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5 <title>Math::Trig - trigonometric functions</title>
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12 <tr><td class="block" style="background-color: #cccccc" valign="middle">
13 <big><strong><span class="block">&nbsp;Math::Trig - trigonometric functions</span></strong></big>
14 </td></tr>
15 </table>
17 <p><a name="__index__"></a></p>
18 <!-- INDEX BEGIN -->
20 <ul>
22 <li><a href="#name">NAME</a></li>
23 <li><a href="#synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a></li>
24 <li><a href="#description">DESCRIPTION</a></li>
25 <li><a href="#trigonometric_functions">TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS</a></li>
26 <ul>
28 <li><a href="#errors_due_to_division_by_zero">ERRORS DUE TO DIVISION BY ZERO</a></li>
29 <li><a href="#simple__real__arguments__complex_results">SIMPLE (REAL) ARGUMENTS, COMPLEX RESULTS</a></li>
30 </ul>
32 <li><a href="#plane_angle_conversions">PLANE ANGLE CONVERSIONS</a></li>
33 <li><a href="#radial_coordinate_conversions">RADIAL COORDINATE CONVERSIONS</a></li>
34 <ul>
36 <li><a href="#coordinate_systems">COORDINATE SYSTEMS</a></li>
37 <li><a href="#3d_angle_conversions">3-D ANGLE CONVERSIONS</a></li>
38 </ul>
40 <li><a href="#great_circle_distances_and_directions">GREAT CIRCLE DISTANCES AND DIRECTIONS</a></li>
41 <li><a href="#examples">EXAMPLES</a></li>
42 <ul>
44 <li><a href="#caveat_for_great_circle_formulas">CAVEAT FOR GREAT CIRCLE FORMULAS</a></li>
45 </ul>
47 <li><a href="#bugs">BUGS</a></li>
48 <li><a href="#authors">AUTHORS</a></li>
49 </ul>
50 <!-- INDEX END -->
52 <hr />
53 <p>
54 </p>
55 <h1><a name="name">NAME</a></h1>
56 <p>Math::Trig - trigonometric functions</p>
57 <p>
58 </p>
59 <hr />
60 <h1><a name="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a></h1>
61 <pre>
62 use Math::Trig;</pre>
63 <pre>
64 $x = tan(0.9);
65 $y = acos(3.7);
66 $z = asin(2.4);</pre>
67 <pre>
68 $halfpi = pi/2;</pre>
69 <pre>
70 $rad = deg2rad(120);</pre>
71 <pre>
72 # Import constants pi2, pip2, pip4 (2*pi, pi/2, pi/4).
73 use Math::Trig ':pi';</pre>
74 <pre>
75 # Import the conversions between cartesian/spherical/cylindrical.
76 use Math::Trig ':radial';</pre>
77 <pre>
78 # Import the great circle formulas.
79 use Math::Trig ':great_circle';</pre>
80 <p>
81 </p>
82 <hr />
83 <h1><a name="description">DESCRIPTION</a></h1>
84 <p><code>Math::Trig</code> defines many trigonometric functions not defined by the
85 core Perl which defines only the <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/pod/perlfunc.html#item_sin"><code>sin()</code></a> and <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/pod/perlfunc.html#item_cos"><code>cos()</code></a>. The constant
86 <strong>pi</strong> is also defined as are a few convenience functions for angle
87 conversions, and <em>great circle formulas</em> for spherical movement.</p>
88 <p>
89 </p>
90 <hr />
91 <h1><a name="trigonometric_functions">TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS</a></h1>
92 <p>The tangent</p>
93 <dl>
94 <dt><strong><a name="item_tan"><strong>tan</strong></a></strong>
96 </dl>
97 <p>The cofunctions of the sine, cosine, and tangent (cosec/csc and cotan/cot
98 are aliases)</p>
99 <p><strong>csc</strong>, <strong>cosec</strong>, <strong>sec</strong>, <strong>sec</strong>, <strong>cot</strong>, <strong>cotan</strong></p>
100 <p>The arcus (also known as the inverse) functions of the sine, cosine,
101 and tangent</p>
102 <p><strong>asin</strong>, <strong>acos</strong>, <strong>atan</strong></p>
103 <p>The principal value of the arc tangent of y/x</p>
104 <p><strong>atan2</strong>(y, x)</p>
105 <p>The arcus cofunctions of the sine, cosine, and tangent (acosec/acsc
106 and acotan/acot are aliases)</p>
107 <p><strong>acsc</strong>, <strong>acosec</strong>, <strong>asec</strong>, <strong>acot</strong>, <strong>acotan</strong></p>
108 <p>The hyperbolic sine, cosine, and tangent</p>
109 <p><strong>sinh</strong>, <strong>cosh</strong>, <strong>tanh</strong></p>
110 <p>The cofunctions of the hyperbolic sine, cosine, and tangent (cosech/csch
111 and cotanh/coth are aliases)</p>
