Update tk to version 8.5.11
[msysgit.git] / mingw / lib / tk8.5 / clrpick.tcl
1 # clrpick.tcl --
3 # Color selection dialog for platforms that do not support a
4 # standard color selection dialog.
6 # Copyright (c) 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
8 # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
9 # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
11 # ToDo:
13 # (1): Find out how many free colors are left in the colormap and
14 # don't allocate too many colors.
15 # (2): Implement HSV color selection.
18 # Make sure namespaces exist
19 namespace eval ::tk {}
20 namespace eval ::tk::dialog {}
21 namespace eval ::tk::dialog::color {
22 namespace import ::tk::msgcat::*
25 # ::tk::dialog::color:: --
27 # Create a color dialog and let the user choose a color. This function
28 # should not be called directly. It is called by the tk_chooseColor
29 # function when a native color selector widget does not exist
31 proc ::tk::dialog::color:: {args} {
32 variable ::tk::Priv
33 set dataName __tk__color
34 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::$dataName data
35 set w .$dataName
37 # The lines variables track the start and end indices of the line
38 # elements in the colorbar canvases.
39 set data(lines,red,start) 0
40 set data(lines,red,last) -1
41 set data(lines,green,start) 0
42 set data(lines,green,last) -1
43 set data(lines,blue,start) 0
44 set data(lines,blue,last) -1
46 # This is the actual number of lines that are drawn in each color strip.
47 # Note that the bars may be of any width.
48 # However, NUM_COLORBARS must be a number that evenly divides 256.
49 # Such as 256, 128, 64, etc.
50 set data(NUM_COLORBARS) 16
52 # BARS_WIDTH is the number of pixels wide the color bar portion of the
53 # canvas is. This number must be a multiple of NUM_COLORBARS
54 set data(BARS_WIDTH) 160
56 # PLGN_WIDTH is the number of pixels wide of the triangular selection
57 # polygon. This also results in the definition of the padding on the
58 # left and right sides which is half of PLGN_WIDTH. Make this number even.
59 set data(PLGN_HEIGHT) 10
61 # PLGN_HEIGHT is the height of the selection polygon and the height of the
62 # selection rectangle at the bottom of the color bar. No restrictions.
63 set data(PLGN_WIDTH) 10
65 Config $dataName $args
66 InitValues $dataName
68 set sc [winfo screen $data(-parent)]
69 set winExists [winfo exists $w]
70 if {!$winExists || $sc ne [winfo screen $w]} {
71 if {$winExists} {
72 destroy $w
74 toplevel $w -class TkColorDialog -screen $sc
75 if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "x11"} {wm attributes $w -type dialog}
76 BuildDialog $w
79 # Dialog boxes should be transient with respect to their parent,
80 # so that they will always stay on top of their parent window. However,
81 # some window managers will create the window as withdrawn if the parent
82 # window is withdrawn or iconified. Combined with the grab we put on the
83 # window, this can hang the entire application. Therefore we only make
84 # the dialog transient if the parent is viewable.
86 if {[winfo viewable [winfo toplevel $data(-parent)]] } {
87 wm transient $w $data(-parent)
90 # 5. Withdraw the window, then update all the geometry information
91 # so we know how big it wants to be, then center the window in the
92 # display and de-iconify it.
94 ::tk::PlaceWindow $w widget $data(-parent)
95 wm title $w $data(-title)
97 # 6. Set a grab and claim the focus too.
99 ::tk::SetFocusGrab $w $data(okBtn)
101 # 7. Wait for the user to respond, then restore the focus and
102 # return the index of the selected button. Restore the focus
103 # before deleting the window, since otherwise the window manager
104 # may take the focus away so we can't redirect it. Finally,
105 # restore any grab that was in effect.
