update vim to 7.4
[msysgit.git] / share / vim / vim73 / syntax / xml.vim
1 " Vim syntax file
2 " Language:     XML
3 " Maintainer:   Johannes Zellner <johannes@zellner.org>
4 "               Author and previous maintainer:
5 "               Paul Siegmann <pauls@euronet.nl>
6 " Last Change:  2009-07-13 21:26:55
7 " Filenames:    *.xml
8 " $Id: xml.vim,v 1.3 2006/04/11 21:32:00 vimboss Exp $
11 "   syntax folding can be turned on by
13 "      let g:xml_syntax_folding = 1
15 "   before the syntax file gets loaded (e.g. in ~/.vimrc).
16 "   This might slow down syntax highlighting significantly,
17 "   especially for large files.
20 "   The original version was derived by Paul Siegmann from
21 "   Claudio Fleiner's html.vim.
24 "   [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006
25 "   [2] http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/06/xmlspec-report-19980910.htm
27 "   as <hirauchi@kiwi.ne.jp> pointed out according to reference [1]
29 "   2.3 Common Syntactic Constructs
30 "   [4]    NameChar    ::=    Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | ':' | CombiningChar | Extender
31 "   [5]    Name        ::=    (Letter | '_' | ':') (NameChar)*
33 " NOTE:
34 "   1) empty tag delimiters "/>" inside attribute values (strings)
35 "      confuse syntax highlighting.
36 "   2) for large files, folding can be pretty slow, especially when
37 "      loading a file the first time and viewoptions contains 'folds'
38 "      so that folds of previous sessions are applied.
39 "      Don't use 'foldmethod=syntax' in this case.
42 " Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
43 if exists("b:current_syntax")
44     finish
45 endif
47 let s:xml_cpo_save = &cpo
48 set cpo&vim
50 syn case match
52 " mark illegal characters
53 syn match xmlError "[<&]"
55 " strings (inside tags) aka VALUES
59 " <tag foo.attribute = "value">
60 "                      ^^^^^^^
61 syn region  xmlString contained start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=xmlEntity,@Spell display
62 syn region  xmlString contained start=+'+ end=+'+ contains=xmlEntity,@Spell display
65 " punctuation (within attributes) e.g. <tag xml:foo.attribute ...>
66 "                                              ^   ^
67 " syn match   xmlAttribPunct +[-:._]+ contained display
68 syn match   xmlAttribPunct +[:.]+ contained display
70 " no highlighting for xmlEqual (xmlEqual has no highlighting group)
71 syn match   xmlEqual +=+ display
74 " attribute, everything before the '='
76 " PROVIDES: @xmlAttribHook
80 " <tag foo.attribute = "value">
81 "      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
83 syn match   xmlAttrib
84     \ +[-'"<]\@<!\<[a-zA-Z:_][-.0-9a-zA-Z0-9:_]*\>\(['">]\@!\|$\)+
85     \ contained
86     \ contains=xmlAttribPunct,@xmlAttribHook
87     \ display
90 " namespace spec
92 " PROVIDES: @xmlNamespaceHook
96 " <xsl:for-each select = "lola">
97 "  ^^^
99 if exists("g:xml_namespace_transparent")
100 syn match   xmlNamespace
101     \ +\(<\|</\)\@<=[^ /!?<>"':]\+[:]\@=+
102     \ contained
103     \ contains=@xmlNamespaceHook
104     \ transparent
105     \ display
106 else
107 syn match   xmlNamespace
108     \ +\(<\|</\)\@<=[^ /!?<>"':]\+[:]\@=+
109     \ contained
110     \ contains=@xmlNamespaceHook
111     \ display
112 endif
115 " tag name
117 " PROVIDES: @xmlTagHook
119 " EXAMPLE:
121 " <tag foo.attribute = "value">
122 "  ^^^
124 syn match   xmlTagName
125     \ +[<]\@<=[^ /!?<>"']\++
126     \ contained
127     \ contains=xmlNamespace,xmlAttribPunct,@xmlTagHook
128     \ display
131 if exists('g:xml_syntax_folding')
133     " start tag
134     " use matchgroup=xmlTag to skip over the leading '<'
135     "
136     " PROVIDES: @xmlStartTagHook
137     "
138     " EXAMPLE:
139     "
140     " <tag id="whoops">
141     " s^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^e
142     "
143     syn region   xmlTag
144         \ matchgroup=xmlTag start=+<[^ /!?<>"']\@=+
145         \ matchgroup=xmlTag end=+>+
146         \ contained
147         \ contains=xmlError,xmlTagName,xmlAttrib,xmlEqual,xmlString,@xmlStartTagHook
150     " highlight the end tag
151     "
152     " PROVIDES: @xmlTagHook
153     " (should we provide a separate @xmlEndTagHook ?)
