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23 <h1>sys/stat.h</h1><div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment"><a name="l00001"></a>00001 <span class="comment">/*</span>
24 <a name="l00002"></a>00002 <span class="comment"> * Copyright 2008, Google Inc.</span>
25 <a name="l00003"></a>00003 <span class="comment"> * All rights reserved.</span>
26 <a name="l00004"></a>00004 <span class="comment"> * </span>
27 <a name="l00005"></a>00005 <span class="comment"> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without</span>
28 <a name="l00006"></a>00006 <span class="comment"> * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are</span>
29 <a name="l00007"></a>00007 <span class="comment"> * met:</span>
30 <a name="l00008"></a>00008 <span class="comment"> * </span>
31 <a name="l00009"></a>00009 <span class="comment"> * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright</span>
32 <a name="l00010"></a>00010 <span class="comment"> * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.</span>
33 <a name="l00011"></a>00011 <span class="comment"> * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above</span>
34 <a name="l00012"></a>00012 <span class="comment"> * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer</span>
35 <a name="l00013"></a>00013 <span class="comment"> * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the</span>
36 <a name="l00014"></a>00014 <span class="comment"> * distribution.</span>
37 <a name="l00015"></a>00015 <span class="comment"> * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its</span>
38 <a name="l00016"></a>00016 <span class="comment"> * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from</span>
39 <a name="l00017"></a>00017 <span class="comment"> * this software without specific prior written permission.</span>
40 <a name="l00018"></a>00018 <span class="comment"> * </span>
41 <a name="l00019"></a>00019 <span class="comment"> * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS</span>
42 <a name="l00020"></a>00020 <span class="comment"> * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT</span>
43 <a name="l00021"></a>00021 <span class="comment"> * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR</span>
44 <a name="l00022"></a>00022 <span class="comment"> * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT</span>
45 <a name="l00023"></a>00023 <span class="comment"> * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,</span>
46 <a name="l00024"></a>00024 <span class="comment"> * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT</span>
47 <a name="l00025"></a>00025 <span class="comment"> * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,</span>
48 <a name="l00026"></a>00026 <span class="comment"> * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY</span>
49 <a name="l00027"></a>00027 <span class="comment"> * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT</span>
50 <a name="l00028"></a>00028 <span class="comment"> * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE</span>
51 <a name="l00029"></a>00029 <span class="comment"> * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.</span>
52 <a name="l00030"></a>00030 <span class="comment"> */</span>
53 <a name="l00031"></a>00031
54 <a name="l00032"></a>00032 <span class="comment">/*</span>
55 <a name="l00033"></a>00033 <span class="comment"> * NaCl kernel / service run-time system call ABI. stat/fstat.</span>
56 <a name="l00034"></a>00034 <span class="comment"> */</span>
57 <a name="l00035"></a>00035
58 <a name="l00036"></a>00036 <span class="preprocessor">#ifndef SERVICE_RUNTIME_INCLUDE_SYS_STAT_H_</span>
59 <a name="l00037"></a>00037 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#define SERVICE_RUNTIME_INCLUDE_SYS_STAT_H_</span>
60 <a name="l00038"></a>00038 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
61 <a name="l00039"></a>00039 <span class="preprocessor">#ifdef __native_client__</span>
62 <a name="l00040"></a>00040 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;sys/types.h&gt;</span>
63 <a name="l00041"></a>00041 <span class="preprocessor">#else</span>
64 <a name="l00042"></a>00042 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;machine/_types.h&gt;</span>
65 <a name="l00043"></a>00043
66 <a name="l00044"></a>00044 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span>
67 <a name="l00045"></a>00045 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;bits/stat.h&gt;</span>
68 <a name="l00046"></a>00046
69 <a name="l00047"></a>00047
70 <a name="l00048"></a>00048 <span class="preprocessor">#ifdef __cplusplus</span>
