use new style {% url "view" %} template syntax
[mygpo.git] / mygpo / web / templates / registration / resend_activation.html
1 {% extends "base.html" %}
2 {% load url from future %}
3 {% load i18n %}
5 {% block title %}{% trans "Resend activation e-mail" %}{% endblock %}
8 {% block header %}
9 <h1>{% trans "Resend activation e-mail" %}</h1>
10 {% endblock %}
13 {% block content %}
14 <form action="{% url "resend-activation" %}" method="POST">
15 {% csrf_token %}
16 <table style="width: 400px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
17 <tr>
18 <td colspan="2" style="padding-bottom: 6px;">
19 {% blocktrans %}Please enter either your username or (if you don't know that either) the e-mail address which you used to register your account. An e-mail will be sent to you.{% endblocktrans %}
20 </td>
21 </tr>
22 <tr>
23 <th style="text-align: right;">
24 {{ form.username.label_tag }}:
25 </th>
26 <td>{{ form.username }}</td>
27 </tr>
28 <tr>
29 <th style="text-align: right;">
30 {{ }}:
31 </th>
32 <td>{{ }}</td>
33 </tr>
34 <tr>
35 <td colspan="2" style="text-align: right;">
36 <input type="submit" value="{% trans "Send activation e-mail" %}"/>
37 </td>
38 </tr>
39 </table>
40 </form>
41 {% endblock %}