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5 <title>encoding - allows you to write your script in non-ascii or non-utf8</title>
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10 <body style="background-color: white">
11 <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
12 <tr><td class="block" style="background-color: #cccccc" valign="middle">
13 <big><strong><span class="block">&nbsp;encoding - allows you to write your script in non-ascii or non-utf8</span></strong></big>
14 </td></tr>
15 </table>
17 <p><a name="__index__"></a></p>
18 <!-- INDEX BEGIN -->
20 <ul>
22 <li><a href="#name">NAME</a></li>
23 <li><a href="#synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a></li>
24 <li><a href="#abstract">ABSTRACT</a></li>
25 <ul>
27 <li><a href="#literal_conversions">Literal Conversions</a></li>
28 <li><a href="#perlio_layers_for_std_in_out_">PerlIO layers for <code>STD(IN|OUT)</code></a></li>
29 <li><a href="#implicit_upgrading_for_byte_strings">Implicit upgrading for byte strings</a></li>
30 </ul>
32 <li><a href="#features_that_require_5_8_1">FEATURES THAT REQUIRE 5.8.1</a></li>
33 <li><a href="#usage">USAGE</a></li>
34 <li><a href="#the_filter_option">The Filter Option</a></li>
35 <ul>
37 <li><a href="#filterrelated_changes_at_encode_version_1_87">Filter-related changes at Encode version 1.87</a></li>
38 </ul>
40 <li><a href="#caveats">CAVEATS</a></li>
41 <ul>
43 <li><a href="#not_scoped">NOT SCOPED</a></li>
44 <li><a href="#do_not_mix_multiple_encodings">DO NOT MIX MULTIPLE ENCODINGS</a></li>
45 <li><a href="#tr____with_ranges">tr/// with ranges</a></li>
46 <ul>
48 <li><a href="#workaround_to_tr____">workaround to tr///;</a></li>
49 </ul>
51 </ul>
53 <li><a href="#example__greekperl">EXAMPLE - Greekperl</a></li>
54 <li><a href="#known_problems">KNOWN PROBLEMS</a></li>
55 <ul>
57 <li><a href="#the_logic_of__locale">The Logic of :locale</a></li>
58 </ul>
60 <li><a href="#history">HISTORY</a></li>
61 <li><a href="#see_also">SEE ALSO</a></li>
62 </ul>
63 <!-- INDEX END -->
65 <hr />
66 <p>
67 </p>
68 <hr />
69 <h1><a name="name">NAME</a></h1>
70 <p>encoding - allows you to write your script in non-ascii or non-utf8</p>
71 <p>
72 </p>
73 <hr />
74 <h1><a name="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a></h1>
75 <pre>
76 use encoding &quot;greek&quot;; # Perl like Greek to you?
77 use encoding &quot;euc-jp&quot;; # Jperl!</pre>
78 <pre>
79 # or you can even do this if your shell supports your native encoding</pre>
80 <pre>
81 perl -Mencoding=latin2 -e '...' # Feeling centrally European?
82 perl -Mencoding=euc-kr -e '...' # Or Korean?</pre>
83 <pre>
84 # more control</pre>
85 <pre>
86 # A simple euc-cn =&gt; utf-8 converter
87 use encoding &quot;euc-cn&quot;, STDOUT =&gt; &quot;utf8&quot;; while(&lt;&gt;){print};</pre>
88 <pre>
89 # &quot;no encoding;&quot; supported (but not scoped!)
90 no encoding;</pre>
91 <pre>
92 # an alternate way, Filter
93 use encoding &quot;euc-jp&quot;, Filter=&gt;1;
94 # now you can use kanji identifiers -- in euc-jp!</pre>
95 <pre>
96 # switch on locale -
97 # note that this probably means that unless you have a complete control
98 # over the environments the application is ever going to be run, you should
99 # NOT use the feature of encoding pragma allowing you to write your script
100 # in any recognized encoding because changing locale settings will wreck
101 # the script; you can of course still use the other features of the pragma.