107 vwait ::tk::Priv(selectColor)
108 set result $Priv(selectColor)
109 ::tk::RestoreFocusGrab $w $data(okBtn)
110 unset data
112 return $result
115 # ::tk::dialog::color::InitValues --
117 # Get called during initialization or when user resets NUM_COLORBARS
119 proc ::tk::dialog::color::InitValues {dataName} {
120 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::$dataName data
122 # IntensityIncr is the difference in color intensity between a colorbar
123 # and its neighbors.
124 set data(intensityIncr) [expr {256 / $data(NUM_COLORBARS)}]
126 # ColorbarWidth is the width of each colorbar
127 set data(colorbarWidth) [expr {$data(BARS_WIDTH) / $data(NUM_COLORBARS)}]
129 # Indent is the width of the space at the left and right side of the
130 # colorbar. It is always half the selector polygon width, because the
131 # polygon extends into the space.
132 set data(indent) [expr {$data(PLGN_WIDTH) / 2}]
134 set data(colorPad) 2
135 set data(selPad) [expr {$data(PLGN_WIDTH) / 2}]
138 # minX is the x coordinate of the first colorbar
140 set data(minX) $data(indent)
143 # maxX is the x coordinate of the last colorbar
145 set data(maxX) [expr {$data(BARS_WIDTH) + $data(indent)-1}]
148 # canvasWidth is the width of the entire canvas, including the indents
150 set data(canvasWidth) [expr {$data(BARS_WIDTH) + $data(PLGN_WIDTH)}]
152 # Set the initial color, specified by -initialcolor, or the
153 # color chosen by the user the last time.
154 set data(selection) $data(-initialcolor)
155 set data(finalColor) $data(-initialcolor)
156 set rgb [winfo rgb . $data(selection)]
158 set data(red,intensity) [expr {[lindex $rgb 0]/0x100}]
159 set data(green,intensity) [expr {[lindex $rgb 1]/0x100}]
160 set data(blue,intensity) [expr {[lindex $rgb 2]/0x100}]
163 # ::tk::dialog::color::Config --
165 # Parses the command line arguments to tk_chooseColor
167 proc ::tk::dialog::color::Config {dataName argList} {
168 variable ::tk::Priv
169 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::$dataName data
171 # 1: the configuration specs
173 if {[info exists Priv(selectColor)] && $Priv(selectColor) ne ""} {
174 set defaultColor $Priv(selectColor)
175 } else {
176 set defaultColor [. cget -background]
179 set specs [list \
180 [list -initialcolor "" "" $defaultColor] \
181 [list -parent "" "" "."] \
182 [list -title "" "" [mc "Color"]] \
185 # 2: parse the arguments
187 tclParseConfigSpec ::tk::dialog::color::$dataName $specs "" $argList
189 if {$data(-title) eq ""} {
190 set data(-title) " "
192 if {[catch {winfo rgb . $data(-initialcolor)} err]} {
193 error $err
196 if {![winfo exists $data(-parent)]} {
197 error "bad window path name \"$data(-parent)\""
201 # ::tk::dialog::color::BuildDialog --
203 # Build the dialog.
205 proc ::tk::dialog::color::BuildDialog {w} {
206 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data
208 # TopFrame contains the color strips and the color selection
210 set topFrame [frame $w.top -relief raised -bd 1]
212 # StripsFrame contains the colorstrips and the individual RGB entries
213 set stripsFrame [frame $topFrame.colorStrip]
215 set maxWidth [::tk::mcmaxamp &Red &Green &Blue]
216 set maxWidth [expr {$maxWidth<6 ? 6 : $maxWidth}]
217 set colorList {
218 red "&Red"
219 green "&Green"
220 blue "&Blue"
222 foreach {color l} $colorList {
223 # each f frame contains an [R|G|B] entry and the equiv. color strip.
