Bug 277296 - The print dialogs have no accesskeys; r=gavin, a191=beltzner
[mozilla-central.git] / toolkit / locales / en-US / chrome / global / printjoboptions.dtd
1 <!-- extracted from printjoboptions.xul -->
3 <!ENTITY printJobOptions.title "Printer Properties">
5 <!ENTITY paperInput.label "Paper Size:">
6 <!ENTITY paperInput.accesskey "P">
8 <!ENTITY plexInput.label "Plex mode:">
9 <!ENTITY plexInput.accesskey "m">
11 <!ENTITY resolutionInput.label "Resolution/Quality:">
12 <!ENTITY resolutionInput.accesskey "e">
14 <!ENTITY cmdInput.label "Print Command:">
15 <!ENTITY cmdInput.accesskey "o">
17 <!ENTITY jobTitleInput.label "Job Title:">
18 <!ENTITY jobTitleInput.accesskey "J">
20 <!ENTITY colorGroup.label "Color:">
21 <!ENTITY grayRadio.label "Grayscale">
22 <!ENTITY grayRadio.accesskey "G">
23 <!ENTITY colorRadio.label "Color">
24 <!ENTITY colorRadio.accesskey "C">
26 <!ENTITY colorspaceInput.label "Colorspace:">
27 <!ENTITY colorspaceInput.accesskey "s">
29 <!ENTITY fontsGroup.label "Fonts:">
30 <!ENTITY downloadFonts.label "Download fonts to printer">
31 <!ENTITY downloadFonts.accesskey "D">
33 <!ENTITY edgeMarginInput.label "Gap from edge of paper to Margin">
34 <!ENTITY topInput.label "Top:">
35 <!ENTITY topInput.accesskey "T">
36 <!ENTITY bottomInput.label "Bottom:">
37 <!ENTITY bottomInput.accesskey "B">
38 <!ENTITY leftInput.label "Left:">
39 <!ENTITY leftInput.accesskey "L">
40 <!ENTITY rightInput.label "Right:">
41 <!ENTITY rightInput.accesskey "R">