1 // VFCAP_* values: they are flags, returned by query_format():
3 // set, if the given colorspace is supported (with or without conversion)
5 // set, if the given colorspace is supported _without_ conversion
7 // set if the driver/filter can draw OSD
9 // set if the driver/filter can handle compressed SPU stream
11 // scaling up/down by hardware, or software:
12 #define VFCAP_HWSCALE_UP 0x10
13 #define VFCAP_HWSCALE_DOWN 0x20
14 #define VFCAP_SWSCALE 0x40
15 // driver/filter can do vertical flip (upside-down)
16 #define VFCAP_FLIP 0x80
18 // driver/hardware handles timing (blocking)
19 #define VFCAP_TIMER 0x100
20 // driver _always_ flip image upside-down (for ve_vfw)
21 #define VFCAP_FLIPPED 0x200
22 // vf filter: accepts stride (put_image)
23 // vo driver: has draw_slice() support for the given csp
24 #define VFCAP_ACCEPT_STRIDE 0x400
25 // filter does postprocessing (so you shouldn't scale/filter image before it)
26 #define VFCAP_POSTPROC 0x800
27 // filter cannot be reconfigured to different size & format
28 #define VFCAP_CONSTANT 0x1000
29 // filter can draw EOSD
30 #define VFCAP_EOSD 0x2000
31 // filter will draw EOSD at screen resolution (without scaling)
32 #define VFCAP_EOSD_UNSCALED 0x4000