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2 % REFEER TO ORIGINAL /home/rodrigo/Dropbox/papers//bibliography.bib
3 @incollection{springerlink:aguilera98,
4 author = {Aguilera, Marcos Kawazoe and Chen, Wei and Toueg, Sam},
5 affiliation = {Cornell University, Computer Science Department, Ithaca NY 14853-7501, USA {aguilera,weichen,sam}},
6 title = {Failure Detection and Consensus in the Crash-Recovery Model},
7 booktitle = {Distributed Computing},
8 series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
9 editor = {Kutten, Shay},
10 publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
11 isbn = {},
12 pages = {497-497},
13 volume = {1499},
14 note = {},
15 year = {1998}
18 @InProceedings{labos2009:viera09,
19 address = {Estoril, Lisbon, Portugal},
20 affiliation = {EPFL},
21 author = {Vieira, Gustavo M. D. and Zwaenepoel, Willy and Buzato, Luis E.},
22 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 39th {I}nternational {C}onference on
23 {D}ependable {S}ystems and {N}etworks ({DSN})},
24 details = {},
25 documenturl = {},
26 doi = { },
27 location = {Estoril, Lisbon, Portugal},
28 oai-id = {},
29 oai-set = {conf; fulltext-public; fulltext},
30 publisher = { },
31 review = {REVIEWED},
32 series = { },
33 status = {PUBLISHED},
34 title = {Dynamic {C}ontent {W}eb {A}pplications: {C}rash,
35 {F}ailover, and {R}ecovery {A}nalysis},
36 unit = {LABOS},
37 url = {},
38 year = 2009
41 @article{Chandra:1996:WFD:234533.234549,
42 author = {Chandra, Tushar Deepak and Hadzilacos, Vassos and Toueg, Sam},
43 title = {The weakest failure detector for solving consensus},
44 journal = {J. ACM},
45 volume = {43},
46 issue = {4},
47 month = {July},
48 year = {1996},
49 issn = {0004-5411},
50 pages = {685--722},
51 numpages = {38},
52 url = {},
53 doi = {},
54 acmid = {234549},
55 publisher = {ACM},
56 address = {New York, NY, USA},
57 keywords = {Byzantine Generals' problem, agreement problem, asynchronous systems, atomic broadcast, commit problem, consensus problem, crash failures, failure detection, fault-tolerance, message passing, partial synchrony, processor failures},
60 @inproceedings{Aguilera:2001:SLE:645958.676119,
61 author = {Aguilera, Marcos Kawazoe and Delporte-Gallet, Carole and Fauconnier, Hugues and Toueg, Sam},
62 title = {Stable Leader Election},
63 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing},
64 series = {DISC '01},
65 year = {2001},
66 isbn = {3-540-42605-1},
67 pages = {108--122},
68 numpages = {15},
69 url = {},
70 acmid = {676119},
71 publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
72 address = {London, UK},
75 @InProceedings{vieira08:_trepl,
76 author = {Vieira, Gustavo M. D. and Buzato, Luis E.},
77 title = {Treplica: {U}biquitous {R}eplication},
78 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems},
79 year = 2008}
81 @inproceedings{Aguilera:2007:SNP:1294261.1294278,
82 author = {Aguilera, Marcos K. and Merchant, Arif and Shah, Mehul and Veitch, Alistair and Karamanolis, Christos},
83 title = {Sinfonia: a new paradigm for building scalable distributed systems},
84 booktitle = {Proceedings of twenty-first ACM SIGOPS symposium on Operating systems principles},
85 series = {SOSP '07},
86 year = {2007},
87 isbn = {978-1-59593-591-5},
88 location = {Stevenson, Washington, USA},
89 pages = {159--174},
90 numpages = {16},
91 url = {},
92 doi = {},
93 acmid = {1294278},
94 publisher = {ACM},
95 address = {New York, NY, USA},
96 keywords = {distributed systems, fault tolerance, scalability, shared memory, transactions, two-phase commit},
99 @article{Lamport:1978_clocks,
100 author = {Lamport, Leslie},
101 title = {Time, clocks, and the ordering of events in a distributed system},
102 journal = {Commun. ACM},
103 volume = {21},
104 issue = {7},
105 month = {July},
106 year = {1978},
107 issn = {0001-0782},
