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1 <html>
2 <head>
3 <title>Dr. Mingw</title>
4 </head>
5 <body>
6 <p>Dr. Mingw is a <i>Just-in-Time (JIT)</i> debugger. When the application throws
7 an unhandled exception, Dr. Mingw attaches itself to the application and collects
8 information about the exception, using the available debugging information.</p>
10 <h1>Features</h1>
12 <p>Dr. Mingw can read debugging information in <em>Stabs</em> formats &#151; generated
13 by the Gnu C/C++ Compiler, and in a PDB file &#151; generated by the Microsoft
14 Visual C++ Compiler.</p>
16 <p>Windows NT/2000 platform is supported, as well as Windows 95/98. On older Windows
17 versions though, the IMAGEHLP.DLL isn't included or it's a rather old version.
18 Dr. Mingw doesn't require it, but relies upon it to resolve symbols in modules
19 compiled by the Microsoft tools. See <a href="#imagehlp">The
20 IMAGEHLP.DLL Saga</a> for more information. </p>
22 <h1>Download</h1>
24 <p>Dr. Mingw is now part of <a
25 href="">mingw-utils</a>.</p>
27 <h1>Installation</h1>
29 <p>If you didn't download the self-installing package, to install enter</p>
31 <blockquote>
32 <pre><b>drmingw -i</b></pre>
33 </blockquote>
35 <p>Dr. Mingw will register itself as the JIT debugger by writting into the
36 system registry. On Windows NT/2000 make sure you have Administrator
37 rights. See <a href="#jit">Enabling Just-in-Time (JIT) Debugging</a> for
38 more information.</p>
40 <p>If the installation is sucessful, the following message box should appear:</p>
42 <p align="center"><img src="install.gif" alt="installation dialog"/></p>
44 <p>To enable other options they must be set them allong with the <b>-i</b>
45 option. For example,</p>
47 <blockquote>
48 <pre><b>drmingw -i -v </b></pre>
49 </blockquote>
51 <p>If you still have trouble installing, edit the included<b>
52 drmingw.reg</b> file to reflect the <b>drmingw.exe</b> executable path and
53 load it on the system registry.</p>
55 <h1>Usage</h1>
57 <p>You can test Dr. Mingw by running the sample<b> test.exe</b>. Depending
58 of your Windows version, you'll see a familiar dialog:</p>
60 <p align="center"><img src="exception-nt.gif" alt="Windows general protection fault dialog"/></p>
62 <p>If you request to debug the program, Dr. Mingw will attach to the
63 faulting application, collect information about the exception, and display
64 the dialog</p>
66 <p align="center"><img src="sample.gif" alt="sample report"/></p>
68 <p>To resolve the addresses it's necessary to compile the application with
69 debugging information. In case of address is in a DLL with no debugging
70 information, it will resolve to the precedent exported symbol.</p>
72 <h1>Command Line Options</h1>
74 <p>The Dr. Mingw command line uses the following syntax:</p>
76 <pre>
77 <b>drmingw </b>[<b>-h | --help</b>] [<b>-V | --version</b>] [<b>-i | --install</b>] [<b>-a | --auto</b>] [<b>-u | --uninstall</b>]
78 [<b>-p</b> <i>pid</i> | <b>--process-id=</b><i>pid</i>] [<b>-e</b> <i>event</i> | <b>--event=</b><i>event</i>]
79 [<b>-v | --verbose</b>]
80 </pre>
82 <p>The following table describes the Dr. Mingw command-line options. All
83 comand-line options are case-sensitive. </p>
85 <table width="78%" summary="command-line options">
86 <tr>
87 <th align=left width=10%>Option</th>
88 <th align=left width=25%>&nbsp;</th>
89 <th align=left width=65%>Action</th>
90 </tr>
91 <tr>
92 <td width=10%>
93 <pre><b>-h</b></pre>
94 </td>
95 <td width=25%>
96 <pre><b>--help</b></pre>
97 </td>
98 <td width=65%>Print help and exit </td>
99 </tr>
100 <tr>
101 <td width=10%>
102 <pre><b>-V</b></pre>
103 </td>
104 <td width=25%>
105 <pre><b>--version</b></pre>
