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4 <head>
5 <title>Encode::TW - Taiwan-based Chinese Encodings</title>
6 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
7 <link rev="made" href="mailto:" />
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11 <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
12 <tr><td class="block" style="background-color: #cccccc" valign="middle">
13 <big><strong><span class="block">&nbsp;Encode::TW - Taiwan-based Chinese Encodings</span></strong></big>
14 </td></tr>
15 </table>
17 <p><a name="__index__"></a></p>
18 <!-- INDEX BEGIN -->
20 <ul>
22 <li><a href="#name">NAME</a></li>
23 <li><a href="#synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a></li>
24 <li><a href="#description">DESCRIPTION</a></li>
25 <li><a href="#notes">NOTES</a></li>
26 <li><a href="#bugs">BUGS</a></li>
27 <li><a href="#see_also">SEE ALSO</a></li>
28 </ul>
29 <!-- INDEX END -->
31 <hr />
32 <p>
33 </p>
34 <h1><a name="name">NAME</a></h1>
35 <p>Encode::TW - Taiwan-based Chinese Encodings</p>
36 <p>
37 </p>
38 <hr />
39 <h1><a name="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a></h1>
40 <pre>
41 use Encode qw/encode decode/;
42 $big5 = encode(&quot;big5&quot;, $utf8); # loads Encode::TW implicitly
43 $utf8 = decode(&quot;big5&quot;, $big5); # ditto</pre>
44 <p>
45 </p>
46 <hr />
47 <h1><a name="description">DESCRIPTION</a></h1>
48 <p>This module implements tradition Chinese charset encodings as used
49 in Taiwan and Hong Kong.
50 Encodings supported are as follows.</p>
51 <pre>
52 Canonical Alias Description
53 --------------------------------------------------------------------
54 big5-eten /\bbig-?5$/i Big5 encoding (with ETen extensions)
55 /\bbig5-?et(en)?$/i
56 /\btca-?big5$/i
57 big5-hkscs /\bbig5-?hk(scs)?$/i
58 /\bhk(scs)?-?big5$/i
59 Big5 + Cantonese characters in Hong Kong
60 MacChineseTrad Big5 + Apple Vendor Mappings
61 cp950 Code Page 950
62 = Big5 + Microsoft vendor mappings
63 --------------------------------------------------------------------</pre>
64 <p>To find out how to use this module in detail, see <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/lib/Encode.html">the Encode manpage</a>.</p>
65 <p>
66 </p>
67 <hr />
68 <h1><a name="notes">NOTES</a></h1>
69 <p>Due to size concerns, <code>EUC-TW</code> (Extended Unix Character), <code>CCCII</code>
70 (Chinese Character Code for Information Interchange), <code>BIG5PLUS</code>
71 (CMEX's Big5+) and <code>BIG5EXT</code> (CMEX's Big5e) are distributed separately
72 on CPAN, under the name <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/Encode/HanExtra.html">the Encode::HanExtra manpage</a>. That module also contains
73 extra China-based encodings.</p>
74 <p>
75 </p>
76 <hr />
77 <h1><a name="bugs">BUGS</a></h1>
78 <p>Since the original <code>big5</code> encoding (1984) is not supported anywhere
79 (glibc and DOS-based systems uses <code>big5</code> to mean <code>big5-eten</code>; Microsoft
80 uses <code>big5</code> to mean <code>cp950</code>), a conscious decision was made to alias
81 <code>big5</code> to <code>big5-eten</code>, which is the de facto superset of the original
82 big5.</p>
83 <p>The <code>CNS11643</code> encoding files are not complete. For common <code>CNS11643</code>
84 manipulation, please use <code>EUC-TW</code> in <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/Encode/HanExtra.html">the Encode::HanExtra manpage</a>, which contains
85 planes 1-7.</p>
86 <p>The ASCII region (0x00-0x7f) is preserved for all encodings, even
87 though this conflicts with mappings by the Unicode Consortium. See</p>
88 <p><a href=""></a></p>
89 <p>to find out why it is implemented that way.</p>
90 <p>
91 </p>
92 <hr />
93 <h1><a name="see_also">SEE ALSO</a></h1>
94 <p><a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/lib/Encode.html">the Encode manpage</a></p>
95 <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
96 <tr><td class="block" style="background-color: #cccccc" valign="middle">
97 <big><strong><span class="block">&nbsp;Encode::TW - Taiwan-based Chinese Encodings</span></strong></big>
98 </td></tr>
99 </table>
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103 </html>