Compare the wincred helper against its original in compat.
[msysgit.git] / lib / perl5 / 5.8.8 / DBM_Filter /
1 package DBM_Filter::int32 ;
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
6 our $VERSION = '0.01';
8 # todo get Filter to figure endian.
10 sub Store
12 $_ = 0 if ! defined $_ || $_ eq "" ;
13 $_ = pack("i", $_);
16 sub Fetch
18 no warnings 'uninitialized';
19 $_ = unpack("i", $_);
24 __END__
26 =head1 DBM_Filter::int32
28 =head1 SYNOPSIS
30 use SDBM_File; # or DB_File, or GDBM_File, or NDBM_File, or ODBM_File
31 use DBM_Filter ;
33 $db = tie %hash, ...
34 $db->Filter_Push('int32');
38 This DBM filter is used when interoperating with a C/C++ application
39 that uses a C int as either the key and/or value in the DBM file.
41 =head1 SEE ALSO
43 L<DBM_Filter>, L<perldbmfilter>
45 =head1 AUTHOR
47 Paul Marquess