1 {% extends
"base.html" %}
5 {% block mainmenu %}{{
"/"|main_menu }}{% endblock %}
6 {% block sectionmenu %}{{
"/"|section_menu }}{% endblock %}
8 {% block title %}{% trans
"Attention!" %}{% endblock %}
11 <h1>{% trans
"Attention, Attention!" %}
17 <p>{% blocktrans %}It seems that {{ referer }} has linked to {{ site }} to get you to change some data.
<strong>This will possibly change some of your data / settings!
</strong>. Do you really want to continue?
<strong>If in doubt, chose No.
</strong>{% endblocktrans %}
19 <form method=
"{{ method }}" action=
"{{ path }}{% if get %}?{% for key, value in get.iteritems %}{{ key }}={{ value }}&{% endfor %}{% endif %}">
21 {% for key, value in post.iteritems %}
22 <input type=
"hidden" name=
"{{ key }}" value=
"{{ value }}" />
24 <input type=
"submit" value=
"{% trans "Yes
" %}" />
25 <a href=
"{% url "home
" %}">{% trans
"No" %}