106 </td>
107 <td width=65%>Print version and exit</td>
108 </tr>
109 <tr>
110 <td width=10%>
111 <pre><b>-i</b></pre>
112 </td>
113 <td width=25%>
114 <pre><b>--install</b></pre>
115 </td>
116 <td width=65%>Install as the default JIT debugger</td>
117 </tr>
118 <tr>
119 <td width=10%>
120 <pre><b>-a</b></pre>
121 </td>
122 <td width=25%>
123 <pre><b>--auto</b></pre>
124 </td>
125 <td width=65%>Automatically start (used with <b>-i</b> | <b>--install</b>)</td>
126 </tr>
127 <tr>
128 <td width=10%>
129 <pre><b>-u</b></pre>
130 </td>
131 <td width=25%>
132 <pre><b>--uninstall</b></pre>
133 </td>
134 <td width=65%>Uninstall</td>
135 </tr>
136 <tr>
137 <td width=10%>
138 <pre><b>-p</b> <i>pid</i></pre>
139 </td>
140 <td width=25%>
141 <pre><b>--process-id=</b><i>pid</i></pre>
142 </td>
143 <td width=65%>Attach to the process with the given identifier</td>
144 </tr>
145 <tr>
146 <td width=10%>
147 <pre><b>-e</b> <i>event</i></pre>
148 </td>
149 <td width=25%><pre><b>--event=</b><i>event</i></pre></td>
150 <td width=65%>Signal an event after process is attached</td>
151 </tr>
152 <tr>
153 <td width=10%>
154 <pre><b>-v</b></pre>
155 </td>
156 <td width=25%>
157 <pre><b>--verbose</b></pre>
158 </td>
159 <td width=65%>Verbose output</td>
160 </tr>
161 </table>
163 <h1><a name="exchndl"></a>The EXCHNDL.DLL</h1>
165 <h2>Introduction</h2>
167 <p>Although internally Dr. Mingw behaves much like a debugger, from the
168 outside it is like a standalone exception handler. But for its own
169 debugging purposes, Dr. Mingw has a internal exception handler that is
170 completly seperate from the main code.</p>
172 <p>This exception handler resides in <b>exchndl.c</b>. When
173 <b>drmingw.exe</b> is loaded, the code in <b>exchndl.c</b> is automatically
174 executed (by the gcc static constructor/destructor mechanism) and registers
175 itself as a exception handler.</p>
177 <p>This exception handler is much lighter than Dr. Mingw debugging system
178 because it doesn't have to deal with interprocess communication. The
179 exception handling routine runs in the same process context of the faulting
180 application (<b>drmingw</b>, in this case).</p>
182 <h2>Using ExcHndl for you own purposes</h2>
184 <p>If you incorporate ExcHndl in you own programs, especially those that
185 you release to others, you can have almost the same exception information
186 that you would get with Dr. Mingw, but with no need of the end user to have
187 Dr. Mingw installed.</p>
189 <p>You can use ExcHndl in two ways:</p>
191 <ul>
192 <li>linking <b>exchndl.o</b> and <b>libbfd.a</b> with your program objects</li>
194 <li>linking <b>exchndl.o</b> and <b>libfd.a</b> in the
195 <b>EXCHNDL.DLL</b> and dinamically loading it at run-time. This can be
196 done by linking just <b>exchndl2.o</b> or explicitly calling
197 <i>LoadLibrary(&quot;exchndl.dll&quot;)</i></li>
198 </ul>
200 <p>The latter method is preferred because you have smaller executables and
201 don't need to link the BFD library in all builds. The application wont fail
202 if the <b>EXCHNDL.DLL</b> is missing.</p>
204 <h2>Example</h2>
206 <p>The sample<b> test.exe</b> application uses the second method above.
207 Copy <b>EXCHNDL.DLL</b> to executable directory. When you run it, even
208 before general protection fault dialog box appears, it's written to the
209 <b>test.RPT</b> file a report of the fault.</p>
211 <p>Here is how <b>test.RPT</b> should look like:</p>
213 <pre>
214 -------------------
216 Error occured on Sunday, May 7, 2000 at 20:22:03.
218 C:\home\jrfonseca\drmingw\src\test.exe caused an Access Violation in module C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll Writing to location 00000008.