102 use encoding ':locale';</pre>
104 </p>
105 <hr />
106 <h1><a name="abstract">ABSTRACT</a></h1>
107 <p>Let's start with a bit of history: Perl 5.6.0 introduced Unicode
108 support. You could apply <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/pod/perlvar.html#item_substr"><code>substr()</code></a> and regexes even to complex CJK
109 characters -- so long as the script was written in UTF-8. But back
110 then, text editors that supported UTF-8 were still rare and many users
111 instead chose to write scripts in legacy encodings, giving up a whole
112 new feature of Perl 5.6.</p>
113 <p>Rewind to the future: starting from perl 5.8.0 with the <strong>encoding</strong>
114 pragma, you can write your script in any encoding you like (so long
115 as the <code>Encode</code> module supports it) and still enjoy Unicode support.
116 This pragma achieves that by doing the following:</p>
117 <ul>
118 <li>
119 <p>Internally converts all literals (<a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/pod/perlfunc.html#item_q_"><code>q//,qq//,qr//,qw///, qx//</code></a>) from
120 the encoding specified to utf8. In Perl 5.8.1 and later, literals in
121 <a href="#item_tr_"><code>tr///</code></a> and <code>DATA</code> pseudo-filehandle are also converted.</p>
122 </li>
123 <li>
124 <p>Changing PerlIO layers of <code>STDIN</code> and <code>STDOUT</code> to the encoding
125 specified.</p>
126 </li>
127 </ul>
129 </p>
130 <h2><a name="literal_conversions">Literal Conversions</a></h2>
131 <p>You can write code in EUC-JP as follows:</p>
132 <pre>
133 my $Rakuda = &quot;\xF1\xD1\xF1\xCC&quot;; # Camel in Kanji
134 #&lt;-char-&gt;&lt;-char-&gt; # 4 octets
135 s/\bCamel\b/$Rakuda/;</pre>
136 <p>And with <code>use encoding &quot;euc-jp&quot;</code> in effect, it is the same thing as
137 the code in UTF-8:</p>
138 <pre>
139 my $Rakuda = &quot;\x{99F1}\x{99DD}&quot;; # two Unicode Characters
140 s/\bCamel\b/$Rakuda/;</pre>
142 </p>
143 <h2><a name="perlio_layers_for_std_in_out_">PerlIO layers for <code>STD(IN|OUT)</code></a></h2>
144 <p>The <strong>encoding</strong> pragma also modifies the filehandle layers of
145 STDIN and STDOUT to the specified encoding. Therefore,</p>
146 <pre>
147 use encoding &quot;euc-jp&quot;;
148 my $message = &quot;Camel is the symbol of perl.\n&quot;;
149 my $Rakuda = &quot;\xF1\xD1\xF1\xCC&quot;; # Camel in Kanji
150 $message =~ s/\bCamel\b/$Rakuda/;
151 print $message;</pre>
152 <p>Will print ``\xF1\xD1\xF1\xCC is the symbol of perl.\n'',
153 not ``\x{99F1}\x{99DD} is the symbol of perl.\n''.</p>
154 <p>You can override this by giving extra arguments; see below.</p>
156 </p>
157 <h2><a name="implicit_upgrading_for_byte_strings">Implicit upgrading for byte strings</a></h2>
158 <p>By default, if strings operating under byte semantics and strings
159 with Unicode character data are concatenated, the new string will
160 be created by decoding the byte strings as <em>ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1)</em>.</p>
161 <p>The <strong>encoding</strong> pragma changes this to use the specified encoding
162 instead. For example:</p>
163 <pre>
164 use encoding 'utf8';
165 my $string = chr(20000); # a Unicode string
166 utf8::encode($string); # now it's a UTF-8 encoded byte string
167 # concatenate with another Unicode string
168 print length($string . chr(20000));</pre>
169 <p>Will print <code>2</code>, because <code>$string</code> is upgraded as UTF-8. Without
170 <code>use encoding 'utf8';</code>, it will print <code>4</code> instead, since <code>$string</code>
171 is three octets when interpreted as Latin-1.</p>
173 </p>
174 <hr />
175 <h1><a name="features_that_require_5_8_1">FEATURES THAT REQUIRE 5.8.1</a></h1>
176 <p>Some of the features offered by this pragma requires perl 5.8.1. Most
177 of these are done by Inaba Hiroto. Any other features and changes
178 are good for 5.8.0.</p>
179 <dl>
180 <dt><strong><a name="item__22non_2deuc_22_doublebyte_encodings">``NON-EUC'' doublebyte encodings</a></strong>
182 <dd>
183 <p>Because perl needs to parse script before applying this pragma, such
184 encodings as Shift_JIS and Big-5 that may contain '\' (BACKSLASH;
185 \x5c) in the second byte fails because the second byte may
186 accidentally escape the quoting character that follows. Perl 5.8.1