224 set f [frame $stripsFrame.$color]
226 # The box frame contains the label and entry widget for an [R|G|B]
227 set box [frame $f.box]
229 ::tk::AmpWidget label $box.label -text "[mc $l]:" \
230 -width $maxWidth -anchor ne
231 bind $box.label <<AltUnderlined>> [list focus $box.entry]
233 entry $box.entry -textvariable \
234 ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w]($color,intensity) \
235 -width 4
236 pack $box.label -side left -fill y -padx 2 -pady 3
237 pack $box.entry -side left -anchor n -pady 0
238 pack $box -side left -fill both
240 set height [expr {
241 [winfo reqheight $box.entry] -
242 2*([$box.entry cget -highlightthickness] + [$box.entry cget -bd])
245 canvas $f.color -height $height \
246 -width $data(BARS_WIDTH) -relief sunken -bd 2
247 canvas $f.sel -height $data(PLGN_HEIGHT) \
248 -width $data(canvasWidth) -highlightthickness 0
249 pack $f.color -expand yes -fill both
250 pack $f.sel -expand yes -fill both
252 pack $f -side top -fill x -padx 0 -pady 2
254 set data($color,entry) $box.entry
255 set data($color,col) $f.color
256 set data($color,sel) $f.sel
258 bind $data($color,col) <Configure> \
259 [list tk::dialog::color::DrawColorScale $w $color 1]
260 bind $data($color,col) <Enter> \
261 [list tk::dialog::color::EnterColorBar $w $color]
262 bind $data($color,col) <Leave> \
263 [list tk::dialog::color::LeaveColorBar $w $color]
265 bind $data($color,sel) <Enter> \
266 [list tk::dialog::color::EnterColorBar $w $color]
267 bind $data($color,sel) <Leave> \
268 [list tk::dialog::color::LeaveColorBar $w $color]
270 bind $box.entry <Return> [list tk::dialog::color::HandleRGBEntry $w]
273 pack $stripsFrame -side left -fill both -padx 4 -pady 10
275 # The selFrame contains a frame that demonstrates the currently
276 # selected color
278 set selFrame [frame $topFrame.sel]
279 set lab [::tk::AmpWidget label $selFrame.lab \
280 -text [mc "&Selection:"] -anchor sw]
281 set ent [entry $selFrame.ent \
282 -textvariable ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w](selection) \
283 -width 16]
284 set f1 [frame $selFrame.f1 -relief sunken -bd 2]
285 set data(finalCanvas) [frame $f1.demo -bd 0 -width 100 -height 70]
287 pack $lab $ent -side top -fill x -padx 4 -pady 2
288 pack $f1 -expand yes -anchor nw -fill both -padx 6 -pady 10
289 pack $data(finalCanvas) -expand yes -fill both
291 bind $ent <Return> [list tk::dialog::color::HandleSelEntry $w]
293 pack $selFrame -side left -fill none -anchor nw
294 pack $topFrame -side top -expand yes -fill both -anchor nw
296 # the botFrame frame contains the buttons
298 set botFrame [frame $w.bot -relief raised -bd 1]
300 ::tk::AmpWidget button $botFrame.ok -text [mc "&OK"] \
301 -command [list tk::dialog::color::OkCmd $w]
302 ::tk::AmpWidget button $botFrame.cancel -text [mc "&Cancel"] \
303 -command [list tk::dialog::color::CancelCmd $w]
305 set data(okBtn) $botFrame.ok
306 set data(cancelBtn) $botFrame.cancel
308 grid x $botFrame.ok x $botFrame.cancel x -sticky ew
309 grid configure $botFrame.ok $botFrame.cancel -padx 10 -pady 10
310 grid columnconfigure $botFrame {0 4} -weight 1 -uniform space
311 grid columnconfigure $botFrame {1 3} -weight 1 -uniform button
312 grid columnconfigure $botFrame 2 -weight 2 -uniform space
313 pack $botFrame -side bottom -fill x
315 # Accelerator bindings
316 bind $lab <<AltUnderlined>> [list focus $ent]
317 bind $w <KeyPress-Escape> [list tk::ButtonInvoke $data(cancelBtn)]
318 bind $w <Alt-Key> [list tk::AltKeyInDialog $w %A]
320 wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW [list tk::dialog::color::CancelCmd $w]
321 bind $lab <Destroy> [list tk::dialog::color::CancelCmd $w]
324 # ::tk::dialog::color::SetRGBValue --
326 # Sets the current selection of the dialog box
328 proc ::tk::dialog::color::SetRGBValue {w color} {
329 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data
331 set data(red,intensity) [lindex $color 0]
332 set data(green,intensity) [lindex $color 1]
333 set data(blue,intensity) [lindex $color 2]
335 RedrawColorBars $w all
337 # Now compute the new x value of each colorbars pointer polygon
338 foreach color {red green blue} {
339 set x [RgbToX $w $data($color,intensity)]
340 MoveSelector $w $data($color,sel) $color $x 0
344 # ::tk::dialog::color::XToRgb --
346 # Converts a screen coordinate to intensity
348 proc ::tk::dialog::color::XToRgb {w x} {
349 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data
351 set x [expr {($x * $data(intensityIncr))/ $data(colorbarWidth)}]
352 if {$x > 255} {
353 set x 255
355 return $x
358 # ::tk::dialog::color::RgbToX
360 # Converts an intensity to screen coordinate.