112 <p><strong>csch</strong>, <strong>cosech</strong>, <strong>sech</strong>, <strong>coth</strong>, <strong>cotanh</strong></p>
113 <p>The arcus (also known as the inverse) functions of the hyperbolic
114 sine, cosine, and tangent</p>
115 <p><strong>asinh</strong>, <strong>acosh</strong>, <strong>atanh</strong></p>
116 <p>The arcus cofunctions of the hyperbolic sine, cosine, and tangent
117 (acsch/acosech and acoth/acotanh are aliases)</p>
118 <p><strong>acsch</strong>, <strong>acosech</strong>, <strong>asech</strong>, <strong>acoth</strong>, <strong>acotanh</strong></p>
119 <p>The trigonometric constant <strong>pi</strong> is also defined.</p>
120 <p>$pi2 = 2 * <strong>pi</strong>;</p>
122 </p>
123 <h2><a name="errors_due_to_division_by_zero">ERRORS DUE TO DIVISION BY ZERO</a></h2>
124 <p>The following functions</p>
125 <pre>
126 acoth
127 acsc
128 acsch
129 asec
130 asech
131 atanh
133 coth
135 csch
137 sech
139 tanh</pre>
140 <p>cannot be computed for all arguments because that would mean dividing
141 by zero or taking logarithm of zero. These situations cause fatal
142 runtime errors looking like this</p>
143 <pre>
144 cot(0): Division by zero.
145 (Because in the definition of cot(0), the divisor sin(0) is 0)
146 Died at ...</pre>
147 <p>or</p>
148 <pre>
149 atanh(-1): Logarithm of zero.
150 Died at...</pre>
151 <p>For the <code>csc</code>, <code>cot</code>, <code>asec</code>, <code>acsc</code>, <code>acot</code>, <code>csch</code>, <code>coth</code>,
152 <code>asech</code>, <code>acsch</code>, the argument cannot be <code>0</code> (zero). For the
153 <code>atanh</code>, <code>acoth</code>, the argument cannot be <code>1</code> (one). For the
154 <code>atanh</code>, <code>acoth</code>, the argument cannot be <code>-1</code> (minus one). For the
155 <a href="#item_tan"><code>tan</code></a>, <code>sec</code>, <code>tanh</code>, <code>sech</code>, the argument cannot be <em>pi/2 + k *
156 pi</em>, where <em>k</em> is any integer. atan2(0, 0) is undefined.</p>
158 </p>
159 <h2><a name="simple__real__arguments__complex_results">SIMPLE (REAL) ARGUMENTS, COMPLEX RESULTS</a></h2>
160 <p>Please note that some of the trigonometric functions can break out
161 from the <strong>real axis</strong> into the <strong>complex plane</strong>. For example
162 <code>asin(2)</code> has no definition for plain real numbers but it has
163 definition for complex numbers.</p>
164 <p>In Perl terms this means that supplying the usual Perl numbers (also
165 known as scalars, please see <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/pod/perldata.html">the perldata manpage</a>) as input for the
166 trigonometric functions might produce as output results that no more
167 are simple real numbers: instead they are complex numbers.</p>
168 <p>The <code>Math::Trig</code> handles this by using the <code>Math::Complex</code> package
169 which knows how to handle complex numbers, please see <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/lib/Math/Complex.html">the Math::Complex manpage</a>
170 for more information. In practice you need not to worry about getting
171 complex numbers as results because the <code>Math::Complex</code> takes care of
172 details like for example how to display complex numbers. For example:</p>
173 <pre>
174 print asin(2), &quot;\n&quot;;</pre>
175 <p>should produce something like this (take or leave few last decimals):</p>
176 <pre>
177 1.5707963267949-1.31695789692482i</pre>
178 <p>That is, a complex number with the real part of approximately <code>1.571</code>
179 and the imaginary part of approximately <code>-1.317</code>.</p>
181 </p>
182 <hr />
183 <h1><a name="plane_angle_conversions">PLANE ANGLE CONVERSIONS</a></h1>
184 <p>(Plane, 2-dimensional) angles may be converted with the following functions.</p>
185 <pre>
186 $radians = deg2rad($degrees);
187 $radians = grad2rad($gradians);</pre>
188 <pre>
189 $degrees = rad2deg($radians);
190 $degrees = grad2deg($gradians);</pre>
191 <pre>
192 $gradians = deg2grad($degrees);
193 $gradians = rad2grad($radians);</pre>
194 <p>The full circle is 2 <em>pi</em> radians or <em>360</em> degrees or <em>400</em> gradians.
