Bug 513162 - Widget additions for recycling top level widgets as content containers...
[mozilla-central.git] / build / mobile / devicemanager.py
1 # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
2 # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
4 # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
5 # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
6 # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
9 # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
10 # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
11 # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
12 # License.
14 # The Original Code is Test Automation Framework.
16 # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Joel Maher.
18 # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009
19 # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
21 # Contributor(s):
22 # Joel Maher <joel.maher@gmail.com> (Original Developer)
24 # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
25 # either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
26 # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
27 # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
28 # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
29 # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
30 # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
31 # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
32 # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
33 # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
34 # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
36 # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
38 import socket
39 import time, datetime
40 import os
41 import re
42 import hashlib
43 import subprocess
44 from threading import Thread
45 import traceback
46 import sys
48 class FileError(Exception):
49 " Signifies an error which occurs while doing a file operation."
51 def __init__(self, msg = ''):
52 self.msg = msg
54 def __str__(self):
55 return self.msg
57 class DeviceManager:
58 host = ''
59 port = 0
60 debug = 3
61 _redo = False
62 deviceRoot = None
63 tempRoot = os.getcwd()
64 base_prompt = '\$\>'
65 prompt_sep = '\x00'
66 prompt_regex = '.*' + base_prompt + prompt_sep
68 def __init__(self, host, port = 27020):
69 self.host = host
70 self.port = port
71 self._sock = None
72 self.getDeviceRoot()
74 def sendCMD(self, cmdline, newline = True, sleep = 0):
75 promptre = re.compile(self.prompt_regex + '$')
77 # TODO: any commands that don't output anything and quit need to match this RE
78 pushre = re.compile('^push .*$')
79 data = ""
80 noQuit = False
82 if (self._sock == None):
83 try:
84 if (self.debug >= 1):
85 print "reconnecting socket"
86 self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
87 except:
88 self._redo = True
89 self._sock = None
90 if (self.debug >= 2):
91 print "unable to create socket"
92 return None
94 try:
95 self._sock.connect((self.host, int(self.port)))
96 self._sock.recv(1024)
97 except:
98 self._redo = True
99 self._sock.close()
100 self._sock = None
101 if (self.debug >= 2):
102 print "unable to connect socket"
103 return None
105 for cmd in cmdline:
106 if (cmd == 'quit'): break
107 if newline: cmd += '\r\n'
109 try:
110 self._sock.send(cmd)
111 if (self.debug >= 4): print "send cmd: " + str(cmd)
112 except:
113 self._redo = True
114 self._sock.close()
115 self._sock = None
116 return None
118 if (pushre.match(cmd) or cmd == 'rebt'):
119 noQuit = True
120 elif noQuit == False:
121 time.sleep(int(sleep))
122 found = False
123 while (found == False):
124 if (self.debug >= 4): print "recv'ing..."