187 or later fixes this problem.</p>
188 </dd>
189 </li>
190 <dt><strong><a name="item_tr_">tr//</a></strong>
192 <dd>
193 <p><a href="#item_tr_"><code>tr//</code></a> was overlooked by Perl 5 porters when they released perl 5.8.0
194 See the section below for details.</p>
195 </dd>
196 </li>
197 <dt><strong><a name="item_data_pseudo_2dfilehandle">DATA pseudo-filehandle</a></strong>
199 <dd>
200 <p>Another feature that was overlooked was <code>DATA</code>.</p>
201 </dd>
202 </li>
203 </dl>
205 </p>
206 <hr />
207 <h1><a name="usage">USAGE</a></h1>
208 <dl>
209 <dt><strong><a name="item_use_encoding__5bencname_5d__3b">use encoding [<em>ENCNAME</em>] ;</a></strong>
211 <dd>
212 <p>Sets the script encoding to <em>ENCNAME</em>. And unless ${^UNICODE}
213 exists and non-zero, PerlIO layers of STDIN and STDOUT are set to
214 ``:encoding(<em>ENCNAME</em>)''.</p>
215 </dd>
216 <dd>
217 <p>Note that STDERR WILL NOT be changed.</p>
218 </dd>
219 <dd>
220 <p>Also note that non-STD file handles remain unaffected. Use <code>use
221 open</code> or <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/pod/perlfunc.html#item_binmode"><code>binmode</code></a> to change layers of those.</p>
222 </dd>
223 <dd>
224 <p>If no encoding is specified, the environment variable <em>PERL_ENCODING</em>
225 is consulted. If no encoding can be found, the error <code>Unknown encoding
226 'I&lt;ENCNAME&gt;'</code> will be thrown.</p>
227 </dd>
228 </li>
229 <dt><strong><a name="item_use_encoding_encname__5b_stdin__3d_3e_encname_in__">use encoding <em>ENCNAME</em> [ STDIN =&gt; <em>ENCNAME_IN</em> ...] ;</a></strong>
231 <dd>
232 <p>You can also individually set encodings of STDIN and STDOUT via the
233 <code>STDIN =&gt; ENCNAME</code> form. In this case, you cannot omit the
234 first <em>ENCNAME</em>. <code>STDIN =&gt; undef</code> turns the IO transcoding
235 completely off.</p>
236 </dd>
237 <dd>
238 <p>When ${^UNICODE} exists and non-zero, these options will completely
239 ignored. ${^UNICODE} is a variable introduced in perl 5.8.1. See
240 <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/pod/perlrun.html">the perlrun manpage</a> see <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/pod/perlvar.html#item____unicode_">${^UNICODE} in the perlvar manpage</a> and <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/pod/perlrun.html#c">-C in the perlrun manpage</a> for
241 details (perl 5.8.1 and later).</p>
242 </dd>
243 </li>
244 <dt><strong><a name="item_use_encoding_encname_filter_3d_3e1_3b">use encoding <em>ENCNAME</em> Filter=&gt;1;</a></strong>
246 <dd>
247 <p>This turns the encoding pragma into a source filter. While the
248 default approach just decodes interpolated literals (in <code>qq()</code> and
249 qr()), this will apply a source filter to the entire source code. See
250 <a href="#the_filter_option">The Filter Option</a> below for details.</p>
251 </dd>
252 </li>
253 <dt><strong><a name="item_no_encoding_3b">no encoding;</a></strong>
255 <dd>
256 <p>Unsets the script encoding. The layers of STDIN, STDOUT are
257 reset to ``:raw'' (the default unprocessed raw stream of bytes).</p>
258 </dd>
259 </li>
260 </dl>
262 </p>
263 <hr />
264 <h1><a name="the_filter_option">The Filter Option</a></h1>
265 <p>The magic of <code>use encoding</code> is not applied to the names of
266 identifiers. In order to make <code>${&quot;\x{4eba}&quot;}++</code> ($human++, where human
267 is a single Han ideograph) work, you still need to write your script
268 in UTF-8 -- or use a source filter. That's what 'Filter=&gt;1' does.</p>
269 <p>What does this mean? Your source code behaves as if it is written in
270 UTF-8 with 'use utf8' in effect. So even if your editor only supports
271 Shift_JIS, for example, you can still try examples in Chapter 15 of
272 <code>Programming Perl, 3rd Ed.</code>. For instance, you can use UTF-8
273 identifiers.</p>
274 <p>This option is significantly slower and (as of this writing) non-ASCII
275 identifiers are not very stable WITHOUT this option and with the
276 source code written in UTF-8.</p>
278 </p>
279 <h2><a name="filterrelated_changes_at_encode_version_1_87">Filter-related changes at Encode version 1.87</a></h2>
280 <ul>
281 <li>
282 <p>The Filter option now sets STDIN and STDOUT like non-filter options.
