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5 <title>ExtUtils::Command - utilities to replace common UNIX commands in Makefiles etc.</title>
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11 <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
12 <tr><td class="block" style="background-color: #cccccc" valign="middle">
13 <big><strong><span class="block">&nbsp;ExtUtils::Command - utilities to replace common UNIX commands in Makefiles etc.</span></strong></big>
14 </td></tr>
15 </table>
17 <p><a name="__index__"></a></p>
18 <!-- INDEX BEGIN -->
20 <ul>
22 <li><a href="#name">NAME</a></li>
23 <li><a href="#synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a></li>
24 <li><a href="#description">DESCRIPTION</a></li>
25 <li><a href="#see_also">SEE ALSO</a></li>
26 <li><a href="#author">AUTHOR</a></li>
27 </ul>
28 <!-- INDEX END -->
30 <hr />
31 <p>
32 </p>
33 <h1><a name="name">NAME</a></h1>
34 <p>ExtUtils::Command - utilities to replace common UNIX commands in Makefiles etc.</p>
35 <p>
36 </p>
37 <hr />
38 <h1><a name="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a></h1>
39 <pre>
40 perl -MExtUtils::Command -e cat files... &gt; destination
41 perl -MExtUtils::Command -e mv source... destination
42 perl -MExtUtils::Command -e cp source... destination
43 perl -MExtUtils::Command -e touch files...
44 perl -MExtUtils::Command -e rm_f files...
45 perl -MExtUtils::Command -e rm_rf directories...
46 perl -MExtUtils::Command -e mkpath directories...
47 perl -MExtUtils::Command -e eqtime source destination
48 perl -MExtUtils::Command -e test_f file
49 perl -MExtUtils::Command -e chmod mode files...
50 ...</pre>
51 <p>
52 </p>
53 <hr />
54 <h1><a name="description">DESCRIPTION</a></h1>
55 <p>The module is used to replace common UNIX commands. In all cases the
56 functions work from @ARGV rather than taking arguments. This makes
57 them easier to deal with in Makefiles.</p>
58 <pre>
59 perl -MExtUtils::Command -e some_command some files to work on</pre>
60 <p><em>NOT</em></p>
61 <pre>
62 perl -MExtUtils::Command -e 'some_command qw(some files to work on)'</pre>
63 <p>For that use <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/Shell/Command.html">the Shell::Command manpage</a>.</p>
64 <p>Filenames with * and ? will be glob expanded.</p>
65 <dl>
66 <dt><strong><a name="item_cat">cat</a></strong>
68 <dd>
69 <pre>
70 cat file ...</pre>
71 </dd>
72 <dd>
73 <p>Concatenates all files mentioned on command line to STDOUT.</p>
74 </dd>
75 <dt><strong><a name="item_eqtime">eqtime</a></strong>
77 <dd>
78 <pre>
79 eqtime source destination</pre>
80 </dd>
81 <dd>
82 <p>Sets modified time of destination to that of source.</p>
83 </dd>
84 <dt><strong><a name="item_rm_rf">rm_rf</a></strong>
86 <dd>
87 <pre>
88 rm_rf files or directories ...</pre>
89 </dd>
90 <dd>
91 <p>Removes files and directories - recursively (even if readonly)</p>
92 </dd>
93 <dt><strong><a name="item_rm_f">rm_f</a></strong>
95 <dd>
96 <pre>
97 rm_f file ...</pre>
98 </dd>
99 <dd>
100 <p>Removes files (even if readonly)</p>
101 </dd>
102 <dt><strong><a name="item_touch">touch</a></strong>
104 <dd>
105 <pre>
106 touch file ...</pre>
107 </dd>
108 <dd>
109 <p>Makes files exist, with current timestamp</p>
110 </dd>
111 <dt><strong><a name="item_mv">mv</a></strong>
113 <dd>
114 <pre>
115 mv source_file destination_file
116 mv source_file source_file destination_dir</pre>
117 </dd>
118 <dd>
119 <p>Moves source to destination. Multiple sources are allowed if
120 destination is an existing directory.</p>
121 </dd>
122 <dd>
123 <p>Returns true if all moves succeeded, false otherwise.</p>
124 </dd>
125 <dt><strong><a name="item_cp">cp</a></strong>
127 <dd>
128 <pre>
129 cp source_file destination_file
130 cp source_file source_file destination_dir</pre>
131 </dd>
132 <dd>
133 <p>Copies sources to the destination. Multiple sources are allowed if
134 destination is an existing directory.</p>
135 </dd>
136 <dd>
137 <p>Returns true if all copies succeeded, false otherwise.</p>
138 </dd>
139 <dt><strong><a name="item_chmod">chmod</a></strong>
141 <dd>
142 <pre>
143 chmod mode files ...</pre>
144 </dd>
145 <dd>
146 <p>Sets UNIX like permissions 'mode' on all the files. e.g. 0666</p>
147 </dd>
148 <dt><strong><a name="item_mkpath">mkpath</a></strong>
150 <dd>
151 <pre>
152 mkpath directory ...</pre>
153 </dd>
154 <dd>
155 <p>Creates directories, including any parent directories.</p>
156 </dd>
157 <dt><strong><a name="item_test_f">test_f</a></strong>
159 <dd>
160 <pre>
161 test_f file</pre>
162 </dd>
163 <dd>
164 <p>Tests if a file exists</p>
165 </dd>
166 <dt><strong><a name="item_dos2unix">dos2unix</a></strong>
168 <dd>
169 <pre>
170 dos2unix files or dirs ...</pre>
171 </dd>
172 <dd>
173 <p>Converts DOS and OS/2 linefeeds to Unix style recursively.</p>
174 </dd>
175 </dl>
177 </p>
178 <hr />
179 <h1><a name="see_also">SEE ALSO</a></h1>
180 <p>Shell::Command which is these same functions but take arguments normally.</p>
182 </p>
183 <hr />
184 <h1><a name="author">AUTHOR</a></h1>
185 <p>Nick Ing-Simmons <code></code></p>
186 <p>Currently maintained by Michael G Schwern <code></code>.</p>
187 <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
188 <tr><td class="block" style="background-color: #cccccc" valign="middle">
189 <big><strong><span class="block">&nbsp;ExtUtils::Command - utilities to replace common UNIX commands in Makefiles etc.</span></strong></big>
190 </td></tr>
191 </table>
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