126 try:
127 temp = self._sock.recv(1024)
128 except:
129 self._redo = True
130 self._sock.close()
131 self._sock = None
132 return None
133 lines = temp.split('\n')
134 for line in lines:
135 if (promptre.match(line)):
136 found = True
137 data += temp
139 time.sleep(int(sleep))
140 if (noQuit == True):
141 try:
142 self._sock.close()
143 self._sock = None
144 except:
145 self._redo = True
146 self._sock = None
147 return None
149 return data
152 # take a data blob and strip instances of the prompt '$>\x00'
153 def stripPrompt(self, data):
154 promptre = re.compile(self.prompt_regex + '.*')
155 retVal = []
156 lines = data.split('\n')
157 for line in lines:
158 try:
159 while (promptre.match(line)):
160 pieces = line.split(self.prompt_sep)
161 index = pieces.index('$>')
162 pieces.pop(index)
163 line = self.prompt_sep.join(pieces)
164 except(ValueError):
165 pass
166 retVal.append(line)
168 return '\n'.join(retVal)
171 def pushFile(self, localname, destname):
172 if (self.debug >= 2): print "in push file with: " + localname + ", and: " + destname
173 if (self.validateFile(destname, localname) == True):
174 if (self.debug >= 2): print "files are validated"
175 return ''
177 if self.mkDirs(destname) == None:
178 print "unable to make dirs: " + destname
179 return None
181 if (self.debug >= 2): print "sending: push " + destname
183 # sleep 5 seconds / MB
184 filesize = os.path.getsize(localname)
185 sleepsize = 1024 * 1024
186 sleepTime = (int(filesize / sleepsize) * 5) + 2
187 f = open(localname, 'rb')
188 data = f.read()
189 f.close()
190 retVal = self.sendCMD(['push ' + destname + '\r\n', data], newline = False, sleep = sleepTime)
191 if (retVal == None):
192 if (self.debug >= 2): print "Error in sendCMD, not validating push"
193 return None
195 if (self.validateFile(destname, localname) == False):
196 if (self.debug >= 2): print "file did not copy as expected"
197 return None
199 return retVal
201 def mkDir(self, name):
202 return self.sendCMD(['mkdr ' + name])
205 # make directory structure on the device
206 def mkDirs(self, filename):
207 parts = filename.split('/')
208 name = ""
209 for part in parts:
210 if (part == parts[-1]): break
211 if (part != ""):
212 name += '/' + part
213 if (self.mkDir(name) == None):
214 print "failed making directory: " + str(name)
215 return None
216 return ''
218 # push localDir from host to remoteDir on the device
219 def pushDir(self, localDir, remoteDir):
220 if (self.debug >= 2): print "pushing directory: " + localDir + " to " + remoteDir
221 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(localDir):
222 parts = root.split(localDir)
223 for file in files:
224 remoteRoot = remoteDir + '/' + parts[1]
225 remoteName = remoteRoot + '/' + file
226 if (parts[1] == ""): remoteRoot = remoteDir
227 if (self.pushFile(os.path.join(root, file), remoteName) == None):
228 time.sleep(5)
229 self.removeFile(remoteName)
230 time.sleep(5)
231 if (self.pushFile(os.path.join(root, file), remoteName) == None):
232 return None
233 return True
236 def dirExists(self, dirname):
237 match = ".*" + dirname + "$"
238 dirre = re.compile(match)
239 data = self.sendCMD(['cd ' + dirname, 'cwd', 'quit'], sleep = 1)
240 if (data == None):
241 return None
242 retVal = self.stripPrompt(data)
243 data = retVal.split('\n')
244 found = False
245 for d in data:
246 if (dirre.match(d)):
247 found = True
249 return found
251 # Because we always have / style paths we make this a lot easier with some
252 # assumptions
253 def fileExists(self, filepath):
254 s = filepath.split('/')
255 containingpath = '/'.join(s[:-1])
256 listfiles = self.listFiles(containingpath)
257 for f in listfiles:
258 if (f == s[-1]):
259 return True
260 return False
262 # list files on the device, requires cd to directory first
263 def listFiles(self, rootdir):
264 if (self.dirExists(rootdir) == False):
265 return []
266 data = self.sendCMD(['cd ' + rootdir, 'ls', 'quit'], sleep=1)
267 if (data == None):
268 return None
269 retVal = self.stripPrompt(data)
270 return retVal.split('\n')
272 def removeFile(self, filename):
