roff", {0, CKWD, CDEF}, "^[.'][ \t]*de (.*)$"},
77 {"roff", {0, CFUN, CSTR}, "^[.']([^ \t\\]{2,})?(.*)$", 1},
78 {"roff", {CCMT}, "\\\\\".*$"},
79 {"roff", {CFUN}, "\\\\{1,2}[*$fgkmns]([^[(]|\\(..|\\[[^]]*\\])"},
80 {"roff", {CVAR}, "\\\\([^[(*$fgkmns]|\\(..|\\[[^]]*\\])"},
81 {"roff", {CSTR}, "\\$[^$]+\\$"},
83 /* tex */
84 {"tex", {0, CKWD, 0, 0, CIMP, 0, CFUN},
85 "\\\\([^[{ \t]+)((\\[([^][]+)\\])|(\\{([^}]*)\\}))*"},
86 {"tex", {CSTR}, "\\$[^$]+\\$"},
87 {"tex", {CCMT}, "%.*$"},
89 /* mail */
90 {"msg", {6 | SYN_BD}, "^From .*20..$"},
91 {"msg", {6 | SYN_BD, 4 | SYN_BD}, "^Subject: (.*)$"},
92 {"msg", {6 | SYN_BD, 2 | SYN_BD}, "^From: (.*)$"},
93 {"msg", {6 | SYN_BD, 5 | SYN_BD}, "^To: (.*)$"},
94 {"msg", {6 | SYN_BD, 5 | SYN_BD}, "^Cc: (.*)$"},
95 {"msg", {6 | SYN_BD}, "^[A-Z][-A-Za-z]+: .+$"},
96 {"msg", {2 | SYN_IT}, "^> .*$"},
98 /* makefile */
99 {"mk", {0, CDEF}, "([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)[ \t]*="},
100 {"mk", {CVAR}, "\\$\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)"},
101 {"mk", {CCMT}, "#.*$"},
102 {"mk", {0, CFUN}, "([A-Za-z_%.]+):"},
104 /* shell script */
105 {"sh", {0, CKWD, CDEF}, "^(function +)?([a-zA-Z_0-9]+) *(\\(\\))? *\\{"},
106 {"sh", {CCON}, "\\<(break|case|continue|do|done|elif|else|esac|fi|for|if|in|then|until|while|return)\\>"},
107 {"sh", {CSTR}, "\"([^\"\\]|\\\\.)*\""},
108 {"sh", {CSTR}, "'[^']*'"},
109 {"sh", {CSTR}, "`([^`\\]|\\\\.)*`"},
110 {"sh", {CVAR}, "\\$(\\{[^}]+\\}|[a-zA-Z_0-9]+|[!#$?*@-])"},
111 {"sh", {CVAR}, "\\$\\([^()]+\\)"},
112 {"sh", {CFUN}, "^\\. .*$"},
113 {"sh", {CCMT}, "#.*$"},
115 /* go */
116 {"go", {0, CKWD, CIDN, CDEF}, "^\\<(func) (\\([^()]+\\) )?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\\>"},
117 {"go", {CKWD}, "\\<(func|type|var|const|package)\\>"},
118 {"go", {CPRE, CIMP}, "^import[ \t]+([^ ]+)"},
119 {"go", {CKWD}, "\\<(import|interface|struct)\\>"},
120 {"go", {CCON}, "\\<(break|case|chan|continue|default|defer|else|fallthrough|for|go|goto|if|map|range|return|select|switch)\\>"},
121 {"go", {0, CBIN}, "\\<(append|copy|delete|len|cap|make|new|complex|real|imag|close|panic|recover|print|println|int|int8|int16|int32|int64|uint|uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64|uintptr|float32|float64|complex128|complex64|bool|byte|rune|string|error)\\>\\("},
122 {"go", {CTYP}, "\\<(true|false|iota|nil|int8|int16|int32|int64|int|uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64|uint|uintptr|float32|float64|complex128|complex64|bool|byte|rune|string|error)\\>"},
123 {"go", {CCMT}, "//.*$"},
124 {"go", {CCMT}, "/\\*([^*]|\\*+[^*/])*\\*+/"},
125 {"go", {0, CFUN}, "([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\\(", 1},
126 {"go", {CIDN}, "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"},
127 {"go", {CSTR}, "\"([^\"]|\\\\\")*\""},
128 {"go", {CNUM}, "'([^']|\\\\')*'"},
129 {"go", {CSTR}, "`([^`]|\\\\`)*`"},
130 {"go", {CNUM}, "[-+]?\\<(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|[0-9.]+)\\>"},
132 /* refer */
133 {"bib", {0, SYN_BD, SYN_BGMK(3) | SYN_BD}, "^(%L) +(.*)$", 1},
134 {"bib", {0, SYN_BD, 4 | SYN_BD}, "^(%A) (.*)$", 1},
135 {"bib", {0, SYN_BD, 5 | SYN_BD}, "^(%T) (.*)$", 1},
136 {"bib", {0, SYN_BD, 2 | SYN_BD}, "^(%[JB]) (.*)$", 1},
137 {"bib", {0, SYN_BD, 5 | SYN_BD}, "^(%D) (.*)$", 1},
138 {"bib", {0, SYN_BD, 7}, "^(%O) (.*)$", 1},
139 {"bib", {0, SYN_BD, SYN_BD}, "^(%[A-Z]) (.*)$", 1},
140 {"bib", {4}, "^#.*$", 1},
142 /* python */
143 {"py", {CCMT}, "#.*$"},