283 And <code>STDIN=&gt;ENCODING</code> and <code>STDOUT=&gt;ENCODING</code> work like
284 non-filter version.</p>
285 </li>
286 <li>
287 <p><code>use utf8</code> is implicitly declared so you no longer have to <code>use
288 utf8</code> to <code>${&quot;\x{4eba}&quot;}++</code>.</p>
289 </li>
290 </ul>
292 </p>
293 <hr />
294 <h1><a name="caveats">CAVEATS</a></h1>
296 </p>
297 <h2><a name="not_scoped">NOT SCOPED</a></h2>
298 <p>The pragma is a per script, not a per block lexical. Only the last
299 <code>use encoding</code> or <code>no encoding</code> matters, and it affects
300 <strong>the whole script</strong>. However, the &lt;no encoding&gt; pragma is supported and
301 <strong>use encoding</strong> can appear as many times as you want in a given script.
302 The multiple use of this pragma is discouraged.</p>
303 <p>By the same reason, the use this pragma inside modules is also
304 discouraged (though not as strongly discouraged as the case above.
305 See below).</p>
306 <p>If you still have to write a module with this pragma, be very careful
307 of the load order. See the codes below;</p>
308 <pre>
309 # called module
310 package Module_IN_BAR;
311 use encoding &quot;bar&quot;;
312 # stuff in &quot;bar&quot; encoding here
313 1;</pre>
314 <pre>
315 # caller script
316 use encoding &quot;foo&quot;
317 use Module_IN_BAR;
318 # surprise! use encoding &quot;bar&quot; is in effect.</pre>
319 <p>The best way to avoid this oddity is to use this pragma RIGHT AFTER
320 other modules are loaded. i.e.</p>
321 <pre>
322 use Module_IN_BAR;
323 use encoding &quot;foo&quot;;</pre>
325 </p>
326 <h2><a name="do_not_mix_multiple_encodings">DO NOT MIX MULTIPLE ENCODINGS</a></h2>
327 <p>Notice that only literals (string or regular expression) having only
328 legacy code points are affected: if you mix data like this</p>
329 <pre>
330 \xDF\x{100}</pre>
331 <p>the data is assumed to be in (Latin 1 and) Unicode, not in your native
332 encoding. In other words, this will match in ``greek'':</p>
333 <pre>
334 &quot;\xDF&quot; =~ /\x{3af}/</pre>
335 <p>but this will not</p>
336 <pre>
337 &quot;\xDF\x{100}&quot; =~ /\x{3af}\x{100}/</pre>
338 <p>since the <code>\xDF</code> (ISO 8859-7 GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH TONOS) on
339 the left will <strong>not</strong> be upgraded to <code>\x{3af}</code> (Unicode GREEK SMALL
340 LETTER IOTA WITH TONOS) because of the <code>\x{100}</code> on the left. You
341 should not be mixing your legacy data and Unicode in the same string.</p>
342 <p>This pragma also affects encoding of the 0x80..0xFF code point range:
343 normally characters in that range are left as eight-bit bytes (unless
344 they are combined with characters with code points 0x100 or larger,
345 in which case all characters need to become UTF-8 encoded), but if
346 the <code>encoding</code> pragma is present, even the 0x80..0xFF range always
347 gets UTF-8 encoded.</p>
348 <p>After all, the best thing about this pragma is that you don't have to
349 resort to \x{....} just to spell your name in a native encoding.
350 So feel free to put your strings in your encoding in quotes and
351 regexes.</p>
353 </p>
354 <h2><a name="tr____with_ranges">tr/// with ranges</a></h2>
355 <p>The <strong>encoding</strong> pragma works by decoding string literals in
356 <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/pod/perlfunc.html#item_q_"><code>q//,qq//,qr//,qw///, qx//</code></a> and so forth. In perl 5.8.0, this
357 does not apply to <a href="#item_tr_"><code>tr///</code></a>. Therefore,</p>
358 <pre>
359 use encoding 'euc-jp';
360 #....