195 The result is by default wrapped to be inside the [0, {2pi,360,400}[ circle.
196 If you don't want this, supply a true second argument:</p>
197 <pre>
198 $zillions_of_radians = deg2rad($zillions_of_degrees, 1);
199 $negative_degrees = rad2deg($negative_radians, 1);</pre>
200 <p>You can also do the wrapping explicitly by rad2rad(), deg2deg(), and
201 grad2grad().</p>
203 </p>
204 <hr />
205 <h1><a name="radial_coordinate_conversions">RADIAL COORDINATE CONVERSIONS</a></h1>
206 <p><strong>Radial coordinate systems</strong> are the <strong>spherical</strong> and the <strong>cylindrical</strong>
207 systems, explained shortly in more detail.</p>
208 <p>You can import radial coordinate conversion functions by using the
209 <code>:radial</code> tag:</p>
210 <pre>
211 use Math::Trig ':radial';</pre>
212 <pre>
213 ($rho, $theta, $z) = cartesian_to_cylindrical($x, $y, $z);
214 ($rho, $theta, $phi) = cartesian_to_spherical($x, $y, $z);
215 ($x, $y, $z) = cylindrical_to_cartesian($rho, $theta, $z);
216 ($rho_s, $theta, $phi) = cylindrical_to_spherical($rho_c, $theta, $z);
217 ($x, $y, $z) = spherical_to_cartesian($rho, $theta, $phi);
218 ($rho_c, $theta, $z) = spherical_to_cylindrical($rho_s, $theta, $phi);</pre>
219 <p><strong>All angles are in radians</strong>.</p>
221 </p>
222 <h2><a name="coordinate_systems">COORDINATE SYSTEMS</a></h2>
223 <p><strong>Cartesian</strong> coordinates are the usual rectangular <em>(x, y, z)</em>-coordinates.</p>
224 <p>Spherical coordinates, <em>(rho, theta, pi)</em>, are three-dimensional
225 coordinates which define a point in three-dimensional space. They are
226 based on a sphere surface. The radius of the sphere is <strong>rho</strong>, also
227 known as the <em>radial</em> coordinate. The angle in the <em>xy</em>-plane
228 (around the <em>z</em>-axis) is <strong>theta</strong>, also known as the <em>azimuthal</em>
229 coordinate. The angle from the <em>z</em>-axis is <strong>phi</strong>, also known as the
230 <em>polar</em> coordinate. The North Pole is therefore <em>0, 0, rho</em>, and
231 the Gulf of Guinea (think of the missing big chunk of Africa) <em>0,
232 pi/2, rho</em>. In geographical terms <em>phi</em> is latitude (northward
233 positive, southward negative) and <em>theta</em> is longitude (eastward
234 positive, westward negative).</p>
235 <p><strong>BEWARE</strong>: some texts define <em>theta</em> and <em>phi</em> the other way round,
236 some texts define the <em>phi</em> to start from the horizontal plane, some
237 texts use <em>r</em> in place of <em>rho</em>.</p>
238 <p>Cylindrical coordinates, <em>(rho, theta, z)</em>, are three-dimensional
239 coordinates which define a point in three-dimensional space. They are
240 based on a cylinder surface. The radius of the cylinder is <strong>rho</strong>,
241 also known as the <em>radial</em> coordinate. The angle in the <em>xy</em>-plane
242 (around the <em>z</em>-axis) is <strong>theta</strong>, also known as the <em>azimuthal</em>
243 coordinate. The third coordinate is the <em>z</em>, pointing up from the
244 <strong>theta</strong>-plane.</p>
246 </p>
247 <h2><a name="3d_angle_conversions">3-D ANGLE CONVERSIONS</a></h2>
248 <p>Conversions to and from spherical and cylindrical coordinates are
249 available. Please notice that the conversions are not necessarily