273 if (self.debug>= 2): print "removing file: " + filename
274 return self.sendCMD(['rm ' + filename, 'quit'])
277 # does a recursive delete of directory on the device: rm -Rf remoteDir
278 def removeDir(self, remoteDir):
279 self.sendCMD(['rmdr ' + remoteDir], sleep = 5)
282 def getProcessList(self):
283 data = self.sendCMD(['ps'], sleep = 3)
284 if (data == None):
285 return None
287 retVal = self.stripPrompt(data)
288 lines = retVal.split('\n')
289 files = []
290 for line in lines:
291 if (line.strip() != ''):
292 pidproc = line.strip().split()
293 if (len(pidproc) == 2):
294 files += [[pidproc[0], pidproc[1]]]
295 elif (len(pidproc) == 3):
296 #android returns <userID> <procID> <procName>
297 files += [[pidproc[1], pidproc[2], pidproc[0]]]
298 return files
300 def getMemInfo(self):
301 data = self.sendCMD(['mems', 'quit'])
302 if (data == None):
303 return None
304 retVal = self.stripPrompt(data)
305 # TODO: this is hardcoded for now
306 fhandle = open("memlog.txt", 'a')
307 fhandle.write("\n")
308 fhandle.write(retVal)
309 fhandle.close()
311 def fireProcess(self, appname):
312 if (self.debug >= 2): print "FIRE PROC: '" + appname + "'"
314 if (self.processExist(appname) != ''):
315 print "WARNING: process %s appears to be running already\n" % appname
317 self.sendCMD(['exec ' + appname])
319 #NOTE: we sleep for 30 seconds to allow the application to startup
320 time.sleep(30)
322 self.process = self.processExist(appname)
323 if (self.debug >= 4): print "got pid: " + str(self.process) + " for process: " + str(appname)
325 def launchProcess(self, cmd, outputFile = "process.txt", cwd = ''):
326 if (outputFile == "process.txt"):
327 outputFile = self.getDeviceRoot() + '/' + "process.txt"
329 cmdline = subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd)
330 self.fireProcess(cmdline + " > " + outputFile)
331 handle = outputFile
333 return handle
335 #hardcoded: sleep interval of 5 seconds, timeout of 10 minutes
336 def communicate(self, process, timeout = 600):
337 interval = 5
338 timed_out = True
339 if (timeout > 0):
340 total_time = 0
341 while total_time < timeout:
342 time.sleep(interval)
343 if (not self.poll(process)):
344 timed_out = False
345 break
346 total_time += interval
348 if (timed_out == True):
349 return None
351 return [self.getFile(process, "temp.txt"), None]
354 def poll(self, process):
355 try:
356 if (self.processExist(process) == None):
357 return None
358 return 1
359 except:
360 return None
361 return 1
365 # iterates process list and returns pid if exists, otherwise ''
366 def processExist(self, appname):
367 pid = ''
369 pieces = appname.split(' ')
370 parts = pieces[0].split('/')
371 app = parts[-1]
372 procre = re.compile('.*' + app + '.*')
374 procList = self.getProcessList()
375 if (procList == None):
376 return None
378 for proc in procList:
379 if (procre.match(proc[1])):
380 pid = proc[0]
381 break
382 return pid
385 def killProcess(self, appname):
386 if (self.sendCMD(['kill ' + appname]) == None):
387 return None
389 return True
391 def getTempDir(self):
392 retVal = ''
393 data = self.sendCMD(['tmpd', 'quit'])
394 if (data == None):
395 return None
396 return self.stripPrompt(data).strip('\n')
399 # copy file from device (remoteFile) to host (localFile)
400 def getFile(self, remoteFile, localFile = ''):
401 if localFile == '':
402 localFile = os.path.join(self.tempRoot, "temp.txt")
404 promptre = re.compile(self.prompt_regex + '.*')
405 data = self.sendCMD(['cat ' + remoteFile, 'quit'], sleep = 5)
406 if (data == None):
407 return None
408 retVal = self.stripPrompt(data)
409 fhandle = open(localFile, 'wb')
410 fhandle.write(retVal)
411 fhandle.close()
412 return retVal
415 # copy directory structure from device (remoteDir) to host (localDir)
416 def getDirectory(self, remoteDir, localDir):
417 if (self.debug >= 2): print "getting files in '" + remoteDir + "'"
418 filelist = self.listFiles(remoteDir)
419 if (filelist == None):
420 return None
421 if (self.debug >= 3): print filelist
422 if not os.path.exists(localDir):
423 os.makedirs(localDir)
425 # TODO: is this a comprehensive file regex?