361 $kana =~ tr/\xA4\xA1-\xA4\xF3/\xA5\xA1-\xA5\xF3/;
362 # -------- -------- -------- --------</pre>
363 <p>Does not work as</p>
364 <pre>
365 $kana =~ tr/\x{3041}-\x{3093}/\x{30a1}-\x{30f3}/;</pre>
366 <dl>
367 <dt><strong><a name="item_legend_of_characters_above">Legend of characters above</a></strong>
369 <dd>
370 <pre>
371 utf8 euc-jp charnames::viacode()
372 -----------------------------------------
373 \x{3041} \xA4\xA1 HIRAGANA LETTER SMALL A
374 \x{3093} \xA4\xF3 HIRAGANA LETTER N
375 \x{30a1} \xA5\xA1 KATAKANA LETTER SMALL A
376 \x{30f3} \xA5\xF3 KATAKANA LETTER N</pre>
377 </dd>
378 </dl>
379 <p>This counterintuitive behavior has been fixed in perl 5.8.1.</p>
381 </p>
382 <h3><a name="workaround_to_tr____">workaround to tr///;</a></h3>
383 <p>In perl 5.8.0, you can work around as follows;</p>
384 <pre>
385 use encoding 'euc-jp';
386 # ....
387 eval qq{ \$kana =~ tr/\xA4\xA1-\xA4\xF3/\xA5\xA1-\xA5\xF3/ };</pre>
388 <p>Note the <a href="#item_tr_"><code>tr//</code></a> expression is surrounded by <code>qq{}</code>. The idea behind
389 is the same as classic idiom that makes <a href="#item_tr_"><code>tr///</code></a> 'interpolate'.</p>
390 <pre>
391 tr/$from/$to/; # wrong!
392 eval qq{ tr/$from/$to/ }; # workaround.</pre>
393 <p>Nevertheless, in case of <strong>encoding</strong> pragma even <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/pod/perlfunc.html#item_q_"><code>q//</code></a> is affected so
394 <a href="#item_tr_"><code>tr///</code></a> not being decoded was obviously against the will of Perl5
395 Porters so it has been fixed in Perl 5.8.1 or later.</p>
397 </p>
398 <hr />
399 <h1><a name="example__greekperl">EXAMPLE - Greekperl</a></h1>
400 <pre>
401 use encoding &quot;iso 8859-7&quot;;</pre>
402 <pre>
403 # \xDF in ISO 8859-7 (Greek) is \x{3af} in Unicode.</pre>
404 <pre>
405 $a = &quot;\xDF&quot;;
406 $b = &quot;\x{100}&quot;;</pre>
407 <pre>
408 printf &quot;%#x\n&quot;, ord($a); # will print 0x3af, not 0xdf</pre>
409 <pre>
410 $c = $a . $b;</pre>
411 <pre>
412 # $c will be &quot;\x{3af}\x{100}&quot;, not &quot;\x{df}\x{100}&quot;.</pre>
413 <pre>
414 # chr() is affected, and ...</pre>
415 <pre>
416 print &quot;mega\n&quot; if ord(chr(0xdf)) == 0x3af;</pre>
417 <pre>
418 # ... ord() is affected by the encoding pragma ...</pre>
419 <pre>
420 print &quot;tera\n&quot; if ord(pack(&quot;C&quot;, 0xdf)) == 0x3af;</pre>
421 <pre>
422 # ... as are eq and cmp ...</pre>
423 <pre>
424 print &quot;peta\n&quot; if &quot;\x{3af}&quot; eq pack(&quot;C&quot;, 0xdf);
425 print &quot;exa\n&quot; if &quot;\x{3af}&quot; cmp pack(&quot;C&quot;, 0xdf) == 0;</pre>
426 <pre>
427 # ... but pack/unpack C are not affected, in case you still
428 # want to go back to your native encoding</pre>
429 <pre>
430 print &quot;zetta\n&quot; if unpack(&quot;C&quot;, (pack(&quot;C&quot;, 0xdf))) == 0xdf;</pre>
432 </p>
433 <hr />
434 <h1><a name="known_problems">KNOWN PROBLEMS</a></h1>
435 <dl>
436 <dt><strong><a name="item_literals_in_regex_that_are_longer_than_127_bytes">literals in regex that are longer than 127 bytes</a></strong>
438 <dd>
439 <p>For native multibyte encodings (either fixed or variable length),
440 the current implementation of the regular expressions may introduce
441 recoding errors for regular expression literals longer than 127 bytes.</p>
442 </dd>
443 </li>
444 <dt><strong><a name="item_ebcdic">EBCDIC</a></strong>
446 <dd>
447 <p>The encoding pragma is not supported on EBCDIC platforms.