250 reversible because of the equalities like <em>pi</em> angles being equal to
251 <em>-pi</em> angles.</p>
252 <dl>
253 <dt><strong><a name="item_cartesian_to_cylindrical">cartesian_to_cylindrical</a></strong>
255 <dd>
256 <pre>
257 ($rho, $theta, $z) = cartesian_to_cylindrical($x, $y, $z);</pre>
258 </dd>
259 <dt><strong><a name="item_cartesian_to_spherical">cartesian_to_spherical</a></strong>
261 <dd>
262 <pre>
263 ($rho, $theta, $phi) = cartesian_to_spherical($x, $y, $z);</pre>
264 </dd>
265 <dt><strong><a name="item_cylindrical_to_cartesian">cylindrical_to_cartesian</a></strong>
267 <dd>
268 <pre>
269 ($x, $y, $z) = cylindrical_to_cartesian($rho, $theta, $z);</pre>
270 </dd>
271 <dt><strong><a name="item_cylindrical_to_spherical">cylindrical_to_spherical</a></strong>
273 <dd>
274 <pre>
275 ($rho_s, $theta, $phi) = cylindrical_to_spherical($rho_c, $theta, $z);</pre>
276 </dd>
277 <dd>
278 <p>Notice that when <code>$z</code> is not 0 <code>$rho_s</code> is not equal to <code>$rho_c</code>.</p>
279 </dd>
280 <dt><strong><a name="item_spherical_to_cartesian">spherical_to_cartesian</a></strong>
282 <dd>
283 <pre>
284 ($x, $y, $z) = spherical_to_cartesian($rho, $theta, $phi);</pre>
285 </dd>
286 <dt><strong><a name="item_spherical_to_cylindrical">spherical_to_cylindrical</a></strong>
288 <dd>
289 <pre>
290 ($rho_c, $theta, $z) = spherical_to_cylindrical($rho_s, $theta, $phi);</pre>
291 </dd>
292 <dd>
293 <p>Notice that when <code>$z</code> is not 0 <code>$rho_c</code> is not equal to <code>$rho_s</code>.</p>
294 </dd>
295 </dl>
297 </p>
298 <hr />
299 <h1><a name="great_circle_distances_and_directions">GREAT CIRCLE DISTANCES AND DIRECTIONS</a></h1>
300 <p>You can compute spherical distances, called <strong>great circle distances</strong>,
301 by importing the <code>great_circle_distance()</code> function:</p>
302 <pre>
303 use Math::Trig 'great_circle_distance';</pre>
304 <pre>
305 $distance = great_circle_distance($theta0, $phi0, $theta1, $phi1, [, $rho]);</pre>
306 <p>The <em>great circle distance</em> is the shortest distance between two
307 points on a sphere. The distance is in <code>$rho</code> units. The <code>$rho</code> is
308 optional, it defaults to 1 (the unit sphere), therefore the distance
309 defaults to radians.</p>
310 <p>If you think geographically the <em>theta</em> are longitudes: zero at the
311 Greenwhich meridian, eastward positive, westward negative--and the
312 <em>phi</em> are latitudes: zero at the North Pole, northward positive,
313 southward negative. <strong>NOTE</strong>: this formula thinks in mathematics, not
314 geographically: the <em>phi</em> zero is at the North Pole, not at the
315 Equator on the west coast of Africa (Bay of Guinea). You need to
316 subtract your geographical coordinates from <em>pi/2</em> (also known as 90
317 degrees).</p>
318 <pre>
319 $distance = great_circle_distance($lon0, pi/2 - $lat0,
320 $lon1, pi/2 - $lat1, $rho);</pre>
321 <p>The direction you must follow the great circle (also known as <em>bearing</em>)
322 can be computed by the <code>great_circle_direction()</code> function:</p>
323 <pre>
324 use Math::Trig 'great_circle_direction';</pre>
325 <pre>
326 $direction = great_circle_direction($theta0, $phi0, $theta1, $phi1);</pre>
327 <p>(Alias 'great_circle_bearing' is also available.)