362 proc ::tk::dialog::color::RgbToX {w color} {
363 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data
365 return [expr {($color * $data(colorbarWidth)/ $data(intensityIncr))}]
368 # ::tk::dialog::color::DrawColorScale --
370 # Draw color scale is called whenever the size of one of the color
371 # scale canvases is changed.
373 proc ::tk::dialog::color::DrawColorScale {w c {create 0}} {
374 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data
376 # col: color bar canvas
377 # sel: selector canvas
378 set col $data($c,col)
379 set sel $data($c,sel)
381 # First handle the case that we are creating everything for the first time.
382 if {$create} {
383 # First remove all the lines that already exist.
384 if { $data(lines,$c,last) > $data(lines,$c,start)} {
385 for {set i $data(lines,$c,start)} \
386 {$i <= $data(lines,$c,last)} {incr i} {
387 $sel delete $i
390 # Delete the selector if it exists
391 if {[info exists data($c,index)]} {
392 $sel delete $data($c,index)
395 # Draw the selection polygons
396 CreateSelector $w $sel $c
397 $sel bind $data($c,index) <ButtonPress-1> \
398 [list tk::dialog::color::StartMove $w $sel $c %x $data(selPad) 1]
399 $sel bind $data($c,index) <B1-Motion> \
400 [list tk::dialog::color::MoveSelector $w $sel $c %x $data(selPad)]
401 $sel bind $data($c,index) <ButtonRelease-1> \
402 [list tk::dialog::color::ReleaseMouse $w $sel $c %x $data(selPad)]
404 set height [winfo height $col]
405 # Create an invisible region under the colorstrip to catch mouse clicks
406 # that aren't on the selector.
407 set data($c,clickRegion) [$sel create rectangle 0 0 \
408 $data(canvasWidth) $height -fill {} -outline {}]
410 bind $col <ButtonPress-1> \
411 [list tk::dialog::color::StartMove $w $sel $c %x $data(colorPad)]
412 bind $col <B1-Motion> \
413 [list tk::dialog::color::MoveSelector $w $sel $c %x $data(colorPad)]
414 bind $col <ButtonRelease-1> \
415 [list tk::dialog::color::ReleaseMouse $w $sel $c %x $data(colorPad)]
417 $sel bind $data($c,clickRegion) <ButtonPress-1> \
418 [list tk::dialog::color::StartMove $w $sel $c %x $data(selPad)]
419 $sel bind $data($c,clickRegion) <B1-Motion> \
420 [list tk::dialog::color::MoveSelector $w $sel $c %x $data(selPad)]
421 $sel bind $data($c,clickRegion) <ButtonRelease-1> \
422 [list tk::dialog::color::ReleaseMouse $w $sel $c %x $data(selPad)]
423 } else {
424 # l is the canvas index of the first colorbar.
425 set l $data(lines,$c,start)
428 # Draw the color bars.