426 isFile = re.compile('^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\. ]+)\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$')
427 for f in filelist:
428 if (isFile.match(f)):
429 if (self.getFile(remoteDir + '/' + f, os.path.join(localDir, f)) == None):
430 return None
431 else:
432 if (self.getDirectory(remoteDir + '/' + f, os.path.join(localDir, f)) == None):
433 return None
436 # true/false check if the two files have the same md5 sum
437 def validateFile(self, remoteFile, localFile):
438 remoteHash = self.getRemoteHash(remoteFile)
439 localHash = self.getLocalHash(localFile)
441 if (remoteHash == localHash):
442 return True
444 return False
447 # return the md5 sum of a remote file
448 def getRemoteHash(self, filename):
449 data = self.sendCMD(['hash ' + filename, 'quit'], sleep = 1)
450 if (data == None):
451 return ''
452 retVal = self.stripPrompt(data)
453 if (retVal != None):
454 retVal = retVal.strip('\n')
455 if (self.debug >= 3): print "remote hash returned: '" + retVal + "'"
456 return retVal
459 # return the md5 sum of a file on the host
460 def getLocalHash(self, filename):
461 file = open(filename, 'rb')
462 if (file == None):
463 return None
465 try:
466 mdsum = hashlib.md5()
467 except:
468 return None
470 while 1:
471 data = file.read(1024)
472 if not data:
473 break
474 mdsum.update(data)
476 file.close()
477 hexval = mdsum.hexdigest()
478 if (self.debug >= 3): print "local hash returned: '" + hexval + "'"
479 return hexval
481 # Gets the device root for the testing area on the device
482 # For all devices we will use / type slashes and depend on the device-agent
483 # to sort those out. The agent will return us the device location where we
484 # should store things, we will then create our /tests structure relative to
485 # that returned path.
486 # Structure on the device is as follows:
487 # /tests
488 # /<fennec>|<firefox> --> approot
489 # /profile
490 # /xpcshell
491 # /reftest
492 # /mochitest
493 def getDeviceRoot(self):
494 if (not self.deviceRoot):
495 data = self.sendCMD(['testroot'], sleep = 1)
496 if (data == None):
497 return '/tests'
498 self.deviceRoot = self.stripPrompt(data).strip('\n') + '/tests'
500 if (not self.dirExists(self.deviceRoot)):
501 self.mkDir(self.deviceRoot)
503 return self.deviceRoot
505 # Either we will have /tests/fennec or /tests/firefox but we will never have
506 # both. Return the one that exists
507 def getAppRoot(self):
508 if (self.dirExists(self.getDeviceRoot() + '/fennec')):
509 return self.getDeviceRoot() + '/fennec'
510 elif (self.dirExists(self.getDeviceRoot() + '/firefox')):
511 return self.getDeviceRoot() + '/firefox'
512 else:
513 return 'org.mozilla.fennec'
515 # Gets the directory location on the device for a specific test type
516 # Type is one of: xpcshell|reftest|mochitest
517 def getTestRoot(self, type):
518 if (re.search('xpcshell', type, re.I)):
519 self.testRoot = self.getDeviceRoot() + '/xpcshell'
520 elif (re.search('?(i)reftest', type)):
521 self.testRoot = self.getDeviceRoot() + '/reftest'
522 elif (re.search('?(i)mochitest', type)):
523 self.testRoot = self.getDeviceRoot() + '/mochitest'
524 return self.testRoot
526 # Sends a specific process ID a signal code and action.