328 The result is in radians, zero indicating straight north, pi or -pi
329 straight south, pi/2 straight west, and -pi/2 straight east.</p>
330 <p>You can inversely compute the destination if you know the
331 starting point, direction, and distance:</p>
332 <pre>
333 use Math::Trig 'great_circle_destination';</pre>
334 <pre>
335 # thetad and phid are the destination coordinates,
336 # dird is the final direction at the destination.</pre>
337 <pre>
338 ($thetad, $phid, $dird) =
339 great_circle_destination($theta, $phi, $direction, $distance);</pre>
340 <p>or the midpoint if you know the end points:</p>
341 <pre>
342 use Math::Trig 'great_circle_midpoint';</pre>
343 <pre>
344 ($thetam, $phim) =
345 great_circle_midpoint($theta0, $phi0, $theta1, $phi1);</pre>
346 <p>The <code>great_circle_midpoint()</code> is just a special case of</p>
347 <pre>
348 use Math::Trig 'great_circle_waypoint';</pre>
349 <pre>
350 ($thetai, $phii) =
351 great_circle_waypoint($theta0, $phi0, $theta1, $phi1, $way);</pre>
352 <p>Where the $way is a value from zero ($theta0, $phi0) to one ($theta1,
353 $phi1). Note that antipodal points (where their distance is <em>pi</em>
354 radians) do not have waypoints between them (they would have an an
355 ``equator'' between them), and therefore <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/pod/perlfunc.html#item_undef"><code>undef</code></a> is returned for
356 antipodal points. If the points are the same and the distance
357 therefore zero and all waypoints therefore identical, the first point
358 (either point) is returned.</p>
359 <p>The thetas, phis, direction, and distance in the above are all in radians.</p>
360 <p>You can import all the great circle formulas by</p>
361 <pre>
362 use Math::Trig ':great_circle';</pre>
363 <p>Notice that the resulting directions might be somewhat surprising if
364 you are looking at a flat worldmap: in such map projections the great
365 circles quite often do not look like the shortest routes-- but for
366 example the shortest possible routes from Europe or North America to
367 Asia do often cross the polar regions.</p>
369 </p>
370 <hr />
371 <h1><a name="examples">EXAMPLES</a></h1>
372 <p>To calculate the distance between London (51.3N 0.5W) and Tokyo
373 (35.7N 139.8E) in kilometers:</p>
374 <pre>
375 use Math::Trig qw(great_circle_distance deg2rad);</pre>
376 <pre>
377 # Notice the 90 - latitude: phi zero is at the North Pole.
378 sub NESW { deg2rad($_[0]), deg2rad(90 - $_[1]) }
379 my @L = NESW( -0.5, 51.3);
380 my @T = NESW(139.8, 35.7);
381 my $km = great_circle_distance(@L, @T, 6378); # About 9600 km.</pre>
382 <p>The direction you would have to go from London to Tokyo (in radians,
383 straight north being zero, straight east being pi/2).</p>
384 <pre>
385 use Math::Trig qw(great_circle_direction);</pre>
386 <pre>
387 my $rad = great_circle_direction(@L, @T); # About 0.547 or 0.174 pi.</pre>
388 <p>The midpoint between London and Tokyo being</p>
389 <pre>
390 use Math::Trig qw(great_circle_midpoint);</pre>
391 <pre>
392 my @M = great_circle_midpoint(@L, @T);</pre>
393 <p>or about 68.11N 24.74E, in the Finnish Lapland.</p>
395 </p>
396 <h2><a name="caveat_for_great_circle_formulas">CAVEAT FOR GREAT CIRCLE FORMULAS</a></h2>
397 <p>The answers may be off by few percentages because of the irregular
398 (slightly aspherical) form of the Earth. The errors are at worst
399 about 0.55%, but generally below 0.3%.</p>
401 </p>
402 <hr />
403 <h1><a name="bugs">BUGS</a></h1>
404 <p>Saying <code>use Math::Trig;</code> exports many mathematical routines in the
405 caller environment and even overrides some (<a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/pod/perlfunc.html#item_sin"><code>sin</code></a>, <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/pod/perlfunc.html#item_cos"><code>cos</code></a>). This is
406 construed as a feature by the Authors, actually... ;-)</p>
407 <p>The code is not optimized for speed, especially because we use
408 <code>Math::Complex</code> and thus go quite near complex numbers while doing
409 the computations even when the arguments are not. This, however,
410 cannot be completely avoided if we want things like <code>asin(2)</code> to give
411 an answer instead of giving a fatal runtime error.</p>
412 <p>Do not attempt navigation using these formulas.</p>
414 </p>
415 <hr />
416 <h1><a name="authors">AUTHORS</a></h1>
417 <p>Jarkko Hietaniemi &lt;<em><a href=""></a></em>&gt; and
418 Raphael Manfredi &lt;<em><a href=""></a></em>&gt;.</p>
419 <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
420 <tr><td class="block" style="background-color: #cccccc" valign="middle">
421 <big><strong><span class="block">&nbsp;Math::Trig - trigonometric functions</span></strong></big>
422 </td></tr>
423 </table>
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