144 {"py", {CKWD}, "\\<(class|def)\\>"},
145 {"py", {CKWD}, "\\<(and|or|not|is|in)\\>"},
146 {"py", {0, 0, CPRE, CIDN, CPRE, CIMP}, "((from)[ \t]+([^ ]+)[ \t]+)?(import)[ \t]+([^ ]+)"},
147 {"py", {CKWD}, "\\<(import|from|global|lambda|del)\\>"},
148 {"py", {CCON}, "\\<(for|while|if|elif|else|pass|return|break|continue)\\>"},
149 {"py", {CCON}, "\\<(try|except|as|raise|finally|with)\\>"},
150 {"py", {0, CFUN}, "([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\\(", 1},
151 {"py", {CSTR}, "[\"']([^\"']|\\\\\")*[\"']"},
152 {"py", {CIDN}, "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"},
154 /* neatmail listing */
155 {"nm", {0, 6 | SYN_BD, 4 | SYN_BD, 3, 5, SYN_BD},
156 "^([ROU])([0-9]+)(@[^ ]*)? *\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)"},
157 {"nm", {0 | SYN_BD | SYN_BGMK(6)}, "^[N].*$"},
158 {"nm", {0 | SYN_BD | SYN_BGMK(5)}, "^[A-Z][HA].*$"},
159 {"nm", {0 | SYN_BD | SYN_BGMK(3)}, "^[A-Z][MB].*$"},
160 {"nm", {7}, "^[A-Z][LC].*$"},
161 {"nm", {0 | SYN_BD | SYN_BGMK(7)}, "^[F].*$"},
162 {"nm", {7 | SYN_IT}, "^\t.*$"},
163 {"nm", {SYN_BD}, "^:.*$"},
165 /* diff */
166 {"diff", {1}, "^-.*$"},
167 {"diff", {2}, "^\\+.*$"},
168 {"diff", {6}, "^@.*$"},
169 {"diff", {SYN_BD}, "^diff .*$"},
171 /* directory listing */
172 {"ls", {7, 3, SYN_FGMK(0) | SYN_BD, 2, 6}, "^/?([-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+/)*([-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\\>(:[0-9]*:)?(.*)$"},
173 {"ls", {CCMT}, "^#.*$"},
176 /* how to highlight current line (hll option) */
177 #define SYN_LINE (SYN_BGMK(11))
179 /* how to highlight text in the reverse direction */
180 #define SYN_REVDIR (SYN_BGMK(7))
182 /* define it as "\33[8l" to disable BiDi in vte-based terminals */
183 #define LNPREF ""
185 /* right-to-left characters (used only in dircontexts[] and dirmarks[]) */
186 #define CR2L "ءآأؤإئابةتثجحخدذرزسشصضطظعغـفقكلمنهوىييپچژکگی‌‍؛،»«؟ًٌٍَُِّْٔ"
187 /* neutral characters (used only in dircontexts[] and dirmarks[]) */
188 #define CNEUT "-!\"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@^_`{|}~ "
190 /* direction context patterns; specifies the direction of a whole line */
191 static struct dircontext {
192 int dir;
193 char *pat;
194 } dircontexts[] = {
195 {-1, "^[" CR2L "]"},
196 {+1, "^[a-zA-Z_0-9]"},
199 /* direction marks; the direction of a few words in a line */
200 static struct dirmark {
201 int ctx; /* the direction context for this mark; 0 means any */
202 int dir; /* the direction of the matched text */
203 int grp; /* the nested subgroup; 0 means no groups */
204 char *pat;
205 } dirmarks[] = {
206 {+0, +1, 1, "\\\\\\*\\[([^]]+)\\]"},
207 {+1, -1, 0, "[" CR2L "][" CNEUT CR2L "]*[" CR2L "]"},
208 {-1, +1, 0, "[a-zA-Z0-9_][^" CR2L "\\\\`$']*[a-zA-Z0-9_]"},
209 {+0, +1, 0, "\\$([^$]+)\\$"},
210 {+0, +1, 1, "\\\\[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\{([^}]+)\\}"},
211 {-1, +1, 0, "\\\\[^ \t" CR2L "]+"},
214 /* character placeholders */
215 static struct placeholder {
216 char *s; /* the source character */
217 char *d; /* the placeholder */
218 int wid; /* the width of the placeholder */
219 } placeholders[] = {
220 {"‌", "-", 1},
221 {"‍", "-", 1},
222 {"ً", "ـً", 1},
223 {"ٌ", "ـٌ", 1},
224 {"ٍ", "ـٍ", 1},
225 {"َ", "ـَ", 1},
226 {"ُ", "ـُ", 1},
227 {"ِ", "ـِ", 1},
228 {"ّ", "ـّ", 1},
229 {"ْ", "ـْ", 1},
230 {"ٓ", "ـٓ", 1},
231 {"ٔ", "ـٔ", 1},
232 {"ٕ", "ـٕ", 1},
233 {"ٰ", "ـٰ", 1},
236 /* external commands */
237 #define ECMD ""