429 set highlightW [expr {[$col cget -highlightthickness] + [$col cget -bd]}]
430 for {set i 0} { $i < $data(NUM_COLORBARS)} { incr i} {
431 set intensity [expr {$i * $data(intensityIncr)}]
432 set startx [expr {$i * $data(colorbarWidth) + $highlightW}]
433 if {$c eq "red"} {
434 set color [format "#%02x%02x%02x" \
435 $intensity $data(green,intensity) $data(blue,intensity)]
436 } elseif {$c eq "green"} {
437 set color [format "#%02x%02x%02x" \
438 $data(red,intensity) $intensity $data(blue,intensity)]
439 } else {
440 set color [format "#%02x%02x%02x" \
441 $data(red,intensity) $data(green,intensity) $intensity]
444 if {$create} {
445 set index [$col create rect $startx $highlightW \
446 [expr {$startx +$data(colorbarWidth)}] \
447 [expr {[winfo height $col] + $highlightW}] \
448 -fill $color -outline $color]
449 } else {
450 $col itemconfigure $l -fill $color -outline $color
451 incr l
454 $sel raise $data($c,index)
456 if {$create} {
457 set data(lines,$c,last) $index
458 set data(lines,$c,start) [expr {$index - $data(NUM_COLORBARS) + 1}]
461 RedrawFinalColor $w
464 # ::tk::dialog::color::CreateSelector --
466 # Creates and draws the selector polygon at the position
467 # $data($c,intensity).
469 proc ::tk::dialog::color::CreateSelector {w sel c } {
470 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data
471 set data($c,index) [$sel create polygon \
472 0 $data(PLGN_HEIGHT) \
473 $data(PLGN_WIDTH) $data(PLGN_HEIGHT) \
474 $data(indent) 0]
475 set data($c,x) [RgbToX $w $data($c,intensity)]
476 $sel move $data($c,index) $data($c,x) 0
479 # ::tk::dialog::color::RedrawFinalColor
481 # Combines the intensities of the three colors into the final color
483 proc ::tk::dialog::color::RedrawFinalColor {w} {
484 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data
486 set color [format "#%02x%02x%02x" $data(red,intensity) \
487 $data(green,intensity) $data(blue,intensity)]
489 $data(finalCanvas) configure -bg $color
490 set data(finalColor) $color
491 set data(selection) $color
492 set data(finalRGB) [list \
493 $data(red,intensity) \
494 $data(green,intensity) \
495 $data(blue,intensity)]
498 # ::tk::dialog::color::RedrawColorBars --
500 # Only redraws the colors on the color strips that were not manipulated.
501 # Params: color of colorstrip that changed. If color is not [red|green|blue]
502 # Then all colorstrips will be updated
504 proc ::tk::dialog::color::RedrawColorBars {w colorChanged} {
505 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data
507 switch $colorChanged {
508 red {
509 DrawColorScale $w green
510 DrawColorScale $w blue
512 green {
513 DrawColorScale $w red
514 DrawColorScale $w blue
516 blue {
517 DrawColorScale $w red
518 DrawColorScale $w green
520 default {
521 DrawColorScale $w red
522 DrawColorScale $w green
523 DrawColorScale $w blue
526 RedrawFinalColor $w
529 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
530 # Event handlers
531 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
533 # ::tk::dialog::color::StartMove --
535 # Handles a mousedown button event over the selector polygon.
536 # Adds the bindings for moving the mouse while the button is
537 # pressed. Sets the binding for the button-release event.
539 # Params: sel is the selector canvas window, color is the color of the strip.
541 proc ::tk::dialog::color::StartMove {w sel color x delta {dontMove 0}} {
542 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data
544 if {!$dontMove} {
545 MoveSelector $w $sel $color $x $delta
549 # ::tk::dialog::color::MoveSelector --
551 # Moves the polygon selector so that its middle point has the same
552 # x value as the specified x. If x is outside the bounds [0,255],
553 # the selector is set to the closest endpoint.
