Merge branch 'return-guid' of into return-guid
[mygpo.git] / .travis.yml
1 language: python
3 dist: xenial
5 python:
6  - "3.6"
7  - "3.7"
8  - "3.8"
9  - "3.8-dev"
10  - "nightly"
11  - "pypy3"
13 matrix:
14   allow_failures:
15   - python: 'pypy3'
16   - python: 'nightly'
18 services:
19  - redis-server
20  - postgresql
22 addons:
23   postgresql: "10"
25 install:
26  - pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-test.txt
27  - pip install coveralls
29 before_script:
30   - psql -c "ALTER USER travis WITH PASSWORD 'travis';"
31   - psql -c 'create database mygpo_test;' -U postgres
33 script:
34   - make check-code-format
35   - pytest --cov=mygpo/ --cov-branch
37 after_script:
38   - coveralls
40 env:
41  - DATABASE_URL="postgres://travis:travis@localhost/mygpo_test"
43 notifications:
44   slack:
45     secure: Fsaaj7TtFhd+/HghDCZ7vDxQKCSWoY4h6IC1jLKomOQNpfgaTtwfLJQ6VeR0kkXafR2nCIC6OC30sJ7w2yAoa6qCkRJuLxWLz0Vu8L7Y1YAAHn+AIit17kym3L1QMj+rZUUtCvcfudAmP/uakZlz3NfnwrKZhmfe/NowUalNl0k=