71 <a name="l00049"></a>00049 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="keyword">extern</span> <span class="stringliteral">"C"</span> {
72 <a name="l00050"></a>00050 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span>
73 <a name="l00051"></a>00051 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
74 <a name="l00052"></a>00052 <span class="comment">/*</span>
75 <a name="l00053"></a>00053 <span class="comment"> * Linux &lt;bit/stat.h&gt; uses preprocessor to define st_atime to</span>
76 <a name="l00054"></a>00054 <span class="comment"> * st_atim.tv_sec etc to widen the ABI to use a struct timespec rather</span>
77 <a name="l00055"></a>00055 <span class="comment"> * than just have a time_t access/modification/inode-change times.</span>
78 <a name="l00056"></a>00056 <span class="comment"> * this is unfortunate, since that symbol cannot be used as a struct</span>
79 <a name="l00057"></a>00057 <span class="comment"> * member elsewhere (!).</span>
80 <a name="l00058"></a>00058 <span class="comment"> *</span>
81 <a name="l00059"></a>00059 <span class="comment"> * just like with type name conflicts, we avoid it by using </span>
82 <a name="l00060"></a>00060 <span class="comment"> * as a prefix for struct members too. sigh.</span>
83 <a name="l00061"></a>00061 <span class="comment"> */</span>
84 <a name="l00062"></a>00062
85 <a name="l00063"></a>00063 <span class="keyword">struct </span><a class="code" href="group__syscalls.html#g3dc1b07404b646712a144e2057359876" title="[not quite POSIX] Returns information about a file.">stat</a> { <span class="comment">/* must be renamed when ABI is exported */</span>
86 <a name="l00064"></a>00064 dev_t st_dev; <span class="comment">/* not implemented */</span>
87 <a name="l00065"></a>00065 ino_t st_ino; <span class="comment">/* not implemented */</span>
88 <a name="l00066"></a>00066 mode_t st_mode; <span class="comment">/* partially implemented. */</span>
89 <a name="l00067"></a>00067 nlink_t st_nlink; <span class="comment">/* link count */</span>
90 <a name="l00068"></a>00068 uid_t st_uid; <span class="comment">/* not implemented */</span>
91 <a name="l00069"></a>00069 gid_t st_gid; <span class="comment">/* not implemented */</span>
92 <a name="l00070"></a>00070 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> __padding; <span class="comment">/* needed to align st_rdev */</span>
93 <a name="l00071"></a>00071 dev_t st_rdev; <span class="comment">/* not implemented */</span>
94 <a name="l00072"></a>00072 off_t st_size; <span class="comment">/* object size */</span>
95 <a name="l00073"></a>00073 blksize_t st_blksize; <span class="comment">/* not implemented */</span>
96 <a name="l00074"></a>00074 blkcnt_t st_blocks; <span class="comment">/* not implemented */</span>
97 <a name="l00075"></a>00075 time_t st_atime; <span class="comment">/* access time */</span>
98 <a name="l00076"></a>00076 time_t st_mtime; <span class="comment">/* modification time */</span>
99 <a name="l00077"></a>00077 time_t st_ctime; <span class="comment">/* inode change time */</span>
100 <a name="l00078"></a>00078 };
101 <a name="l00079"></a>00079
102 <a name="l00080"></a>00080 <span class="preprocessor">#ifdef __native_client__</span>
103 <a name="l00081"></a>00081 <span class="preprocessor"></span><span class="keywordtype">int</span> <a class="code" href="group__syscalls.html#g3dc1b07404b646712a144e2057359876" title="[not quite POSIX] Returns information about a file.">stat</a>(<span class="keywordtype">char</span> <span class="keyword">const</span> *path, <span class="keyword">struct</span> <a class="code" href="group__syscalls.html#g3dc1b07404b646712a144e2057359876" title="[not quite POSIX] Returns information about a file.">stat</a> *stbuf);
104 <a name="l00082"></a>00082 <span class="keywordtype">int</span> fstat(<span class="keywordtype">int</span> d, <span class="keyword">struct</span> <a class="code" href="group__syscalls.html#g3dc1b07404b646712a144e2057359876" title="[not quite POSIX] Returns information about a file.">stat</a> *stbuf);
105 <a name="l00083"></a>00083 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span>
106 <a name="l00084"></a>00084 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
107 <a name="l00085"></a>00085 <span class="preprocessor">#ifdef __cplusplus</span>
108 <a name="l00086"></a>00086 <span class="preprocessor"></span>}
109 <a name="l00087"></a>00087 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span>
110 <a name="l00088"></a>00088 <span class="preprocessor"></span>
111 <a name="l00089"></a>00089 <span class="preprocessor">#endif</span>
112 </pre></div></div>
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