apply new navigation to publisher pages
[mygpo.git] / mygpo / publisher / templates / publisher / podcast.html
1 {% extends "base.html" %}
2 {% load i18n %}
3 {% load humanize %}
4 {% load podcasts %}
5 {% load charts %}
6 {% load pcharts %}
8 {% load menu %}
9 {% block mainmenu %}{{ "/publisher/"|main_menu }}{% endblock %}
10 {% block sectionmenu %}{{ "/publisher/podcast/"|section_menu:podcast.title }}{% endblock %}
12 {% block title %}{{ podcast.title|default:"Unnamed Podcast"|striptags }}{% endblock %}
14 {% block head %}
15 {% if timeline_data %}
16 {{ timeline_data|timeline }}
17 {% endif %}
18 {% endblock %}
20 {% block content %}
21 {% if podcast.logo_url %}
22 <div id="podcastlogo">{{ podcast|podcast_logo_big }}</div>
23 {% endif %}
25 <h1>{% trans "Publisher Pages:" %} {% if podcast.title %}{{ podcast.title|striptags }}{% else %}{% trans "Unnamed Podcast" %}{%endif%}</h1>
26 <a href="{{ podcast.url }}" class="URL">{{ podcast.url }}</a>
28 <h2>Edit</h2>
29 <p>Please note that information updates from the podcast feed will overwrite any information given here. Please save only what is not contained in the feed.</p>
30 <form method="post" action="">
31 <table>
32 {{ form.as_table }}
33 </table>
34 <input type="submit" value="save" />
35 </form>
36 <p><a href="/publisher/podcast/{{ }}/update">{% trans "Update from Feed" %}</a> {% trans "(this might take a few seconds)" %}</p>
38 <h2>Episodes</h2>
39 <p>View and edit <a href="/publisher/podcast/{{ }}/episodes">episode</a> data.</p>
41 <h2>Stats</h2>
43 {% if timeline_data %}
44 <h3>Listener Timeline</h3>
45 <div id="chart_div" style="width: 700px; height: 240px;"></div>
46 {% endif %}
49 {% if subscriber_data %}
50 <h3>Subscriptions</h3>
51 <p>Please note that the chart shows subscriptions per user and device, so a single user subscribing to this podcast on 5 devices acccounts for 5 subscriptions.</p>
52 {{ subscriber_data|bar_chart }}
53 {% endif %}
55 {% if device_data %}
56 <h3>Device Usage</h3>
57 {{ device_data|pie_chart }}
58 {% endif %}
59 {% endblock %}