154     "
155     " EXAMPLE:
156     "
157     " </tag>
158     " ^^^^^^
159     "
160     syn match   xmlEndTag
161         \ +</[^ /!?<>"']\+>+
162         \ contained
163         \ contains=xmlNamespace,xmlAttribPunct,@xmlTagHook
166     " tag elements with syntax-folding.
167     " NOTE: NO HIGHLIGHTING -- highlighting is done by contained elements
168     "
169     " PROVIDES: @xmlRegionHook
170     "
171     " EXAMPLE:
172     "
173     " <tag id="whoops">
174     "   <!-- comment -->
175     "   <another.tag></another.tag>
176     "   <empty.tag/>
177     "   some data
178     " </tag>
179     "
180     syn region   xmlRegion
181         \ start=+<\z([^ /!?<>"']\+\)+
182         \ skip=+<!--\_.\{-}-->+
183         \ end=+</\z1\_\s\{-}>+
184         \ matchgroup=xmlEndTag end=+/>+
185         \ fold
186         \ contains=xmlTag,xmlEndTag,xmlCdata,xmlRegion,xmlComment,xmlEntity,xmlProcessing,@xmlRegionHook,@Spell
187         \ keepend
188         \ extend
190 else
192     " no syntax folding:
193     " - contained attribute removed
194     " - xmlRegion not defined
195     "
196     syn region   xmlTag
197         \ matchgroup=xmlTag start=+<[^ /!?<>"']\@=+
198         \ matchgroup=xmlTag end=+>+
199         \ contains=xmlError,xmlTagName,xmlAttrib,xmlEqual,xmlString,@xmlStartTagHook
201     syn match   xmlEndTag
202         \ +</[^ /!?<>"']\+>+
203         \ contains=xmlNamespace,xmlAttribPunct,@xmlTagHook
205 endif
208 " &entities; compare with dtd
209 syn match   xmlEntity                 "&[^; \t]*;" contains=xmlEntityPunct
210 syn match   xmlEntityPunct  contained "[&.;]"
212 if exists('g:xml_syntax_folding')
214     " The real comments (this implements the comments as defined by xml,
215     " but not all xml pages actually conform to it. Errors are flagged.
216     syn region  xmlComment
217         \ start=+<!+
218         \ end=+>+
219         \ contains=xmlCommentStart,xmlCommentError
220         \ extend
221         \ fold
223 else
225     " no syntax folding:
226     " - fold attribute removed
227     "
228     syn region  xmlComment
229         \ start=+<!+
230         \ end=+>+
231         \ contains=xmlCommentStart,xmlCommentError
232         \ extend
234 endif
236 syn match xmlCommentStart   contained "<!" nextgroup=xmlCommentPart
237 syn keyword xmlTodo         contained TODO FIXME XXX
238 syn match   xmlCommentError contained "[^><!]"