220 Registers:
221 eax=00003039 ebx=00000064 ecx=00000008 edx=0244fec0 esi=00401211 edi=0244fec0
222 eip=78027470 esp=0244fcd8 ebp=0244fea8 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
223 cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000 efl=00010202
225 Call stack:
226 78027470 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll:78027470 wscanf
227 7802544B C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll:7802544B sscanf
228 00401241 C:\home\jrfonseca\drmingw\src\test.exe:00401241 YetAnotherFunction //C/home/jrfonseca/drmingw/src/test.cxx:14
229 00401272 C:\home\jrfonseca\drmingw\src\test.exe:00401272 MyWonderfulFunction //C/home/jrfonseca/drmingw/src/test.cxx:19
230 004012A9 C:\home\jrfonseca\drmingw\src\test.exe:004012A9 main //C/home/jrfonseca/drmingw/src/test.cxx:24
231 004011C1 C:\home\jrfonseca\drmingw\src\test.exe:004011C1
232 004011EB C:\home\jrfonseca\drmingw\src\test.exe:004011EB
233 77E87903 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll:77E87903 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
234 </pre>
236 <h1>Appendix</h1>
238 <h2><a name="jit"></a>Enabling Just-in-Time (JIT) Debugging</h2>
240 <p><em>[Taken from Using Microsoft Debuggers of the April 2000 Platform SDK.]</em></p>
242 <p>There are a variety of application errors which will cause Windows
243 NT/Windows 2000 a to terminate the application. The most common kinds of
244 errors are deadlocks and access violations. From the operating systems
245 point of view, these are all simply unhandled exceptions.</p>
247 <p>When an application error occurs, Windows searches for an exception
248 handler. If it does not find an exception handler, the system verifies that
249 the application is not currently being debugged and considers the exception
250 to be unhandled. At this point, there are three possible responses:</p>
252 <ul>
253 <li>Windows can end the process immediately.</li>
255 <li>Windows can freeze the process and start a user-mode debugger. This
256 debugger can then be used to examine the application.</li>
258 <li>Windows can run a debugging tool which will create a memory dump
259 file of the application's memory space, and then end the process.</li>
260 </ul>
262 <p>The debugging tool which is used to debug the application or write the
263 dump file is called <I>Just-in-Time (JIT) Debugger</I>, or the
264 <i>post-mortem debugger</i>.</p>
266 <p>The default JIT debugger is Dr. Watson. When the application throws
267 an unhandled exception, Dr. Watson attaches itself to the application and
268 generates a crash dump file. After it creates the crash dump file, Dr.
269 Watson closes the application and exits.</p>
271 <p>Any user-mode debugging tool can be selected as the JIT debugger:</p>
273 <ul>
274 <li>To change the JIT debugger to WinDbg, run <b>windbg -I</b>. When
275 WinDbg is the JIT debugger, WinDbg will be activated whenever an
276 application crashes. See WinDbg Command Line Options for details.</li>
278 <li>To change the JIT debugger to NTSD, you must edit the registry.
279 When NTSD is the JIT debugger, NTSD will be activated whenever an
280 application crashes.</li>
282 <li>To change the JIT debugger back to Dr. Watson, run <b>drwtsn32
283 -i</b>. When Dr. Watson is the JIT debugger, a memory dump file will
284 be written to disk if an application crashes. See Dr. Watson Command
285 Line Options for details.</li>
286 </ul>
288 <p>Only a system administrator can alter the JIT settings.</p>
290 <p>If a JIT debugger has been installed, you can deliberately break into
291 the debugger from a user-mode application by calling the <b>DebugBreak</b>
292 function.</p>
294 <h3>Editing the Registry</h3>
296 <p>The Just-in-Time debugging settings are stored in the registry, under
297 <b>\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows&nbsp;NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug\</b>.