527 # For Example: SIGINT and SIGDFL to process x
528 def signal(self, processID, signalType, signalAction):
529 # currently not implemented in device agent - todo
530 pass
532 # Get a return code from process ending -- needs support on device-agent
533 # this is a todo
534 def getReturnCode(self, processID):
535 # todo make this real
536 return 0
538 def unpackFile(self, filename):
539 dir = ''
540 parts = filename.split('/')
541 if (len(parts) > 1):
542 if self.fileExists(filename):
543 dir = '/'.join(parts[:-1])
544 elif self.fileExists('/' + filename):
545 dir = '/' + filename
546 elif self.fileExists(self.getDeviceRoot() + '/' + filename):
547 dir = self.getDeviceRoot() + '/' + filename
548 else:
549 return None
551 return self.sendCMD(['cd ' + dir, 'unzp ' + filename])
554 def reboot(self, wait = False):
555 self.sendCMD(['rebt'])
557 if wait == True:
558 time.sleep(30)
559 timeout = 270
560 done = False
561 while (not done):
562 if self.listFiles('/') != None:
563 return ''
564 print "sleeping another 10 seconds"
565 time.sleep(10)
566 timeout = timeout - 10
567 if (timeout <= 0):
568 return None
569 return ''
571 # validate localDir from host to remoteDir on the device
572 def validateDir(self, localDir, remoteDir):
573 if (self.debug >= 2): print "validating directory: " + localDir + " to " + remoteDir
574 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(localDir):
575 parts = root.split(localDir)
576 for file in files:
577 remoteRoot = remoteDir + '/' + parts[1]
578 remoteRoot = remoteRoot.replace('/', '/')
579 if (parts[1] == ""): remoteRoot = remoteDir
580 remoteName = remoteRoot + '/' + file
581 if (self.validateFile(remoteName, os.path.join(root, file)) <> True):
582 return None
583 return True
585 #TODO: make this simpler by doing a single directive at a time
586 # Returns information about the device:
587 # Directive indicates the information you want to get, your choices are:
588 # os - name of the os
589 # id - unique id of the device
590 # uptime - uptime of the device
591 # systime - system time of the device
592 # screen - screen resolution
593 # memory - memory stats
594 # process - list of running processes (same as ps)
595 # disk - total, free, available bytes on disk
596 # power - power status (charge, battery temp)
597 # all - all of them
598 def getInfo(self, directive):
599 data = None
600 if (directive in ('os','id','uptime','systime','screen','memory','process',
601 'disk','power')):
602 data = self.sendCMD(['info ' + directive, 'quit'], sleep = 1)
603 else:
604 directive = None
605 data = self.sendCMD(['info', 'quit'], sleep = 1)
607 if (data is None):
608 return None
610 data = self.stripPrompt(data)
611 result = {}
613 if directive:
614 result[directive] = data.split('\n')
615 for i in range(len(result[directive])):
616 if (len(result[directive][i]) != 0):
617 result[directive][i] = result[directive][i].strip()
619 # Get rid of any empty attributes
620 result[directive].remove('')
622 else:
623 lines = data.split('\n')
624 result['id'] = lines[0]
625 result['os'] = lines[1]
626 result['systime'] = lines[2]
627 result['uptime'] = lines[3]
628 result['screen'] = lines[4]
629 result['memory'] = lines[5]
630 if (lines[6] == 'Power status'):
631 tmp = []
632 for i in range(4):
633 tmp.append(line[7 + i])
634 result['power'] = tmp
635 tmp = []
637 # Linenum is the line where the process list begins
638 linenum = 11
639 for j in range(len(lines) - linenum):
640 if (lines[j + linenum].strip() != ''):
641 procline = lines[j + linenum].split('\t')
643 if len(procline) == 2:
644 tmp.append([procline[0], procline[1]])
645 elif len(procline) == 3:
646 # Android has <userid> <procid> <procname>
647 # We put the userid to achieve a common format
648 tmp.append([procline[1], procline[2], procline[0]])
649 result['process'] = tmp
650 return result