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5 <title>README.macos - Perl under Mac OS</title>
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11 <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
12 <tr><td class="block" style="background-color: #cccccc" valign="middle">
13 <big><strong><span class="block">&nbsp;README.macos - Perl under Mac OS</span></strong></big>
14 </td></tr>
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17 <p><a name="__index__"></a></p>
18 <!-- INDEX BEGIN -->
20 <ul>
22 <li><a href="#name">NAME</a></li>
23 <li><a href="#synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a></li>
24 <li><a href="#description">DESCRIPTION</a></li>
25 <li><a href="#author">AUTHOR</a></li>
26 <li><a href="#date">DATE</a></li>
27 </ul>
28 <!-- INDEX END -->
30 <hr />
31 <p>
32 </p>
33 <h1><a name="name">NAME</a></h1>
34 <p>README.macos - Perl under Mac OS (Classic)</p>
35 <p>
36 </p>
37 <hr />
38 <h1><a name="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a></h1>
39 <p>This document briefly describes perl under Mac OS (Classic).
40 If you are running perl under Mac OS X, you don't want to be
41 here (unless you are in the Classic environment under Mac OS X).</p>
42 <p>When we say ``Mac OS'' below, we mean Mac OS 7, 8, and 9, and <em>not</em>
43 Mac OS X.</p>
44 <p>
45 </p>
46 <hr />
47 <h1><a name="description">DESCRIPTION</a></h1>
48 <p>The latest perl source itself builds on Mac OS, with some additional
49 pieces. Support for Mac OS is now in the perl core, and MacPerl is kept
50 in close sync with regular perl releases.</p>
51 <p>To build perl for Mac OS (as an MPW tool), you will need the addition
52 of the <em>macos</em> subdirectory, distributed separately. It includes extra
53 source files, config files, and make files. It also includes extra
54 Mac-specific modules.</p>
55 <p>To build the MacPerl application, you will also need the <em>macperl</em>
56 directory, which includes the source files for creating the
57 application itself.</p>
58 <p>All of this is available from the development site, via
59 HTTP (in the MacPerl Installer, which includes all the source
60 and binaries) and anonymous CVS.</p>
61 <pre>
62 <a href=""></a></pre>
63 <p>The source is also in the main perl repository in the macperl
64 branch (the 5.6 source is in the maint-5.6/macperl branch).</p>
65 <p>You will also need compilers and libraries, all of them freely
66 available. These are linked to from the SourceForge site. Go that site
67 for all things having to do with MacPerl development.</p>
68 <p>MacPerl 5.6.1 and later are supported on Mac OS 8.1 and later, for 68040
69 and PowerPC architectures. The MPW tool may be used on Mac OS 7.5.5
70 and 68030 computers.</p>
71 <p>MacPerl 5.2.0r4 is also available, on the CPAN and on SourceForge. It
72 is based on perl 5.004, and works with Mac OS 7.5.5 and 68030 computers.</p>
73 <p>
74 </p>
75 <hr />
76 <h1><a name="author">AUTHOR</a></h1>
77 <p>perl was ported to Mac OS by Matthias Neeracher
78 &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;. It is currently maintained by Chris
79 Nandor &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;.</p>
80 <p>
81 </p>
82 <hr />
83 <h1><a name="date">DATE</a></h1>
84 <p>Last modified 2002.05.02.</p>
85 <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
86 <tr><td class="block" style="background-color: #cccccc" valign="middle">
87 <big><strong><span class="block">&nbsp;README.macos - Perl under Mac OS</span></strong></big>
88 </td></tr>
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