298 The two relevant keys in this directory are <b>Debugger</b> and
299 <b>Auto</b>.</p>
301 <p>The <b>Debugger</b> key's value shows the name of the debugger specified
302 to analyze application errors. The <b>Auto</b> key is either zero or
303 one.</p>
305 <p>When an unhandled application error occurs, Windows checks to see if the
306 <b>Debugger</b> and <b>Auto</b> keys exist.</p>
308 <p>If the <b>Auto</b> key equals zero and the <b>Debugger</b> value
309 contains the name of a valid debugger (such as WinDbg or NTSD), the message
310 box will have two buttons: <b>OK</b> and <b>Cancel</b>. If the <b>OK</b>
311 button is pressed, the application is terminated. If the <b>Cancel</b>
312 button is pressed, the debugger specified in the <b>Debugger</b> key is
313 started.</p>
315 <p>If the <b>Auto</b> key equals zero, but the <b>Debugger</b> key value is
316 empty, the message box will have only an <b>OK</b> button and no debugger
317 will start.</p>
319 <p>If the <b>Auto</b> key equals one, no message box appears. The debugger
320 referred to in the <b>Debugger</b> key is automatically started.</p>
322 <p><b>Setting Dr. Watson as the JIT debugger (default):</b></p>
324 <pre>
325 Debugger = "drwtsn32 -p %ld -e %ld -g"
326 Auto = 1
327 </pre>
329 <p><b>Setting WinDbg as the JIT debugger:</b></p>
331 <pre>
332 Debugger = "WinDbg -p %ld -e %ld"
333 Auto = 1
334 </pre>
336 <p><b>Setting NTSD as the JIT debugger:</b></p>
338 <pre>
339 Debugger = "NTSD -p %ld -e %ld -g"
340 Auto = 1
341 </pre>
343 <p>In these examples, -<b>p&nbsp;%ld</b> specifies the process ID that NTSD
344 will debug, -<b>e&nbsp;%ld</b> provides the event that caused the
345 exception, and -<b>g</b> causes the debugger to skip the initial
346 breakpoint. (Dr.&nbsp;Watson ignores the -<b>g</b> option.)</p>
348 <h2><a name="imagehlp"></a>The IMAGEHLP.DLL Saga</h2>
350 <p><em>[Taken from several Bugslayer articles of MSJ.]</em></p>
352 <p>The IMAGEHLP.DLL symbol engine first appeared in Windows NT® 4.0. The
353 beta Windows NT 5.0 SDK had new parts of IMAGEHLP.H that dealt with source
354 and line information. In the meantime, the November 1998 Platform SDK
355 showed and the IMAGEHLP.DLL that shipped with it supported the new source
356 and line handling. There are several different versions of IMAGEHLP.DLL.
357 The only one that does not support the new source and line information is
358 the original Windows NT 4.0 version. </p>
360 <p>The IMAGEHLP.DLL version 5.00.1678.1 dynamically links to MSPDB50.DLL.
361 It first tries to load MSDBI.DLL, and if that is not found it will load
362 MSPDB50.DLL, so it works with both Visual C++® 5.0 and 6.0. To use it with
363 Visual C++ 6.0, copy MSPDB50.DLL to MSPDB60.DLL. If you want to get symbols
364 from the field, you will have to compile with CodeView® symbols and use
365 .DBG files to get them. Keep in mind that MSPDB50.DLL, like MSDBI.DLL, is
366 not redistributable. </p>
368 <p>The IMAGEHLP.DLL version 5.00.1878.1, which comes with the Windows 2000
369 Beta 2 Platform SDK, hard links against MSDBI.DLL instead of dynamically
370 loading MSPDB50.DLL as in earlier versions to read PDB files. The problem
371 is that MSDBI.DLL is not redistributable.</p>
373 <p>IMAGEHLP.DLL now uses DEBUGHLP.DLL.</p>
375 <p>If you want IMAGEHLP.DLL, it's available in:</p>
377 <ul>
378 <li>
379 Platform SDK
380 </li>
381 <li>
382 WinDBG Debugger
383 </li>
384 <li>
385 Windows 2000
386 </li>
387 </ul>
389 <h1>Suggested Reading</h1>
391 <ul>
392 <li> <a
393 href="">A
394 Crash Course on the Depths of Win32 Structured Exception Handling, MSJ
395 January 1997</a> </li>
397 <li> <a
398 href="">MSJEXHND -
399 Part 1, Under the Hood, MSJ April 1997</a></li>
401 <li> <a
402 href="">MSJEXHND -
403 Part 2, Under the Hood, MSJ May 1997</a></li>
405 <li><a
406 href=>Bugslayer,
407 MSJ, August 1998</a></li>
409 <li> <a
410 href=""> The
411 Win32 Debugging Application Programming Interface</a></li>
412 </ul>
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