1 # Maintainer: Richard Pöttler, richard dot poettler at gmail dot com
2 # Description: git webinterface written in c
3 # URL: http://hjemli.net/git/cgit/
9 source=('http://hjemli.net/git/cgit/blob/?id=3b1846754cef4732e285b23bba94bd76c5af8606&path=cgit-0.7.2.tar.gz' copyrepos)
12 # getting the git sources
16 # extracting the git sources and creating the symlink
17 cd $SRC/$name-$version
19 tar xjf $PKGMK_SOURCE_DIR/`prt-get printf '%n-%v' --filter='git'`.tar.bz2
20 ln -s `prt-get printf '%n-%v' --filter='git'` git
24 make DESTDIR=$PKG CGIT_SCRIPT_PATH=/var/www/cgit install
25 install -D -m 644 cgitrc $PKG/etc/cgitrc
26 install -D -m 755 $SRC/copyrepos $PKG/usr/bin/copyrepos