448 (Porters who are willing and able to remove this limitation are
449 welcome.)</p>
450 </dd>
451 </li>
452 <dt><strong><a name="item_format">format</a></strong>
454 <dd>
455 <p>This pragma doesn't work well with format because PerlIO does not
456 get along very well with it. When format contains non-ascii
457 characters it prints funny or gets ``wide character warnings''.
458 To understand it, try the code below.</p>
459 </dd>
460 <dd>
461 <pre>
462 # Save this one in utf8
463 # replace *non-ascii* with a non-ascii string
464 my $camel;
465 format STDOUT =
466 *non-ascii*@&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;
467 $camel
469 $camel = &quot;*non-ascii*&quot;;
470 binmode(STDOUT=&gt;':encoding(utf8)'); # bang!
471 write; # funny
472 print $camel, &quot;\n&quot;; # fine</pre>
473 </dd>
474 <dd>
475 <p>Without binmode this happens to work but without binmode, <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/pod/perlfunc.html#item_print"><code>print()</code></a>
476 fails instead of write().</p>
477 </dd>
478 <dd>
479 <p>At any rate, the very use of format is questionable when it comes to
480 unicode characters since you have to consider such things as character
481 width (i.e. double-width for ideographs) and directions (i.e. BIDI for
482 Arabic and Hebrew).</p>
483 </dd>
484 </li>
485 </dl>
487 </p>
488 <h2><a name="the_logic_of__locale">The Logic of :locale</a></h2>
489 <p>The logic of <code>:locale</code> is as follows:</p>
490 <ol>
491 <li>
492 <p>If the platform supports the <code>langinfo(CODESET)</code> interface, the codeset
493 returned is used as the default encoding for the open pragma.</p>
494 </li>
495 <li>
496 <p>If 1. didn't work but we are under the locale pragma, the environment
497 variables LC_ALL and LANG (in that order) are matched for encodings
498 (the part after <code>.</code>, if any), and if any found, that is used
499 as the default encoding for the open pragma.</p>
500 </li>
501 <li>
502 <p>If 1. and 2. didn't work, the environment variables LC_ALL and LANG
503 (in that order) are matched for anything looking like UTF-8, and if
504 any found, <code>:utf8</code> is used as the default encoding for the open
505 pragma.</p>
506 </li>
507 </ol>
508 <p>If your locale environment variables (LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, LANG)
509 contain the strings 'UTF-8' or 'UTF8' (case-insensitive matching),
510 the default encoding of your STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR, and of
511 <strong>any subsequent file open</strong>, is UTF-8.</p>
513 </p>
514 <hr />
515 <h1><a name="history">HISTORY</a></h1>
516 <p>This pragma first appeared in Perl 5.8.0. For features that require
517 5.8.1 and better, see above.</p>
518 <p>The <code>:locale</code> subpragma was implemented in 2.01, or Perl 5.8.6.</p>
520 </p>
521 <hr />
522 <h1><a name="see_also">SEE ALSO</a></h1>
523 <p><a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/pod/perlunicode.html">the perlunicode manpage</a>, <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/lib/Encode.html">the Encode manpage</a>, <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/lib/open.html">the open manpage</a>, <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/lib/Filter/Util/Call.html">the Filter::Util::Call manpage</a>,</p>
524 <p>Ch. 15 of <code>Programming Perl (3rd Edition)</code>
525 by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, Jon Orwant;
526 O'Reilly &amp; Associates; ISBN 0-596-00027-8</p>
527 <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
528 <tr><td class="block" style="background-color: #cccccc" valign="middle">
529 <big><strong><span class="block">&nbsp;encoding - allows you to write your script in non-ascii or non-utf8</span></strong></big>
530 </td></tr>
531 </table>
533 </body>
535 </html>