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[msysgit/historical-msysgit.git] / mingw / lib / tk8.4 / demos / radio.tcl
1 # radio.tcl --
3 # This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing
4 # several radiobutton widgets.
6 # RCS: @(#) $Id: radio.tcl,v 1.4 2001/11/12 14:32:50 dkf Exp $
8 if {![info exists widgetDemo]} {
9 error "This script should be run from the \"widget\" demo."
12 set w .radio
13 catch {destroy $w}
14 toplevel $w
15 wm title $w "Radiobutton Demonstration"
16 wm iconname $w "radio"
17 positionWindow $w
18 label $w.msg -font $font -wraplength 5i -justify left -text "Three groups of radiobuttons are displayed below. If you click on a button then the button will become selected exclusively among all the buttons in its group. A Tcl variable is associated with each group to indicate which of the group's buttons is selected. Click the \"See Variables\" button to see the current values of the variables."
19 pack $w.msg -side top
21 frame $w.buttons
22 pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
23 button $w.buttons.dismiss -text Dismiss -command "destroy $w"
24 button $w.buttons.code -text "See Code" -command "showCode $w"
25 button $w.buttons.vars -text "See Variables" \
26 -command "showVars $w.dialog size color align"
27 pack $w.buttons.dismiss $w.buttons.code $w.buttons.vars -side left -expand 1
29 labelframe $w.left -pady 2 -text "Point Size" -padx 2
30 labelframe $w.mid -pady 2 -text "Color" -padx 2
31 labelframe $w.right -pady 2 -text "Alignment" -padx 2
32 pack $w.left $w.mid $w.right -side left -expand yes -pady .5c -padx .5c
34 foreach i {10 12 14 18 24} {
35 radiobutton $w.left.b$i -text "Point Size $i" -variable size \
36 -relief flat -value $i
37 pack $w.left.b$i -side top -pady 2 -anchor w -fill x
40 foreach c {Red Green Blue Yellow Orange Purple} {
41 set lower [string tolower $c]
42 radiobutton $w.mid.$lower -text $c -variable color \
43 -relief flat -value $lower -anchor w \
44 -command "$w.mid configure -fg \$color"
45 pack $w.mid.$lower -side top -pady 2 -fill x
48 label $w.right.l -text "Label" -bitmap questhead -compound left
49 $w.right.l configure -width [winfo reqwidth $w.right.l] -compound top
50 $w.right.l configure -height [winfo reqheight $w.right.l]
51 foreach a {Top Left Right Bottom} {
52 set lower [string tolower $a]
53 radiobutton $w.right.$lower -text $a -variable align \
54 -relief flat -value $lower -indicatoron 0 -width 7 \
55 -command "$w.right.l configure -compound \$align"
57 grid x $
58 grid $w.right.left $w.right.l $w.right.right
59 grid x $w.right.bottom