555 # Params: sel is the selector canvas, c is [red|green|blue]
556 # x is a x-coordinate.
558 proc ::tk::dialog::color::MoveSelector {w sel color x delta} {
559 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data
561 incr x -$delta
563 if { $x < 0 } {
564 set x 0
565 } elseif { $x > $data(BARS_WIDTH)} {
566 set x $data(BARS_WIDTH)
568 set diff [expr {$x - $data($color,x)}]
569 $sel move $data($color,index) $diff 0
570 set data($color,x) [expr {$data($color,x) + $diff}]
572 # Return the x value that it was actually set at
573 return $x
576 # ::tk::dialog::color::ReleaseMouse
578 # Removes mouse tracking bindings, updates the colorbars.
580 # Params: sel is the selector canvas, color is the color of the strip,
581 # x is the x-coord of the mouse.
583 proc ::tk::dialog::color::ReleaseMouse {w sel color x delta} {
584 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data
586 set x [MoveSelector $w $sel $color $x $delta]
588 # Determine exactly what color we are looking at.
589 set data($color,intensity) [XToRgb $w $x]
591 RedrawColorBars $w $color
594 # ::tk::dialog::color::ResizeColorbars --
596 # Completely redraws the colorbars, including resizing the
597 # colorstrips
599 proc ::tk::dialog::color::ResizeColorBars {w} {
600 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data
602 if {
603 ($data(BARS_WIDTH) < $data(NUM_COLORBARS)) ||
604 (($data(BARS_WIDTH) % $data(NUM_COLORBARS)) != 0)
605 } then {
606 set data(BARS_WIDTH) $data(NUM_COLORBARS)
608 InitValues [winfo name $w]
609 foreach color {red green blue} {
610 $data($color,col) configure -width $data(canvasWidth)
611 DrawColorScale $w $color 1
615 # ::tk::dialog::color::HandleSelEntry --
617 # Handles the return keypress event in the "Selection:" entry
619 proc ::tk::dialog::color::HandleSelEntry {w} {
620 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data
622 set text [string trim $data(selection)]
623 # Check to make sure that the color is valid
624 if {[catch {set color [winfo rgb . $text]} ]} {
625 set data(selection) $data(finalColor)
626 return
629 set R [expr {[lindex $color 0]/0x100}]
630 set G [expr {[lindex $color 1]/0x100}]
631 set B [expr {[lindex $color 2]/0x100}]
633 SetRGBValue $w "$R $G $B"
634 set data(selection) $text
637 # ::tk::dialog::color::HandleRGBEntry --
639 # Handles the return keypress event in the R, G or B entry
641 proc ::tk::dialog::color::HandleRGBEntry {w} {
642 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data
644 foreach c {red green blue} {
645 if {[catch {
646 set data($c,intensity) [expr {int($data($c,intensity))}]
647 }]} {
648 set data($c,intensity) 0
651 if {$data($c,intensity) < 0} {
652 set data($c,intensity) 0
654 if {$data($c,intensity) > 255} {
655 set data($c,intensity) 255
659 SetRGBValue $w "$data(red,intensity) \
660 $data(green,intensity) $data(blue,intensity)"
663 # mouse cursor enters a color bar
665 proc ::tk::dialog::color::EnterColorBar {w color} {
666 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data
668 $data($color,sel) itemconfigure $data($color,index) -fill red
671 # mouse leaves enters a color bar
673 proc ::tk::dialog::color::LeaveColorBar {w color} {
674 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data
676 $data($color,sel) itemconfigure $data($color,index) -fill black
679 # user hits OK button
681 proc ::tk::dialog::color::OkCmd {w} {
682 variable ::tk::Priv
683 upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data
685 set Priv(selectColor) $data(finalColor)
688 # user hits Cancel button or destroys window
690 proc ::tk::dialog::color::CancelCmd {w} {
691 variable ::tk::Priv
692 set Priv(selectColor) ""