239 syn region  xmlCommentPart
240     \ start=+--+
241     \ end=+--+
242     \ contained
243     \ contains=xmlTodo,@xmlCommentHook,@Spell
246 " CData sections
248 " PROVIDES: @xmlCdataHook
250 syn region    xmlCdata
251     \ start=+<!\[CDATA\[+
252     \ end=+]]>+
253     \ contains=xmlCdataStart,xmlCdataEnd,@xmlCdataHook,@Spell
254     \ keepend
255     \ extend
257 " using the following line instead leads to corrupt folding at CDATA regions
258 " syn match    xmlCdata      +<!\[CDATA\[\_.\{-}]]>+  contains=xmlCdataStart,xmlCdataEnd,@xmlCdataHook
259 syn match    xmlCdataStart +<!\[CDATA\[+  contained contains=xmlCdataCdata
260 syn keyword  xmlCdataCdata CDATA          contained
261 syn match    xmlCdataEnd   +]]>+          contained
264 " Processing instructions
265 " This allows "?>" inside strings -- good idea?
266 syn region  xmlProcessing matchgroup=xmlProcessingDelim start="<?" end="?>" contains=xmlAttrib,xmlEqual,xmlString
269 if exists('g:xml_syntax_folding')
271     " DTD -- we use dtd.vim here
272     syn region  xmlDocType matchgroup=xmlDocTypeDecl
273         \ start="<!DOCTYPE"he=s+2,rs=s+2 end=">"
274         \ fold
275         \ contains=xmlDocTypeKeyword,xmlInlineDTD,xmlString
276 else
278     " no syntax folding:
279     " - fold attribute removed
280     "
281     syn region  xmlDocType matchgroup=xmlDocTypeDecl
282         \ start="<!DOCTYPE"he=s+2,rs=s+2 end=">"
283         \ contains=xmlDocTypeKeyword,xmlInlineDTD,xmlString
285 endif
287 syn keyword xmlDocTypeKeyword contained DOCTYPE PUBLIC SYSTEM
288 syn region  xmlInlineDTD contained matchgroup=xmlDocTypeDecl start="\[" end="]" contains=@xmlDTD
289 syn include @xmlDTD <sfile>:p:h/dtd.vim
290 unlet b:current_syntax
293 " synchronizing
294 " TODO !!! to be improved !!!
296 syn sync match xmlSyncDT grouphere  xmlDocType +\_.\(<!DOCTYPE\)\@=+
297 " syn sync match xmlSyncDT groupthere  NONE       +]>+
299 if exists('g:xml_syntax_folding')
300     syn sync match xmlSync grouphere   xmlRegion  +\_.\(<[^ /!?<>"']\+\)\@=+
301     " syn sync match xmlSync grouphere  xmlRegion "<[^ /!?<>"']*>"
302     syn sync match xmlSync groupthere  xmlRegion  +</[^ /!?<>"']\+>+
303 endif
305 syn sync minlines=100
308 " The default highlighting.
309 hi def link xmlTodo             Todo
310 hi def link xmlTag              Function
311 hi def link xmlTagName          Function
312 hi def link xmlEndTag           Identifier
313 if !exists("g:xml_namespace_transparent")
314     hi def link xmlNamespace    Tag
315 endif
316 hi def link xmlEntity           Statement
317 hi def link xmlEntityPunct      Type
319 hi def link xmlAttribPunct      Comment
320 hi def link xmlAttrib           Type
322 hi def link xmlString           String
323 hi def link xmlComment          Comment
324 hi def link xmlCommentStart     xmlComment
325 hi def link xmlCommentPart      Comment
326 hi def link xmlCommentError     Error
327 hi def link xmlError            Error
329 hi def link xmlProcessingDelim  Comment
330 hi def link xmlProcessing       Type
332 hi def link xmlCdata            String
333 hi def link xmlCdataCdata       Statement
334 hi def link xmlCdataStart       Type
335 hi def link xmlCdataEnd         Type
337 hi def link xmlDocTypeDecl      Function
338 hi def link xmlDocTypeKeyword   Statement
339 hi def link xmlInlineDTD        Function
341 let b:current_syntax = "xml"
343 let &cpo = s:xml_cpo_save
344 unlet s:xml_cpo_save
346 " vim: ts=8