108 pages = {558--565},
109 numpages = {8},
110 url = {},
111 doi = {},
112 acmid = {359563},
113 publisher = {ACM},
114 address = {New York, NY, USA},
115 keywords = {clock synchronization, computer networks, distributed systems, multiprocess systems},
118 @inproceedings{Isard:2007:DDD:1272996.1273005,
119 author = {Isard, Michael and Budiu, Mihai and Yu, Yuan and Birrell, Andrew and Fetterly, Dennis},
120 title = {Dryad: distributed data-parallel programs from sequential building blocks},
121 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGOPS/EuroSys European Conference on Computer Systems 2007},
122 series = {EuroSys '07},
123 year = {2007},
124 isbn = {978-1-59593-636-3},
125 location = {Lisbon, Portugal},
126 pages = {59--72},
127 numpages = {14},
128 url = {},
129 doi = {},
130 acmid = {1273005},
131 publisher = {ACM},
132 address = {New York, NY, USA},
133 keywords = {cluster computing, concurrency, dataflow, distributed programming},
136 @article{Defago:2004,
137 author = {D\'{e}fago, Xavier and Schiper, Andr\'{e} and Urb\'{a}n, P\'{e}ter},
138 title = {Total order broadcast and multicast algorithms: Taxonomy and survey},
139 journal = {ACM Comput. Surv.},
140 volume = {36},
141 issue = {4},
142 month = {December},
143 year = {2004},
144 issn = {0360-0300},
145 pages = {372--421},
146 numpages = {50},
147 url = {},
148 doi = {},
149 acmid = {1041682},
150 publisher = {ACM},
151 address = {New York, NY, USA},
152 keywords = {Distributed systems, agreement problems, atomic broadcast, atomic multicast, classification, distributed algorithms, fault-tolerance, global ordering, group communication, message passing, survey, taxonomy, total ordering},
155 @TechReport{hadzilacos94,
156 author = {Hadzilacos, Vassos and Toueg, Sam},
157 title = {A modular approach to the specification and implementation of fault-tolerant broadcasts},
158 institution = {Department of Computer Science, Cornell University},
159 year = 1994,
160 key = {TR94-1425},
161 address = {Ithaca, NY},
162 month = {May}}
164 @inproceedings{Rodrigues:2000,
165 author = {Rodrigues, L. and Raynal, M.},
166 title = {Atomic Broadcast in Asynchronous Crash-Recovery Distributed Systems},
167 booktitle = {Proceedings of the The 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems ( ICDCS 2000)},
168 series = {ICDCS '00},
169 year = {2000},
170 isbn = {0-7695-0601-1},
171 pages = {288--},
172 url = {},
173 acmid = {851790},
174 publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
175 address = {Washington, DC, USA},
176 keywords = {Distributed Algorithms, Distributed Fault Tolerant Systems, Communication Protocols}
179 @article{Chandra:1996:UFD:226643.226647,
180 author = {Chandra, Tushar Deepak and Toueg, Sam},
181 title = {Unreliable failure detectors for reliable distributed systems},
182 journal = {J. ACM},
183 volume = {43},
184 issue = {2},
185 month = {March},
186 year = {1996},
187 issn = {0004-5411},
188 pages = {225--267},
189 numpages = {43},
190 url = {},
191 doi = {},
192 acmid = {226647},
193 publisher = {ACM},
194 address = {New York, NY, USA},
195 keywords = {Byzantine Generals' problem, agreement problem, asynchronous systems, atomic broadcast, commit problem, consensus problem, crash failures, failure detection, fault-tolerance, message passing, partial synchrony, processor failures},
198 @inproceedings{Schroeder:2007:DFR:1267903.1267904,
199 author = {Schroeder, Bianca and Gibson, Garth A.},
200 title = {Disk failures in the real world: what does an MTTF of 1,000,000 hours mean to you?},
201 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th USENIX conference on File and Storage Technologies},
202 year = {2007},
203 location = {San Jose, CA},
204 articleno = {1},
205 url = {},
206 acmid = {1267904},
207 publisher = {USENIX Association},
208 address = {Berkeley, CA, USA},