Merge branch 'master' of into devel
[msysgit/historical-msysgit.git] / lib / perl5 / 5.6.1 / Pod / Text /
1 # Pod::Text::Color -- Convert POD data to formatted color ASCII text
2 # $Id:,v 0.6 2000/12/25 12:52:39 eagle Exp $
4 # Copyright 1999 by Russ Allbery <>
6 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7 # under the same terms as Perl itself.
9 # This is just a basic proof of concept. It should later be modified to
10 # make better use of color, take options changing what colors are used for
11 # what text, and the like.
13 ############################################################################
14 # Modules and declarations
15 ############################################################################
17 package Pod::Text::Color;
19 require 5.004;
21 use Pod::Text ();
22 use Term::ANSIColor qw(colored);
24 use strict;
25 use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
27 @ISA = qw(Pod::Text);
29 # Don't use the CVS revision as the version, since this module is also in
30 # Perl core and too many things could munge CVS magic revision strings.
31 # This number should ideally be the same as the CVS revision in podlators,
32 # however.
33 $VERSION = 0.06;
36 ############################################################################
37 # Overrides
38 ############################################################################
40 # Make level one headings bold.
41 sub cmd_head1 {
42 my $self = shift;
43 local $_ = shift;
44 s/\s+$//;
45 $self->SUPER::cmd_head1 (colored ($_, 'bold'));
48 # Make level two headings bold.
49 sub cmd_head2 {
50 my $self = shift;
51 local $_ = shift;
52 s/\s+$//;
53 $self->SUPER::cmd_head2 (colored ($_, 'bold'));
56 # Fix the various interior sequences.
57 sub seq_b { return colored ($_[1], 'bold') }
58 sub seq_f { return colored ($_[1], 'cyan') }
59 sub seq_i { return colored ($_[1], 'yellow') }
61 # We unfortunately have to override the wrapping code here, since the normal
62 # wrapping code gets really confused by all the escape sequences.
63 sub wrap {
64 my $self = shift;
65 local $_ = shift;
66 my $output = '';
67 my $spaces = ' ' x $$self{MARGIN};
68 my $width = $$self{width} - $$self{MARGIN};
69 while (length > $width) {
70 if (s/^((?:(?:\e\[[\d;]+m)?[^\n]){0,$width})\s+//
71 || s/^((?:(?:\e\[[\d;]+m)?[^\n]){$width})//) {
72 $output .= $spaces . $1 . "\n";
73 } else {
74 last;
77 $output .= $spaces . $_;
78 $output =~ s/\s+$/\n\n/;
79 $output;
82 ############################################################################
83 # Module return value and documentation
84 ############################################################################
87 __END__
89 =head1 NAME
91 Pod::Text::Color - Convert POD data to formatted color ASCII text
93 =head1 SYNOPSIS
95 use Pod::Text::Color;
96 my $parser = Pod::Text::Color->new (sentence => 0, width => 78);
98 # Read POD from STDIN and write to STDOUT.
99 $parser->parse_from_filehandle;
101 # Read POD from file.pod and write to file.txt.
102 $parser->parse_from_file ('file.pod', 'file.txt');
104 =head1 DESCRIPTION
106 Pod::Text::Color is a simple subclass of Pod::Text that highlights output
107 text using ANSI color escape sequences. Apart from the color, it in all
108 ways functions like Pod::Text. See L<Pod::Text> for details and available
109 options.
111 Term::ANSIColor is used to get colors and therefore must be installed to use
112 this module.
114 =head1 BUGS
116 This is just a basic proof of concept. It should be seriously expanded to
117 support configurable coloration via options passed to the constructor, and
118 B<pod2text> should be taught about those.
120 =head1 SEE ALSO
122 L<Pod::Text|Pod::Text>, L<Pod::Parser|Pod::Parser>
124 =head1 AUTHOR
126 Russ Allbery E<lt>rra@stanford.eduE<gt>.
128 =cut